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User ID: 899



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It's honestly kind of depressing how much information, proof, etc Israel/IDF provides, and still cannot win trust. Of course it doesn't help when random mid-level Israeli bureaucrats tweet random posts of unverified bs that then gets debonnnked.

Like the Shifa Hospital situation the last few days. Images and videos of IDF bringing in supplies etc for patients in the hospital: "lies, they didn't actually do this!" "just for the video/photo-op!" etc. Of course, they ARE purposeful photo-ops that are trying to counter the anti-Israeli perspective.

And then anti-Israel people will post some link PROVING that Israel "lied" in the past, but then you read the link and it is IDF claiming responsibility for some error. "This is why IDF definitely did fire rockets at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza" etc etc. And of course then pictures come out and ... onto the next story!

It's the same as how US public comms is treated. Oh US DoD denies the casualty numbers claimed by a militia that just attacked a US base? "Lies!" "This means the casualty numbers are true!" When US DoD says, in the same manner, in the same channels, that they did something that can be seen as detrimental, like say they suffered some injuries, like US base got attacked - then what US is saying is of course true.

Everyone here probably knows this and has seen it play out. I'm just a little, idk, depressed and ranty about this.

(and I'm not ruling out that Israel does / can/ has lied about military actions, and god knows IDF has done their share of morally bad things in the past. But there just seems to be nothing israel can do to win over trust. But such is the tiktok PR battle we find ourselves in today.)

((IMO: US, Israel, and any faction that finds itself in a conflict and viewed as the more powerful "oppressor", should just keep silent and never say anything. Did Saudi announce things when fighting Houthis in Yemen? Or Assad when killing hundreds of thousands of people? I am no)

cuz US is on magic dirt, obviously.

if only those Indians in India could come stand on US soil, they’d become more competent in a flash!

/s obviously

off the top of my head: 1: are they paid ok by local standards? 2: do they have examples of promotion in their roles/teams/orgs, or are they all looking for the next gig on the side? 3: whats the management situation over there? affects everything listed here obviosly 4: hiring bar is low? 5: bad training?

Do you think people posting "Lies" are saying that because they remember, or even know, about these things you listed?

Not to say US / Israel / any other military are without blame for the lack of trust. I agree, US military has lied in the past, and the press/government/etc lied with it (possibly in other orders, like papers lied first, apparently, for the Spanish-American war). Not saying they are without sin.

But it does feel to me that the winningest move here is to not play at all (not fight). Failing that, don't say anything while playing and hopefully you win.

IDF making a lot of progress with minimal casualties https://x.com/yossi_melman/status/1721779627251695752?s=20

IDF arrived to the center of Gaza city. Both sides are surprised in a kind of mirror image. Hamas from how relatively Hamas defense lines were penetrated snd collapsed IDF because the advance was relatively fast and not too many casualties, which are in Gaza around 30.

(likely conservative estimate) map of IDF presence / progress: https://x.com/War_Mapper/status/1721646940780191941?s=20

what kind of hard punch you thinking? 1948? 1967? 1973? I mean were these just not hard enough punches?

The author is comparing private schools in US to private schools (actually public?!) in England surely! /s

best advice is to study cyclicality.

FB at 92 was a great buy.

oil stocks at negative oil price in 2020 was a great buy. uranium even now is a good buy. maybe even silver stocks?

i dont think you’d make as much, on a 5 year time horizon, if you out all into QQQ or google or something

i got the sense that majority of endowment growth is through investments, like how David Swensen ran the Yale endowment, or how much money Stanford makes from VC funds.

This is also true of public pensions, like CALPERS, or Ontario teachers union, or any of these big money funds that need to grow (though VC usually is not like, 50% of their investments).

Coupled with how well Griffin's Citadel grows the pile, it makes sense to invest in them (if harvard does invest in citadel funds - im not sure)

re cultural activities: Agree that if you only do/consume one thing, it's probably bad

re how people spend money: cultural elites just waste money on different stuff ime (in LA, mostly with entertainment folks, which i guess can be elite or not. Big diff is they can get free things vs the rich ppl in "lower brow" activities)

how reliable is max blumenthal? seems like hes always writing about “51 days in gaza” but wasnt actually there, etc.

do the citations substantiate his piece? sorry, have read his stuff before and am less trusting

well he hangs with other winners of capitalism.

compared to a group of Caesars, being a normal person is bad.

comparison is the thief of joy. i assume this contributed to his psyche. It definitely would to mine!

live your life, dont compare with others. ignorance truly is bliss

yes, not denying that. But those are less shocking than naked dead women being paraded around and spat on

arent they doing that? remove hamas, demilitarize gaza like they did west bank. West Bank is much wealthier than Gaza.

Anti-BDS laws are definitely evidence that they do exert policy power. But perhaps just not overwhelming. And definitely not today, when Dems are in charge, it seems.

But still, two carrier groups to that area, more munitions to Israel, etc. the US has her own interests in the ME (that are already being targeted and hit by Iranian-backed militias), so there's that reason too.

yes agreed. To me, it brings all kinds of doubts to other Gaza death tolls too

He recently posted a video of him playing tennis (shirtless!) and he looks pretty “mid” as the kids would say. Granted maybe he hasnt played tennis seriously in since high school. But im happy to have a young and not overweight president again.

what stops someone from joining the mormon church? If you dont have tradition you can buy into some, after all converting new people is a big part of the Mormon tradition with the missions that guys go on.

US troops are being hit in Iraq, Syria, etc by Iranian-backed groups, so it's not just Israel. Though the US isn't exactly doing a lot here to respond.

i remember reading a report or a narrative about yale law school affirmative action and them mentioning Thomas (or named him in it, before he was famous). It basically implied he wasn't that great of a student compared to his white peers. I might be remembering incorrectly though - if anyone knows what im referring to, please drop a link

is there proof in these links? Seems like all they can say is that they are "allegations"? Is there hard proof?

Elite liberal rapid liberals are in cities and many of them are in media, no? Why wouldnt they cover him if they are sympathetic?

Israel provided jobs to gazans before this. West bank is noticeably wealthier / HDI / whatever your metric is comparee to Gaza. I think Gaza would economically grow it fully embraced Israeli economic partnership

what about the Rafah crossing with Egypt? its not like israel surrounds Gaza

but israel/IDF had known for years if not decades about these tunnels. You are saying they have prepared for this sort of thing at all, even as an contingent solution?

Ivy league is D1 but does not offer athletic scholarships. Yes need based and many merit ones exist at harvard and other ivies. All the top Ivies and Stanford and other elite schools boast about how high % of their students receive at least some aid