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User ID: 1038


lol 🦂 lmao

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User ID: 1038

As far as Israeli female combat soldiers go; First, the definition of "combat" is a little stretched. Border guards are one thing (as are pilots), but a maneuver unit (infantry, armor, artillery) is another. Second, the Israeli model is still built heavily on conscripts and reservists supporting the active duty while not being anywhere near the latter's standards. I think the unfortunately reality is that many female Israeli "combat" soldiers didn't quite get into combat by choice.

Yeah this part I think is relevant. The two most well-known (read: PR profiles of them) high percentage female infantry units are the 33rd Caracal and the 41st Lions of Jordan battalions stationed in relatively (and relative here being very operative) safe border areas. The area the 33rd are supposed to have been was overrun by Hamas during the 10/7 assault so not that safe.

FYI, the forked code base running this site will autocorrect twitter links to nitter or vice versa depending on settings. So right now your comment says replace <url> with <same url>.

Consider the Dingo which may be a feral descendant of previously domesticated canines brought to Australia but for some reason were neither managed nor bred for thousands of years. The implications make it a bit of a controversial explanation.

Perhaps he could use the time to write another memoir, this time about his political struggles rather than his business career.

Because unlike Westminster systems where the party as an apparatus actually matters Americans get politicians who only have to a win a primary to be their parties candidate and the election for the seat. At best, the regional party committees exercise some influence but no formal power over who can and cannot be the candidate. They cannot stop someone they absolutely do not want from running, becoming the candidate and then getting elected. It's gotten even more chaotic with the recent trend towards open primaries where the candidate for a party can be elected by any registered voter.

Satanic as a term well predates anything associated with LaVey or Crowley. If your memeplex well is so thoroughly poisoned just read it as diabolic instead.

Given how over gassed the Tavors and Galils are, they're not above gassing themselves either. /s

The philosophy of a long dead, Jewish Russian author whose objectivism is a minority within the broader ancap/libertarian US political movement that itself is a minority within the American rightwing coalition influences your level of sympathy for issues with the US?

It's easier to spell but has been used in headlines and newspapers for decades. The man has been in and out of power since Clinton after all.

For historical reference Golda Meir (Mapai->Labor) was succeeded by Yitzhak Rabin (Alignment->Labor) but her and her party did retain power though there were less domestic political issues plaguing Labor as a whole then and they did drop in parliament seats compared to before the war.

Photos that came out of Bucha is going to be the default answer. Incidental and collateral causalities don't typically have their hands tied. Of course, we live in an age of information warfare and PR so consume and verify according to your preferences.

In the Catholic context there is Tradition and then there is tradition.

Do you mean tradition or Tradition? Actual meaningful difference for this context.

So you mean like very public proud Catholics who are denied communion over publicly disagreeing with core Church teachings and actively working against those same?

The current Egyptian government somewhat recently had some troubles with an organization called the Muslim Brotherhood. In Gaza there is an organization called the Islamic Resistance Movement which started as a branch off that same Egyptian organization and currently exercises some amount of political authority in Gaza. So there are understandably some tensions between Egypt and Gaza right now beyond not wanting refugees.

What would the IDF's success criteria be?

Something in line with their 2020 Decisive Victory doctrine.

There are already tensions with them no? Self-inflicted poverty and disproportionate use of social benefits, not serving in the IDF, doing things to antagonize Christians and thus the West in general. If the opportunity to find a solution to the problem presents itself, some may take it. And in demographic terms, unless the OTD numbers get much higher, you're talking about a proportional increase in a net drain on resources for minimal economic growth and military capacity.

Why can’t I field a battalion of tanks?

You can. What's stopping you?

I was thinking of the other other Viper.

wanting a stock Viper is not part of the Second Amendment

Given the historical tradition of private ships and cannon, what excludes a zero down, 25% APY Viper loaded up with some cute girls for a weekend? Not financially prudent but that's not constitutionally relevant.

There's a particular image floating around of a car seat with a blood stain where the head would rest and next to it an infant dress with blood along the top half. And this news report. Of course Journalist reliability and the reliability of their sources is always a factor.

Just last week there was the police killing/monastery shootout. And the completely unrelated armor, artillery and mechanized border deployment that undeployed for reasons unrelated to international condemnation. Last year was the fight over license plates. Still standing though.

Omitted from The Reload is that they are limited to a single firearm that is not a semiauto rifle. So most typically a semiauto pistol like a Glock. And absent the "Short Barreled Rifle" and "Short Barreled Shotgun" NFA restrictions (that existed to close a loophole during drafting when pistols were going to be similarly restricted but when pistols were removed from the bill, the loophole closure was not), has led to the amusing product design space of pistol chassis systems. Americans answer for short carbines working around their laws was the pistol brace, for Israelis the microroni.

That's not the collective right interpretation though. It's the Miller standard of bearing arms useful for war, orthogonal to individual versus collective. Meanwhile some nobody Lysander Spooner writing in 1856 noted the right as individual and for personal defense as much for militia service. Or Charles Humphrey writing in 1822 "that in this country the constitution guarranties to all persons the right to bear arms." Warren Burger was a tool.

Several cases have raised the claim that the NFA is unconstitutional but they generally haven't gone anywhere. In particular the AutoKeyCard case raised it though doesn't rely on it (unsurprising given that Matt Larosiere is one of the defense attorneys in that case) but that one lost in an odd way related to jury decisions on definitions.