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Culture War Roundup for the week of November 28, 2022

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Unsurprising. According to the NYT feat Steve Sailer, Jews obviously dominate only as University Presidents, at 56%, less so as heads of news and media companies (36-40%), and across the sample of powerful positions the NYT has gathered make up merely 13%, which given what we know about IQ disparities probably indicates systemic anti-Semitism. Consider this also an endorsed alternative to your work (in the future, please attach CSV at least, when you're talking about 414 data points and aggressively demanding a quantitative analysis).

Seriously though, I do suspect that this methodology is wrong, much like counting ML papers and SOTA results on synthetic benchmarks can create the impression that the US is lagging behind China (indeed, «The China-US AI research gap has continued to widen, with Chinese institutions producing 4.5 times as many papers than American institutions since 2010, and significantly more than the US, India, UK, and Germany combined»), while in reality not a single Chinese paper is of any consequence and Google alone, with a few dozen major papers, is running circles around the entire rest of the planet, with OpenAI and Meta in tow.

Goldman Sachs is not bigger than JPMorgan Chase, but it aggressively defines standards and pushes ethical guidelines for others to follow; it may be that David Solomon, or whatever he represents, has higher agency than Jamie Dimon. And do you seriously say that the CEO has 1/10th of the power because there are 9 more executives listed? Does Xi have 1/7th of the Standing Committee's power?

To be fair, he could have even less. Structure matters. Maybe it's like the difference between the LA Times and the New York Times: «...the Los Angeles Times, where I worked twice, for instance, was a reporter-driven, bottom-up newspaper. [...] It was a shock on arriving at the New York Times in 2004, as the paper’s movie editor, to realize that its editorial dynamic was essentially the reverse. By and large, talented reporters scrambled to match stories with what internally was often called “the narrative.” We were occasionally asked to map a narrative for our various beats a year in advance, square the plan with editors, then generate stories that fit the pre-designated line.» I suspect it's not a coincidence that Sulzbergers guard their turf so jealously while the LA Times is ran more like a regular business. (In the same vein, what is interesting about Goldman Sachs is not its current CEO but the historical predominance of Jewish executives, and the often clannish nature of their succession. GS is not merely a property).

BlackRock, meanwhile, this «industry leader in environmental, social and corporate governance» that issues moralizing letters to its clients, is not even a bank, has pitiful assets by bank standards and can mainly brag of «assets under management» ($10 trillion of them, though) and thus doesn't make it to your list with its diverse leadership.

It may work the other way around too. Like Churchill has said once, «...the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews.» This is an unsubstantiated, qualitative judgement of a savvy well-connected operator, that no counting of raw beans could check – how do we know if Litvinoff truly was more powerful than Tchitcherin? His rank doesn't indicate that! Kushner, too, didn't outrank Trump, nor does Blinken outrank Biden, yet the former has bragged of defining Trump's policy in the Middle East (one of the few parts of Trump's presidency that have been allowed posterity) and basically running the whole show, and the latter is perhaps more influential still. And someone like Pompeo is a purebred Gentile, but his beliefs about the supernatural primacy of Israel, uhh... Ditto for Pelosi – does it matter if she isn't as Jewish as Schumer?

Now, how do we develop a proper methodology for apportioning relative power of groups in a principled way? I admit it's hard, but I think this involves what Moldbug is going on about with his reformalization. We evaluate individual actors as moved by others or actively moving them; their interpersonal relationships and their career obligations to organizations with unambiguous and hopefully self-admitted allegiances; we chart trajectories leading people from the crib to powerful positions; and thus reveal a network of influence.

Necessarily, this is going to give off crazy vibes – so nobody decent will bother. Certainly couldn't be me!

China does very well in computer vision, they lead the US there. Surely their world-leading papers are of consequence. Computer vision isn't as sexy as language models or image generation but it is still important. The Chinese aren't even that far behind the US in LLMs, they're apparently ahead of GPT-3, so only about a year behind at most.

Supposedly, they're spending significantly more on military AI than the US, despite an overall budget discrepancy. There's no shortage of STEM talent in China and they are hard-working, energetic people. I think they remain a contender. You are too blackpilled on US hegemony. Nothing yet is locked in, the dice are still in the air.

It may work the other way around too. Like Churchill has said once, «...the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews.» This is an unsubstantiated, qualitative judgement of a savvy well-connected operator, that no counting of raw beans could check – how do we know if Litvinoff truly was more powerful than Tchitcherin?

Well, we now know how it ended, we have the benefits of knowing that ZOG even at its strongest stands no chance against COG.

