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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685

First punishing recividism more seems silly. Because a lot of people do age out of crime. Though we should do more small and frequent busts.

The bigger issue is Democracy. I have solutions to these problems. It’s probably something like making POTUS the head of the Mormon church. Requiring daily mass attendance or you I guess go to jail. I’d probably put homosexuals in jail. And of course trans wouldn’t exists. I’d ban birth control and abortion. And yes I think enforcing this strict cultural package from our past would solve a lot of these issues. While still keeping modern capitalism.

It does seem to me that religious societies don’t have the social ills you speak of so it seems to work. But I’m fairly certain I am not going to be allowed to do it. But yes I no longer think liberalism works for people who aren’t in the higher IQ parts of society and most would benefit for earlier cultural packages.

If we are talking about rehabilitative justice then it’s probably too late. Just give people a cultural package from the start they can succeed with.

But like I said Democracy. I don’t think I have any chance at enacting this. My theocracy i believe would work. DeBoer seems to be advocating for a statism I think would be awful. But it seems the key thing both have is forcing their plan on others. And I’m willing to give up my plan if I don’t have to risks their plan.

I remember reading a long time ago that as a democratically supported populist Erdogen always faced push back for bureaucracy and basically the PMC. Any time he tried to keep them in line and enforce his Democratic backing he came off authoritarian. And this is the way of all populists who always end up fighting the PMC and that fight always comes off unnatural. Same as Trump being investigated even before being elected by the fbi. The constant bureaucratic roadblocks makes a guy look authoritarian while they appear organic. Also same with Desantis attacks on DEI in universities - top down but Democratic control over organic PMC action.

Therefore, I support Erdogen. Not even 100% sure why but he feels like a natural ally. It feels like Trump versus Biden and I’m not voting for Biden. Also when the west does need something it seems like Erdogen always falls in line and helps.

Respectfully you’ve drank the trans koolaid if you think this post was bad

I have a simplified model of Russia. Imperial ambitions and territorial expansion is deeply embedded in their psyche. They never lost their colonial possession like the rest of Europe. Russian desires to dominate their neighbors is as deeply embedded as Americans clinging to their amendments. It’s what makes them feel Russian to be the top dog of their neighborhood.

Hence this is the war to end that with a humiliating defeat.

Centuries ago one people dominating the region may have been necessary due to the mongol/hun/etc, occasional European invasion threat due to geography. And hence Russia spent centuries fighting territorial expansion wars.

Are food allergies another aspect of the culture war? I was reading Reddit and a person was feeding 100 people and someone mentioned to make sure you have all the allergies/food restrictions covered. Being honest I’ve never met anyone with a food restriction I can think of except a lot of brown friends who won’t eat sausage but also have no problem with alcohol.

Ancient religions had a lot of restrictions, now Im borrowing this from elsewhere that the rise of food restrictions is just the same thing as ancients banning certain foods as holy acts. I’ve long argued that the culture wars are less of a culture war and more of a religious war and dietary restrictions are just a modern form of Jews and Muslims banning pork/shellfish etc and Catholics not eating meat on fridays. All religions seem to have focuses on eating and sexual rituals.

I know mental illness has far higher rates amongst lefties. My guess is dietary restrictions and food allergies are much higher in lefties and if your not in that religion it’s something you never think of.

Can anyone explain Duncan Hunter to me? American greed running an episode on him right now. Seems like he spent $60k of campaign money on personal expenses but was an early maga supporter. I know McConnel has made a ton of money off connections. Pelosi’s husbands trading. Obama had Rezko. Hunter got 630k a year from some Ukranian oligarch for a no show job. How can I not see this as a deep state job? He probably violated an actual law. But seems like a lot of people break laws but if your a Maga supporter a small technical violation makes you an episode of American greed but SBF gets glowing articles in the NYT.

Edit: I like Pelosi and McConnell. Realize their is going to be some corruption. And I’ve had a rum or two while watching this but really $60k gets you a labeled as a monster.

GOP launched their congressional investigation into Joe Biden today. Nail him to the fucking cross. Treat them how they have treated us.

I see you want to call him morally wrong by removing the majority of his argument because you know school shootings are used for politics and law he’s fundamentally correct on that point.

Trumps not going to lose this war. He will escalate to deescalate. It’s either going to end up frozen on current lines or American AirPower shreds the Russians.

Bidens been doing his typical Biden shit and screwing things up. He has had approval to send more weapons and has not. His people are afraid of escalation when the only thing Russians know is power.

Russian apologists will say Trump can’t do this. He’s not going to start his next administration losing a war. Winning a war gets all the neocons back on team Trump and kills all the lefts mythology of Trump being a Russian agent. Ukranians can fight the Russians to a standstill which is nothing compared to modern American military hardware and training. Send in some Polish ground forces backed by US air and the wars over in a month.

The Russian view of Ukranians being ethnic brothers would seem to refute this. It’s a valid reason. It is one rejected by Egypt mainly due to fears Palestinians would destabilize Egypt.

I have a different opinion on “he incited a riot”. I view the riot as justified. I loved Jan 6. The 2020 election was illegitimate in my opinion. Far too many Democratic norms were violated. I also think elites deserved a riot on their land as they spent 2020 inciting riots across the US. The anger that caused the riot on Jan 6 was caused by the left not Trump.

By the standard you are using for Trump isn’t Kamala guilty for Jan 6? She was a primary leader of all the justified grievances that blew up on Jan 6. Sure Trump gathered people there on Jan 6 and led a protest but all the anger that really incited the riot I believe came from Kamela’s words and actions.

