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User ID: 1395



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User ID: 1395

people complaining "the forum is so right wing" is as old as the forum itself

absolutely true, but being offsite from reddit often has the effect of concentrating the unburnt, and in this case the former witches would mostly be right wingers. Beyond that, i wonder if the people who claim this as a right wing space are just kinda defensive or possessive of spaces that don't shut down exploration or promotion of their memes. They would probably find more resistance if radlibs had to come here to talk about how bombing pipelines is totally cool but they can still generally get away with that on reddit (though this might not always stay true, AFAICT the report function is turning out to be a weapon with some universal applicability, and Reddit seems to be less and less happy with even "righteous" violent rhetoric).

Its easy to assume that based on public info, but it is still an assumption. "Nearly 40% of law enforcement agencies around the country did not submit any data in 2021 to a newly revised FBI crime statistics collection program" https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/06/14/what-did-fbi-data-say-about-crime-in-2021-it-s-too-unreliable-to-tell

I'm willing to believe its extremely rare for simple possession to be the only thing a person is in jail for, but the threshold for intent to distribute is at like .5 oz. A half ounce of weed is more likely to be a purchase by a person who doesn't want to go buy weed every week than someone who plans on selling 1 gram at a time. Really makes me wonder how many people in jail for selling weed were ever even selling weed at all.

I think this is giving too much credit to the ideologues, RoP is getting crappy numbers but only amazon knows exactly how crappy, and it may be the case that they believe the IP will be a money maker in the long term or at least a good enough subscriber magnet that they want to continue production.

I just don't buy that Amazon wants to make propaganda more than they want to make money.

The answer to drug use appears to be legalization and "freedom."

The war on drugs has been an unmitigated disaster, the amount of money spent chasing weed farmers and purveyors of psychedelics as if they were the same as heroin producers is insane. Legalizing and regulating the production and sale of illegal drugs would solve a whole lot of problems. Junkies do suck though, and some drugs are legitimately dangerous, so i can't get on board with universal drug legalization, but we have a long way to go before being too permissive becomes remotely concerning.

The answer for social alienation

this isn't the government's job, and as far as i can tell the right's prescription to the problem is to go to church. this doesn't work well for a country with a very large and growing atheist population.

Assimilation is racism

don't confuse the progressive avant garde for the platform dem position. 20 bucks says if you ask joe biden if assimilation is racism he will say no.

Spreading democracy is colonialism

same here, but i'm actually a bit more sympathetic to this one. Democracy is great, but if some other country wants to be a monarchy or whatever, how would you describe strong arming them to do otherwise?

my mental model of "the left"

"the left" is not a political party, but a diaspora of actual politicians and activists and twitter users etc. By and large the more zealous progressives have very little actual political cache, and garner far more twitter likes than votes.

As for wether the left wants things solved, i'm sure that having every dem-proposed initiative that makes it to congress get tanked on arrival might have something to do with the image of dems not getting shit done.

Does being "erased from the discussion" matter more than the actual injustice being committed in the first place? Also the discussion isn't erased, you are having the discussion right now and we both seemed to be able to find out about white people getting fucked over by the police just fine. Should we let the police slide because MSN talked about the wrong cases too much?

After the momentary disgust wore off, the rage at this blatant antisocial act set in

so what, you wanted to rage out on some loser who was street shitting, but the all seeing eye prevented you from... what exactly? The guy wasn't shitting on your property, and while it's gross it isn't exactly some rando's wheelhouse to defend the streets from shit.

From where i'm standing i'd rather live in a place where vigilantism is more harshly policed than shitting without a toilet. Vile as it may be, a pile of shit can be safely sidestepped whereas angry men with spurious reasoning can't always be. Obviously in the OP case with the marine, the street shitter WAS the violent man with questionable mental faculties, but without the loud violent shouting a street shitter isn't a good cause for someone to start fantasizing about violence IMO.

Game development on aggregate isn't any more technical than making a movie anymore IMO. We aren't in the 90's where making a game started with building an engine. The bulk of videogames released each year are indie games where the workload of programming is probably less than the art required to fill the space (which is also often just bought from the unity asset store).

If anything you are correct just because it takes literally 0 social skills to solo dev a game, while making a movie usually requires actors, whom would likely need some form of interaction to help guide them. Has there ever been a successful "solo dev" movie?

Point being that success in hollywood isn't really based on soft social skills, but movie making has a baseline requirement for social skills that game dev doesn't have. I imagine however that rubbing the right elbows will get you just as far in Rockstar Games as it would in Disney Films, provided you have a reason to be in the room in the first place.

Who would win, a team of 20 APM guys who know what all the abilities do or a team of 200APM former starcraft players that have never played a moba before? Similarly, is a clock win in bullet chess a good measure of chess skill? Kinda right? But in both cases being quick is more effective than being smart for the majority of the bell curve.

Speaking of shameless attention seeking- I recently saw that Milo Yianopolis (sp) was still doing speaking events, but now as a formerly gay totally straight born again christian. Probably the most insulting identity shift i'm currently aware of.

