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joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC

Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC


Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975

My username is about me being realistic in the short term, and delusional in the long term, A friend started calling me a practical romantic since that day.

I actually do not even believe in romance at all and do not think have ever even been on a date the way most people do them, usually just have sex the night or day of and that is about it. I do not even believe in romantic love or soulmates being real (find the second thing very cringey).

lmao, I mean my girl issues stem from just being in a small place where I cannot meet many girls. This will vanish when I move out and interact with a bunch more pretty high iq girls on the regular with better logistics and a suitable lifestyle.

I mean my future wife as in when I do get married and have kids with her, I will not divorce her as that is not how families work according to Hindu ideals.

My parents made it work and because of better understanding of how thins work, I should have an easier time.

regardless, divorce is off the table, marriage is like being tied to a ship, you sink with your mate. Now the question of unfaithfulness is a big one here which is especially why I go out and talk to girls so that I am not green when I settle down.

This confused me for a little bit since I recognized your name: "Aren't you the guy who posts about his girl troubles?"

lmao, I hope I become known as the guy who is disciplined in the near future instead of this. This made me laugh and get a bit sad but mostly laugh.

My mid terms are going to end tomorrow. I had just 4 papers this semester, only two were technical and even they went better than the ones before. I will likely smoke with a few friends and roam around.

I used to think that I needed to get female validation to feel good about myself but in all honesty, it is these little moments that I will miss. I will be leaving college in may 2023, January if I get an internship and that means that I only have a few weeks left of this.

There is something about being with young people. I live with my parents as my house is a 30-45 minute drive from my uni. I was earlier gonna try for a date with some girl or go for pickup but fuck that. I will just chat till 4 am with my friends, sleep on the dorm floors again and maybe eat at some cheap food joint. Reminisce about my oneitis and yell cuss words. It is not exactly what most here would be doing but I just realized that I too will likely be posting what most here post in a years time given I will be employed.

I hated uni and it was my fault that I fucked up all that I did but I still made good friends so yeah, hoping I will get dead drunk tomorrow, make memories forever and stay in the moment.

I have always had a oneitis since I can remember, maybe since 4th grade where I would progressively spend more time thinking about girls, during 9th and 10th grade I had the most fun I ever did in school and I was a complete loser for all girls. I do not remember any of the girls I was obsessed with back then but will always fondly look bad at those years before cram school became serious, same for this year in uni. Spending that night with my friends was more memorable than losing my virginity was.

Do suggest some hangover cures lol, I do not drink but it is good to be a degenerate at times and enjoy these little things. I also got high this Tuesday after a few beers, it was my second time this year and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I was out of it and could barely walk. I think this is what people call a bad trip or something, anyway, tomorrow should be fun.

I hear my parents often talk about how important these little moments are and as a kid I never understood what they meant but now I do.

Like that song two minds by Nero (https://youtube.com/watch?v=KFWFJGfEaNo)

"I told you too many times,

It's the little things that count which can make someone feel special."

The movie is most likely made by Pakistanis or Bangladeshis or the Sikhs. The three despise Hindus (upper ones) in particular and feel that they are above the slur pajeet despite all having worse per capita GDP and other issues. India is not for beginners but Pakistan and Bangladesh are worse and khalistan is a pipe dream that is about as realistic as lighting striking me thirty times in the next 10 seconds.

These things are very common on Twitter, people have such infighting to prove that they are better than each other (groups I mean). The writer of the movie is most likely a pajeet, just not a Hindu pajeet but a pajeet nonetheless since people of European origin do not care enough about the subcontinent to spend so much time and have a refined sense of racist humour.

lmao, it is still up btw, people are debating how many likes I would get on tinder, stating that my face is optimised for online dating. They got my height wrong by an inch too. https://old.reddit.com/r/2bharat4you/comments/1bvesnf/honesty_pt_has_become_the_new_nword_for_indians/?newUser=true&showOnboarding=true

I know, its just that I feel worse whenever I do take any intoxicants because I feel like I do not deserve it for being not as hard working and consistent as I should, it is a terrible position to be in.

Saw Mission Impossible 7. It was a good movie but I did not like it as much as John Wick 4 or the previous MI movies, maybe it is just action movie fatigue setting in. I sorta have been finding it harder and harder to actually find any joy in most activities but still recommend that others watch the movie. Cruise is in his 60s and still performs some of the most dangerous stunts one can, that too without having the need to do them. Have to respect that immensely. I saw the movie on the first of its release and did enjoy it. It is a two part finale so they left it on a sort of ambiguous ending.

