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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685

Old = worked for 2k years as civilization exploded.

No interest in accepting Gazan refugees into the west. The Arab world can take them. They don’t fit the values of the western world. And yes I see the issue that the Arabs don’t want them either. But they are there people. Nobody wants them until they give up death cult.

This is catching my eye. Maybe more culture war than war. There’s a lot of canceling going on of people expressing antisemitism but I do think there’s a red line and the phrase they are using I would define as the genocidal anti-semitism. I do think social media allows for kids to do dumb shit and gets magnified too much.

The particular phrase is “Palestine shall be free from the river to the sea”. I wouldn’t have a problem with “Palestine shall be free” then maybe some kind of Gandhi type saying. That seems like normal do-gooder leftist that was quite normal in the ‘90’s to about 2010.

“From the river to the sea” sounds like straight up Hitler type solutions. I’m gonna call that bad. Whose indoctrinating these 15-22 year olds with this ideology. Do these kids understand the difference between Gandhi type stuff and Hitler? Is this me not being intune to tick-tock channels and the kids are just picking up a catchy chant but don’t really understand they are calling for genocide.


Wasnt referring to harm. But all the other benefits those firms provide. When a country gets sufficiently rich employees get to expect things like fully stocked kitchens and fancy lunches as a part of their pay.

I think he might be guilty of going too far. I expect a hung jury because these cases haven’t been working in NYC.

I think the bigger question is what should we be doing with people like Neely? He’s obviously a net negative utilitarian value on society harassing people all day with a potential to have a bad moment and throw someone in front of a train.

Just locking him in a cell seems a little mean and drastically increases his suffering. My solution sounds a little like slavery where we put people on a farm with supervision. He gets to do a little work like taking off vegetables etc. But is removed from society.

Fuck I’m bored. I hope Florida cops pull their guns on nyc cops and tell them to leave. That would entertaining and I believe appropriate.

I was thinking about something similar today. The real power is the Overton window and not values like free speech. I’ve long supported a character like Pinochet. I don’t give a shit about human rights for communists because if they ever gained power I view it as very bad for civilization. Therefore, I have no problem with death squats for communists. I’m ok with say 3% of US citizens being communists and having their free speech somewhere on Reddit. If they become politically powerful enough to take over the State I would support death squads here and not care about their human rights.

As a fan of the NFL I wouldn’t watch the games if they supported Kaepernick movement. I think he’s a racists. Atleast for his stated BLM goals that cops are racists and kill black people etc. I don’t think that argument stands up statistically which makes me view him as just a race warrior. Though if BLM had focused on other issues where I think things can be improved like statistically America probably doesn’t police enough and over jails. We could get less crime with more police on the street and letting more criminals out of jail. Jail really is inhumane but necessary. Think the basic theory is young people act irrationally but more police would increase the chance of being caught and reduce crime more than longer sentences.

Hockey is probably a little weird in that their players are likely heavily red tribe from small towns but their customers are highly blue tribe.

But this is mostly to my point trying to enforce different Overton windows and no one cares about free speech. In my case I do try to differentiate between speech that leads to bad things versus good things. But a lot of that’s just my opinion (which I think I’m smart).

100% Joe needs to be impeached by the House. Retaliatory strikes are necessary in war. GOP can’t let the first impeachment stand unpunished.

So basically Catholics versus Protestants and the other sides views are so evil and wrong we need to kill each other.

When the war starting?

Personally I think liberalism has proven stupider and the data like rising mental health issues, obesity, drug abuse, suicides, etc strongly support a belief that human utility is improved in traditional societies. I’m down for killing the pronoun brigades.

And I don’t think modern liberals are liberal. I think their Christian’s disagreeing on who gets to play Christ


(Link by part affiliation on whose most oppressed today and hence societies redeemer by hanging on the cross)

We’ve already played this game. We had trads and prots and came to America to start a new country that agreed we wouldn’t kill each other over Christ. Now once again we have trads and prots (who don’t realize their prots) deciding we need to kill each other again.

Sometimes simple comments say broad things for trends. In a group chat for a mixed group someone posted the Biden energy guy who likes stealing bags. I said if the Dems ran on their current platform in 2008 they would get 10% of the vote. I got a reply “truth”.

