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User ID: 1038


lol 🦂 lmao

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User ID: 1038


She's obviously a Nazi. Why else would the AP run a story leading with a photo of her like this? Completely unsubtle and is being carried on all kinds of default news bars.

wanting a stock Viper is not part of the Second Amendment

Given the historical tradition of private ships and cannon, what excludes a zero down, 25% APY Viper loaded up with some cute girls for a weekend? Not financially prudent but that's not constitutionally relevant.

Absolutely. See his radio interview that was also attacked by the foreign policy establishment and got a lot of negative press. Defend Taiwan for strategic reasons related to chips, once they are no longer the bottleneck they can go back to dealing with the cold civil war on their own and notionally the PRC would have less strategic reasons to invade once the US was no longer dependent on Taiwan.

but you presumably wouldn't say that fully-grown children are the property of their parents!

Why not? Patria potestas and Confucian filial piety are not foreign concepts. The Honor commandment is a heavy burden, not merely one of respect.

Don't pick bad object level arguments when trying to argue a broader point. Accepting "wrong on the details but correct on the overall" is how you get the "this hate crime may have been a hoax but it draws attention to the important problems" kind of statements. Those are rejected here for the same reasons.

Wasn't August Hirt's work all produced from gas chambers at a camp? Not mass grave of course given the nature of his work but corpses and there is some first-hand testimony of how they got there.

Ironically since Twitter Blue is an in-app-purchase restricted to iOS Elon has actually directly enriched Apple rather than the usual secondary halo effects of iOS users getting their birdsite fix. Not carrying an app is the opposite of bundling, Apple isn't offering their own alternative social media ecosystem. Zoomed out much of the censorship as it does exist comes from various organs of government as much as activist wings so engaging in it with tacit regulator approval is unlikely to provoke institutional response.

Comparing US production popularity abroad to foreign production popularity in the US is not a like for like comparison.

How much of that is confounded by evidence of white folk having low to negative ingroup preference?

Muggsy notwithstanding I recall there is something of a high pass filter effect when it comes to height and skill correlations in basketball. Once you've filtered out all the people below 5'6" then other factors dominate.

Do you mean tradition or Tradition? Actual meaningful difference for this context.

There's a particular image floating around of a car seat with a blood stain where the head would rest and next to it an infant dress with blood along the top half. And this news report. Of course Journalist reliability and the reliability of their sources is always a factor.

Source on what aspect? I was noting that characterizing francafrique as French (Neo)Imperial maintenance is not outside the overton window and that French armed forces do deploy regularly both to "provide security" to French aligned regimes and "peace keeping" in the less French aligned areas. Someone who might use the term Empire to describe the actions/area might use different terms than the quoted ones I used. I'm not aware of the French proactively reducing their footprint so much as being forced to given civil conflicts and anti-French attitudes of newer regimes.

Simply excluding peninsular people narrows things well enough doesn't it?

Enough of Bruen will be carved out to allow all of the NFA to stand. Except on abortion, that's how the Roberts court works; make apparently major decisions which change nothing.

Granting cert in US v Rahimi looks all downside on that front especially given the facts of the case and the plaintiff. And that's not even getting close to the NFA section of 18 USC 922.

Having spent time in the single A development space as well as contracting for TLAs, I would rate the average skillset of the technical staff making low budget licensed games and mobile skinner boxes above the people who have to leave their cellphones in a cubby before going into the office. Averages in both cases get brought down when you include artists or systems engineers. Meanwhile isn't there a meme in Hollywood about a desperate need for gaffers who know how to actually light sets and audio engineers who can make speech audible?


That word typically meaning someone who does not believe correctly (with implications of having chosen that path). Or in the vulgar form, not a real believer.

Paul DePodesta seems to be doing pretty well career wise even if he mostly gets hired by loser teams, they tend to improve after bringing him on.

Poor people already significantly do not vote compared to rich. Although realistically there should be some nontrivial cost floor. Paul voting whether or not Peter should be robbed to pay for Paul has some issues. The franchise being conditioned on the bond does not stop poor people from leaving, only those who voted for that same government in the first place who cannot bear the cost. And a progressive cost on the bond would mean that it would be proportionally costly for rich and poor.

I've been playing with https://search.marginalia.nu/ but it's not something I'd use as a primary because of scaling issues. Still refreshing to use an engine that acts like the old days and actually finds niche pages based on text and content instead of one that wants me to talk to it in sentences like a three year old and still not show me things I know exist on the lesser trafficked parts of the web.

I only know about the late 90s attempt in NYC from a throwaway futurama joke.

You must be on a weird section of the internet or have some interesting configuration. From what I'm seeing they have a DigiCert one good until December 12th, 2022, that is not OCSP stapled so there shouldn't be any cache issues and it's not on any public CRLs. This is for the subnet that I'm resolving to at least. Offsite validation via DigiCert says the same.

edit: This was replying to the comment mentioning twitter dot com, not nitter dot net but it seems something autocorrected the latter to the former.

We're back to MAI Systems Corp. v. Peak Computer, Inc. territory with this kind of logic.

Seems like you should probably look to Scott v Sandford for some contextual clarity for the time about laws restricting rights as applied to people who may not have been considered entitled to them. The actual decision is in the national archives and should be read not summaries or opinion pieces.

That used to be a tactic of the OG natsoc's where they specifically tailored their clothes, put the fitter, taller more attractive men in the front of their parade/protest groups and when producing video of events like rallies used some camera tricks and staging to keep putting the hero prop level attendees in view with the more typical extras in the back out of focus.