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investments: META/FBL, TSLA, TQQQ, TECL, MSFT ...

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i think you're overreading into this. it's in the same 4 pt band since 2011-2008. next year it could be down 2 pts.

wow...was not expecting this Live updates: Dominion v. Fox News trial ends with last-minute $787 million settlement

The highly anticipated trial in the defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News began and ended Tuesday with a $787 million settlement between the two parties.

After a lengthy recess, Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis dismissed the jury and announced that the issue was "resolved" prior to the opening arguments. Dominion has accused the conservative cable news giant of knowingly, and repeatedly, broadcasting guests’ and hosts’ baseless allegations after the 2020 presidential election that Dominion’s voting machines were rigged to help Joe Biden steal the election from then-President Donald Trump.

News Corp stock, to my surprise, is unchanged. That is a considerable amount of money , but perhaps the outcome was priced into the stock already. Usually the 1st Amendment entails a considerable burden of proof on the plaintiff for defamation cases, but evidently News Corp felt it would lose in a jury trial, hence the settlement. These cases are notoriously hard to win, let alone get a large payday. This also shows the dangers of audience capture. Between this and Jan 6th (as well as Unite the Right protestors, arrests of business associates, consultants, lawyers, and others), it also shows the huge cost (monetarily, reputationally, etc.) of supporting Trump and Trumpism, which has been inflicted on pretty everyone but Trump himself, who is still mostly unscathed.

Smart, correct move by DeSantis to stand up for Trump. Huge overlap between their supporters. A state indictment. What the left really wanted was a federal one. And related to taxes, Jan 6th, Russia, etc. As some have joked, this is the equivalent of being arrested for removing a Mattress label or jay walking. Trump will likely serve no jail time and comes out stronger and his supporters emboldened by the obvious power play by the left, the exact opposite of what you want to happen if you want trump to lose.

Link from my blog The media is honest, except when it isn’t in response to Richard Hanania's article about how the media is honest and good.

My main disagreement is that Hanania's argument amounts to a sort of bait and switch: making a generalization that 'the media is honest and good' and then later equivocating that it's only honest in select cases (matters not pertaining to race, ideology, gender, etc.), although even that is questionable such as regarding global warming, which is also highly political despite not being about race or gender. Second, let's assume that the media is honest, but if the reporting is so bad that for all intents and purposes there is no difference between incompetence or deception, then I don't see how this supports Hanania's thesis that the media is also good.

Regarding the NYTs, the NYTs is popular in part because it produces so much content, which is not specifically news-related but includes op-eds, general interest pieces, and such that are of a less topical nature. This is not the same as the NYTs being honest, because it's not news. Reading an article about cooking in the NYTs does not mean I endorse its reporting of foreign affairs.

The financial incentives encourage clickbait. Even bloggers are not immune to this. Clickbait offers very high upside (virality, ad dollars, subscriptions, etc.) and little downside (small reputational loss), the latter which can be mitigated by mixing clickbait with non-clickbait. If people stopped following the media because of getting stories wrong ,even on occasion very big ones, no media company would still be in business. So people trust the media, yes, but this does not necessarily imply it's trustworthy. I think the media cannot be fixed until these incentives change.

How did Twitter, and to a lesser extent Facebook, get so embedded in politics and government in the first place? Had myspace survived would it have had these same problems?

Christ almighty, I had no idea that there are so many statistically literate whores around just waiting to tell you your survey is bad. I also wasn't aware that escorts advertise their services so openly on social media.

A few are asking what Aella's credentials are or whether the survey has been reviewed by an ethics committee, as if you need any of that to do a random google forms survey on the internet. They appear to believe that ethics committees are to protect people who might find the result offensive and not the participants of the study.

It's as if the burden of proof for something that isn't politically correct is way higher.

Wikipedia and memory tell me that Scott Alexander and Eliezer Yudkowsky were favored by the rich and by other entertainers. This suggests something more nepotistic than pure meritocracy.

huh? I cannot recall any entertainers endorsing either of those individuals.

It seems like this post is more about having a bone to pick with Scott Alexander and Eliezer Yudkowsky being undeservedly popular.