I will also meet a few friends for coffee this Sunday. Has been a while since I have had coffee, the place I kinda intern at has an instant automated espresso maker of sorts and I have to admit that I quite like the taste of it so looking forward to visiting a coffee shop. I just avoid going to any and all places in my town as my mind just hates me for taking time off and enjoying life because of how far behind I am thanks to my bad habits so hopefully I will be able to enjoy a peaceful Sunday and recharge myself.

imo indian food is not suited for fast food. The curry base (onions and spices) needs to be cooked till oil comes out of it for it to be properly cooked, that does not scale. Also you eating a curry with some bread is sorta messy so I do understand why this is so.

My post this week is a but different from the usual things. As a child I never really liked my family, my father would scream and shout at me and my younger brother daily with a really high frequency. I felt that this was normal yet it didn't somehow stop, ever, at all.

My family is dysfunctional, very very dysfunctional to the point where I hate living with them. Most people, most of my religious sentiments live in their ancestral houses forever with joint families, elders and whatnot but I just can't imagine doing any of that. The kind of unease I feel around my family when we sit down to eat our meals alongwith constant interruptions when I code in my room have forced me to commute daily to my unis library just to not be around them.

My ma stuck with her marriage because here marriages are decided by the elders and even though she didn't like it, her reason to stick by was because she felt that leaving would bring shame to her late father's name in their town.

Again, this isn't my way of blaming my family for my shortcomings rather just my acceptance of the fact that none of us are happy. My parents and grandfather have loved their life and have nothing besides screens left in their life, same for my brother who is fairly slow mentally and hence spends his days doing what I'd do but under exponentially worse circumstances.

Hinduism unlike other cultures ensured that traditional values remain alive with rituals and traditions. My life derives all it's meaning from my religious beliefs, I wish to some day have a family of my own too (not anytime soon tho lol) but it is kinda ironic that the religious guy who encourages others towards traditions is also the one wpuld run away the second he can.

My sabbatical will last six months, I knowingly took a decision to take it so that I could fix my knowledge gaps, prepare better for the future and ready myself for a far better quality of jobs. Most importantly develop actual skills and figure out what I like, am good at etc etc.

When I was first asked to consider one by my mentor, mt response was that I'd rather slit my wrists than stay back in this dysfunctional house in my dead town but I later realised the upsides. I'm posting here just to cope. My family fights during dinner and my grandfather who's hard if hearing at 90 watches, feeling morose over what he witnesses. He was in all honesty a much much worsw father. During todays episode, he asked me about why there was so much turmoil today, stating he doesn't much like what he sees but being in a bad mood, I responded by stating that it's his fault6too since he too was a terrible father. Surprisingly, my old grandfather nodded and agreed with my assessment, stating he wished he could do it differently.

There are skme nights where I pass by his room and hear him cursing his own parents in his sleep and seeing a man who's 90 having so much bitterness over this stuff does make me feel bad.

I'm not as young as I was once I began posting here and I already have many many things I regret very deeply. I learnt a lot from every single mistake but uts did cause significant problems. My GPA is terrible (slightly below 3 in the US scale of 4, 6.77 out of 10 to be exact) but besides that, not many things that Ibhave done will have permanent negative consequences forever, however as time passes, it'll just mean more of my decisions will matter.

Regardless, my time in my house is coming to an end flr this chapter of my life as I will move out. I wish I could have saved my brother, my whole family honestly but I can't.

Anyone who's read my entries here is familiar with my obsession with this one girl I met via the internet and could never get over despite never meeting her etc etc. My oneitis in internet lingo, one of the reasons why I liked her was because she was jubilant, truly jubilant, always happy with a genuinely loving family where shebhad a great relationship with her parents, her siblings plus she looks somewhat like my mom. In fact she does remind me of my mom but one who grew up under better circumstances without having to experience brief bouts of poverty and seeing her father die at a young age only for her family to bounce back. Maybe in my mind I saw a lot of what I like in my mom in her, psychologically and physically.

At this point I don't want to fight with my parents, I understand that they're a product of their times but I also am afraid that Ibtoo may end up like they did with boring careers forced on by their family living ablife where the only change is screens (TV, phones etc). They did their best yet somehow my cursed home didn't help us out. The reason why I try out things like isometrics and whatnot is the fear of ageing like my parents, of becoming like them someday. Seeing my grandfather struggle with literally everything makes me reconsider a lot of things.

