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I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC


I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118

I notice that in Western (or just American?) culture, you can dismiss a man's entire identity just by proving that his a sex drive. My belief is that AGP is just a example of this: trans women have a sexuality, and are seen as men, therefore their needs and desires are invalid. Is that not the implication of the rhetoric around AGP?

I also notice that I can never tell where someone is coming from on this site. So for the record, I'm broadly pro-trans and I see most anti-trans rhetoric as just being repackaged sex-negativity, which I hate. However, I certainly agree that with regards to child transitioners and some other controversies, we have gone to far. No one should be forced to use specific language (pronouns), for example.

If China can't raise it's fertility, what hope does a democracy have?

The problem is when a man has his life dismantled because of a few words spoken to the wrong person. This has happened several times to me in my life, at a small scale but it was scary enough at the time that I still have psychological problems related to it. Why should I have my life ruined just to spare a woman a few minutes of discomfort?

This is just the macro version of something all Americans have to deal with on a daily basis.

Even if I choose to stay on Earth, it would be very meaningful to me to know that real live biological humans actually made the million year journey to another galaxy. And people will make that journey, unless the AI prevents them of course. Maybe the adventure is like a kind of art.

Choosing a church based on the music is way more sensible than choosing based on their opinions on gayness. You should go to a church that makes you feel good. If you're choosing a church based on their politics, then politics is your god.

I'm curious though... in the future, what do we believe about gender and sex?

You obviously haven't heard of the incel-to-trans pipeline. For both groups you seem to argue that the people who are/would be the most grass-is-greener aren't the ones who end up trans, but I just plain disagree. In particular for FtMs:

short-hair-and-guy's-clothes-enby types

is there another type?

I'd like to hear your response to this simpler counter-theory for the entire trans phenomenon (at least post-2014): Both MTFs and FTMs believe (at least subconsciously) that the opposite sex has better lives. MTFs believe that women get more love, attention and affection, while FTMs believe that men get more respect and earn more money.

I think it's not so much an event or experience that these women want to have. It's that the event proves something about the man, specifically that he is powerful.

So it's "I want to be taken by a powerful man, but I don't necessarily want to be hurt, or have a child, and I certainly don't want any social consequences." But there's a bit of a problem here, because the women wants the proof that the man is powerful and has power over her specifically, and so she needs either pain, her will violated, or some other consequence, to know that it is real.

First of all, this stuff happens everywhere, not just work. Second of all, this is extremely humiliating to men but I guess we'll never be able to make you empathize with us, so I don't know what to say.

As someone who agrees with you, you haven't really explained what is so terrifying about this future. If the AI really is a human face with a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, there isn't much to complain about. But if that atmosphere is actually unwelcoming to white males, then there is a problem.

Has anyone gotten ChatGPT to produce anti-white hatespeech? Can we demonstrate that it has a bias against men?

Fair point.

Okay, I have a more serious question.

How can I help men like me, lonely men in western countries?

I'm really moved and disturbed by stories like this poster... NGL, I got drunk because of that post. it's really frustrating to me that I know a foolproof solution to this problem but because of all the culture issues in the rich/English-speaking countries, I can't just communicate that solution to everyone who needs to hear it. I don't know what to do.

How are you feeling about "The AI Takeover"? Have you gotten more optimistic, more pessimistic?

I have to be honest that I'm positively gleeful. AI appears to be trending in a more anarchic direction as opposed to the more totalitarian direction that everyone assumed. We now have open source LLMs running on home computers approaching parity with the big corporate datacenter AIs. LLMs appear to be a totally uncontainable technology, with everyone training small LLMs by stealing data from big LLMs. I feel like Christmas has come early.

And I have to laugh that the people who hurt me and held me back in life are the same people, left right and center, who are now so terrified that AI will disrupt society. I say let AI disrupt society! If the average US man knew what I know after living in a foreign country, it would totally destroy American society. If you're one of these people that demands that society is morally structured in a specific way (what I might call a moralist), well, how are you going to force people to play your social games in the future? I can just tell my assistant to dream up a world where I don't have to play said games. Uncontainable AIs make uncontainable humans.

A couple months ago I posted a prediction that humans would mostly be socially isolated in the age of AI, due to the forces of moralists making ordinary human interaction impossible. But now I think that the moralists will become totally powerless. (Moralists would be the top of the political compass, sometimes called authoritarians, and the opposite of anarchists.) If nobody has to work, then that takes away the biggest level of power in most people's lives. And TPTB would have no choice but to either share economic power or kill us. (I think the later outcome, and the related idea of Big Yud DOOM, are unlikely for other reasons I can get into if you're curious.) If TPTB don't control all the robots, that's an even less governable situation!

Anyway it's been a crazy couple of months! How has the recent developments in AI changed how you feel about the future? More or less concerned about Big Yud DOOM? Or do you think it's all overhyped?

If matchmaking has a dominant role in social life (like social media does today) I imagine that the busybodies will do everything in their power to control it.

The right to sex is not really about sex. It's about protecting normal people from moral busybodies that will ruin our lives by publicly proving that we have a sex drive. Once "so and so said something sexual once" or "so and so had sex (in an unapproved way)" is not a basis for public humiliation or losing your job, our lives will be so much better.

It's interesting to me that asserting a right to sex can a reaction from you. Are you afraid of people getting their needs met? Or is power over other people's sex lives something you need for some reason?

if everyone else does, the world outside the simulation is going to become a much less pleasant place to live in.


How would you summarize "their" beliefs? (We might have to decide who we mean by "their".)

(Also most people are way more pleasant than your example)

Not in America, at least never to me. (Okay maybe that's not entirely true, but as feminists have taught me, you have to exaggerate social harms for other people to take them seriously.)

I've thought a lot about this, and the need for social validation is a problem if the person refuses to accept the AI as 'real'. Some people will simply decide that AIs are real enough, but others will still seek validation from humans. This second group is where the moral busybodies live, and that community will evaporatively cool until it is such a toxic cesspit that no real validation is possible. Some people will still compulsively seek it, but most people will just find some way to convince themselves that the validation from the AI is legitimate.

Part of my point with this line of argument is to try to wake up the moral busybodies to how they are destroying society. These people are the ones who don't want a world where everyone is isolated into their own bubbles, but that is exactly what they are creating with their efforts.

Underrated answer. A girl I've been dating asked me, "who will take care of you [when you are a childless old man]?" and it really took me aback. I've never imagined that having a child would actually be an economic advantage to me, but she probably never imagined that a child would be such an economic burden, because in a poor country, children are not a burden.

On the whole I'd rather be immoral than go extinct.

I had extricated myself from the abusive relationship, but [others] remained captive.

This is exactly how I feel about my pet victim group. But when one is up against the reigning ideology of your society, you mostly have to keep your mouth shut. Very few people have the courage to be heroes, and most people who do have that kind of courage just get destroyed when they make a move.

If I'm a young person and I control the money, why do I listen to my elders? Why don't I just run away and make a life for myself?

It's funny because netstack was basically saying "I believe the US will never blow up energy infrastructure" and "I don't believe in evidence from substack."