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joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC

Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC


Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975

I just want to be rich and help my family, that basically sums it up, I do meditate and it helps but I cannot stop a constant humming in the back of my head of seeing others doing more than me and having better life outcomes. I have friends and tell them about my life but they are all online.

I assume I will get to relax more once I get past the steep points of the learning curve and build more momentum. What helped you? I take Sundays off.

Thanks, I am better now, I actually work and have some proof of that. For the past decade, I did not really work at all, Now that I do work, feels a lot better, I weigh more and can understand a good amount of code, It is not much but it is a good beginning

I do meditate and doing more of that plus keeping track of my work helps, I can sense a feeling of progress and that calms me down. Meditation is a godsend and I would appreciate tips on managing stress and becoming a better programmer and things of that sort. Stress management and proper rest should help me live a better life and work better, work more.

I did not, I friend-zoned her as as soon as I met her as I do not sleep with traditional women and never wanted to sleep with her, I meet women and am decent at pickup lol.

Thanks, man. I will hopefully start, I use Bing and the free version of chatgpt so will read the paper again and start anew.

I have only had situations where I was constantly and stressed for close to a decade now, I stopped Ssris a while back actually.

How much should I work out then. I am aiming for an upper lower split, working out on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Is this too much? I like HIT because it's better for my joints and takes little to no time. I workout at home using basic equipments and a forearm forklift for timed static contractions.

This is a common practise though. Allegedly Tom Cruise uses some cg help to make himself look younger.

Like most things in life, the worst offenders here inclides some of my countrymen, a famous Hindi actor Salman Khan literally had CGI abs in a movie lol.

Diesel can actually act, Keanu has always been a very laconic guy with not a lot of acting chops but at least the movies he appears in are good, he is not fat or out of shape and has a better screen presence than vin.

they cannot after a point, taken is a good example of that. The amount of jump cuts and stuff just looks fake after a while.

It is not about the story for me personally, I just like the action set pieces and experiencing them in a theatre. The movie still makes him vulnerable enough imo, you should watch the 4th one.

My favorite fast food has to be McDonalds. Something about the filet o fish and the rest of the burgers. Taco Bell is kinda meh.

Is there any Indian fast food joint in the western world btw?

The bias is extreme, just extreme for most things, not just politics.

It is a handy little tool but a tool at best in the current neutered form. Now the ill effects, whether it will ever become AGI, whether it will kill us etc etc is beyond me (although I wish to learn) but the training set used for it is super biased and breaks it for normal conversations.

Basic advice like improving your looks or comparing two photos is politicized for no reason whatsoever, no wonder why everyone is jailbreaking it.

Yeah, they just get repetitive after a while though. That is why I love Mask of the Phantasm, Under the Red Hood, The Long Halloween(both parts), Gotham by Gaslight. All 4 have different villains who have objectives beyond money, who you have not seen before in other movies and have a personal struggle for both Batman and Bruce Wayne.

I dislike the Justice league stuff somewhat given Batman punches robots that superman fights, even though one is a normal dude whilst other is an alien capable of smashing planets. The lack of consistency in this stuff does make me a bit bored but otherwise these are good movies. I liked all 4, the fourth especially.

Also Assault on Arkham is a more action oriented movie and yeah, it is great. I too think it is the best piece of Suicide Squad media. I just wish they could make more movies like the ones listed in this post.

I would disagree with your sentiment. This is pretty mainstream Hindu thought and it is correct about a lot more than even what I would wish to admit, at least the parts listed here.

lol, I do not have insta, I just use third party apps on my browsers, I used it today, should I do pushups for that?

edit - did 20 on an incline, my triceps are fried, will do 10 more lol. Good warmup tho, was gonna start working out in the morning tomorrow daily anyway.

edit - based idea. I should do 3 hours of work for every 30 minutes of internet surfing.

Do you think I'm sad? Or am I sad for real or what? Because I am on Prozac right now so can't tell.

I stay away from politics because I am quite incompetent as of right now and do not see it as anything beyond procrastination given that if I struggle with my own duties, I cannot understand anything that is that high level.

Hinduism has the concept of kaliyuga which means that bad things are invetible but on the other hand a good ruler has the capability to change that. The returns on reading about technocapital only exist when you have actual capital.