I see the appeal of life as a young person in a large city, you meet so many new people, can work on careers, academics, visit nightclubs etc etc, things I like, I haven't done them enough but I genuinely love the fact that I am young, for now as I cannot and do not wish to be like, well like my parents. Despite my love for them, I do not wish to grow old, decay at a bad pace leading a life confined ti stagnation. The dynamic change life offers to me at my age is very exciting. It's life affirming, it really is. That probably is a big reason why many here are haopy to help me out as they perhaps see a slight sliver of themselves in me or more likely just wish wellbfor others, hoping they don't make the same mistakes.

I'm a much better programmer now and other things but these fights in my house take away any and all good feelings I have for days. My envy for that girl grows because I wish I got to have a relatively peaceful family life. Uni being trash despite its prestige is something I can cope with but family is permanent, you are after all a representative, a descendant of your ancestors.

Regardless, I am in the middle of my final mid terms, my internship has allowed me to get this semester waived so I'll be able to study full time, bang out code and fix my gaps.

It feels like yesterday that I discovered this place during my first few days in uni or before that and now I'm officially gonna be an engineer. Time goes by fast, I really did want my sabbatical to go fast too but I want to slow it down, as bad as my family is, it's still my family and I hope my last few months here before I leave for greener pastures are better.

I have my final mid terms of my life (at least ug) this week and they only have two technical subjects so all should be fine. I watched nearly all DC Animated movies and here are the ones I would recommend.

  • Batman - The Long Halloween (part 1 and 2) - This is peak batman, not just bruce wayne in all his different forms but even the batman and his rogues gallery in all their forms. It is a detective story with great action and real cosnequences set in a world of gotham with Godfather like aesthetics.

  • Batman - The Dark Knight Rises (1 and 2) - Classic, watch them both.

  • All-Star Superman - Quintessential Superman story which deals with death in a very mature way. A story worth watching imo

  • Batman - The Mask of the Phantasm

  • Batman - Under the Red Hood - Amazing movie, classic storyline that will actually make you hate Batman and his morals.

  • Batman - Gotham by Gaslight - Victorian Era Batman who fights a killer. The setting alone makes it worth watching

  • Batman - Assault on Arkham - Good brainless action done right

  • Constantine - City of Demons - Worth a watch

  • Justice Leage Dark Apokolips War - Pretty good

  • The Batman (Tetrology?) - Bunch of movies like batman vs robin, etc look em up on wikipedia, not that good but worth watching just once.

  • Justice League - The Flashpoint Paradox - I hate the new 52 that happened due to this even but the storyline is good, deals with loss, mortality and the finiteness of time, how trauma breaks people.

Most if not all comic book movies, hell most movies seem childish now since I watched one every day, sometimes 4 or 5 a day. I have a projector in my room that I fire up when I wish to watch movies and watched these alongside the Dark Knight Trilogy and the new Batman. All 4 are great movies. The best comic book stories are ones that are not supernatural but with mortals who have a sense of fear, grief, loss and finally some catharsis of some sort. Daredevil the Netflix show, punisher and some comics are in this very list.

Marvel has better storylines than DC in many cases yet DC does a good job putting its stories in these animated movies. Some of them are R Rated too I guess. Ngl, Animated Selina Kyle is genuinely super super attractive to the point where I cannot like a live action version of her (hated all of them actually) and the animated one is just perfect.

Comic book movies are for children at the end of the day, watch enough movies and the fatigue sets in quick but these all are worth watching at least once if not more and provide good entertainment.

I think punching people (combat sports) would probably do it for me at the very least. Just need momentum and consistency.

Good luck man. Wish ya well.

My father is a professor at my uni and is well liked by his students and colleagues. My relationship with him is extremely strained but regardless, I do not appreciate incidents like the one I am about to describe just now.