Stripping Jews of political power and mass deportation is far right? I’ve never even heard of groups advocating for these things. Like msm tells me the Proud Boys are far right. I think the most extreme things they want is putting women back in the kitchen and being moms instead of corporate wage slaves.

As far as how they come to power? If it was 2010 and you told me I would see serious high level sports with a man taking first place I would laugh at you. So anything is possible.

How would they come to power? I don’t know. I could see it in Europe far easier. Africa is booming in population. If suddenly 400 million poor low hbd people entered Europe I have a feeling every native would turn into a hard rightist. This scenerio seems plausible to me in the next 50 years.

Curious why are you here? This whole board spends half its time devoted to “pack of lies told by the Democratic Party”

I mean pretty deep conspiracy theorist like I believe George Floyd was just a fentanyl overdose against the Democratic pack of lies.

I do have the priors to not trust the left. Won’t lie about that. And a lot of us do.

It’s not election season so we won’t see riots. I think this is a simple statement but completely true

Christianity solves this. Arguably it was one of the greatest solutions to incel issues. And by limiting females to one male guaranteed one female for every male.

I don’t believe this is the solution he is searching for.

Because none of that is factual.

  • West had limited involvement in maiden. It was mostly their own decision. Probably because they look west and Poland is getting rich and they look east and there’s a bunch of poor peasants

  • nato isn’t a threat to a nuclear power. And as this was has proven Ukraine has no choice but to join nato be an independent country

  • there’s some truth to suppression of Russian culture

  • Russia has at no point offered Crimea or the Eastern regions independence. Russia at no point has had a goal of less than regaining the all of Ukraine. Those regions were used as attempts to interfere with Ukranian politics and eventually reestablish control of kyiv

  • Not all countries get to control their neighbors. If we stop with an assumption that every country gets to dictate terms of their neighbors then every country would be at war constantly trying to establish that. Russia is clearly NOT capable of projecting force outside their borders anymore.

  • looking at history theirs a huge difference between being in American sphere of influence and in Russias sphere. Russians sphere well has things like Holodomore happen to them. The American sphere even when we do bad things has limited bad things happen to the people of the country. One can look at population charts and places like Iraq/Afghanistan barely see population drops and then they boom, while places like syria or Ukraine see huge pop drops when Russia gets involved.

Also saying something is a complex case and your opponents don’t think about those things isn’t true. We do think about those things. We just don’t find those as dominating factors.

Unions aren’t market forced and are protected by the government. Market forces would be the company paying the marginal wage to get to equilibrium for the workers they need which is often fairly high.

Ok but Christians don’t regard performance of ceremonies as virtues. Priest are in hell. Popes are not automatically Saints and many are not. People raised to Sainthood are people who are believed to have inner virtue. The reasons ceremonies are performed are to remind yourself of beliefs and virtues etc while also doing things that have specific connections with god - like the Eucharist’s.

I think deep down what you are getting at in your posts is that they realized hbd is true. It’s likely magnified by the barbell strategy of the left where they do well with the top 20% and bottom 30% of society. And the minorities in the left dominate the bottom 30%. With the right doing better in the middle class it means they would have I guess relatively underperforming whites and over performing minorities which would be closer on intelligence.

I think are just showing that they are aware of group differences. But I don’t think it really changed that they “really love minorities”.

When they use the word trans they mean people are actually females with male bodies etc. By they don’t exists that is what I mean. Instead they are like people who got really into Victorian dress except they got into wearing opposite gender clothing.

That being said I’m getting to the point of not caring about convincing the other side. It’s evil and I’m fine with authoritarian suppression.

Tech world is really coming off as a bunch of little over paid children right now.

The non consensual fantasies are not about some low-life dragging them into the ally raping them. It’s being raped by 35 year old Donald Trump or Tom Brady or perhaps even for an ugly version something like Harvey Weinstein. So I guess the fantasy still has consent since it’s only with someone desirable. But that person not being able to control himself and taking her without caring about her opinion of the matter.

Of course it’s obvious why females evolved to have rape fantasies. It was a survival tactic. Females survived by being able to emotionally deal with being raped by the more powerful. The rape of the Sabine was a founding story of Rome. 5-10% of the population in some regions have dna directly tied to Ghengis Khan. The Aztecs took the females of their conquored as additional wives (who could become high status)

We won Iraq. It’s a Democracy. Afghanistan still 20 years. So possible but long.

So you can’t even name one important thing African Americans did and accused me of not knowing history?

Being a day laborer (farmer/factory worker) is no different than being a cow in the field. We don’t study horses in history class.

Race literally doesn’t matter to me. It’s not an important thing.

Israel doesn’t have a mandate to kill Jew loving Palestinians. They would be forced to make peace immediately if Hamas rebranded to Jew loving Palestinians and the first step in that direction would be to release the hostages.

I love women and it’s far more than just wanting to Fuck.

If you made me gay or asexual I do not see any reason to ever talk to a women again. I can barely think of any women with any capability to be interesting. There are no female Elon Musks. No female econ writers I’ve ever read. The only fintwit personality I follow ended up being tran. Ruxandro Teslo is the only female writer I’ve found that has said interesting things. Jane Fraser is the only female executive I know of who seems to be talented. I feel like I’ve looked for smart females they are just very hard to find. When you remove the female energy and traits there just aren’t many doing anything.

I don’t believe I’m discriminating and setting a higher bar for female writers and thought leaders but it seems statistically significant of the two twitter “females” I found worth a follow on Twitter one ended up being a man.