I do not write about politics not just because I do not want to be harassed in the future but also because I am not a political theorist. Politics is the most important thing in one's life.

I got my oneitis because that girl was the first person I ever had a conversation with who shared the same views as me, this was before I discovered twitter and became a niche e microceleb but the real chad move is to disengage and get a decent life. My family is in academia and Indian academia is intellectually bankrupt so I made up my mind at an early age to not take a job in this sector.

You can get an anon substack with a tutanota id and can remain anonymous if you can change your writing style to the point where people cannot recognise you but I myself have chosen the path that mishima chose where I think my time is better spent being "cool" for people like me and doing something.

Academics can be supremely dishonest and we saw Scott getting doxxed despite years of activism against many ideologies directly against the current climate. The best thing one can do is to be good, be anon and be genuinely happy. Academia will remain broken and the state of the world is known to everyone who reads this place. It pays you less and a heretic priest will always be burned publicly and made an example out of. These jobs like academia and journalism at least in the west compensate the lack of monetary incentives with the ability to fasten the machine.

I feel your pain given my country is even worse where the current left wing regime is termed far right despite their policies. Take a break, spend time with your family and if possible find like minded smart people irl.

The Gods both blessed and cursed us given the times we live in. We know the problems and maybe one can say we all have been given the chance of finding the answers that those before us could not find.

Nothing hurts others than genuine happiness. I never thought 5 years ago that I would be here, maybe things will be different for those who come after us. Just do not get blackpilled my friend.

Switching to 531 for beginners this week as the bodybuilding program of doing heavy deadlifts and squats is not good in terms of recovery. Also sleeping and waking up at the same time each day now, the time is 9 pm ideally, 10 if the work is incomplete. I need to begin studying within 30 minutes of waking up, that is another rule I am gonna apply.

Theology is amazing and I am glad I found the Gita, the easiest way to describe it is with the lyrics of this song called "Drowning without you" by Fred V & Grafix (Do check it out). It calms my mind like nothing else and I know that no matter what happens, Lord Krishna is there for me like he was there for my ancestors. No amount of philosophy by any author can touch me like this stuff does. Reading theology and meditating calm my mind like nothing, I can feel time stop and experience God. There is a saying that the proof of divinity is in experiencing it's essence, it is a hindi thing so hard to say it in English but I am glad I found God.

Earlier, I would pray to get better at studying, now I try to get better at studying to show my faith. To take up pain and act, succeed as a showcase of my belief and love towards the Great Lord. I still am a degenerate who will do PUA stuff but my life has direction and no matter what I do, I have Divine Help so no need to worry about failing lol.


You have agency over it ultimately. Do not make my mistakes and take control of it. It is not like heroin addiction, also downvote the fuck out of me the next time I bring up ADHD. My ADHD is not the reason but just a cop out by me to justify incorrect habits.

I cannot fucking play it unfortunately, I got it off unlokcedsteam, terrible, terrible frame rate, below 10, so added a bunch of mods and now it won't open. I will just save money and buy it down the line or play something else. PLaying video games now is somehow harder than before.

Talking about gta 4 since even vice city wont work

The 2d ones?

I was trying to get vice city to work since I liked its vibe the most and played it as a toddler with my cousins lol, might have to load up 4 now since I could not find it on fitgirlrepacks.

What sorta progression should I roughly aim for? I stay in my house the entire day and do not have a boss since I run my own startup, the only time I leave is for my thrice weekly gym sessions. Also, should one start a stopwatch before a sit and time it every time and keep a record of it? My practice is extremely sporadic but whenever I do sit, I feel much better. I wish to someday achieve stream entry, it is not my goal though, it will be cool if i can reach to that point but for now, I simply wish to meditate daily and for longer periods of time. I just don't have any materials to use though. Since hareesh wallis paywalled all his free courses.

I was asking about walking meditation because my dog is overweight, she is 135 lbs and needs to walk daily to lose weight. I do not want to consume podcasts, ebooks or any other form of infotainment at that time, hence my question about walking meditation. I am really happy to see others on this site being experienced practitioners.

Great username. I'm at 15 minutes right now. I wanted to ask whether adding some walking meditation would help. I find meditation to be extremely potent, doing a sit right after posting this comment. I do one daily, 15 minutes.

ok so is it safe to do chin ups daily? would you recommend I switch my grip or not?