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Culture War Roundup for the week of April 22, 2024

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HBD explains this far better than socioeconomic factors.

HBD doesn't, in fact, explain why high IQ black people do worse than high/mid IQ white people. To my knowledge most HBD theory proposes that IQ is fully general, and higher average IQ should correlate with more pro-social, civilized behaviour in general - I've seen no theory for a separate "criminality gene" being fleshed out.

"Identifying with a criminal culture", on the other hand, does explain rather well why high-IQ black people are disproportionately likely to go to prison, for me at least. (I know that criminal culture exists. I know that if you act according to criminal culture, you're more likely to go to prison than if you acted according to prosocial culture, IQ being the same. I do not, however, know if there is a criminality gene orthogonal to IQ.) This is without going into the anti-black racism theory.

To my knowledge most HBD theory proposes that IQ is fully general, and higher average IQ should correlate with more pro-social, civilized behaviour in general - I've seen no theory for a separate "criminality gene" being fleshed out.

No. Most HBD theories posit that 'g' is positively correlated with everything good including non-criminality, but not that it is the only factor.

why high IQ black people do worse than high/mid IQ white people

Regression to mean: children of rich high IQ blacks regress to mean and thus end having lower IQs that children of rich high IQ whites. If you correlate this with individual's IQ instead of parents' IQ or SES, you get much smaller racial gap.

and higher average IQ should correlate with more pro-social,

Consider than men are more criminal than women even if they have equal or slightly higher IQs than women, Among dog breeds, Huskies are stupid but rarely kill people, Pitbulls are smarter but kill people on regular basis.

I've seen no theory for a separate "criminality gene" being fleshed out.

congratulations on anti-HBD people running successful campaign on obfuscation

"Identifying with a criminal culture",

It definitely exists and it's partly downstream of genetics.

orthogonal to IQ.

nobody suggesting it's orthogonal

Among dog breeds, Huskies are stupid but rarely kill people, Pitbulls are smarter but kill people on regular basis.

I’m pretty sure huskies are smarter than pit bulls.

Hhhhm i would like a good source on this

Your argument doesn’t really make sense. Young men in poor urban black communities in the US have higher rates of violent criminal behavior than any black population on earth other than maybe Haitians. West African nations, even many black Caribbean countries, have much lower violent crime rates than these communities in St Louis, New Orleans and Baltimore, despite the fact that they have higher birthrates than African Americans, meaning they have more young men as a proportion of the population. Saying “well it’s HBD, nothing we can do about it [except become wignat separatists, presumably]” just isn’t true.

It isn’t a denial of HBD to suggest that these communities have specific dysfunctions, likely enabled by legal and social changes that were predominantly enacted by non-black politicians, entertainers and businessmen, that are not the natural destiny of their inhabitants per se.

Your argument doesn’t really make sense.

Really? Do you object to that part that MAOA & DRD4 genes associated with climinality too?

specific dysfunctions, likely enabled by legal and social changes that were predominantly enacted by non-black politicians, entertainers and businessmen, that are not the natural destiny of their inhabitants per se.

I agree about this, but even if this this get fixed, we won't see B-W gap in USA disappear.

Why South Africa, Botswana and Nigeria officially report higher homicide rates (and by large margin) than less functional African countries? Low crime in African countries is suspect.

Homicide rates are relatively hard to obfuscate and I suspect that rates in cities like Accra and Windhoek are broadly accurate. Again, these rates are still much higher than in Western Europe, but well below rates in St Louis, New Orleans and Baltimore. Lagos reported 350 murders in 2022 in a city of 15 million (of whom practically all are African), that year St Louis reported 200 murders in a city of 300,000 (of whom only 150k are black). While it's likely more homicides slipped under the radar in Lagos than in St Louis, West African cities would have to miss the vast majority of homicides to come close to the US' most violent cities. Having spent a lot of time in Africa, even poorer people in big cities would report these kinds of deaths, even if they have little belief in the competence of the police to solve them.

I agree that the gap closing appears unlikely, but reducing homicide rates in these cities to West African levels would still be a big improvement.

You answered neither of 2 my questions!

that year St Louis reported 200 murders in a city of 300,000 (of whom only 150k are black).

looks like you're showing number of murders for greater St. Louis (which is 3 million) with figure of population of St. Louis city.

why Nigeria reports more 10x homicide rate than Ghana, which it shares border with? Is 0.3 homicide rate per 100k for Senegal in 2015 close to truth?

Nigeria has ongoing sectarian conflict with Islamist terrorists in the North and Northeast and between Fulani pastoralists and settled people that involve hundreds of murders on a very regular basis (all of which are recorded by the military). The US murder rate also spiked in 2001 for obvious reasons.

Do you believe the true homicide rate in West Africa is on the order of 50-90 per 100k as in these high crime American cities? What do you think the ballpark figure is?

Given how bigger Nigeria that Ghana is, if averaged, Nigeria has more effect on total. Also I don't know if Ghana's supposedly low crime attractrs tourism and money from elsewhere (e.g. why Russians escaping Russia would chose Argentina with reported homicide rates as 2.5-3x instead of Ghana?? Ghana could offer both less crime and lower cost of living, wouldn't it?)

these high crime American cities?

these high crime American cities are cherrypicked for his crime. Average African American homicide rate, i think, is about 20 per 100k and I think it's about same in Sub-Saharan Africa.

looking at reported rates, some cherry picked black majority countries have crime rates not far below cherry picked high crime US cities (Jamaica, U.S. Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago)

In Europe, there seems to be correlation between country homicide ration vs corruption perception index. In Africa, there doesn't seem to be or it could be inverse compared to Europe, so I think homicide ratios are suspect. I googled some crime victimization survey, which includes Botswana (but sadly, not Ghana) and Botswana comes noticeably safer than average yet most of other countries have lesser reported homicide rate. Maybe i'll make plots if I have time and willpower. I'd guess Botswana reports true homicide rates and extrapolate other countries from that, given association from European countries.