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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 18, 2024

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Despite being 2% the market cap of NVDA, GM has 5 times as many employees.

Let's say that we always spam "let China have the crappy businesses" without limit. Solve for equilibrium as X (time) approaches infinity. Eventually, China will have every business except one. A single American person will have a net worth of $100 trillion making memecoins or something. His tax dollars will support what's left of the American economy. All other Americans will work crappy retail jobs. China will control the rest of the value chain. Mercantilism is not great for the victims.

I think this book is relevant:

So, do we go back to 19th century mercantilism? Use the government to subsidize our own, inferior industries, while the navy tries to forcibly stop them from shipping cars to us?

The alternative is to specialize in what we're best at: Pizza Delivery and MicroCode

Mercantilism never left and is in fact in use today in many sectors, with distorting effects on the market. The various more upmarket civilizational stacks existed on top of it, not displacing it entirely.

I'm not a hardcore libertarian or staunch believer in the free market, but it's trivial to understand that countries will naturally protect their own market when they believe they are noncompetitive.

But... why are we uncompetitive? Usually when you see mercantilism, it's to protect a new industry in a developing country, which is how Japan and Korea developed their automotive industries. And maybe China did/does too, so we could do a little to even the score. But if it's just "we cannot allow the auto industry to fail, ever" then it's a recipe for absolute stagnation, like India's domestic auto industry did for the entire cold war.

It's weird that the US auto industry, the oldest, most-developed auto industry on earth, just can't compete with these young upstarts unless the government gives it bailouts.

The reason why is irrelevant. There could be any number of reasons, from cheaper labor to less regulations to quality differences to productivity reasons. But governments are made up of people, and people who are incentivized not to let things fail are obviously going to work in service of those claims.

The Chinese factory example is apt. If you are a western nation, can you compete with that workforce, notoriously selective regulation and an ability to simply make as much as the market can absorb? Well, sure, you could. What's stopping you, aside from, well - the people in your country? (Cf. American Factory)

The other side of the Bretton Woods financial coin making money fungible across national boundaries: if you don't have some sort of protectionism in place, your economy will see significant cash outflows to foreign countries. This is hugely beneficial to countries that are primarily export based, as the US was post-WW2... and not so much in the other direction.

Why not? All "specialization" seems to have brought is cheap consumer gadgets to fudge inflation statistics with, and cost disease everywhere that's important to people.

You mean cost disease in housing, education, and healthcare? The domestic industries for those are extremely healthy and have not been hurt one iota by imports. In fact, where we can import, we are better off.

Plus cheaper food, cheaper clothes, cheaper flights, cheaper cars and longer lives.

Housing is getting more expensive due to regulation & immigration rather than cost disease, and healthcare spending is going up because the developed world has a larger proportion of older people who are living longer (partly due to better healthcare). In countries with good housing regulation and immigration control, house prices go down over time.

Free trade and specialisation are the forces pushing prices down. If you abandon them for mercantilism, you get expensive essentials and expensive consumer goods.

Plus cheaper food, cheaper clothes,

Nope, and nope. This is a "do you believe me or your lying eyes" situation. Clothes used to be much better quality than they are now, and food used to be better quality and cheaper (if seasonally unavailable). I can concede the rest, but of the things you listed cars might be the only things worth the squeeze, and even then I'm not sure.

Then we have a whole bunch of second order effects on employment, but I'll also grant they're hard to disentangle, and you might think they have different causes.

Free trade and specialisation are the forces pushing prices down. If you abandon them for mercantilism, you get expensive essentials and expensive consumer goods.

I'm not an autarchist, there's obviously a balance to be struck, but I also see no reason to believe why maximum free trade would make any more sense than maximum immigration.

If you buy quality clothes today for the inflation-adjusted amount they cost in 1950 you can certainly still get high quality, possibly even made-in-America clothes. They’re just a niche market since 98% of the population prefers the cheap stuff made in Bangladesh.

The same goes for food. In 1950, Americans spent 24% of their disposable income on food, in 2010 they spent 9.5% of it on food. If they increased their spending on food by 250%, even the average American could afford the premium organic local farmers market stuff that still has a lot of flavor.

Testing the hypothesis would be somewhat hard and require a lot of time. I'm not even talking about the 1950's, my opinion is based on the 80's. Our family in America would send us packages with clothes and whatever else might be useful that they could grab on a sale. These clothes would then make the following rounds: my oldest cousin -> my older brother -> my younger cousin -> me -> my youngest cousin -> my mother, for some of the clothes that looked ok on her -> rag for cleaning floors, where they would serve faithfully for many years, and survive in a state that, if push came to shove, you could still throw into a washing machine and wear them.

If something approaching this quality is still available, please send me a link.

For food, I'm not talking about America, I'm talking about eastern Europe. "Premium organic" food does not approach the quality of what was available back when I was a kid, and the fact that I'd have to go and find a goddamn farmer's market to get what was right there in the local grocery store is itself a drop in quality of life. Again - hard to disentangle - maybe it's all the BS European regulations that are slowly killing farmers throughout the continent, and not free trade, but don't tell me there was nothing lost.

I've got T-shirts from the 20th century. My jeans don't last as long as they used to (I think because they no longer make them with rivets on the back, which is both a matter of cost and damage to furniture -- jeans used to be outdoor/work clothes only and the rivets were a remnant of that, and the way they fail now is they fail at the back pocket stitching), but they still last several years of daily use. I buy a lot of polo shirts (mostly Nautica brand -- actually usually their cheaper "outlet" off-brand), and while they do get stretched out in places and shrink in others over a couple of years, they're still quite usable when I throw them out for being too ratty-looking.

Women's clothes seem a lot less durable, but that's always been true.

If something approaching this quality is still available, please send me a link.

Even my Uniqlo t-shirts last for 10 years. Unless you buy on temu or something, the clothing durability crisis is way overstated in my view.

Especially younger kids grow rapidly and don't wear clothes enough to wear out before they out grow them. We've got hand me downs that have been through 5 kids and are little worse for the wear.

Fully agree about the supermarket supply chain selecting for lower quality but more durable food, especially produce.

Like I said, my mother ended up wearing some of them for years as well. Clothes from nowadays seem to have built-in lifetime of 1-2 years.