Lesson of history is: if you have a (((problem))) in your house, call the Caucasians

Lesson of history is: if you have a (((problem))) in your house, call the Caucasians

Should you, though?

I've read some Trotsky. He was an intellectual, at least; some of his views (which you have linked to) are close to mine. Yes, chutzpah, double-or-nothing, wasting the Russian people as kindling to start the global Revolution, all that's true – but would it have worked? With the benefit of hindsight we know also that Trotskyism is incapable of seizing power and easily falls to dynamics one can observe in an ordinary nerd community; it is quite likely that his brazen escapades would have culminated in a swift collapse, not unlike FTX, freeing the Northern Eurasia for some freer and nicer future. Likewise, hilariously Jewish and unbelievably extreme power grabs in Germany (e.g. the Bavarian Levien-Levine duo have not persisted, instead only priming the polity for eventual acceptance of local far-right forces, which... ended up having their own problems.

Now, Stalin was a political animal of the basest sort, a man who knew few things, but among them how to grab and not let go. Georgians provide the lion's share of ex-USSR's thieves-in-law, Stalin was the apex of the type, and the country reigned by Georgian-Mingrelian mafia was entirely deserving of the moniker «Empire of Evil» (arguably unlike the older, softer, Slavic-ran Sovok). If that is the natural antidote, is it truly better than the poison? Is «ZOG» the worst rule that can befall a people?

(Stalin was supported in his atrocities and outlived by one lesser-known Lazar Kaganovich who, according to some rumors, played part in his death, participated in an attempt to seize power in 1957, survived that, and has almost outlived the Union itself; but that's neither here nor there).

I don't understand this argument. («And they lost», as @Stefferi triumphantly puts it, but there it's expected – by Stefferi's motivated reasoning, the very fact that Kanye dared to mouth off with his death con, before getting canceled from everywhere and divested from, is evidence of the powerlessness of Jews in entertainment, so it's not surprising if eventual loss of a groups retroactively makes its period of dominance fictitious).

It is true that Russians have been historically underrepresented among the country's elite, where descendants of Northern Europeans competed with more clannish non-Slavic locals. This is nothing to be proud of, but also fairly typical in less developed countries. One can conclude that the Russian National State is sorely needed, or discuss which mix in particular was more tolerable. I believe that both «Jewish» and «Caucasian» periods of the USSR were extraordinarily ruinous, far more so than the stagnant «Slavic» period, that the «Jewish» period of post-USSR was also extremely bad, that the «Russian-Caucasian» period following it was fairly tolerable if not for its culmination in... well, this; and in general the period of dominance of elites with German heritage was not hopeless and brought Russia the closest to the bleeding edge of contemporary civilization.

If possible, I'd have swapped Germans for the French, as they themselves tried to do in spirit and education.

I've read some Trotsky. He was an intellectual, at least; some of his views (which you have linked to)

No need for top effortposter flattering ordinary pleb shitposter, but it is appreciated ;-)

are close to mine.

This famous (very unegalitarian) quote?

"The average human type will rise to the heights of an Aristotle, a Goethe, or a Marx. And above this ridge new peaks will rise."

We are closer to this shining future than even before. In today's world, all world's knowledge that dwarfs British Library of 1800's like Himalayas dwarf the molehill is available on everyone's fingertips, publishing your work of unlimited length for whole world to see is even easier, and, in developed parts of the world, sweet NEET life is possible without being born in family of bankers and lawyers, marrying into nobility and mooching off capitalist friend.

Even the most average human being could be Marx today, and there are indeed many such cases

Likewise, hilariously Jewish and unbelievably extreme power grabs in Germany (e.g. the Bavarian Levien-Levine duo have not persisted, instead only priming the polity for eventual acceptance of local far-right forces, which... ended up having their own problems.

Assuming it was even meant to "persist", see this amusing anecdote from contemporary witness

Now, Stalin was a political animal of the basest sort, a man who knew few things, but among them how to grab and not let go.

You know this is unfair to old uncle Joe. Ordinary bandit would not feel the need of joining any revolutionary party, when he could keep his loot for himself.

Do you expect that, for example, Ramzan Kadyrov, has in his palace library of 20,000 heavily annotated volumes?

(maybe he does, maybe all the funny Caucasian hijinks are just one big ruse, and Russia and the world are for a big surprise ;-) )

I don't understand this argument. («And they lost», as @Stefferi triumphantly puts it, but there it's expected – by Stefferi's motivated reasoning, the very fact that Kanye dared to mouth off with his death con, before getting canceled from everywhere and divested from, is evidence of the powerlessness of Jews in entertainment, so it's not surprising if eventual loss of a groups retroactively makes its period of dominance fictitious).

