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Culture War Roundup for the week of August 28, 2023

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So there is one thing about both sides' media coverage of Russian-Ukranian war that bugged me for the last two years - accusations of deliberate targeting of civilian buildings, specifically non-military hospitals, schools, malls and houses. Am I wrong in thinking that regardless of evidence in specific cases probability of this happening is so low that we should expect to see almost zero cases of it?

I specifically talking about deliberate strikes because there are many alternative explanations revolving around mistakes, negligence, and faulty weapons. Of course all blame for this still lays on the initiator of the war but I think claims of deliberate hits are generally explained by these reasons.

Specific targeting of civilians is not new to wars, it was done quite often for loot and plunder in the old times and with mass proliferation of planes and missiles it, and Douhet's doctrine were at its height in WW2. Strategic bombing(e.g. targeting general use infrastructure and in some case industry somewhat related to the war) never went out of fashion and was used in almost all wars where the participants had a large enough air fleet since. But terror bombing(e.g. striking civilian targets for the purpose of lowering the enemy morale) is generally not used because time and time again it was proved ineffective and even damaging to its goal. I can't recall any country that engaged in the open terror bombing campaigns from, again, WW2, and if you decide to go this route you should be open about it. Main effect is on morale, it should be supported by propaganda and fiery speeches of inevitable death in case of continued defiance. I was quite obviously wrong about this(Thanks @ymeskhout for the correction). There is a modern tendency of doing things almost in the open and then fervently denying that you did them, that Russia follows often(recently with Prigozhin's untimely demise). What I wanted to communicate is that terror bombing needs to be open, or almost open because this doctrine by necessity requires large parts or even majority of your air force to have a desired effect. . I'm interested in the process that happens before such strike as imagined by people who disagree with me. Does Russian/Ukrainian command has a secret policy of terror bombings but to keep it secret limits it to some fraction of its forces? What do they or some random rogue commander hope to gain from it? How do they justify wasting precious ammunition on targets that aren't relevant to the war effort?

I don't think that on any side of the barricades there exist some human-hating berserks that can answer "blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne!" to all of these questions and even if they did exist we would expect them to not have any power from the evidence we see.

I generally find the idea of rules in war to be completely disingenuous and actually kind of stupid. The point of having a war is to win the war quickly. And dragging it out on the pretense of following the “rules” (in quotes because really, the rules mostly exist for propaganda purposes and only matter in the context of things that countries we don’t like are doing and creating a causus belli for stopping them or arming enemies) doesn’t really benefit civilians as much as advertised. A war that drags on for years longer than it has to because the tactics that would win it are “illegal” doesn’t actually protect civilians. They live in a bombed out country with no infrastructure, a tanked economy, and completely disrupted lives (especially if they don’t live in heavily protected green zones). The fields of Ukraine haven’t produced much since the invasion and what they have produced cannot go anywhere because of the war. They have a deep recession that makes it hard for average people to live, most industries have pulled out and anyone with brains and a passport have left for better economic prospects elsewhere and won’t be returning. Schools have been shuttered for the most part, so kids are missing out on years of school. And so what’s left of Ukraine is a basket case even if infrastructures hadn’t been targeted.

If targeting infrastructure and so on could have decided the outcome of the war in a matter of weeks or months, all of that could have been rebuilt. People could return and rebuild the economy and schools and run businesses and invented things in Ukraine rather than Poland.

I generally find the idea of rules in war to be completely disingenuous and actually kind of stupid.

Not really? Lets ignore any ethical benefits here.

Having a rule "our soldiers are supposed to not loot, rape and murder", with an actual enforcement is a very useful tool. It makes more likely that population will not hate you. Partisans are inconvenient at best.

If you treat PoW decently, then it makes more likely that enemy soldiers will surrender.

"target military targets, not civilian ones" is useful coordination method for winning war and not wasting ammo. Can be also useful as propaganda tool.

"no chemical warfare" is useful rule, because chemical weaponry is not so useful. Unless you target civilians.

Preferring to use mines with lower ratio of problems after war is also quite good idea.

Terror bombings are extremely ineffective strategy anyway.

(though total bans on mines, cluster munitions and so on are stupid)

Not really? Lets ignore any ethical benefits here.

If you're going to reason this way, then if someone comes up with circumstances where it's effective, you should then favor it. In fact, you should admit this ahead of time. "I normally oppose loot, rape, and murder, and targeting civilians, because it isn't effective. But if it was effective, I would then approve of it." For instance, dropping atom bombs on Japan is often criticized as targeting civilians, but I'd argue that it was very effective.

The claim was that "I generally find the idea of rules in war to be completely disingenuous and actually kind of stupid."

My claim is that having rules is for many cases is outright effective coordination mechanism.

And overall having actually enforced rules in war, even if other side is not doing this, an effective tool.

dropping atom bombs on Japan is often criticized as targeting civilians, but I'd argue that it was very effective.

not really sure about this one I admit, but I was not claiming that all rules ever proposed were a good idea (and explicitly mentioned cluster munition and mines bans as silly)

But note how occupation was handled by USA and USSR. Outcome is that when opportunity appeared nearly all countries which were occupied by USSR in Eastern/Central Europe started to help Ukraine to keep Russia as far as possible. While Germany grumbles a bit about USA but has no deep revulsion (and in fact, hosts USA bases).

If you're going to reason this way, then if someone comes up with circumstances where it's effective, you should then favor it.

Note that I would take ethical issues into consideration. But wanted to start from establishing that noticeable part of such rules is even improving war efficiency, not degrading it.