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joined 2022 September 05 21:07:49 UTC

Normie quokka

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User ID: 713



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 05 21:07:49 UTC


Normie quokka


User ID: 713

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Well, that was one I had to Google!

It's amazing to me that my mother-in-law, who barely understands what's going on around her at any point, has every relative and friend's birthday memorized. It has really never occurred to me to become a person who remembers birthdays, but maybe that would be a nice thing to be!

I'm just fundamentally grossed out by cream cheese in all forms. This one was a Basque cheesecake, so a little different from regular cheesecake, but still a base of cream cheese.

I have the same experience. Exercise actually makes me feel very anxious, but I still do it every day. It's just a totally sucky thing that I have to get through.

I do it because I want to continue to be able to do everything else in my life for a good long time.

The first time I tried it, I gave up about 30 pages in. The second time, I decided it was one of the greatest things I've ever read. It's worth sticking with it!

Depends where you’re traveling from! Are you in US? Europe?

Ok, sounds like a good plan.

I feel like there needs to be some kind of community for people in mixed-politics marriages. It seems we are a dying breed!

In the US, the Episcopalian (Anglican) Church does a good job of this. It probably depends on the particular church though.

I just applied for a job that included this beautiful pronoun selection question (skipped it). Then further down the page there was another blank field to enter my pronouns (skipped it)!

I kind of want to know what the hell "Fae/Faer" is, but also kind of don't. Is that for people who identify as fairy folk? I can see that giving you an advantage on your job application!


I fear I'm making this sound worse than it is. I really don't have to do anything for her; it just annoys me that she is wasting her life while other lives are too short (my own mom died when she was 45). If things do get to the point where she requires actual physical care, I plan to bring in the professionals and give my sisters-in-law the primary responsibility.

She's actually from Utah, where we live now. We moved here a couple of years ago so she could be close to her daughters who all live here. She does get a bit misty when we visit the local steakhouse :D

That is weird. I've had two therapists who I saw for a few months each, and they both were pretty clear about addressing my problem and getting me out of there. I did screen for serious CBTers though.

Yoshi's Crafted World has a great co-op mode. My son and I played it a lot when he was around 4, and he then moved onto just playing by himself. There are also good Kirby co-op games, like Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Basically, a Nintendo Switch is going to get you pretty far.

Sure! It'd probably make me easier to live with too.

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman. It's good - it has clever writing (I've laughed out loud several times) and an interesting way of unfolding the story, but does suffer a bit from a Reddit-style "life is pain" mindset.

How old are your kids? We've been loving Oliver Jeffers' books lately, especially Once Upon an Alphabet.

The Brownstone Mythical Collection and Fan Brothers books are really beautiful too.

Oh, I almost forgot a book that still makes me laugh whenever I think about it: Still Stuck.

Back with Albion's Seed, and it's really just making me want to dive deep into every aspect of American history. I'd love any book recommendations!

I mean, like I say, I'm a pretty high-functioning anxious person. My guiding principle has always been to not let my anxiety dictate my behavior. I don't even mention my anxiety to my husband because he's already given me any advice he can.

This is a purely internal experience I'm dealing with, and I'm probably making it sound much worse than it actually is. It's just exhausting to have it there with me every day.

Edit: I do recall seeing a comment you made about your wife (your username always stood out to me for some reason!), and it sounds like she's really struggling. Has she ever gotten any professional help? It seems like CBT would be quite helpful, since she has external behavioral patterns that need to change. I guess the problem would be if she doesn't internally have the motivation to do that work.

Yeah, the full story there is that my brain is always sending me warnings that something is dangerous and I need to protect myself. My previous response was to buckle in and try to figure out more about the danger and what I needed to do, and only then decide if it was a real danger. I've come to realize that that's like taking a danger warning from a 2-year-old seriously. I'm just kind of an idiot in that regard, and it's helpful to recognize that.

I’m a UX/Product Designer. Pretty well established in my career, so mostly just looking for a stable work environment.

Love that idea - and there are so many great short stories out there! I might suggest it when it's my turn to pick.

I'm curious what is going on in your mind when you are feeling tense. Are there particular thoughts you keep returning to? How do you respond mentally when you have these feelings?

Anxiety feeds on itself, and one of the main drivers is rumination. Rumination is a choice and there are ways to train yourself away from it. You mention a lot of behaviors you are changing to deal with anxiety, but you might also want to think about thought processes you need to change.

If it doesn't have chocolate, it doesn't count as a dessert. But yes, I am truly a hero.

I am mystified that you can't reach your own butt! (I also don't keep tabs open)

I mean, Tom Cruise is going to kill it in anything. If they had put Andrew Garfield or such in the role, it would have been a much bigger issue.

Yes, I am very curious what the steelman argument is against such a practice. The speaker in their link seemed to be against surrogacy in general, so maybe that is the issue? Is it ok for two lesbians to have a baby?