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I'd count JFK, and maybe Nixon too. I think he was likely setup.

I don't think assassinations are likely to happen anymore. I think CIA or something similar carried out JFK assassination and then realized how much of a massive headache it was to cover up and never did it again.

Seems like they usually go the lawfare or controversy route to get people out of the way. Trump has just been a bad target for these methods since he basically excels in those situations.

JFK was more of a unique situation, since Kennedy’s death was sort of just a means-to-an-end rather than anything else according to most serious researchers; Kennedy’s head being blown off was actually just meant to act as a false flag against Cuba in order to invade the country and depose Castro, with LBJ hopefully biting the bait to support a full-on land invasion, with Kennedy dying just being an added bonus (given his sympathies towards Communist countries and his ‘betrayal’ against the anti-Castroites in not providing Air Support in the Bay of Pigs). Unless Trump’s death could be used as a means to some bigger benefit, I doubt the intelligence community or any other big organization might attempt to get the hit off, especially with the potential backlash of Trump’s successors.

Not saying you in particular, but if right-coded Americans embrace Latin American immigrants (illegal or legal) primarily because said right-coded Americans believe Lat. Am. immigrants can be decent janitors and an ally in the abortion wars (despite, "never ask a Latin American father about his teenage/young adult daughter's 'social' life"), perhaps they deserve to lose and get replaced.

I'm sure Latin American... American.... janitors are more productive than a mannequin or dead-body. However, net-productivity is what matters when evaluating potential countrymen, and one would need to be substantially above the median US income to be a net-taxpayer. Assimilation is a negative value-add if latinos are but assimilating to the free real estate that lies between the white and black Bell Curves.

I'm imaging life in prison for a rich 77-year-old is likely a worse-than-death outcome.

...because anyone who doesn't publically "support diversity" is shamed, made a pariah and possibly fired.

Observe the posts in subreddits for individual cities, inquiring about neighborhoods to live in. Every one is looking for a "diverse" area.

Try posting that you want to live in a white neighborhood, and see how quickly you get banned for "bigotry" or "hate speech", with a mod note referring to you as "scum" or some similar endearment.

It’s almost like the people who assassinate public officials aren’t particularly rational.

No, it’s not. And no, it isn’t.

Eh, we've lost of interesting posters over the years, but obeying the rules is mostly easy. Given the purpose of this place it has to select for people who can decouple , and not post angry. If you tell the mods you aren't going to obey them whether you think you are right or not, that needs to stop. No matter how interesting a poster you are. I like FNE but she pushed and pushed and pushed and struggled with not responding to people saying her ideas/pov was not correct, as if they were saying she was a moron. And using nuclear levels of sarcasm doing it.

It has to be interesting posters who are willing to voluntarily toe the line. Honestly i still feel like moderation is not harsh enough. Habitual line steppers should be gone after 3 instances. They clearly aren't going to learn.

…what? “Most serious researchers?”

That theory raises more questions than answers, anyway. Like how Cuba remains un-invaded.

I think the odds of Trump being assassinated are low, but there's some value in speculating about it. In fairness to Cernovich, he tweets hundreds of times a day, on dozens of subjects. A thought like this occupies less than a fraction of a percent of his attention, which feels like about the right amount of time for us to contemplate it too.

"Unacceptable VP" is sort of a bad cliche at this point, it's been said about all the recent presidents. Cheney was imagined as the puppetmaster of the Bush admin, and Biden was widely mocked by conservatives as too stupid to ever credibly replace Obama. Pence was weirdly cast by some liberals as a demented anti-gay Dominionist tyrant, and there was some speculating on how Pence as president could be even worse. Kamala is probably genuinely the lowest-calibre of any of these guys, but that didn't stop the Dems from anointing her as VP to the oldest president in American history.

But simply having too many cultures, too many languages, religions, ethnicities in a country (to the point they, put together, outnumber the former dominant group) is bound to make it weaker, IMO, because there will no longer be a consensus on values. There will no longer be anything to hold the country together and it will essentially cease to be a nation in any real sense at all. Every group will have its own shibboleths and taboos which it will lobby its political representatives to codify in law - which will probably get shot down except in all-Muslim (or whatever) towns, but the time and energy wasted on this stuff is time and energy which cannot be used to work on the nation's real problems.

I, for one, would rather euthanize myself than live in such a corpse of a country.

(This situation, multiplied by a million, is also why I firmly believe that no world government can ever work.)

Garfield and McKinley being assassinated a century ago doesn't really say very much about the likelihood of it happening today.

My take is it's extremely unlikely, but not extraordinarily unlikely. If you wanted to make a "Doomsday Clock" for assessing assassination odds, it's probably closer to midnight than it was ten years ago.

But there are already lots of places on the internet for low effort dumb fun stuff. /pol/. rDrama. Whatever floats your boat. I don’t need TheMotte to become those sites. It’s fine for them to remain separate.

This doesn't make sense to me. The school isn't responsible for what happens to the students after school or on the weekends. Why would it be any different at lunchtime?

JFK assassination seems like a case of elites killing off the top guy. Or at least I'd say I'm 80% certain the elites at the time were involved in some portion of that assassination.

I'm also about 70% certain that the elites setup Nixon for his fall.

Intelligence agencies don't seem generally trustful. I just don't think they can use overt methods anymore.

That's so strange. Why would they design it that way? Is the school not in a residential neighbourhood?