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BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

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joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC

White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC


White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

The population is not so much larger that Trump stomping Obama's numbers was a given, IMO. Yet he did!

There is no state capacity that can stop a dedicated individual terrorist. If you try to form up into groups and make complicated schemes, yes, of course, the FBI will infiltrate and lead you to getting yourself imprisoned -- but ultimately, no force on earth can stop a man from getting a gun and opening fire, driving his car into someone, whatever.

I'm not convinced. Time after time we see woke corporations take actions that seem more in line with ideology than profit motive; I believe "it's all about the benjamins" to be a comforting myth, told by people who want to think they can change things through good old fashioned capitalism rather than admit the cultural producers that dominate their society genuinely hate them.

It's not about money, it's about sending a message. We are in a war for the nation's very soul, and the creator class is best understood as combatants for one side.

We don't share the same cultural tastes. We don't share the same views of foreign or domestic policy. We don't share the same ideas on the sanctity of life, the appropriate way to handle crime, and the fundamental role of the government. We don't enjoy the same hobbies, we don't visit the same places, we don't watch the same news.

Sure, maybe everyone likes the latest Marvel movie, and agrees on vague platitudes like "good things are good" and "bad things are bad". Cut through the surface level and actually dig into the substance of issues, though, and I see nothing but irreconcilable division.

I'm not attempting to convince you or anyone else; as I noted, this has been debated over and over for two years now. The matter is settled, the lines are drawn, and persuasion is no longer a worthwhile goal nor even an achievable one. I'm not reaching out, I'm declaring where I stand, in the hope that it can offer others some small glimpse into the current nature of our society.

You do not need to agree 2020 was illegitimate. I, and tens of millions of people, are convinced it was. You have to deal with us one way or another.

Kiwi should not have done that, and should have ramped up their actions against Keffals even further, while staking out a clear position that Cloudflare is no ally of theirs. Do not kowtow to your enemies in the hopes they take pity on you. Not only does it never work, it's spiritually emasculating and deeply shameful.

These are not warring states and militaries. Kiwifarms has no ability to threaten or harm Cloudflare, and so 'buying time' is pointless. Cloudflare will always stomp on them so long as they use Cloudflare's services. The only right move is to refuse to heel and find someone else.

There is no gun that can shoot Cloudflare. There is no action that can be taken against Cloudflare now or in the future. Cloudflare wants them gone, and is committed to their existential termination. Bowing down to them is simply pathetic behavior that will not change the outcome. Groveling is always the wrong move, even if they can find no other refuge.

Cloudflare is not a charging bull. It's not a mindless animal. It's a collection of thinking, reasoned sadists, who want Kiwifarms gone but more than that want Kiwifarms humiliated and broken. Being removed is inevitable; giving Cloudflare more satisfaction is wholly unnecessary.

It's your church. The only moral obligation it has is to serve the needs of the congregation in a righteous and forthright manner. If you all crave more non-Whites, for whatever reason, then there's a responsibility to recruit them. But if the group is content with what it has, that is enough.

Do not confuse "come under pressure" with an actual obligation. Many people will tell you that you have to do something. You don't. You can in fact ignore those people and tell them to pound sand and continue as you will. They have no power save that which people grant them via willing submission.

Just have a spine. The ultimate defense against woke subversion and conquest is not being a worm.

This doesn't make sense given the way cloudflare acted

Hard disagree. It makes perfect sense as I've argued elsewhere, which is how I was able to accurately predict Cloudflare's actions and was not caught off guard, unlike many who thought differently. Cloudflare is a tentacle of Left, Inc., and its facade of libertarian attitude is a relic of Old Internet mores which no longer exist and are no longer believed in. The progressive leviathan will continue to crush, oppress, and destroy, and there is nothing anyone can do to change it from the inside. No matter how much you beg your masters to take pity on you, they will not. They do not have it in their hearts.

The only path to success, long-term, is a total rejection of the progressive beast. Gather state power and martial power; accumulate resources; take both legal and extra-legal means to inflict harm on the corporations and the people that comprise them.

You know what won't stop Keffals? Fedposting bomb threats. You know what would stop Keffals? Actually doing it. You know what won't sway Prince? Apologizing, groveling, sniveling, accommodating. You know what would? Imposing costs on him as a person.

This is something the progressives have learned much, much better than non-progressives, for whatever reason. Progressives have a total war mentality. It works.

Groveling is a very useful move for people, organizations, even nations, and has saved many from death - which is why it exists. And "temporarily banning certain words in the thread" (and - not even telling anyone you're doing that) is not groveling in any obvious sense.

It's absolutely groveling in an obvious sense. It's the same thing Zorba did with AEO on Reddit for ages, with the end result being we're all here, anyway. Sucking off your betters so that they can enjoy the sadistic thrill of watching you squirm unhappily might buy you some time, but it will never actually lead to a good outcome for you. Just bite it.