Much has been written about the underrepresentation of women in STEM and managerial roles. The defence of gender quotas would be that no quota means quota for white men. That the issue isn’t whether women and girls are talented enough, but that they’re simply overlooked. So women don’t get on the short list for promotion because the people who promote someone promote those who are most similar to them, closer to them (usually white and male), that they’re most used to male bosses. With quotas, they have to check their lists more consciously for competence and not what they're used to.

I think Dr. Peterson posits that women are too agreeable and that they can be exploited


Men are probably more inclined to ask for promotions . Under-representation of women in STEM is a separate issue from promotion. I don't think social norms are to blame for under-representation. Who is telling women to not study STEM? It's the opposite. Culture , school, society is obsessed with the idea of having more women in STEM. I think male vs. female aptitude or personality differences may be of better explanatory power.

This just seems like the adage go woke go broke. And it’s not just Amazon it’s a universal issue.

Amazon is at no risk of going broke. How many companies went woke and actually went broke as a result. I cannot think of any. Mailchimp went woke and got bought out.

obligatory archive link https://archive.ph/AuxNg

Ridiculous...they made every possible accommodation and people still got zeros and were too lazy to put in the minimal effort. How did they even get in?

I have tried debating liberals on this, and it's not just leftists who are hostile to HBD. It usually ends up going in circles. they start by denying that IQ is real or that it measure anything. i ask why are some people better at {math,engineering,physics, etc.} than others, and it's a sort of cognitive dissonance of conceding that there is some innate ability or 'thing' that is unequally distributed but at the same time not the same as intelligence.

An obvious example is that (almost) every time there is a mass shooting in the US, 2nd amendment types all of a sudden become very concerned about the mental health of the nation, and proclaim it to be the fundamental cause of the problem that must be addressed before anything else changes.

I think both sides systematically overestimate the efficacy of mental health screening/intervention at preventing such incidents. Some dems blame mental health and guns, or argue that mental health is a major factor. Even if someone is possibly disturbed, the options are limited. It's not like you can just involuntary commit someone or deny his rights to own guns just for being 'off' a bit. According to an FBI study, only a quarter of shooters of a sample size of 63 had a history of mental illness https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/pre-attack-behaviors-of-active-shooters-in-us-2000-2013.pdf/view

So...guilty until proven innocent? This has never happened before.

Low-stakes crisis like this is the outcome of having a huge creative and intellectual-elite class, abundance, and economic prosperity and geopolitical stability. Twitter is the prefect medium for this. It will get much worse. Who's funding all of this. It's being funded by an endless supply of substack $, subscriber $. It's coming from somewhere. Like with Google we know they make money from advertisers buying ads, but who is is funding all this culture war?

I don't see how this is worse than social networks simply using their algos to suppress content, which has happened.

He's doing the same formula Scott employed in his viral article about the media, which is a recuring and somewhat annoying trend to get clicks: make an overreaching claim in the title "The media is honest! The media does not lie!" and then hedge and walk back on it in the article, or when people find obvious counterexamples. It's more like the media is honest about science reporting but dishonest about race, unfounded rape accusations, foreign policy, politics, etc. So this does not prove the media is honest, only that it is selectively dishonest. It's like a saying a serial killer is a good person because 99.9% of the time he is not killing people.

The incentives are aligned to favor clickbait, which is why the media tends to be so bad. Each click is money in the bank in terms of ad revenue. Only later can you issue a correction, but who cares, you already profited.

People who commit crimes in welfare states are criminals either because of mental issues such as low Iq, low impulse control and psychopathy, or they want status

Or out of opportunity. lenient sentences creates an incentive to commit crime, too.

Yes, I know, Covid "has been over" for well over a year, pretty much no-one cares about this topic anyway, but I wonder if we'll now start more getting full appraisals of the entire Covid period. It is bewildering to consider how little people (apart from the two formed and ongoing "Covid tribes" - lockdown/vaccine skeptics on one hand, zero-covidists still wearing masks on the other hand) care about Covid now, considering how large it loomed for two years. For instance, I watched some Finnish election debates a few months ago, and the dire financial/general status of the health care system was frequently discussed with almost no mentions and indications that the Covid crisis and the decisions done during this period might have had anything to do with it.