When you are painting (((them))) as some unstoppable juggernaut, pointing that most pronounced period of dominance, one cited as example of supreme power lasted barely more than 10 years and was ended by ordinary mountain man is useful argument.

the very fact that Kanye dared to mouth off with his death con, before getting canceled from everywhere and divested from, is evidence of the powerlessness of Jews in entertainment, so it's not surprising if eventual loss of a groups retroactively makes its period of dominance fictitious).

My argument wasn't that they are powerless, of course. The argument was that they do not hold absolute power; Kanye cannot in fact be stopped from spreading his message, even if there are inefficiencies. At least if the triumphalist narratives from various antisemites I've seen hold, this is having a real effect, too.

Likewise, when it comes to the specific claim of Bolshevism as Jewish agenda, the Jews in the Soviet Union never held anything like absolute power; for a while, many important Bolsheviks were Jewish, sure, but even during this period we cannot talk of "Jewish rule", and most of the powerful Jewish Bolsheviks fell from their heights pretty much right after the Revolution, which especially in hindsight serves as more proof about the tendentious nature of their power even during the period.

Frankly, all the talk about Soviet Union under "Jewish rule" or "Caucasian rule" or even Russian Empire under "German rule" just seems like deflection from the most obvious narrative: Russian Empire, Soviet Union and the current Russian Federation have all been fundamentally Russian projects, with the reigning group, in the end, being Russians or Russified/Russianizing minorities. The same eternal Russia, just changing garbs from one to another.

At least if the triumphalist narratives from various antisemites I've seen hold, this is having a real effect, too.

Well, have they ever held? Did the «sheeple» ever «wake up» from some media imbroglio? What's the exact scenario here? I can tell what the most probable and boring one is: Kanye burning through his remaining social and financial capital and simply becoming irrelevant; some kooks following him into the depths of Q-adjacent conspiracies; his image in the public eye gradually transforming from «that rap icon with a few wacky ideas» to «that schizo antisemite who was popular for a while somehow; man, Millenials sure were gross bigots». This isn't the first time this has happened to the biggest guy in his respective arena – Ford, Disney, Fischer to name a few; probably Musk soon.

Do you happen to disagree with me and agree with triumphalist antisemites?

I think you are the one dutifully deflecting from noticing the sovereign – as befits a politician.

Russian Empire, Soviet Union and the current Russian Federation have all been fundamentally Russian projects, with the reigning group, in the end, being Russians or Russified/Russianizing minorities.

I guess that's how it must look from a de facto ethnostate.

What happens to Kanye himself is largely irrelevant. I mean, he is a schizo, both regarding his longtime erratic general behavior and the specific form of his theorizing - unless one believes that Black-Hebrew-Israeli generated narratives in general within the sphere of credible politics. The point was that even this schizo, fundamentally, cannot be stopped from spreading his point of view, and the effect seems to be rather a negative than a positive one for the Jewish community.

I guess that's how it must look from a de facto ethnostate.

One might look at it that way. From my perspective, though, all the Russian nationalist talk about "it was the JEWS who did the Soviet Union! Not us! The Jews!" just looks like fundamentally a gigantic pile of cope, a complete deflection of national responsibility.

The point was that even this schizo, fundamentally, cannot be stopped from spreading his point of view, and the effect seems to be rather a negative than a positive one for the Jewish community.

That's just a "one man's modus ponens..." type of disagreement. I am arguing that his defining characteristic that has allowed his views certain exposure is his near-unrivaled eminence as a brand name and public entertainer, not his Black Hebrew opinions one could as well get from a deadbeat with a crack pipe on a seedy back alley in Baltimore. For you it's «even this schizo cannot be stopped from mouthing off», for me it's «even this celebrity can be canceled, barely making a splash».

The reason I believe my frame is more correct is that if even this schizo could be «stopped» – that is, stopped sooner and more completely, erased from the public consciousness like Yezhov from that photo – we'd have been living in a totalitarian world, walking on tight leashes, much like Chinese businessmen for the last few years, humbled by Jack Ma's adventures. Like, I've asked you the last time – what then? If not even a batshit crazy billionaire celebrity can realistically do something like this, what's happening?

I guess the answer is something like «credible politics is happening».

From my perspective, though, all the Russian nationalist talk about "it was the JEWS who did the Soviet Union! Not us! The Jews!" just looks like fundamentally a gigantic pile of cope, a complete deflection of national responsibility

But you're not talking of nations here; and Bolsheviks were explicitly opposing Russian nationalism (which, by the way, earned them enthusiastic support of such currently anti-Communist peoples as Latvians). Do you hold Chinese nationalists to the same standard of collective ethnic responsibility? Or is escaping to an island under American patronage, instead of dissolving in Paris on the account of having no such islands around, enough to earn your pardon?

