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Culture War Roundup for the week of January 30, 2023

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We won Iraq. It’s a Democracy. Afghanistan still 20 years. So possible but long.

So the people of Iraq, that hate America and wish for nothing more than to see it destroyed, can now vote and this is a win for the US because? Not that this is an actual worry since Iraq, by some think tank standards, has not been less democratic since they starting measuring the country in 2006. And is categorized as "authoritarian", ranking 124th out of 167.

I'm reminded of the color revolution in Egypt and the democratic upheaval in the country that resulted in the most backward Islamic rule in recent times to win control over the country because, contrary to the words of liberal-progressive English speaking university students that could give interviews to CNN on the ground, the voting majority was anything but. This then lead to a hastily organized military coup to correct the record of the peoples will. Democracy indeed.

I guess I am asking what on earth 'you' won.

These are always boring semantic debates. If I set out to beat you until you love me, and after an hour of beating I give up because you still hate me, leaving you a bloody unconscious mess on the ground while I’ve scraped my knuckles who has lost? Who won? I failed to achieve my goal, it’s true. But I was hardly scratched while you are near death. Even harder to say I lost and you won. Perhaps my goal and plan to achieve it was foolish and impossible, but at the same time I demonstrated my ability to beat the shit out of you without even breaking a sweat. Win and lose in situations like this are just silly labels like we are keeping score.

But I was hardly scratched while you are near death.

Bar the other person not being near death, and you being hardly scratched.

I mean, if we're taking this example as Russia, then 'you' have a very visibly broken nose, an eye and a half swollen shut, a hand already with mangled fingers, and are still banging 'your' head into the other guy's fist, even as the bystanders pass him another shiv while steadying him on his feet.

No one takes Russian claims about not being affected by the war seriously- Russia is going to be in recovery for over a decade, and it's not exactly standing over someone else kicking down anymore either. The war has destroyed Russia as a strategic competitor, let alone regional hegemon, for a generation, and the question is whether the Western support gets bored and goes away in the next few years.

Considering the Americans have made anaconda strategies something of a strategic art, press X to doubt.*

*Or, mea culpa, I missed the proper target of the metaphor.

Let’s be fair Russia still has the Japan route. Hang Putin. Install Navalny (supposedly he’s as bad as Putin but he should have seen enough to change his views now). Have Navalny talk about his ❤️ of gay people. Get sanctions lifted day one. Get the beltway crowd to say it’s a new day in Russia. Perhaps even get America to pay them instead of the ‘90s when I think we just sent advisors - figured it out yourself. For the right talk about how bad China’s system is.

Then you either actually reform or you change a few Moscow elites and regional oligarchs and we go forwards. Renounce any desire for vassal states.

We would be stupid not to take that deal even if it meant sending 500 billion Marshall plan to Russia. Then the whole globe besides China would be western aligned without any potential patrons.

What a delusional posting.

500 billion wouldn't change anything notable, even if they won't be stolen by both US and Russia officials.

Pre-WW2 Japan was already growing economically fast.

I think you misunderstood. America is the assailant in this analogy, and America's enemies are the ones being beaten.

Is that so? If so, I misunderstood the comparison. Mea culpa.

These are always boring semantic debates. If I set out to beat you until you love me, and after an hour of beating I give up because you still hate me, leaving you a bloody unconscious mess on the ground while I’ve scraped my knuckles who has lost?

You have. I'm tempted to say "obviously" but it's clearly not obvious. Chalk it up as another one of those cultural disconnects.

I'd say; I failed but I didn't lose.

It made me look like an idiot, but anytime somebody who was present for the hypothetical whoopin' thinks about cutting me off they'll remember it before making their decision as it were.

These are not semantic debates when the people who instigate them insist that the bleeding unconscious mess on the floor loves them.