I can go back in time and pull up Joe Biden being very anti-gay marriage. Would it be fair to say if Joe Biden went in a coma in 2008 and woke up in 2022 he would be one of the most ardent Maga extremists? And a bunch of Republicans just voted for gay marriage.

The question I’m asking is it fair to say the left made a giant leap in roughly 15 years and the extremists today are just normal people not that long ago. I know this is meme. But is this factual?

I don’t think Meloni is for America. America is (D)iffetent in its own way. And our identity is different than Italys identity. Italy has a traditional identity. A great people in their own right. Some of the interchangeable comes to America as the country with the identity of immigrant.

That being said America itself needs to have its community with their identity and not the overall what people like to call globo-homo. People do need their families. Their neighbors. Their community.

I don’t see any reason why nationalism and neoliberalism can’t coexists. The Italians can be Italians and trade with the French who are French or the Persians in Iran. And neoliberalism has its role that these places get along. And some places become like America as melting parts.

Neoliberalism shouldn’t mean that you don’t have your culture, your people, your god, your nation, your family. They can coexists.

Meloni is a special politician. She’s going to change the world. She’s everything people wanted from Trump when he was really just about owning the libs.

The World is a lost place right now. I’ve long thought the world was on the brink of a religious rebirth. And I was correct. GameStop religion was born. Bitcoin religion was born. Maga religion was born. Wokeism was born. People trying to cling to whatever cult or identity they can find. Searching for community.

This might be a weird distinction but I do not think most of the protestors are antisemitic in the traditional sense (some are) but they are against Jewish traits. Being wealthy, successful, intelligent, winners in a meritocracy, puts Jews at the top of the oppressor pyramid. If Jews practiced the Jewish religion but were poor and not in power then the protestors would not care about them.

I am not sure if that is the same thing as antisemitism. There may no no functional difference since the protestors will always be against Jewish interests.

The only thing that leans me towards it actual antisemitism is because the protestors do not pay attention to any of the other wars going on in the world. Non of the protestors are going to Ukraine to protect the Ukranians despite Ukraine facing far worse than Palestine.

The curious thing is whether this will lead to a Trump vote in the US. The left activist class and normie Dems seem to have a large policy gap now. The masks has come off and the activist really are just marxists (which they could survive) and antisemitic.

Isn’t the fact they look the same the counter to the steelman type arguments that Palestinians should fight for their land - blood and soil type arguments. Especially Mizrahi Jews they share a lot of the same genetic ancestry. They just have a different faith but are significantly the same people. Israel isn’t the all European Jewry like they were in the past. Which seems to be an issue shared in all the conflicts today. Russians and Ukraines are nearly the same yet they kill each other.

Honestly I don’t think you are being intellectually honest saying your fine with those people having free speech.

If the commies were in position to actually win and their numbers just went from 20 to 30% and you knew in 5 years they would succeed taking over every institution and you would suddenly being living in Mao China then you would not say you support free speech for them.

Let’s say you are Musks. You own twitter. You can hit a red button let’s call it the deplatform button. If you hit it the commies lose momentum and disappear. If you don’t hit it then you live in communists china in 5 years.

I would not believe you if you told me you won’t hit the red button. You are fine with them having free speech provided they are small and not in charge of real power. But that changes quickly if their free speech leads to winning the ideology battle.

The point of free speech is

Speech = win battle of ideology = win power = enforce their ideology on you

Markets are natural. They come up organically. People who specialize in one thing want to trade with people who specialize elsewhere.

The only thing govs do for markers is prevent crime.

Almost all unions require government intervention to exists because they violate market forces. UAW wouldn’t exists without government protection.

Interesting case. Now I disagree with unions (in most cases) and I believe you should be allowed to fire someone because they are a Christian and vice versa or because they have a skin color you don’t like.

But since there is a union involved I definitely think special protections should be involved. The flight attendant can’t bargain for herself and work in her chosen profession. It’s not a free market. It’s already at its core a coercive relationship where she’s forced to join the union.

Stones her union rep by government force. So she certainly should have to deal with the complaints of her constituency. Without knowing all the legalese here it feels like this was decided correctly.

