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Culture War Roundup for the week of May 29, 2023

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The number of Americans living in Mexico surged by 75 percent last year compared to 2019. The Los Angeles Times reports that this has angered locals, who are “fed up” with Americans coming to their country, speaking a foreign language, raising rents, and displacing their culture. For these Mexicans complaining about being replaced, I am playing the world’s smallest violin.

While this guy apparently just dislikes Mexicans, I've seen American rightists go like "Mexicans hate Americans immigrating to Mexico when THEY are the ones immigrating to America?" and I've never quite understood the point - the Mexicans staying in Mexico are obviously not the ones immigrating, are they? (Well, they might have done it at one point, or might do it at some point, but at that moment they're obviously not invading the USA or whatever).

The Mexicans staying in Mexico still get very self-righteous about American attitudes regarding immigration - see AMLO's criticisms of DeSantis's immigration policies. Everyone loves talking about migrant rights when it's their in-group that benefits or their out-group that suffers. It's a different story when there are migrants who are driving up your own rent bill.

In reality the only people competing for rental apartments with American expats in Mexico City are the Mexican upper-middle class, who for the most part are indistinguishable in politics (and complexion) from the PMC of the rest of North America.

The ire is probably misdirected when it's from Americans at the Mexicans that stayed and are irritated at American immigrants to Mexico, but I think the actual sentiment is more like, "goddamnit, can you libs at least notice that the Mexicans aren't being lunatics when they're sick of Americans and Americans aren't just being racist when they want people here to speak the damned language?".

Not to mention a huge contingent of Americans hate the Mexicans who are immigrating to America.

Mexicans staying in Mexico are obviously not the ones immigrating, are they?

No, but their brothers, sons, cousins, fathers, or uncles are, and they are benefitting from the nearly $60 billion in remittances sent home annually by those expats - roughly 4% of Mexico's entire GDP.

No, but their brothers, sons, cousins, fathers, or uncles are

I dunno, are they? I'm not sure about Mexican immigration to USA, but traditional immigration pattern when it has come to Euro immigration in USA (or, say, Indian immigration to UK etc.) has been that it's been on a village basis - some villages are accustomed to sending immigrants to foreign countries (and generally each village has a typical region or city where the young people go when of age and unable to find local jobs), others are accustomed to sending them domestically to some big city. If someone's living in Mexico City, their brothers, sons, cousins, fathers and uncles might very well also live there, as that is the custom where they come from.

Quite. The Mexicans in Mexico are the ones puppeteering the Mexicans in the USA: "Go to El Norte and send us some money" style. So yeah, they are invading the USA, in the same way that George Bush was invading Iraq - he isn't personally the boots on the ground, but the boots on the ground wouldn't have been there if he didn't direct them.

Uh, the recent migrants have mostly not been from Mexico.

Is there no real difference between these two invasions? Something that might make it nonsensical to use the word "invasion" to describe both? Like the fact that Bush invaded using tanks and missiles and the Mexicans are "invading" by getting jobs?

Some (me) would say the Iraqi one is much more benign because that invasion didn't leave millions of American-Iraqui colonists / anchor-babies there to cause further demographic and political disruption in perpetuity.