I had the end term examinations of the 7th semester and skipped the first two since I suffered from a sudden burst of anxiety as I had just returned home the day before the exams so filed for medical re examinations. Of my four exams, I skipped the first two and applied for re exams as i had medical certification from the doctor. Today was my Machine Learning re exam and the teacher was extremely pissed at me. She took it out on my father and said things I genuinely never thought one colleague would say about another. Some of them included

  • He is mentally challenged and you did the right thing by keeping him here as some dumbass like him would have flunked outta any uni besides ones with you begging other faculties to give him passing grades

  • Your son is the village idiot incapable of ever landing a job, everyone in the uni laughs at him for being so dumb, he will never get a job so better start looking for some menial job for him

  • Everyone laughs at you too and make him give exams on time as he would get a d grade at max in all of them anyway so it will not waste everyone's time.

  • He is extremely boastful and unfit for education. You should not have sent him to uni.

Uni selections in India are centralized and done via exams like the JEE, similar to goakao where you only get admitted based on the marks you score. I was featured in the newspapers twice since I was quite successful, to the point where I was in the 99.9xx percentile in one and literally 100 percentile in another, even received an award from the state for it. My academic credentials were better than anyone my age in my batch and I chose this place because of my father, no other reason besides that. I am not that low iq, at least that is what I think.

Now, I am by all objective markers a failure, but still, her stating this is not what I found severely hurtful despite my thick skin but rather her talking down to my father and being very smug about it is what did it.

Sure I want to get the fuck away from my abusive and dysfunctional family but they are still my family. No one should ever do what she did, if she cares about me, she could have had a conversation way before and in private, tried to ask me whether I was fine. In case she does not care, she could have simply just not cared and not given my father a scathing monologue, painting me as a special needs kid who is genetically inferior and should hence be locked away and kept safe from the outside world.

There have only been very few moments in my life I have found to be as hurtful and this was perhaps the worst. Getting photos from girls I had a thing for and seeing them with other dudes or even flunking high school (yeah, I went from 0th to 100th percentile in one year) did not hurt as this did.

In case you know someone who slacks, try talking to them, do not wait for things to nearly end like my degree will in a few months and then act smug in front of their helpless parents. Her kids are doing very well in life and I really have not felt this low in a while. I have been on ssris for a few months and in a rut forever but at this point a part of me feels that she is right and that I should just give up and die. My father despite all my issues with him does not deserve such ridicule and embarrassment.

edit - redacted to avoid doxxing threats.

Yeah, I appreciate people who have higher values. I could have been born in much much worse circumstances or not born at all. These things are hard to explain but they make sense on a deeper level. The gods aren't an atm for wishes they are the reason why I want to do well, not just beings I turn to when life's hard. Much more to be thankful about than there is to gain.

lol, I do think that the west gets personal values completely wrong. Not trying to be smug, I just do not think that the current way the world is progressing is sustainable for anyone. You need higher values and forces that keep your society sane.

Meeting the Shankracharya(of Govardhan Matha, the most respected matha of the 4 there are in Hinduism) and the other religious folks I have met did change my attitude. I see urchins on red lights and people living in slums or many with permanent handicaps or other misfortunes. I am not an MIT undergrad but many kill to get where I am so keeping that in my mind helps me keep sane. You have the right to your labor and not the fruits it bares as Lord Krishna (the human incarnation of Lord Vishnu right after Lord Ram) said. Like consistent efforts and a killer finishing instinct is enough for me to get enough in life where no one walking the planet would consider it sub par. Most do not get these opportunities.

I was born in a very high clan too, one that traces its descent from Lord Ram himself which is also why the temples and priests are very respectful towards my ancestors. There are severe issues with life but from now, fuck it, I will just assume it will happen and start from that frame instead of the 'I am scared, I am sad, I will never get work done, life is unfair frame'. Go fucking all out, gun to the head.

Hell, I am younger than most if not all regular posters here so I have a ton going for me, why not be happy about it. Life will drive you crazy if you do not see the good from time to time.

Edit - edited the FR, it is linked for those who want to read the field report.

I went to a nightclub for the first time last saturday and had a blast. I made out with/danced/ felt four different girls and three of them complied with less than 2 minutes of me asking them to do it.

I was just gonna see my date for coffee at this hipster coffee place, she got late so I talked to two other girls and got her number as well.

Later went to that nightclub place and had fun. I got blocked by 2 of the 4 girls who did touch me but that is fine.

Main takeway is that I am now in a state of abundance, as in I have tasted it myself and will never be desperate for girls. Earlier I would just cry over getting blocked but now I do not care as I know I will find better and many many many more of them later so focusing on careermaxxing for remote ML or Quant jobs is the right path as I will miss out on the club here but will be able to do this in posh areas in the capital later.

