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User ID: 1873



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User ID: 1873

one of reasons I wish Russia win over Ukraine (if closely aligned with EU&US they will get this too, eventually)

Russia proper

could you please use 'internationally recognized territory of Russia' instead.

(often just as difficult to measure) for IQ

what do you mean by this, you're writing just to inflate word count? IQ tests require from 30 minutes to hour or more, and many people do not want to waste time on it. Ticking boxes in questionaire about degree they have is less than minute, and more people cooperate.

whether EA can mean different things in different countries, and so on.

this is a non-issue since EA here only used for getting polygenic index in reference population which is either one country or some quite similar countries. Then, polygenic index is used to predict which EA other population would had if they lived in reference country.

Knocking off three years of attainment because it’s a majority black country isn’t.

you're imagining what your outgroup done bad?

I believe the current transgender advocacy, on the reverse, requires trans individuals to be recognized as such even without surgery and/or HRT, Laws requiring surgery and/or HRT, sterliziation are widely seen as transphobic.

This isn't just my interpretation or extrapolation of my opponents' position, this idea is written down in manifestoes

I don't think this has anything to do with mainstream.

You can say that black people are stupid

define 'stupid'

You mean that German SS entered territory of former Russian empire and killed Jews there?

I lost about 12 pounds in 2.5 months

So most of your weight "loss" was glycogene and water associated with glycogene, not fat. Will return quickly.

Offbrand cola is disgusting, for example.

How do we know they are objectively worse than brand colas without using your prior exposure to brand colas?

It would help, you know, if you defined intelligence in not sense "personality which I like", which is not very useful.

About cab drivers, there's a quote alleged to Mitterand "it is very unfortunate thing that people who know most about how to govern, are already employed as hairdressers and taxi drivers".

Losers, low status, poverty, lack of access to quality consumption

Nice post, but it is firmly estabished that in most countries wealth and fertility has inverse correlation except top few percent of wealth.

Most of men 'died in SMO' I read about in social media had children.

what you do mean?

Ok, lobbying for unrestricted (or barely restricted) usage of blockers and hormones by youth can be seen as libertarian and transhumanist. But others? The same people push for obligatory pronouns and orwellian phrase "gender affirmative therapy" referring to transition. They make to fight for trans represenation. If I implant a multispectral camera in my body so I could enhance my vision, there people would be amongst the first for me to be punished.

(If it was that easy, people probably would not have invented Rust in the first place.)

C++ is bad not only in memory safety, but also has ugly grammar, no modules, slow compilation speed (and ugly binary operator priority).

I do think black people have a significantly lower average IQ than whites, that this has a genetic component

Wouldn't that, when compressed to 3 words, result in sentence @guesswho dislikes?

Any ideologies that depend on any version of Just World Theory are false and should be abandoned.

Nobody believies in "Just World Theory", it is a stawman. I believe stawman "Magic Dirt Theory" is more accurate for your thinking than "Just World Theory" for your opponents.

The claim was only about IQ scores vs real-life tasks in military, that IQ scores do have meaning. You demonstrated low decoupling and went to discuss other McNamara actions (which I happen know to nothing about), well maybe because you can't refute central point? Maybe you meant that lowering IQ threshold for military enlistment was actually good but other McNamara actions are guilty for bad performance of "moron corps"?

Should we let people with Down Syndrome play with power tools on a construction site because we are not 'racist'

how is it relevant example? on constuction site, only workers are allowed and workers do not 'play' with tools but do what they're expected to do.

War in Ukraine is unpopular and especially unpopular among his populist right.

That sounds like that American voters think that USA leadership has same or equal blame in starting war than Russia leadership.

But in terms of more % of redistribution, then that is more likely to happen with more diversity.

They are not increasing diversity -- they are increasing demographic groups which promote redistribution, the effect that in current USA it increases diversity is purely coincidental. For countries which already have demographics which promotes redistribution, they don't want to change demographics.

I think average person can pick difference between Chinese and Japanese overall sound picture by listening random speeches in each language for a minute

If you are woke or woke-sympathizer, is there some pieces for propaganda of wokes that makes you feel cringe? I am a Red Tribe sympathizer, and Ben Harrison arts more often than not, makes me feel cringe.

Could you please state why?

Many? Quick GPT question says 11.3% americans live up to 95. I wouldn't call this many.

Agreed, but also women have lower libidos than men, so even if they were as aggressive, this wouldn't be as bad.

Can someone understand anti-vaxx perspective on this? Why vaccine lobby does not promote vaccines against HIV? Mainstream science position [is that] existing HIV vaccines are experimental and not effective, but if anti-vaxx believe vaccine lobby promotes ineffecient or harmful vaccines, why would it be an obstacle?