But a core part of this to me comes from unions only existing because of government violence. Otherwise they wouldn’t exists.

There are a small amount of unions that would freely appear without government. Construction is one potential area as project may be short-lived and both sides of the transaction would prefer to work with an organization verifying worker quality.

The solution in a free market (works best when it’s a constant costs business like airlines and not firms with moats who can discriminate) would be for the wrong thinkers or wrong skin pigment bidding their labor cheaper than the right thinkers and the firm hiring the wrong thinkers makes more money.

Problem is I think Trump lying was justified. Joe was supposedly behind the Logan Act attacks on General Flynn. HRC et all created RussiaGate. Even if Trump 100% believe he lost the vote the GOP had plenty of Casus Belli to discredit the Biden regime by any means possible and treat them how he was treated.

Why are you attacking Christians in this? And no simply confessing loyalty etc and doing signs of the cross is NOT sufficient. Sure there are some watered down Christian sects out there etc but this is low manning Christianity in an unnecessary way to make your point. And simply not true.

Honestly sure there are some interesting thoughts here but there is no reason to deal with a post that attacks an unrelated third group.

It seems overall there are two things floating around. Some want to say the US use to run an immigration successful on some argument of lots of demand for manual labor plus strong culture. But we still have a large amount of African Americans who have failed to ever adapt to America. And some may save native Americans too. The reservation population seems to have never integrated and I’m guessing the non-reservation population probably intermixed too much.

The Hispanic population in America does seem to be approaching the mean on a lot of categories. Like the Italians and Irish. Educationally I believe there are still gaps but criminality I believe is the same as whites now. That gives me a lot more faith that 50 years from now the Middle East population in Sweden will be ok. They are basically white adjacent or just white so the long term hbd concerns wouldn’t seem as big. At worse probably approach the Hispanic community in the US of close enough on criminality but lower educational attainment. Especially at the talked about 5-10% of the population.

It just struck me. We haven’t had a pure meta thread. What is at the core of the breakdown in America between two sides. Is it just social media boosting of traditional sports team enthusiasm in sports? And at its core team left and team right get along in person but in online like fighting each other for entertainment? Team left likes standing up a fentanyl addicted criminal as a martyr or a male swimmer in female sports to accuse those who will take the other side as racists Hitler types? And team right likes to own them. Or is there some marxists conspiracy or Christian white behind all this?

I’ll take the view that traditional status symbols still dominate day to day life. I’ll take the view that liberal rich trust fund kid is still going to date the hot brunette from Vassar. And the liberal girl will still marry the frat boy whose parents are real estate developers.

Sure I’m setting up a lot of motte and Bailey’s. Is this just a game among elites and then followed on by keyboard warriors on social media.

Atleast with this case there’s a bit of statute of limitations issue. Shouldn’t someone at some point not have to own up to “I use to be a very bad person” - like I don’t know almost 3 decades seems enough.

Or let’s say a prominent politician use to be an escort (cough Kamela Harris; more of a mistress) and some dudes bragging about how he paid $500 to bang the first women POTUS. I think it’s reasonable she shouldn’t have to say yea I was a whore. But she’s now defamed they guy.

Also in this specific case I don’t think Trump really got a chance to testify in court. In part because he’s the most investigated guy ever and anything he misstates would be open to perjury. And also give the opposing attorney a chance for a fishing expedition on anything (like Jan 6).

Actually it is or it’s 50-50 depending how you read these Under Texas law, you need to prove the following elements to successfully claim self-defense:

You used an adequate amount of force.

You reasonably believed that the use of force was immediately necessary.

You did not provoke the other person.

You were not attempting to commit a crime when using force.

I think for this case he had to reasonably believe a use of force is necessary. I’m not sure how that compares to reasonable doubt of guilt.

Ya agree.

My dog always wants to sit in a human seat when we eat. And he will be quiet and pretend he’s part of the conversation and mimics our behavior like he’s a human. He’s still a dog.

Also got my first don’t be evil reddit notification. Felt proud of it. I’ve definitely hardened in my belief from wtf are these people talking about to actively opposing Tran life.