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IDF making a lot of progress with minimal casualties https://x.com/yossi_melman/status/1721779627251695752?s=20

IDF arrived to the center of Gaza city. Both sides are surprised in a kind of mirror image. Hamas from how relatively Hamas defense lines were penetrated snd collapsed IDF because the advance was relatively fast and not too many casualties, which are in Gaza around 30.

(likely conservative estimate) map of IDF presence / progress: https://x.com/War_Mapper/status/1721646940780191941?s=20

what about the Rafah crossing with Egypt? its not like israel surrounds Gaza

yes, not denying that. But those are less shocking than naked dead women being paraded around and spat on

i remember reading a report or a narrative about yale law school affirmative action and them mentioning Thomas (or named him in it, before he was famous). It basically implied he wasn't that great of a student compared to his white peers. I might be remembering incorrectly though - if anyone knows what im referring to, please drop a link

Ah yes the hundreds of US troops in eastern Syria occupation to get their oil….

The Kurds / SDF take all the oil revenues. Lol. The country that produces the most oil in the world does not need to steal Syria’s, and the Syrian oil production is inconsequential to the world oil prices markets.

Do you think people posting "Lies" are saying that because they remember, or even know, about these things you listed?

Not to say US / Israel / any other military are without blame for the lack of trust. I agree, US military has lied in the past, and the press/government/etc lied with it (possibly in other orders, like papers lied first, apparently, for the Spanish-American war). Not saying they are without sin.

But it does feel to me that the winningest move here is to not play at all (not fight). Failing that, don't say anything while playing and hopefully you win.

what kind of hard punch you thinking? 1948? 1967? 1973? I mean were these just not hard enough punches?

Today, whether its harvard business school or Cornell or Columbia, the biggest growth clubs are the small businese investment clubs.

everyone with MBAs, who dont wanna do big corps, seem to wanna buy a cashflowing mom and pop business. opportunities might have been arb’d away

best advice is to study cyclicality.

FB at 92 was a great buy.

oil stocks at negative oil price in 2020 was a great buy. uranium even now is a good buy. maybe even silver stocks?

i dont think you’d make as much, on a 5 year time horizon, if you out all into QQQ or google or something

so you are saying if some jews go to yeshiva it doesn’t change rankings?

so to make eastern kentucky uni the best, it requires ALL the best jews and jewish faculty to go there?

good point. born psychopaths are still psychos and are bad for society

interesting idea re: time frame / right side of issues.

I felt freer to argue before 2017, but I was also much younger and people around me did not usually seem to have strong opinions

i got the sense that majority of endowment growth is through investments, like how David Swensen ran the Yale endowment, or how much money Stanford makes from VC funds.

This is also true of public pensions, like CALPERS, or Ontario teachers union, or any of these big money funds that need to grow (though VC usually is not like, 50% of their investments).

Coupled with how well Griffin's Citadel grows the pile, it makes sense to invest in them (if harvard does invest in citadel funds - im not sure)

Thanks, was curious on how that was sources/calculated

maybe one of the second-in-commands for Wagner was promised the top job if he (or maybe more than 1 person?) did what needed to be done

Edit: seems many of his second hands were in prisoned or otherwise out of the picture

Thats fair, and im not saying im was ever at that level either of course. Tho i assume to a normie “accomplished pianist” means playing difficult pieces, not necessarily “next Lang Lang”

Xi does not trust it, wsj article today or yesterday said rumors are he/his circle are suspicious of it, and think focusing in industrial capacity is better. Something about choices make ccp less important (i kind of doubt tho - the chinese consumer has so much choice!!)

Ironically the west / other countries’ consumption is what fuels chinas growth.

re cultural activities: Agree that if you only do/consume one thing, it's probably bad

re how people spend money: cultural elites just waste money on different stuff ime (in LA, mostly with entertainment folks, which i guess can be elite or not. Big diff is they can get free things vs the rich ppl in "lower brow" activities)

But i dont blame a random chinese company screwing up on silicon valley just cuz ethos is similar?

Diving tourism isnt exactly a silicon valley focus

Denmark was the first one I thought of, and to a lesser extent Norway and Finland (Sweden has too much immigration imo)

But yes between language, the normal stand-off-ness from Scandinavians, it does seem like you gotta have an "in" to make friends/have a community

Interesting angle!

ah ok. Understood

Not main character tho

Both teams have white head coaches and black QBs though

Hersh says in the article it’s supposed be during BALTOPS during a routine NATO exercise, so not covert.

Tweet thread already addresses this: https://twitter.com/joey_galvin/status/1623755578773209088