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Party leader Eric Ciotti is squarely on the conservative side which is more popular with the base, while his lieutenants are on the liberal side. A high-low vs middle configuration if you will.

As a result of the dissolution, Ciotti announced an alliance with the RN. This immediately lit the fires of rebellion.

His lieutenants unanimously moved to remove him from the party over this. However he ignored the decision, saying it was illegal and barricaded himself at the seat of the party.

Hey hey hey, you're not supposed to be making DECISIONS here. You're supposed to be the disreputable figurehead who attracts the base while we respectable people set the policies.

A couple of responses:

  1. Let’s just caveat that the reason we have disparate outcome is solely related to HBD—not saying that is true but thought experiment. If we as a society deem that conclusion out of bounds and have a desire to provide equal treatment, then after we continue to try to equalize by removing other impediments but get no farther (because the problem isn’t equal treatment but unequal talent) people will have to either accept the out of bounds conclusion or will adopt a god of the gaps approach to unequal treatment. Maybe they’d call it systemic racism. Maybe they’d start putting a massive thumb on the scale for certain populations and cause real societal harm (as jobs aren’t just spoils).

Now this is obviously slightly tongue in cheek but I am making an earnest point. I do think there are other things we can and should do (eg blacks didn’t always have super high single family rates). But a belief in tabooing HBD will have a kind of “false” Noticing effect. If we could just taboo the whole discussion on disparate impact on different populations maybe it would be more optimal but who knows.

  1. I agree that maybe sometimes where costs are low fairness matters. But for example if it’s late at night and I see a group of young blacks walking in my direction I’m going to put a lot of effort in getting into a safe place. Probably wouldn’t if it was a group of Asian teen girls. This is in one sense unfair. But the potential cost to me is high to outweigh the fairness. On the other hand, if I am interviewing a black candidate and an Asian female candidate I’m going to try to be complete impartial and see how they can handle tough interview questions.

What are the odds for Rassemblement National to win a majority in the National Assembly?