I at least will not forget that businesses, lives destroyed on useless preventive measures while these experts kept their jobs and faced no accountability for being so wrong.

I don't get why BBC and NPR (or any media outlet) should care what they are labeled as.

Twitter engagement is shit anyway (going by likes, re-tweets) anyway. NY Times has 50 million followers yet less engagement per tweet than nobodies with 50k followers. It's obvious that little traffic comes from people going to NPR's twitter page.

Zero people are going to be like "I was going to click that BBC/NPR link but since it's labeled as government media, I will read Fox News instead."

Even her evangelical vegetarianism seems notably out of place in 2023.

Yeah one of the most notable reversals between the left and the right is in regard to heath, fitness, and personal choice. Smoking on the subway is now being defended by the left...thought i would never live to see that happen. Consuming to excess, like overeating, is also defended by the left.

this blew up a month ago https://twitter.com/mindyisser/status/1623778595729547264

Conversely, the right has taken up the banner of personal health and well-being, especially since 2021 . Tons of conservatives posting about weights, cardio, etc. on twitter. I think this show how either the right-wing fitness market had been ignored, and or a massive explosion of interest in these topics. Obesity is a risk factor for severe Covid, so being fit was seen by conservatives as way of not needing to be vaccinated. Nike left a lot of money on the table by pandering to the left, ignoring the other half.

By 1800 most of the Northern states had abolished slavery. Higher educational outcomes would track Northern states being wealthier and better by almost all metrics. The causal factor is not slavery but the North being wealthier overall.

m, and in person this would be easily spotted. Even if there are some who would realistically pass a first-impression test, their body (hips, jaw, Adam's apple, "vagina", body odor) would soon give them away, and possibly also their behavior would seem incongruent. And all of this is based on the premise that people's sexual preference are based on formal logic as opposed to general trends in a group's appearance - most transwomen are not even close to passing and that's why many men have a categorical aversion to transwomen.

My biggest problem is it's false advertising. You are not really hooking up with a woman, but only an approximation of one. Even if it could 100% pass a blind test, it's still categorically not the same thing. This is a such a messy subject that it's pretty much off-limits anywhere...if you think race & IQ is contentious, the trans issue is even worse.

It's mega cringe to care about your descendants 200 years into the future at the opportunity cost of caring about your literal children.

I cannot recall this ever being cringe except maybe in certain left-wing communities

Bryan Caplan wrote on this subject a while ago. He thinks banning workplace relationships is one of the most repressive anti freedom things we’ve ever done. Most people spend a lot of time at work. I’ll just link to him because he’s smarter than me but I share his opinion.

Workplace relationships only became a 'thing' due to the rise of white collar work. Otherwise, jobs tend to be segregated a lot by gender. The service sector does have more mixing but I think the employees tend to be more diverse by age , class, or other factors that make relationships uncommon. At Walmart, for example, low-skilled workers tend to span the spectrum of being young (teenager summer jobs) to old (retirees supplementing social security or for the health benefits), etc. whereas office workers at a major companies will tend to cluster around 25-45 years of age and matriculate from a similar top-50 network of schools or like neighborhoods.

Reddit is very stealthy about this sort of stuff. A comment deleted by an admin looks like any other deleted comment. There is nothing that stands out about it that suggests action by an admin.

But large conspiracies are not impossible. Many conspiracies continue to exist even when all or most information is publicly available. For example, there was a large scale effort to convince the public that Covid had a zoonotic origin. Perhaps it did, perhaps it didn't. But evidence in support of a lab leak was deliberately denigrated by nearly all authority figures. There was no need to maintain a secret channel of communication. Once consensus was established, peopled picked up the signals to stay on side, and ones who didn't were punished. The best evidence in favor of a lab leak (that the pandemic started near a lab doing gain-of-function research on coronaviruses) was never secret. It was just not spoken of.

Yup a notable example of a large scale conspiracy are the trading strategies used by Renaissance Technologies, which after many decades and hundreds of employees and considerable speculation online are still a secret. Not a single one of those employees spilled the beans to the public, thanks to NDAs and financial incentives to stay quiet. It is indeed possible for large groups of people to keep secrets for a long time.