How do you think Russian Nationalists fared post-1917? Specific career trajectories, please. For example, Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov – a typical Jew-counting nationalist of the type you're ridiculing here, who was screaming bloody murder about Jews distributing anti-Tsarist agitation since early 1900's. Did he hop on the Soviet bandwagon to glorify the slightly transformed Motherland? No, he predictably got executed by a bunch of Cheka Jews (according to his wife, shot by a certain unsettlingly bloodthirsty youth called Davidson). Ilyin escaped such a fate to Switzerland. On the less effete side, what about Vrangel, Ungern, Denikin and so on?

As a movement, Russian Nationalists, whether of Russian, German, Polish or any other ancestry, did take responsibility, as well as they could, which was perhaps not well at all. They had their intellectuals, their extremist factions, their attempts to steer the discourse. First, their preferred (albeit not particularly interested in their input) regime was toppled using terrorism and propaganda, disproportionately organized by people like Gershuni and Azef and financially supported by people like Jacob Schiff; then they were defeated in the course of a civil war, in which the principal agency on the opposing side belonged to people like Trotsky. That those cerebrally inclined victors soon lost to a more primitive mafia, which in turn was supplanted by Slavs in the long run, changes little.

It can be said that vae victis, and anyway Russians en masse chose Reds over Whites. It is certainly easy to understand how neighboring nations do not give much of a fuck whether Kremlin is White or Red and hold that the only good Russian is a dead one. Nevertheless, it's clear that at the time of those events Russians en masse were ignorant apolitical peasants and frustrated workers with just about enough agency to get a clue which side promises gibs or will punish them harder for non-cooperation, and that intellectually the broader Socialist and specifically Bolshevik movement was dominated by Jews, this trend starting long before Lenin.

After all, even he discovered Das Kapital through the lecture of Moisey Mandelshtam – as told by Radek.

"Russian nationalists" is quite obviously a different thing than "Russians", just like "Jewish nationalists" (arguably a more compact name here is "Zionists") is different from "Jews". Russian nationalists, as a specific ideology, obviously didn't fare very well in the Russian Revolution and Soviet Union, but Soviet Union was still fundamentally mainly a Russian project (though, as said, often supported and advanced by Russified and Russianizinf minorities), a continuation of the previous Russian state, just as the current Russian Federation is the (direct) continuation of RSFSR, and Soviet Union more generally.

Yeah, I mean, that Churchill quote is about the worst example that one can use, since we know now that Trotsky, Zinoviev etc. would be sidelined very quickly (even before their actual fall it was not them getting their policies through in the short run, ie. before Stalin took over the show firmly - it was Bukharin, Rykov etc. who formed the majority in Politburo with Stalin implementing the NEP and the more moderate 20s foreign policy, and Stalin only turned on the Right after marginalizing the Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev for good. Not exactly what I'd call a firm source of principal inspiration and driving power! Litvinov was also (during a later period, of course) used for a time for whatever purposes Stalin had and then dumped quick once his Jewishness became an obstacle to getting closer to Nazi Germany.

In general, it's the study of early Soviets that has most convinced me how tendentious the "Jew-counters" tend to get. I've seen people argue that Lenin was Jewish (according to current info Lenin might have been 1/4 Jewish, but if he was, he didn't know his roots), that Stalin was Jewish (some theory says that "Dzugashvili" comes from a word meaning Jew - it doesn't, that Bukharin was Jewish (absolutely no other reason to suspect so expect that he was a Bolshevik - yes, it's that circular), that other early firmly gentile communist figures like Engels and Karl Liebknecht were Jewish etc etc. Or people using this Putin quote as first proof that the first Soviet government was 80 % Jewish - one can actually go to Wikipedia to check the ethnicities of the members of the first Council of People's Commissars, and as far as I've been able to ascertain, only one of them was (Trotsky).

Or people using this Putin quote as first proof that the first Soviet government was 80 % Jewish - one can actually go to Wikipedia to check the ethnicities of the members of the first Council of People's Commissars, and as far as I've been able to ascertain, only one of them was (Trotsky).

BTW, to all people who complain about "Jewish control", look at Tsarist Russia.

Here is the last Tsarist government, count the names.

Yes, German names, 5 out of 16. I am too lazy to look up percentage of Germans in Russian empire and calculate the overrepresentation rate right now, but at first sight, GOG makes ZOG look like amateurs.