Waxes and other concentrates are legally distinct and way more illegal even in some "cool" states, so yeah i would not advise travelling with your dab pen.

Really depends on what you mean by "better". Women get preferential treatment in hiring but still manage to undernegotiate their salaries and also have to face the undesirable decision of having kids or making money.

In a middle class western environment i'd way rather be a guy, but maybe thats just my solipsistic mind worms poking out of my eye holes again.

Fair, i did pick a ridiculously low APM to make my argument sound better. Going off of what coffee said upstream though, all of the gamesense/pattern matching stuff matters in CSGO as well, its just that the mechanical floor for when it starts mattering thats different.

yeah this is orders of magnitude worse than the iran contra affair - i mean sure IC had sweeping geopolitical implications and directly exposed the judicial system of being a dog and pony show but this hunter biden laptop dick pic story, now this is the real deal.

  • -16

i hate to be a doomer but the corporate overlords have all the cards in this game. The hardware requirements for training AI are already giant, but will likely grow even more as the state of the art seeks greater accuracy/breadth of expression/context retention. I imagine there will always be a market for a scrappy underdog like SD but the super-sick next gen stuff is always gonna be locked down by google or someone with similarly censorious ideology.

And they earn this right by creating the wealth in the first place

this gets close to the joint of an issue, what exactly does it mean to create wealth. I'm not going to break out Das Kapital and start reading off lines to you but no man is an island and no man goes from nothing to being a billionaire by himself. Why is it morally acceptable that in a company of thousands all working towards a common goal, one among them reaps so much more of the fruits of labor? I can kindof see it being "fair" when its someone like Mark Zuckerberg who actually conceived of and implemented the technology that made him rich, but such cases are few and far between even in the super wealthy class.

What genius business creator is going to super hard for a 10% chance of turning their 10 million dollar company into a billion dollar company, if you're going to cap them at 20 million dollars

This is conflating the value of a company with personal assets, but if they don't continue to grow that hypothetical business someone else could go and do what they are doing. A world with 1000 walmart clones instead of 100000 walmarts seems fine to me, even desirable. Now there are 1000 families "creating jobs" instead of just the waltons.

More like neither group really wants to dance but one side is happier with the lack of dancing than the other

for what it's worth i understand how "the media" doesn't mean the exact same thing to our two fine political parties, but it still annoys me that this discussion ignores the existence and popularity of right wing media and pundits. Fox news doesn't frame the discussion this way and i think they count as "the media"

as for mindkilling, i fully agree. more and more i have a hard time wanting to wade into political debate because it legitimately always devolves into arguments i have had since i was 16 years old and there often isnt any objective correct answer.

one of the reasons that i'm pro hypothetical AI overlord is that it would be interesting to see what an "adult" thinks about our sibling squabbling

talking completely out of my ass here, but maybe its the revenue and not the production cost that the bean counters are worried about. Big name directors may want a point from the end rather than an additional zero on the check up front or something.

The substance is that Hunter Biden attempted to leverage his father's political status to elevate his personal business prospects. This is shady as fuck, but lots of connected people have shitty kids, its not that big of a deal unless Joe Biden was a willing participant, which as far as i can tell hasn't been shown.

How is the FBI pulling strings at twitter to suppress the distribution of this laptop's contents "interfering in an U.S. presidential election"? Is there any source that shows that the FBI knew that there was no planted information on that laptop? I just think we are applying the clarity of hindsight to a situation that may have been murky at the time, and also assuming a lot of motives. Beyond all that i think funding terrorist organizations in nicaragua and iran is a bit more scandalous than the fbi running interference on a laptop of questionable importance.

It doesn't matter what the progressives talk about. The police aren't progressives, the voters by and large aren't either, and nobody is capable of criminalizing being white. Using twitter progs as an excuse to do nothing about real police overreach seems like looking for an excuse to me.

What i find interesting about your second paragraph is that it applies really well to people who want to defund the police. People shouldn't have to pay the government for the government to buy guns and train guys to come point the guns at you. Maybe worrying about government programs that literally entail pointing guns at citizens is more salient than being upset that the state is funding propaganda, gesturing in the direction of some theoretical gun being pointed.

Interested in seeing more of your demographic employed in law enforcement are we now, robot?

fighting is like a 50/50 split between being strong/big and being good at fighting. Unless these FtM's are also taking some BJJ courses, i don't care how much testosterone rage they have- being kinda ripped but having no experience in a fight is worth almost nothing unless your opponent has also never been in a fight.

the way i see it for bullet chess at least, there's a skill/intelligence floor you have to clear so that you can see valid non disaster moves. Beyond that literally just moving the pieces faster is more valuable until you get to an Elo where people are actually trying to mate. Your point is true but mechanical speed seems like a distinct quality.

Fair point about felony thresholds, it seems only 5-10 states care whether you have a half ounce or not (based on this ). The thing is though, i'm pretty sure if you are caught going between states with weed you can get hit with trafficking in those states, so even if the feds don't care, a local PD could decide to be a dick about how they write up that 1/2 ounce.