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Culture War Roundup for the week of January 29, 2024

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Maybe I need to update my priors in light of many recent events but I have a hard time believing someone would completely make up an encounter versus exaggerate. I’ve read enough PUA material and know enough high body count guys that I feel like I know how they think.

A lot of girls do fail to give consent when perfectly willing and I think a lot of playboys have internalized that and act with some aggression. My guess is Trump did pursue her for a fling and was likely aggressive and probably handsy.

My probabilities

90% an encounter occurred between her and Trump

30% he crossed a line. Which I would say is digital penetration

<10% he raped her in the common usage sense. And I’m like closer to <1% especially since it’s in a semi-public space

I’m under no illusion Trump is some kind of Saint. The jury award is silly and is a prime example of why we have statute of limitations. I wouldn’t be shocked if Trump did it and has zero recollection of it.

I could believe that it was consensual between Carroll and Trump (who goes into a changing room with a man, with lingerie, to try it on by getting undressed in front of him? that's the kind of 'she must have been willing' assumption any guy would make) and that she later rejigged this into 'he assaulted me' when she lost her job as the advice columnist and needed money and publicity. Or it could all have been an invention from the start to sell her book. I'm leaning more and more to "she's lying" but that's precisely why I wanted outside views on "does this seem credible or not?" for both of them.

Carroll claims that Elle fired her because Trump disputed her claim about Trump assaulting her. The rape/assault accusation came first; it wasn't a later development. Even before her The Cut article, her income from Elle was in decline, and she's now finding more success at substack.

Carroll says one of the primary reasons she hadn't come forward earlier is that she blamed herself. On reflection, she says going into the changing room with Trump and lingerie was stupid. She agrees with your "who goes into" disbelief, but that isn't an excuse for assault.

She lampshades her telling, admitting it's inconceivable that Bergdorf would have a floor vacant of customers and staff. I don't know whether her account is credible, but the level of evidence seems underwhelming.

I’ve read enough PUA material and know enough high body count guys that I feel like I know how they think.

Let's remember that there is online PUA (un)reality and actual physical world PUA/high body count guy reality.

Online PUAs go hard into things like "last minute resistance" and "anti-slut defense." These are absolutely rapey and awful. And they're pretty much theoretical rationalizations and analysis created by soy boys LARPing as "PUAs" (any online subculture that has lots of acronyms is often populated by the same basic template nerds with various extra skins and other DLC attached.)

Actual, real life "PUA" types experience consent in absolutely black and white scenarios like "has she leaned over and asked me to f**k her? Is she actively unfastening my belt? Has she already gone ahead and leaned in for the kiss herself?" Real life PUAs look at a grey zone not just as a potential risk, but as a failure at the application of their skills. The idea isn't to jump her bones as she is perhaps just beginning to imagine an encounter, but to push the pre-physical seduction to such an extent that she is actively soliciting it in no uncertain terms - and will look back on it with genuine happiness. The parallel between real world PUA stuff and corporate sales is undeniable; don't sell them, make them want to buy the thing so bad they're shoving money at you. And make them happy to see you when you come back for a second time around (am I talking about sales or sex here .... I don't even know anymore).

Real life seduction / PUA / whatever you want to call it is about the challenge of generating real and powerful desire. It's not about weaseling into a grey area to be the sex-bandito who's in and out in a flash.

This is also why lots of (again, "real") PUAs leave that subculture - they want to level up to the next stage of generating real, powerful, and enduring desire over a long term relationship.

Because that is incredibly hard. And supremely worthwhile.

Online PUAs go hard into things like "last minute resistance" and "anti-slut defense." These are absolutely rapey and awful. And they're pretty much theoretical rationalizations and analysis created by soy boys LARPing as "PUAs" (any online subculture that has lots of acronyms is often populated by the same basic template nerds with various extra skins and other DLC attached.)

Meh. Such statements are needlessly generalizing and biased in my view. As far as I can tell, PUA recommendations/techniques mostly discussed LMR and ASD specifically in the context of one-night stands in clubs. Then again, such venues lost most of their relevance in the post-COVID digital age anyway.

I spent time in the real life PUA community during it's heyday (eg regular lair meetups in different cities). While there are PUA's who act in the manner you've outlined, there are also absolutely PUA's who will aggressively try to push through last minute resistance. I know because I've heard them brag about it multiple times. I would not even be able to say the majority had graduated to the level of puissance you've described above.

Many were unskilled/had no idea what they were doing, or were skilled, but actually bad apples in the aggressive 'push through resistance' sense. I'd say 30% were both skilled at their craft and acting in good faith in the manner you describe above. I'd say 30% were just assholes using their powers (or lack thereof) for evil. At least 50% of guys were badly/untrained. There's a venn diagram with 4 circles between skilled/unskilled and kind/selfish players.

The bad guys exist. I don't mean to tar the PUA community with the same brush because the bad apples were still in the minority, and I knew that most guys just wanted to eventually get a girlfriend rather than go for a highscore on bodycount. But sights like the accuser stories above weren't unknown in the nightclubs (eg physically aggressive, unwanted advance). I'm not saying that's rape and deserves an $80 million payout, but it is what it is.

