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joined 2022 November 15 08:31:46 UTC


User ID: 1865



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 15 08:31:46 UTC


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User ID: 1865

IMO this one's far more open-shut than the George Floyd thing.

I've done a lot of jiujitsu & grappling and I'd honestly not expect somebody I was restraining Chauvin-Floyd style to die of asphyxiation.

If I've got a tight Rear Naked Choke on somebody I'm expecting them to pass out within 10-20 seconds and then I'm categorically letting go.

...How is this different than (((Triple Parentheses)))?

I feel like the lack of an assumed/densely-correlated genetic component alters the calculus a little bit.

How much crime does one have to commit to be arrested six separate times? Dozens or hundreds of incidents

I mean I'd imagine there's few private citizens who haven't committed 100s of what could be charged as misdemeanors if they were observed by a sufficiently disgruntled law enforcement officer.

I feel like the vast majority of people are going to conceal the true extent of their politically incorrect beliefs since it's socially advantageous.

Which groups are you using as a proxy? Every major demographic started as a downtrodden immigrant group. Practically the only lasting pro-left successful immigrant group I can think of is the Asian diaspora, though they've been psyopped into some sort of 'despite the fact that you're the most successful and affluent demographic ever, you're victims' mix

The social convention is essentially that a story is a short-lived Facebook status where you can reply to it via DM. There's a huge social machinery now built around that artifice but it's much easier to generate conversation off 'oh that looks nice, where'd you get it' than just straight up cold DMing people.

Yeah. I think there's dodginess rife but it's likely to just about even out on the aggregate

Realistically I think there’s an incredibly small percent of the population that some hormone thing went wrong and really have gender confusion.

I mean the base idea here is that Gender Dysphoria is definitely a real thing that exists.

Meanwhile the whole trans movement is more about 'how does society decide that these people should be treated and what is appropriate in regards to them' then it's far more a matter of conjecture and debate.

I've spent a lot of time in my life doing BJJ and it's very hard to strangle somebody to death without realizing something has gone wrong long before that. It's not even a George Floyd situation where the restraint wasn't a conventional choke and/or it was very potentially a stress heart attack. The Marine was capable of restraining the homeless guy in far less risky positions.

Fairly big difference between 'maybe relax the restrictions on building new dwellings a bit' and 'to reduce the housing shortage, we're moving three more people in with every domicile since 'cause'. I'd say your vibe is more against the latter.

I'd say today the pure non-working housewife role is increasingly economically unviable, which doesn't necessarily mean 'a wife needs a degree', but generally professional roles that work around a maternity schedule will lean that way.

If anything I'd expect Trans-related violence to have a lot more to do with Trans individuals insufficiently communicating their status and individuals reacting poorly when surprised in person, as opposed to it being especially MtF Trans-perpetrator.

Especially in multicultural societies in which there's a whole spectrum of attitudes to, and awareness of trans people, in which non-clear communication can lead to... friction.

I do agree that an interested woman will make efforts to meet, but I also feel that dynamic is better expressed after an in-person meeting. Before an in-person meeting, if you're in any sort of metro online dating marketplace, you are one of a cast of 1000s in the inbox of anything female presenting.

The whole interaction really begins after/during the first in-person meeting

Exactly. The 5 people left who still care about COVID are also likely fervently blue tribe so it is completely pointless for Trump to try and appeal to them.

Yeah. I feel the majority of Right wing antisemites might feel that Jewish influence is way larger than their population share should facilitate, but would also take Jewish neighbors in their suburb over other outgroup neighbors all day, every day.

Likewise with Israel-Palestine I get a sentiment of 'Israel are probably breaking international norms/active unethically, but also Palestine being Lebanon 5.0 would be a negative for all involved compared to illegitimate Jewish occupation'

I feel like GDanning's interpretation is very male-brain, for lack of a better term, of the issue. In which he acknowledges Nora is attracted to her prior flame but fails to understand the dance a bit. Stuff like 'If she was so incredibly enamored, why did she never reach out on Facebook' which is like standard female-brain behavior, but mystifying to a male or substantially male thought process.

It's better to be too forward than to be too passive, since atleast being too forward allows you to get feedback which allows for calibration of your approach for the next time.

Is it the tattoos in an aesthetic vacuum, or is it the attribute signalling they convey?

No amount of makeup and toning is going to make a 55-year-old woman physically attractive to the broad majority of men, much less a 70-year-old woman

This is going to shock you, but there are older men who'll enthusiastically pursue the same level of simping for an older woman in reasonable shape. I know 50 year old women who are essentially still existing off flirtation and prettiness

For whatever definition of "flying animal" you can come up with, I'm pretty sure I could come up with an exception, unless maybe you write a couple hundred words in your definition explicitly listing exceptions to the point where it's a very obviously unwieldy and not particularly natural category.

Yeah, even 'flying animal' for the purposes of fence building I'm sure for any given fence there's some animals capable of limited flight that would nonetheless find it insurmountable.

I'm assuming the new, recent one?

Because they are wholly uninteresting to talk to, unattractive, or I just otherwise don't think they're worth my time. It's the most clear "I'm not interested, but I'm also too busy to reject you" message you can send.

Ghosting also leaves juuust enough of a crack in the rejection that you can go back on it in future if necessary, too. Compared to actually rejecting somebody.

Instagram stories usually provide a solid vehicle, since they kind of imitate the 'oh I spontaneously walked past you and we struck up a convo' thing you'd get in other social avenues.

Yeah but as you go down the IQ scale the comparative advantages for businesses become a bit more complicated than sticking Kanban boards in and doing a weekly standup.

Yeah. Male role is more of a rubber stamp/final approval in most matchmaking-driven cultures. Indian & Chinese, from what I can see, vast majority of the matchmakers are women.