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joined 2022 November 15 08:31:46 UTC


User ID: 1865



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 15 08:31:46 UTC


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User ID: 1865

Yeah. I think there's dodginess rife but it's likely to just about even out on the aggregate

How much crime does one have to commit to be arrested six separate times? Dozens or hundreds of incidents

I mean I'd imagine there's few private citizens who haven't committed 100s of what could be charged as misdemeanors if they were observed by a sufficiently disgruntled law enforcement officer.

...How is this different than (((Triple Parentheses)))?

I feel like the lack of an assumed/densely-correlated genetic component alters the calculus a little bit.

I'd say today the pure non-working housewife role is increasingly economically unviable, which doesn't necessarily mean 'a wife needs a degree', but generally professional roles that work around a maternity schedule will lean that way.

Yeah but as you go down the IQ scale the comparative advantages for businesses become a bit more complicated than sticking Kanban boards in and doing a weekly standup.

Yeah. Male role is more of a rubber stamp/final approval in most matchmaking-driven cultures. Indian & Chinese, from what I can see, vast majority of the matchmakers are women.

I do think simultaneously that being a CEO is hugely demanding in terms of mental ability and time consumption, but also there's a ton of Fisher Kingness attributed to whoever happens to have the top job and they're largely fairly interchangeable.

The possibility made you put a bit more thought into where you were putting your genitals, especially with the threat of the half-decade go nowhere relationship.

Were the 1960s Residential Schools subject to outbreaks of Cholera in a literal frontier?

Which groups are you using as a proxy? Every major demographic started as a downtrodden immigrant group. Practically the only lasting pro-left successful immigrant group I can think of is the Asian diaspora, though they've been psyopped into some sort of 'despite the fact that you're the most successful and affluent demographic ever, you're victims' mix

I mean very few guys are ever gonna have an even choice between offensive & defensive line. They're fundamentally different bodytypes and competencies even whilst acknowledging the 'they've gotta be top percentile in general size' reality.

DL is just inherently a lot simpler and more explosiveness driven. There's a reason there's been way more instances of random late-life converts or overseas players managing to succeed as DL than as OL.

Lot of which failed to really launch/aggregate large amounts of volume, though.

Some may be just generally bad; some may be unconsciously disinterested in a relationship; some may have personality traits that make them a bad prospect. The point is that women see highly sought after men who aren't good long term prospects.

Why would it be an unconscious preference? If you're the hypothetical 'Chad Thundercock' and just want to get laid, Tinder's providing you with ample opportunities to get your dick wet and generally working as intended. Honestly, so long as Chad Thundercock is direct and clear with his intentions on just getting laid I don't think that's even a bad result for the stack.

The main issue/corruptive agent are people who are working on false pretenses. The hypothetical 'Lovebomber' who presents as down for a long-term relationship for 3-4 dates then bails, who undermines the sincerity of the actually longterm-orientated (and can, frankly, lead to some bizarre expectations where longterm-minded girls assume that their 'sprinting' effort and 110% agreeability is something that an actual longterm prospect is gonna emulate)

The social convention is essentially that a story is a short-lived Facebook status where you can reply to it via DM. There's a huge social machinery now built around that artifice but it's much easier to generate conversation off 'oh that looks nice, where'd you get it' than just straight up cold DMing people.

Yeah. I feel the majority of Right wing antisemites might feel that Jewish influence is way larger than their population share should facilitate, but would also take Jewish neighbors in their suburb over other outgroup neighbors all day, every day.

Likewise with Israel-Palestine I get a sentiment of 'Israel are probably breaking international norms/active unethically, but also Palestine being Lebanon 5.0 would be a negative for all involved compared to illegitimate Jewish occupation'

Honestly surprised me that somebody with his interests actually did something in the real world, especially something so grandiosely self-destructive. Big From Software game enthusiast.

AFAIK Canberra's more left wing, such as being the only region to actually Vote Yes at the last referendum... but I guess it's more of a Labor-voting Left Wing than a radical one.

Universal Soldier works, but even then it's a bit stilted in terms of pure musicality

I feel like GDanning's interpretation is very male-brain, for lack of a better term, of the issue. In which he acknowledges Nora is attracted to her prior flame but fails to understand the dance a bit. Stuff like 'If she was so incredibly enamored, why did she never reach out on Facebook' which is like standard female-brain behavior, but mystifying to a male or substantially male thought process.

Most of those were self-inflicted issues for the superpowers in question, and it's very 'we are establishing norms of conduct which, whilst it'd be nice if everybody followed, it doesn't seem the current losers would follow if they were on top.'

Technically the biggest celebrity in human history is a star carpenter!

It's better to be too forward than to be too passive, since atleast being too forward allows you to get feedback which allows for calibration of your approach for the next time.

Doesn't look like the right link?

Is it the tattoos in an aesthetic vacuum, or is it the attribute signalling they convey?

Still I think the suggestion of gold-digger comes with an implication that the girl is contributing next-to-nothing financially