The difference is that you don't need to look for reasons why the Tsarist government was so bloodthirsty because it wasn't.

When you are looking over Soviet governance you have to answer the question of "why were they so downright genocidal against Russians?". Ethnic animus is one of the answers that is on the table.

1/4 Jewish

Good enough for Israeli Law of Return.

one can actually go to Wikipedia to check the ethnicities of the members of the first Council of People's Commissars,

Given the Soviet Union’s complexity and predilection for numerous layers of bureaucracy it is a difficult to quantify the number of Jews throughout senior leadership positions during and just after the revolution of 1917. Half of the top contenders in the Central Committee of the Communist Party to take power after Lenin’s health declined in 1922 – Lev Kamenev, Trotsky and Zinoviev – were Jewish. Yakov Sverdlov, the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee from November 1917 to his death in 1919, was Jewish. Born in 1885, he had joined the Russian Social Democratic Party in 1902 and became a member of the Bolshevik faction with Lenin early on. Like others of his generation he took part in the 1905 revolution. His father converted to Russian Orthodoxy.

The Central Committee of the USSR is instructive as an indicator of the prominence of Jews in leadership positions. In the Sixth Congress of the Bolshevik Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and its Central Committee elected in August 1917, we find that five of the committee’s 21 members were Jewish. This included Trotsky, Zinoviev, Moisei Uritsky, Sverdlov and Grigori Sokolnikov. Except for Sverdlov, they were all from Ukraine. The next year they were joined by Kamenev and Radek. Jews made up 20% of the central committees until 1921, when there were no Jews on this leading governing body.

Good enough for Israeli Law of Return.

But also not enough to be sent automatically to the camps in Nazi Germany (unless there were other complicating factors, of course). Why would this be the relevant criteria, again, especially - as stated - as there is no evidence that Lenin was ever aware of his Jewish heritage?

Half of the top contenders in the Central Committee of the Communist Party to take power after Lenin’s health declined in 1922 – Lev Kamenev, Trotsky and Zinoviev – were Jewish.

And they lost.

Jews made up 20% of the central committees until 1921, when there were no Jews on this leading governing body.

Which is more than expected on the basis of demography, but hardly anywhere close to anything forming a majority, or even a commanding plurality (especially considering that Jewish Bolsheviks often fought among themselves - Zinoviev and Kamenev turning on Trotsky etc.)

To me it seems that there are fairly good neutral explanations why there were more Jews than would demographically have been expected in early stages of Bolsheviks/CPSU; it was natural for Jews to gravitate to revolutionary left-wing politics in a situation where the right wing was openly antisemitic as a matter of course and centrism often meant the tacit preservation of antisemitic structures, and as an added factor Bolsheviks had a specific need for people who knew German (Yiddish would at least offer you a good basis for this) for diplomatic purposes in the early years, with many Bolsheviks of the Jewish ethnicity having prominent diplomatic roles, and also the language factor allowing many Jewish Bolsheviks to become exiles easily, benefitting from hanging around with Lenin who was also an exile. Once those factors became less relevant, the power of such people diminished rapidly, often with fatal results.

(Of course one could also argue that exactly none of them were Jewish in the religious sense, as Bolshevik Party required strict atheism of all of its members anyhow...)

(Of course one could also argue that exactly none of them were Jewish in the religious sense, as Bolshevik Party required strict atheism of all of its members anyhow...)

As the joke goes:

"What are you worried about? Your documents say 'Russian'!"

"So? They're gonna break my face, not my documents!"

(Lost in translation: the ambiguity between "hit in the face" and "hit according to the face")

...How many Russians and Russian speakers are here anyway?

Ironically the best explanation I can think of for higher Jewish agency is a rejection of the "greedy Jew" stereotype. It would be the gentile who is greedy. The Jew will not go against his own people for a dollar, and in fact puts a high monetary value on the success of his kin. The gentile can be controlled with Jewish money because the gentile is selfish, short sighted and greedy. The gentile wants more stuff and will sacrifice his kin to get it. Therefore Jews have free reign to set the culture and all the gentiles kowtow to AIPAC and ADL because they aren't willing to bear the cost of not doing so. Jews on the other hand will gladly sacrifice some profit and spend a lot of money cancelling, for instance, on of the most successful rappers ever, Kanye West, even though it would be better for business to keep making deals with Kanye.

According to the NYT feat Steve Sailer,

Inage and article linked in this tweet, cites a tweet by @PhilippusArabus who appears to have "protected" their tweets. Here is the source, archived.

The complexity of power is indeed one of the principle problems with describing and understanding it.