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Nihil Concierge

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joined 2022 September 05 19:44:52 UTC
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User ID: 691


Nihil Concierge

1 follower   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 05 19:44:52 UTC


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User ID: 691

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I drove through Idaho with my dad on the way to a week in Seattle with relations. We had a very pleasant breakfast at a Denny's near the Oregon border; we'd probably still have no problems in Ida-White (what else could you name it?), as I doubt our very nice waitress recognized an old Jew when she saw one — because anyone who looks at my dad has seen one!

But what if the Parliament of Idawhite passed a law adding a couple of episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm to the elementary school curriculum? My dad has been confused with Larry David.

What about black drivers? My old roommate is now an adjunct professor at Portland State University, and between the job interview and the move, that's three times a black lesbian has driven past the exact same Denny's—and we have yet to ask anyone in thar demographic lucky enough not to share a lease with me about any omelettes they've ordered whilst en route to the Pacific Northwest.

What happens, if we give Idaho to the white nationalists, when the rest of us want to drive to Seattle? Are we just expected to not have a Grand Slam?

ETA: You could also name it Ida-Cracker. Obviously.

I recently got hooked on a fun discord server. I'd never really used the app before but I'm enjoying it a great deal.

What other Discords do Mottezians enjoy ?

Alternatively, they were possessions of previous owner inherited by new owner, who was not interested in Epicureanism, put them off shelves into storage space and forgot about them.

That's a highly plausible interpretation; and not in any way incompatible with this library being one of the most important advances in the human search for truth.

Certainly Epicurean philosophy has a greater claim to the word "truth" than whatever anyone on here may have to say about Hunter Biden.

If they had repurposed the museum into a board game tavern, there might be a clear-cut case that progress had been made. As it is, you describe and ebb and flow of human existence that is more melancholy and bittersweet.

Calling all artists on the Motte! I am currently looking for someone to ink some scripts I have written for a one-panel newspaper comic called Rosa Luxemburg Thought..., where every gag is based on a tiny little Robber-Baron-Era American Communist is asleep in one corner and the cartoon is a dream balloon of what Rosa is dreaming about.

Then in the dream-balloon, you cut out old circa-1980s Family Circus strips and paste them down.

Then I get 50 percent of the money and credit as "writer," but when people accuse us of plagiarism, I pin it all on you.

Any takers?

(plus communication is always easier in dive bars)

That's why shinjuku ni-chome was my favorite neighborhood in Tokyo. Well, one reason.

A human brain is built to operate on long lists of sight and sound recordings rather than long lists of text, but it still builds logical inferences etc. based on data.

I credit the Innocence Project with convincing me that the human brain is built on inaccurate sight and sound recordings, the Sequences with convincing me that the human brain builds with irrational logical fallacies, and credit Kurt Vonnegut with the quote "the only time it's acceptable to use incomplete data is before the heat death of the Universe. Also the only option."

He never said that, it's okay. He's in heaven now.

Please don't leave comments that are just one-line sex jokes.

ETA: Oh, wait--this is one of those sex jokes where the poster didn't know they were writing a sex joke until after they had posted it. Never mind.

Mendacity and social fictions are not unique to Californians. Perhaps I've just been exceedingly unlucky in my acquaintances, and I'm suffering a Chinese Robber effect. But this pattern has repeated with enough frequency that I’ll tentatively call it a cultural difference.

Actually, when I moved to a midsize southern Californian port city in 2018, it was explained to me that the punishment for mendacity and social friction would be a one-way ticket to ... well, let's just say that the VHS tape I was given was of a once-great local news anchor named after a wine explaining that Californians accused of things like financial crimes, harassment, or petty theft might well be offered plea deals that include "a one-way ticket to Cajun country in lieu of jail time."

They're like the younger sons of European nobility who colonized the New World.

Don't forget the workers they brought with them: criminals who chose to labor as their farmhands over the noose; and others, in harder-to-fill positions, filled only after the "no thanks, I'll hang," phase of the recruitment flow was removed.

Also don't forget the religious whackjobs who just refused to let the King tell them who to burn at the stake.

Oh, and don't forget the squatters who broke into William Penn's summer estate.

Who would have ever thought that those three groups had enough in common to actually team up against their Monarch--let alone that they'd get help from Manhattan. You'd think people would be grateful to be liberated from being Dutch!

Oh, and Maine. Have I forgotten why the people in Maine joined the other twelve colonies--or did they keep their reasons to themselves?

Can someone explain to me why teabagging this particular outgroup is a bad thing?

I mean, this particular group may well deserve tea-bagging*--just remember not to do that here, because we have the very specific rule about outgroups here; and it doesn't matter how good or bad a group is or isn't, that rule has everything to do with us and what kind of website we want to be.

.* And any particular member of this group who may want and consent to tea-bagging is welcome to DM me, because I happen to be into that.

Well, about fifteen years ago I kind of got tricked on something like this. I showed up at this job with an attitude of "I will work very hard but also be aggressively gay until you fire me for being gay," which sounds weird but my employer at the time had a policy of firing people for being openly gay which wasn't just legal, but actually specifically approved by the President of the United States. By the time I figured out my organization wasn't actually obeying the policy, and in fact mostly used it to get rid of low performing homosexuals and as a convenient escape hatch for people of any orientation who wanted to quit without the negative consequences outlined in their employment contracts, which included imprisonment, it had been almost three years and I felt like I had basically been conned into working harder than at any previous job.

