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joined 2022 September 04 22:15:28 UTC
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1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:15:28 UTC


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User ID: 204

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Fair enough, I do find pair programming the best way to learn. It does help me to concentrate quite a bit. I haven't had as much of a chance to do that as I'd like, but when I can, I do.

I think there's a danger to putting off a problem with the view that it will eventually be (probably) solved with technology.

Well, it was posted to stupidpol which has different social norms than themotte. But I felt that the quality of the post outweighed the stylistic concerns.

I could have made some minor edits (after asking for permission), and if there's a next time, I will.

But I would hope this doesn't prevent us from engaging with the meat of this post.

Well, Sweden intentionally doesn't collect these kinds of stats, so it would be hard to prove. But I would suggest that the fact that they don't collect these kinds of stats is pretty damning. Where there's smoke...

So maybe not hard proof. But bayesian evidence, yes

This is a good idea. Use /r/themotte as a feeder sub

There's massively overlap when it comes to rdrama/themotte posters

Jokes and motteposters, name a more iconic duo

There are reasons to oppose steroid use, but steroids mentally compromising soldiers isn't at the top of my list. I've been on steroids, they don't make you a different person. The number of people who are totally fine mentally without them but risk taking maniacs on them is very small

As a guy that did steroids, I gotta say you're overselling them. They will make you a better athlete, but they will not make a bad athlete into a good athlete. Not really.

I think adderall is more effective based on my own experiences with both.

What makes you think progressives want to dismantle capitalism? Those are just kids on reddit. Real life progressives are heavily integrated into capitalism, and progressivism's big cultural wins align curiously well with capitalism

I do think they have moral worth, but I've always wondered what anti-hunters think happens to animals that aren't shot in the wild. Best case scenario they get pushed out of the pack and die of starvation. Or they get killed by a predator, or disease. Some guy with a gun is not an obviously worse source of death to me, though I think they have to eat the meat for it to be ethical.

Animals don't retire to the Bahamas

I'm not sure, but to help I clicked it a million times on your profile

When they teach kids that pulling out doesn't work, it's 99 percent a lie. They just don't trust people to not fuck up

It won't make you less interesting, and it's cool to subject yourself to things like this. That having been said, I'm not sure you want to create a narrative where something like this is just going to change everything you don't like about yourself. It can, however, be the start of that, if that's what you want.

Edit: All that said, I think we'd be better off if more people did crazy stuff like this. Go for it, have fun, learn something about yourself, and try not to die like the dumb kid who poisoned himself in Alaska

"Obviously I'm smarter than this guy, therefore there's zero danger when I play his game, on his turf"

Children are more likely to stay in the religion if their father practices than if the mother practices. It isn't obvious to me why

Buy a Putin themed calendar, like Japanese businessmen

You have to do your due diligence, but I've met people who got started like that. What you said is more or less true of buying any business

"other than that, how was the play?"

I go to AA. For a lot of people there, I get the sense that religion is a LARP. But it's one they cling to desperately, and they are strongly supported by others in the group. I've seen people flat out become something entirely different. A guy who would lie, steal, cheat on his wife, and then suddenly, BAM, different person. I think that the AA structure is more effective than the church structure, you are compelled to interact and share deeply personal things, I think that's probably only the tip of the iceberg.

But for this reason I think it can work

I somewhat agree with this, something important is lost if you don't take it (at least aspects) literally. But, I go to AA. For many, religion in AA is a larp, but one that they adhere to, er, religiously. Not just in terms of alcohol, or admitting yourself powerless and in need of God, but in every aspect of their lives. And the transformation this enables can be remarkable to witness, and goes far beyond not having a sip of alcohol.

I took my wife to a rationalist meetup and she made me promise not to do that to her again

I did, but I was in the third richest public school district in the country, locally recognized as a stealth private school.

By the time I graduated, I could see that bad times were ahead, even there.

Tyler Childers is pretty good.

These kinds of articles have been common for years. Two types of authors: woke sympathetics who recognize some of the insanity but want to tone down the opposition, and anti-wokes who confuse what they want to happen with what will happen.

I believe we are still in the early stages of our woke cultural revolution. I think that rising inequality (imagine what AI, automation, and climate change will be able to do in terms of disruption) will create more rage, and the rage will be shunted into wokism, because it has been able to effectively market itself as in opposition to inequality. Unfortunately, wokism provides cover for, and is a tool of the drivers of modern inequality.