But it "proves too much" - if cloudflare was entirely anti-kiwifarms, they would've folded in 2017, surely?

It's fun to make your enemies squirm. It's fun to make them obey you. It's fun to gather them in one place as a harmless boogeyman you can point to to help conjure up public support and sympathy. Up until they stop being so harmless, and someone actually wants to send a message, at which point there is nothing that can be done.

there are literally multiple different people in cloudflare. Prince is the CEO and as such probably makes decisions, but he does so for reasons, needs to make his people happy, investors, customers, etc.

Agreed. Prince is the most public-facing of the tentacles, not the only one.

Actually killing keffals would ... uh ... not help stop progressives?

I am still unsure to what extent I can advocate political violence here. Suffice to say "if you kill your enemies they win" was silly when Trudeau said it, and it's silly when you say it. You would in fact stop progressivism in its tracks if being a degenerate strongly elevated your risk of death. See: why even the woke don't tend to touch Islam.

You do not need to command a state or a military or a corporate office. Islamic terrorism is effective, consistently effective, because it is personal and unstoppable on a human level. No amount of political or social influence can stop the sheer mind-numbing fear of death that comes from a devoted and violent enemy.

Violence works. It has worked all throughout human history. Violence is the truest and most honest form of conflict resolution that exists, and it cuts through all bullshit. Violence's only downside is that once you commit to it your life is endangered, and so people shy away from it. But if you can cross that threshold, if you can accept you have no future that isn't soaked in your own blood, you can wield a level of power rivaling any President, any dictator, any CEO.

All power is a proxy for violence. At its core, influence of any kind is the ability to have violence inflicted on someone. When you embrace the violence yourself, you are power.

Yes, that's war. People on both sides die. It's why we use proxies, so that people don't have to die en masse. But the more faith in the proxies falters, the more one side dominates the processes and subverts the systems, the more reason there is to abandon the proxies.

I've said elsewhere we will not have a second Civil War. I stand by that. But we will have violent troubles.

Islamic terrorists haven't convinced any foreign states to perform a pro-Islamic coup, yet nevertheless they have a chilling effect on their detractors, who will often twist themselves into pretzels performing apologetics.

You do not need to overthrow a state. You only ever need to hurt and frighten specific individuals in it to influence the collective entity.

Before 2030 we will have a statistically significant increase in violent crime with political motives across the country. I'll even be nice and say we don't have to count the BLM riots, as if we did my prediction would already be realized.

Have they made it less 'progressive'? No, of course not. Have they made the definition of 'progressive' weirdly tolerant of Islamic norms that blatantly should be considered anti-progressive? I'd say undeniably, whether that's talking up the empowering nature of the hijab or overlooking mass child rape.

If Christians had half the tenacity Muslims do when it comes to violent martyrdom, Christianity would be significantly more respected in the west.

I firmly believe history, even recent history, indicates otherwise. Violence works better than anything else, so long as it's intelligently targeted.

This type of aggressive and short-sighted thinking is not, actually, why censorship has worked, because communities constantly appease and slowly wither rather than do what I say.

In theory, sure, you could kowtow to a sadist so they lower their guard. In practice, there's no real way for Kiwifarms to do that to Cloudflare. What would them dropping their guard even look like?

Islamic countries are terrible. Islamic terrorists are remarkably effective at coercing non-Islamic entities into appeasement and craven tolerance. I am praising the latter, not the former.

I reject the notion it's coincidence that the minorities progressives appease the most are also the minorities that cause the most trouble when not appeased. Native Americans don't get half the simping blacks do, and that's because blacks scare the shit out of progressives. Same with Muslims.

Yeah, I get it. Wordiness is a proxy for effort, but like all proxies, it eventually starts being valued for its own sake.

Strange - I see large segments of society behave like rabid dogs, and instead of being shot they secure victory after victory and bathe in endless rewards for mashing defect in the prisoner's game we call coexistence. How curious that society bends over backwards to appease left-approved violence, but right-approved violence is surely doomed to failure. Why, it must just be a simple rule of nature that bad things only work for leftists.

Alternatively, perhaps bad things just work, period, and there's an influential chunk of society keenly interested in making sure their enemy tribe doesn't realize this.

The top three pandered to minorities are blacks, Muslims, and trannies. The first two have a long and consistent history of violent disagreement with whatever society houses them, which lets them wield disproportionate influence to their benefit. The trannies aren't personally violent, but they don't need to be: they are the system, they don't need to threaten it.

Eunuchs have a long and colorful history the world over of dominating and corrupting states. Unfortunately, their methods aren't reproducible by non-eunuchs.

Yeah, that's certainly something the leftist leviathan would want to convince people of. Color me skeptical.