Once you taste it, you are different, I have changed as a person completely and hope you all experience this.

P.S. The field report is linked and is on my profile. The field report contains the details of the interactions so please if you get the time, do read them and let me know what you feel. https://old.reddit.com/user/practical_romantic/comments/xwf3y7/fr_first_night_at_a_club_and_some_daygame/

Religiosity, Abundance and internal motivation have made my life much better. Do read and provide feedback. Action beats everything, just being there in field helped me grow up and have more fun than all of the reading ever did. Overall quite fun, something changed inside me, a switch was flipped, I know that I can get all girls and hence do not need to worry about them now at all since I have better things to do.

Cold approach in nightclubs. you will fail in the beginning but this is the way to learn in the modern world. Go out everyday for 30 minutes and try to pull strangers you find attractive. This is a hard skill to master as people are too stuck up inside their heads but this is the one thing with the best rewards. Internet dating is not the best, paying with fire is a firm that specialises in online game but then again, cold approach.

Also cold approach works mostly in towns with young people.

My faith is personal. I am a beginner for now so I have not experienced the entirety of what is to be offered, No one does unless you are named Arjuna (Look up the vishwaroopam of Lord Krishna, Arjuna is given divine vision to experience divinity, he is overwhelmed, breaks down and is determined to fight the war).

It is a long long journey and I am just glad I have begun. Just need to be consistent daily and act better in other areas of my life to be a good devotee, praying has to be followed with action.

I do not preach to my friends or anyone, just writing here since this is one of the higher iq forums with religious people.

I do not meditate for long hours and for now just feel calmness, it is hard to describe how it feels, I did not do it for hours in end but I did feel a level of immersion I have not before but without any noise.

I hope I can own one in like 3. But girls do not care about bad cars, they are not actively repulsed by the car but you being insecure about the car. Sure driving an Aston Martin (future me, please get your startup to a point where you drive one) will add a lot but driving a bad car is not a complete deal breaker in most cases, though if you feel insecure about it, it will tank your chances. Plus I can get away with it since I am 23 (almost 24 now) and do not visit nightclubs, in case I do get money soon, I would just stick to cabs, problem solved.

On the thing about motivation, I never learnt to source weed or how to make a joint so that I do not become a pothead. In fact I do this for all intoxicants on purpose. So I do not know how to make any cocktails or de seed the weed my friends have or source any other things since I know that I will end up being an addict.

What is medical weed like as compared to the kind you can get on the streets? is it harder or does it make you sleepier? I have never tried that or vape pens with weed in them because of health hazards, anyways, I can never smoke anything ever again since my throat is super sensitive, I will say that weed is quite fun.

The only concern I have with intoxicants is habitual usage and it causing mental issues, since many people end up being functioning addicts who see a noticeable dip in their baseline sense of happiness. The chick I was into is a cokehead who went from default happy to depressed after a bunch of her hookups got her ghosted.

Also for adhd, do try out meditation, worked wonders for me.

I would not be surprised tbh, canada taking in pajeets was a mistake given how many of them scam, literally scam their way to a visa or a pr. Regardless, I do not know how critical I can be of pajeets on the forum rn, Mods? can I talk about this and not get banned?

Lmao, the peson who poasted it has the account name exposed pajeets, pajeet is an ethnic slur for people of indian subcontinent. I am from India but the movie by the looks of it focuses on the rural poor class which makes up most of the nation. These are the people who are found in disturbing imagery because of their poor conditions. Being poor, not very smart and living in India is not a good combination at all.

I find myself in a bit of a twist now, a lot of the stuff in the documentary is true, which is why those who are slightly upper middle class or above look down upon everything that is associated wth poor Indians. I cannot fully criticise all Indinas publicly since I by definition am one but at the same time, this stuff is vile.

Regardless, do lemme know what you guys think about it.

No because I like my mother. She was this way when she was young so I can't do it.

I think sloughing this off is something you need to seriously consider doing

Totally, my main priority is fixing my life, being a good programmer, and making money and my lack of skills plus being in my town makes me hate meeting good women, I am certain that I will move out soon in a year or less to a metropolis and meet better women but until then my brain refuses to change. I need to fix my skill deficit and move out, I will get over her.

I detailed the entire saga on themotte subreddit and it was painful, I wish to get over her soon. I want nothing to do with her, I wish her well but I want out of this misery, need to sleep with hotties frequently but that is a few months away.