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Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 3 users  
joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


User ID: 481


Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


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User ID: 481


The app is indeed weirdly buggy. But it has always been that way for some reason

This doesn’t sound realistic without nuclear weapons. Israel has much superior technology but relies on America for it almost entirely as senior idf personnel openly and frequently admit. But then they do have nukes (although Iran might have them soon too)

much as the court disallowed the pre-nuptial contract

Can you explain this?

Just because a sector has done well in the near past, it doesn’t mean it will keep doing so in the future as well. There is already a huge amount of future growth priced in the tech stocks. This is basically gambling with your money. Starting a business at least means you are putting your money on your own personal skills, network and competence as well as access to local information.

You can still exploit being legally and culturally American to find online remote work much much more appealing to anyone who is not

I haven’t thought of this at all. Going to research about intermittent fasting

I don’t have a car and already walk or cycle everywhere unfortunately so not much I can improve in this regard

Cars cost 1-2 orders of magnitude less than real estate. They are fragile machinery produced en mass in gigantic heavily automated factories. They have lots of moving parts exposed to huge amounts of wear and tear. None of these things apply to houses. I don’t see a valid comparison here

A bit of a personal question: how did you come to the conclusion that you are gay with very little sexual experience?

I am also in a similar situation (not so dramatic perhaps, but I definitely didn't expect numbers on my income sheet to go up so fast). I even made a post here half a year ago before accepting the job offer asking for advice! I personally have too much of a middle class upbringing to ever consider spilling money into something that I can't convince my brain is good value for money. So so far I have just been treating people around me to nice restaurants and stashing most of the earnings in a checking account. But still some suggestions that might be of interest, roughly in an order of increasing cost:

  • Hire a cleaner. Not even that expensive if you don't have a large house.
  • High-end gym and/or private trainer.
  • Build yourself a solid wardrobe of high quality pieces that fit you well and match each other well. You can even hire professional help for shopping if you aren't sure about your judgment and don't want to spill money on expensive items that you will later not wear.
  • Do charity. Not the type of charity where you are feeding Western NGO types with your donations or giving mosquito blankets to African villages but stuff that leads to you having some standing in your community. My parents used to pay for medical treatments of poorer family members/acquittances and help with college tuitions of their kids etc. The respect and loyalty you get from such acts is difficult to describe if you have never witnessed people building such charity networks around them.
  • For any sporty hobby (surfing, skiing etc) you can spend a couple weeks with great private tutors in the best possible location and you will achieve a level of skill you didn't think possible. Later on this can lead to amazing vacations.
  • If you are the type of person (no judgment intended), high-end sex resorts in some Caribbean countries are the closest a man can reach the Islamic idea of heaven with money (at least non-billionaire level of money).

Ideally you will recognize that your brain is wired to seek all such status markers and worldly pleasures ultimately only for the purposes of passing on your genes in the best circumstances possible to the next generation. Try to leverage your situation to find a good partner and raise children in a favorable environment.

With chess I can agree. The type of person who is into speed running today might had been into chess 50 years ago.

Doing sports is at least actually good for your body and people who go pro are usually not the cognitive elite.

There are quite a lot of IEDs and booby traps in those tunnels.

On an unrelated note, how the hell can I get through these YouTube "you must watch ads" pop-ups?? I am on safari with adguard

There is good reason to believe that even the American high command doesn't think it can actually win a war of invasion against Iran in any realistic scenario.

Yes this was either a parody or this place is becoming a parody of itself.

Put things on the safari read list instead of keeping them open as tabs. If I didn’t read something after a month, delete it since obviously I am not actually that interested. If I find an article genuinely interesting and worthy to remember later, save in pocket and/or send it to my girlfriend so we can discuss it later.

Also helps to read less and skim more, and be very strict with what’s worthy of your time.

Chatgpt does a fine job with SQL

I am basically ignoring any casualty figures for the reasons I have detailed. I wouldn’t be surprised if Russians truly have significantly fewer casualties since they have a superiority on hardware and munitions and they have been very risk averse in some situations that can lead to mass casualties, preferring to just withdraw. But I wouldn’t be surprised by the opposite either.

I am sure US intelligence has a good picture of the conflict and they sometimes put it out for mass consumption when it’s useful. But I don’t think the numbers at the discord leaks was such an occasion. They were simply taking Ukrainian mod at their word for their own casualties and repeating OSINT numbers for Russian side. My expectation is that there was an intelligence sharing mess up deliberately or not deliberately.

Sorry I was referring to the slightly post-post WW2 period when Germany became a very wealthy country under American supervision. You are right about the expulsions.

If Russians start maintaining a large military presence in the northern border then all of these points start applying to Ukraine equally as well. Russians can also now launch operations from the North and Ukraine has to defend.

Overall I believe actions that might force further mobilisation in Russia are not good for Ukraine. They are massively benefitting from Russian leadership’s desire to make the war invisible to daily lives of ordinary Russians, and because of this they are able to keep parity in soldier numbers against a much more populous rival.

I am not so convinced by this. Ukrainians also have to tie down forces and equipment to create such a reaction. They cannot use their air assets as much so rapid deployment of force is even more difficult for them.

Also most Russian women I know seem to be in rather shitty relationships. Maybe it is just my small sample size. I don't know what is up with this.

Why the hell aren't they calling it a rolling blackout like everyone else? Very confusing term

Imagine your dad getting fired because you want to pursue a music career and don't focus on your grades. Sounds fun.