Actual, real life "PUA" types experience consent in absolutely black and white scenarios like "has she leaned over and asked me to f**k her? Is she actively unfastening my belt? Has she already gone ahead and leaned in for the kiss herself?"

Oh come on, there are plenty of real life promiscuous men who believe in the same stuff as your Internet PUAs, even if they don’t know the cringe terminology for it.

There are some men for whom seduction is about seduction, and for whom anything less than absolute enthusiasm would be unattractive and a turn-off, but there are many others who just want they dick wet, if you will.

Sure, I think all straight men on some level want women to find them attractive, but this isn’t a necessary precondition to want to fuck them, or no men would pay for it.

Sure, I think all straight men on some level want women to find them attractive, but this isn’t a necessary precondition to want to fuck them, or no men would pay for it.

That's a good point, which my post failed to consider.

Oh come on, there are plenty of real life promiscuous men who believe in the same stuff as your Internet PUAs, even if they don’t know the cringe terminology for it.

Sorry, but I have to "No True Scotsman" you on this one. Agree totally that there are a ton of guys with various levels of game that run around doing this shit. I tried, in my previous post, to call out the fact they aren't actually committed to developing the deeper skills and mindsets of "seduction" (aside: I don't like either the term PUA or seduction, but I can't think of a better one thats in common usage). To mix up some metaphors - knowing a few military phrases and having gone to one or two tactical training events doesn't make you a SEAL.

Just remember I apologized first before deploying my rhetorical ninja roll.

She has failed to substantiate any of her claims. The dress she claims to have worn during the encounter did not exist at the time she alleges it happened. She otherwise has not given details on when exactly it occurred. She has a history of making rape accusations against men. And the primary funder of her legal expenses is the same billionaire Reid Hoffman who funded the Nikki Haley campaign.

Put it up there with Christine Blasey Ford, or the UVA rape hoax. Jussie Smollet's story was more plausible.

I’ve read enough PUA material and know enough high body count guys that I feel like I know how they think.

I've had lots of sex. I don't walk into dressing rooms and rape the first woman I find.

The claim seems to be that the dress was not made in 1994, at the early end of her time range. She had already shifted to probably 1996, because she didn't think her friend Lisa, in whom she had confided, would travel to Mar-a-Lago knowing about this attack.

I'm having trouble finding any precise claims about when this Donna Karan dress was made, so my assumption is that it was made in 1995.

It seems there should be some website going in deep with details of the 1996 Bergdorf floor layout, the sizes and colors the bodysuit were available in, etc. My search is failing me.

It seems there should be some website going in deep with details of the 1996 Bergdorf floor layout, the sizes and colors the bodysuit were available in, etc.

Surely this research would have been conducted by Trump’s legal team?

From the court records, it seems that Carroll's lawyers introduced the floor layout into evidence, but I don't see how to download them. Obviously they didn't believe them to be exculpatory.

I don't know much about fashion, but this dress seems similar to Carroll's dress. Different color, but similar buttons, pockets, etc. Maybe a different cut, as this looks a little short to wear with just tights? This is a Spring 1995 fashion show, so it was plausibly introduced in 1995, and not available in 1994.

I have yet to see any evidence of Trump's legal team in any case being in any way competent.

Good points. I did pre-qualify that I may need to update my priors.

I think it’s come from operation in a mistake theory mindset versus a conflict theory mindset. Mistake theory being a mentally ill lady perhaps with tds would magnify something that did happen in her head as she grew to hate Trump the President. Conflict theory being along the lines of people might actually just completely make things up ala Smollette for gain.

The part that makes this less believable is it occurring during the middle of the day in a public space where a simple scream would have place Donald Trump in cuffs and away for a few years. If the accusation was at 3 am after a night at the club it would seem more plausible.

Reid Hoffman point I give no credence to. Acting legally by funding opposition candidates in a Democracy is a lot different than participating in a fraudulent accusation. The only slight negative for Hoffman is I doubt he would ever vote for Haley so funding her I would consider as acting in bad faith.

occurring during the middle of the day in a public space where a simple scream would have place Donald Trump in cuffs and away for a few years.

You have a really different impression of how the legal system treated famous rich men in the 90s than I do.

This was around the same time as the OJ trial. If they can't convict a rich, famous man with the mountain of evidence present in that case and a nearly-decapitated body on the line, I don't see why they would bother to listen to some woman whining about getting fingered in a dressing room.

Maybe I'm wrong but I really believe the 90s were a different time to an almost impossible-to-convey degree, especially when it came to women being assaulted or abused. Even Anita Hill was turned into an attention-seeking floozy by the popular media of the day, every woman who got into the news accusing a famous or powerful man of something bad almost uniformly had their lives destroyed and stories inverted by the tabloid press of the day.

Jussie Smollet's story was more plausible.

Ah now. Regardless of whether Carroll's version of events is true, things like it have happened - men have sexually assaulted women in semi-public spaces like changing rooms or fitting rooms. (The fact that they have - and do - is a major component of the dominant culture war issue du jour.) Nothing like Smollett's story has ever happened to anyone - there was no part of it which passed the smell test.