I coasted for a little over a year, but only because I couldn't quit without being thrown in jail. Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed about a year after I got out. For subsequent jobs, I went back to my previous policy of taking an entry level position, performing better than most entry-level hires for about a year, then losing interest and quitting without giving notice.

Obviously, I wouldn't have posted this if you'd specified in your post that you wanted useful advice for your situation instead of expressing curiosity in general, since we obviously have very different goals in life; but on the Motte, how one phrases the question will affect the answers one receives. ;-P

But in all seriousness, I would strongly second @Walterodim 's advice about placing cultural fit with the company above monetary compensation. I once moved from a hotel company to a bank for more money and it was a huge mistake. Going from $12.50 per hour to $14 for similar low-level call center duties is very different from the offers you'll be facing quantitatively, but qualitatively similar to what Walter outlines--but I went from enjoying my work and co-workers to being deeply unhappy with the work and consequently unpleasant to otherwise likable people, even though the job description was virtually identical.

How would one demonstrate which way the arrow of causation points here? I'm not close enough to publishing to tell pull from push.

Sweden has been protecting the Kurds from the Turks?

I thought they were one of the nations that wouldn't extradite followers of that guy leading a weird religious movement slash opposition group ... What's his name? Gul?

Oh, yes. Gul Dukat. That's it. Anyway, I thought that was part of Edrogan's beef with the Swedes. My mistake.

I'd just like to take a moment here to plug the most important part of my view on Trump, which comes from Andrew Sullivan's interview of the author Michael Wolff. I won't drop too many spoilers, but Wolff, for all his factual errors, seems very correct to me when he talks about the language most journalists use being inadequate to describe Donald J. Trump.

Here is the interview: https://open.substack.com/pub/andrewsullivan/p/michael-wolff-on-the-trump-threat

also Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/michael-wolff-on-the-trump-threat/id1536984072?i=1000534947059

and PodBay: https://podbay.fm/p/the-dishcast/e/1631290292

and how do I format links using markdown? Also, I'm just starting the book it's based on and I'll write it up a little as a top-level post when I'm done.

I don't understand why you'd use a monetary fee—just add a line to the registration form "we know plans change, and keep the pick-up window open 24 hours a day—and no matter how late the hour, we guarantee a fast pick up with no questions of a child similar to the one you dropped off."

Given how important it appears to be for Ukrainian efforts, I suspect that its true utility will be in the military domain...

I haven't seen anything mentioning Starlink anywhere in coverage of the Ukraine conflict! I mean, there was that wave of stories covering the donation, most of which predicted it would bring vital help to Ukraine's military, but those were coverage of an American company being generous--and likely at the behest of the same company's talented and experienced P.R. team--and not technically coverage of Ukraine.

Exactly. I feel like blocking people on this site runs counter to the spirit of engagement—heck, I'd probably make more use of a anti-ignore feature that lets someone who replied to me know: "I read your response, I don't have enough to say about it for a Motte-quality comment, but I do actively appreciate your time and am giving you the last word..."

Is there some emoji (maybe only available to and visible to users who've commented on a thread) that could mean, "I have read everything up to here, and you make some good points, but I am now politely excusing myself to take a phone call."

[So that's the anti-ignore feature, but then there's the ignore feature, which is like taking a fake phone call—but 100% guaranteed not to ring at the exact wrong moment so everyone notices like at that dinner party I made incredibly awkward last summer. And it's easy to code, because they're the same button.]

I personally find it more likely that we actually have been born into a Grabby civilization, and are being fooled into thinking we’re alone. This is highly speculative though.

I also think we have been born into--well, I basically agree with you word-for-word right up until the very end, where "highly speculative" doesn't describe my views as well as "infringing on the copyright protecting a 2015 Wachowski film."

I mean, if there's a better answer to the Fermi Paradox than "they aren't visiting Earth because our population too small for grinding us all up into a filmy paste and selling it as skin-and-tentacle rejuvenation creams wouldn't break even--by about 20%," I haven't heard it.

There was a scandal a while back that makes me uncomfortable about putting the United States of America on the list of countries that can make advanced hydrogen bombs.

I'd imagine the destructive power of any bombs our adversaries could field top out at Hiroshima, and mostly are “dirty bombs.”

For what that's worth, which ain't much.

Sorry to be confusing--but I've genuinely never removed a seat from a vehicle that had seats that could fold down to make room for cargo. I wonder if it's because I was raised in the blue tribe?

Cutting books in half...removing the back seat of a car...both are things that save weight--and that haven't been done in America since the creators of That 70s Show were teenagers.

Oh, that makes sense. I thought "SFH" was some iGen dunk on...well, I don't know, I thought I was going to have to ask Christine Baranski about it. She's pretty up on the kids today.

I believe "just deciding on what was needed for each story to work" is a central pillar of most western versions of Buddhism.

Something that is in even the slightest way different from all the other eras would probably be better.

It kinda raises the question: what’s the point of all this? Why go through the motions [...] ?

Because Claudia Juana Rodríguez de Guevara heard from Dmitry Medvedev that fake president comes with a great health plan? I bet fake presidents get platinum plans with zero deductible on like five dollar a month premiums.