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User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

I'd make a physical version of a relational database, actually pretty easy to accomplish with filing cabinets and folders.

given that community used to be significantly more supportive of pedophilia and has been backpedaling on it for decades.

The usual argument is that they kicked out NAMBLA et al from the movement in order to gain mainstream acceptance, amd now that they have it and homosexuality has been normalized they are returning to their original goals (and more).

Similarly I have a brother who is deeply progressive in just about every possible way, yet after he lived in Koreatown in LA for several years (for our foreign friends, Koreatown has had a distinct lack of Koreans since the Rodney King riots in the 90's) he has said things about Hispanics that would make /pol/ blush.

Once again, only if you discount free will/individual choices/agency/whatever you want to call it. You're assuming that the same person in the exact same circumstances would always make the exact same choice.

I'd love for the idea of (peaceful) interstellar contact to be a reality, but the problem is that it just really isn't feasible unless several major widely accepted parts of physics are actually false. The time and energy requirements needed for interstellar travel so high that any non-supernatural (i.e. angels or demons etc. instead of aliens) explanation for UFOs is prima facia false.

This is your reminder that AshLael is literally a paid political operative in meatspace. Any conversations you have with them should be viewed through that light.

Olympic level women's teams regularly skirmish against ordinary teenage boy teams, and still get absolutely demolished. Even the most extremely athletic females have difficulty competing against reasonably athletic teenage boys.

Funnily I mostly know him as "That monster pretending to be an ethicist who supports infanticide."

Looks like your post is now the top submission on HN, not sure if it will be there long before getting flagged.


But if conscription isn't being stopped, do you think women should be blocked from leaving the country like the men?

everybody knows that they're not going to get any bites.

Eh? Even in the world capital of Godlessness (the Czech Republic, though Estonia might be slightly higher in percent that identifies as atheist) I had multiple baptisms.

Edit: it almost sounds like you've got it parts of it mixed up with an Amish Rumspringa to some extent?

Arguably if women left the workforce en masse it would lead to an increase in men's wages due to lower job competition. You'd have to put in some protectionist regulations to keep companies from just outsourcing for cheaper labor, but part (and definitely only part) of the reason it's so difficult to raise a family on a single income is precisely because women entered into the workforce en masse to begin with.

Women's rights are not a suicide pact, but feminism and leftism generally seem deadset on making them such.

Former spec ops guys become (rightwing?) terrorists and are trying to put a Latin American dictator back in power but they kidnapped Arnold's daughter for some reason so he has to kill them all is heavy subject matter?

You can say that black people are stupid and trans people are deluded pedophiles every day for years, as long as you maintain decorum.

But if someones recognizes that what you're saying there is 'fuck everyone not like me' and responds with 'hey, fuck you too', that person is not being polite and must be eliminated.

Do you consider there to be any possible explanation for those views other than "fuck everyone not like me?" I don't believe that black people are "stupid," though I do believe that there will be fewer high IQ blacks per capita than whites and Asians. I don't hate them, I just want to stop giving them handouts and discriminating in their favor. And I don't believe that all trans people are deluded pedophiles, just the overwhelming majority of the MtF ones.

Knowing that I hold these views, do you believe that I personally think "fuck everyone not like me?" If so, why?

The Gulf States keep their non-citizen migrant worker populations under control with strong repression, I don't see how this could be accomplished in a techno-progressive-libertarian-gayspacecommunism system like OP suggests.

Dialectic isn't really that impressive, smart, or original though. It's basically just "Conflict between thesis (feudalism, capital, whatever) and antithesis (labor unions, whatever) result in new synthesis (communism, whatever)."

Force the game dev to include some library so installs can be tracked?

The engine already has analytics built in that do most of what's needed to track this.

Didn't realize it was considered a slur here, sorry.

Canada and Mexico are literally the only countries on earth that could pose a serious military threat to the continental US. And even then, only if the US military was so caught up in other things (like a civil war) that they couldn't respond. Last I checked, China doesn't even have enough amphibious vehicles to transport a full battalion, let alone what they would need to invade across the Pacific.

That's ~6 more fully loaded 30 round magazines they could have brought instead

Also not sure how much of it is based on a false stereotype or not, but the old song "Johnny Verbeck" is about a Dutchman who invents a sausage making machine and grinds up all of the neighborhood's cats and dogs in it.

Prediction before reading: if you hadn't made a post about it on here, my default assumption would have been some of them leaning in favor of keeping affirmative action, but the commenters being surprisingly moderate overall despite the overall left politics of NYT readers. Since you posted about it here my gotcha sense is tingling and is now assuming that the comments are overwhelmingly in favor of abolishing AA.

Edit after reading about 20 top level comments: my initial idea was more or less right, my gotcha sense was wrong.

At least in Zimbabwe, the black citizens now have less economic prosperity and less political freedom than they did in Rhodesia.

I've never heard of those games you mentioned

Marathon was basically a Doom clone but for Mac (apologies to any Marathon fans offended by this, but not really). In fact it was developed by Bungie, the same Bungie that went on to make Halo.

The Silmarillion is my favorite book of all time (though I haven't read it in years now). I'm just kind of baffled now at what you just told me, I knew Rings of Power was bad but not that bad. Why did they have to bring the Silmarils into them at all? Their target audience obviously wasn't Tolkien nerds so what were they hoping to gain by bringing them up at all? The median Rings of Power fan has no idea what the two trees were, or who Feanor and Morgoth were. Meanwhile the median Silmarillion enjoyer avoids the entire series like the plague.