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User ID: 886



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User ID: 886

Plenty of people need the opposite- to have someone they love to improve for.

Well but you improve for them so that you can be a better partner in some way -- more supportive emotionally, or provide them with stuff that would improve their life.

A chatbot has no legitimate need for either. The "love" relationship is already everything, and nothing, for the bot.

I disagree. I think by making this their hill to die on and then no one caring they have lost influence on future commercial endeavors the trans movement would disapprove of. Future producers will be a lot less easily frightened by activist underlings when they cannot point to this having tanked the biggest game of the year.

Yes, but I feel like the male hosts are just annoying the contestants out of boredom these days. Mel and Sue were so warm and encouraging and Noel is weird and Matt Lucas is obnoxious. I had the realization last week that after six years of devotion I really don't care to watch week to week this year.

A female history buff here. I agree that "female writers about history are just as likely as men to be drawn to history by the wonder of contemplating different worlds rather than by any sort of political ideology". I personally love that about history. When you get far enough back things just were a certain way and no one tries to get all moralistic about it.

From watching Youtube historians, I do sometimes feel like women feel pressured by modern politics to make asides ("of course this is only what the white women of a certain class were wearing") but women feel more social pressure from negative comments, in general, I think.

There might be an illusion that women want to analyze history from a Marxian/feminist lens but that is what academia has done to the humanities and scholars having to be careerist to survive, it doesn't seem to permeate voluntary history enjoyment at all.

Another thing which comes to my mind: aren't women the main consumers of historical dramas in both text and visual form? I do not think that most of them read those books and watch those shows because they want to get enraged by the lack of feminism in previous time periods. They read and watch them because they find themselves captivated by them.

Yes, this.

As a person who doesn't care about this issue, no not really. I don't see it as life altering in any meaningful way. i'm not sure what would move the needle enough to make me concerned, a high complication rate? But no, very different from chemical castration and brain growth retardation.

Last week on twitter I went to a website with a huge list of scientific studies that had failed to replicate or had mixed results. Annoyingly, googling "list of studies that failed to replicate" mostly gives me news articles with "5, 10 or 15 studies that failed to replicate!" Did anyone else see this and know what I'm talking about? I just want to bookmark it for future use.

It's more that there are men who don't smile broadly in any of their pictures. Probably serial killers.

And much larger lungs.

The difference between male and female athleticism is not minor competitive advantage. Most top high school male times beat most female olympian across almost all sports. I'll find the website if someone is interested.

Gone Girl is amazing, both the book and the movie. It is strange that she hasn't written a novel in ten years.

Depends on why you are doing it. If it is for reference and retention, you'd probably be best off taking a picture and then writing your own summary and thoughts than just typing it all out.

I've definitely discovered books nominated for the goodreads choice awards where they had more votes than they had actual goodreads readers (just the kinds of signaling books you would expect). So they are being pushed externally somehow, whether that is by publishers or authors or social media, I don't know.

I also find those awards problematic because Amazon pushes them the same year they are published, but many popular fiction titles that aren't by a major author take 2-3 years to peak, by which time they no longer show up on that list.

Total ratings is a good gauge of actual popularity of books though.

I agree with this and your other statements in the thread.

And I also want to note that Eichner (known as that guy with the obnoxious voice from Parks and Rec?) is not bringing the level of charisma that a typical romantic lead of either gender has to have for a typical rom-com. There is no movie he could star in that would do well. I think there could possibly be a gay rom-com that women would be willing to see, but it would have to be a traditional rom-com script (not preachy, not sexual) and cute, charismatic actors that we already like.

Browsing a few pages of twitter I'd say its 15% supportive 85% "they look so uncomfortable" "how could he do this to his family" etc.

Yes, despite monthly reminders that some employees are different and might be treated badly and should be on the lookout for jerks that secretly don't like them, they don't feel the same as everyone else. Shocking. Perhaps they need to join more "you look different from the majority" employee groups.

Everything else aside, it boggles the mind that it is considered appropriate for a non-verbal student to be mainstreamed.

Survival of the Prettiest, the Science of Beauty (book) talks about the different features we find attractive (primarily in women). The reasons we like paleness, certain body ratios, symmetry, etc. Mostly it boils down to neoteny, health, and sexual dimorphism.

It also talks about how you can exaggerate those features and end up with Jessica Rabbit, who technically looks ridiculous, but she still seems sexy. I guess all of anime bears out those tendencies as well.

Can someone link the actual tiktok videos? Searching without an account doesn't give you videos but channels.

Greys Anatomy had a really interesting Christian doctor for years and it led to really interesting story lines regarding sex, marriage, crises of faith and ultimately abortion. Pity she was removed to free up her love interest for an unpopular character that the writers wanted to center.

Much more true of mtf than ftm. Gc feminists are very supportive of detransitioning women.

Just wanted to say that I'm doing the potassium trial (conceived on the idea that potassium is why the potato diet works) and am around day 10. The first week was consistent losses (and I'm not a person who usually has a lot of spare glycogen) but I've now leveled out for three days and my appetite actually came back yesterday. My hangover from a non-enormous amount of wine was also brutal. I'm still stepping up the amount of potassium so hopefully I'll see a new low number in the next couple of days but I spent last week wondering if I'd finally found "that one weird trick" the internet is always promising us.

No, 40 CFR 120.2 defines "waters of the United States" to include wetlands, and "wetlands" to mean "those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions." And according to the Court's decision, that definition dates to the early 1980s.

That helps clarify part of what I saw about the case (the Reason video from six months ago) where the EPA also demanded they plant wetland plants on the land where none such plants grew. Ridiculous.

The Boardgames family is thriving on my contact list.

Children are also much more likely to die by accident in the care of a step-parent. Not sure of the number offhand, eight times, I think.

If the best concrete argument you have for attacking the idea of transgenderism is that it has the potential to create unfair disparities in women's sports,

It's the one that is most obvious but the implications are much broader. We have protections for women's spaces in our society for very real reasons and allowing males into those spaces because they want in has real harms. Prisons are another concrete example but people care more about athletes than criminals so this is a better wedge issue.