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investments: META/FBL, TSLA, TQQQ, TECL, MSFT ...

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China taking economic action

'Economic action'...this is very broad.

China taking military action

very unlikely

Consequences on Chinese industry

probably not good

Tech policy towards China becoming a wedge issue in American politics

very unlikely

I don't see any confusion. The left is going leftward, as it historically has done. Conservatives are in the strongest position in a long time. So many wins over the past few years, like Elon Twitter buyout, successful buycotts of brands, plagiarism scandals, SCOTUS, etc. . Biden's approval numbers are among the lowest ever for an incumbent. They right just needs to step back and let the left hang itself by its petard. Wokeness does not need a counter-response; its existence turns off enough people.

I wonder why Taylor Swift blew up over the past year despite having originally entered superstardom in 2010-2011. There was a decade cooling off period in which other singers like Lizzo, Katy Perry, and Beyonce held the mantle, and then she suddenly blew up. I think this shows again the power of Twitter to create superstars and affect news cycles. The Musk effect is real. Sure, Meta is a far bigger network of platforms and YouTube is bigger overall, but Twitter is where the discourse and culture are shaped.

I don't get the age obsession , or why this is that miraculous or surprising. People living a long time these days. Good genes , modern healthcare, a 'purpose-driven life' all help. Buffett, Munger, Kissinger...lots of people who were/are fully productive in their 90s or even 100s just before death. Contrary to Richard Hanania, I want to see more old people in politics and positions of power, if only because that gives hope for the rest of us. Age cutoffs, or ageism overall, just means shooting yourself in the foot as you approach that cutoff. It's giving yourself fewer options. Reagan and Trump, despite advanced age ,took active ownership or control of their presidencies, similar to Clinton or Obama.

Also, it helps unleash more human capital. The notion that old people in power crowd out young people is similar to the 'lump of labor' argument that technology destroys jobs--yes it destroys some jobs but has a net-positive effect of more jobs. Unlocking more human capital, and prolonging the productive lifespan of humans, means more economic growth and jobs overall. There are some edge cases like tenure, in which unproductive staff stay too long. But this is endemic with the tenure system and can be fixed with a more meritocratic or results-focused system.

In short @ArjinFerman is more intelligent than you.

how is that even relevant. yet again HlynkaCG is able to break rules with impunity here and get endless warnings

Project Veritas

The video is up on YouTube, on Twitter, and Facebook. If this were 2020 it probably would have been censored from all platforms. This is an indication of something changing. I think social media companies are feeling pressured by the 2022 downturn and have learned that censorship does not work and is bad for shareholder value, even if the mainstream media complains or advertisers threaten to boycott. Advertisers , in the end, are dependent on the public, so if the public is increasingly anti-woke or skeptical at least of mainstream Covid narratives, advertisers are going to have to adapt accordingly.

As for the story itself, obviously it makes Pfizer look bad. It proves that these vaccines have been a cash cow. What it means to mutate Covid, could indicate many things. Such as mutating the virus to preemptively develop a vaccine for it.

Here's a little bit of incomplete thinking about the classic "13/53" number, which is a ballpark figure (varying year to year) that represents the fact that black people are overrepresented by a factor of about 5x in crime. I see a lot of people tend to interpret this number as "black people are 5x more likely to commit crimes", but that might not actually be the case.

I think so too. I made a couple of posts a while back arguing that this may be misleading due to:

  1. The black-white IQ gap could mean that whites are less likely to get caught. It's reasonable to assume smarter criminals will take precautions to avoid being caught. Also, taking plea deals to dismiss a serious charge for a lesser one. It's likely that smarter criminals will avail themselves of more legal options.

  2. Smarter criminals are likely to engage in crimes which have a lot of victims and a smaller per-incidence risk of arrest, such as fraud. The crime stats only look at arrests, not the # of victims per crime. A single fraudster can have hundreds of victims, for substantial sums of money, versus a black who robs a store and is arrested afterwards, yet these are counted as a single entry in the crime stats. .

If you just look at homicides, excluding serial killers, then blacks are way overrepresented.

The rightoid conspiracy theorists are directionally correct, though, aren't they? "The elites want a future where blue collar people to eat bugs and live in pods" is a reasonable extrapolation of (a) the elite's climate doomerism, (b) spiralling (upwards) urban house prices, and (c) the Davos class' obvious contempt for the Western working class.

The left can say the same thing about their own conspiracies, too. "Even if it was a hoax, blacks still face systemic oppression, so it's a teachable moment and not completely divorced from the stark reality blacks face in America today."

And I’m left asking, can we predict that? How can we predict how leaders will react under pressure? How can we predict how wars and matters of state will conclude if they hinge on these personal decisions of individual, fallible, men?

How about predict that things will be dragged out forever without a resolution , nor nuclear war. That is what I was saying in Feb. would happen and has played out. No one knows what to do but to adopt a watch and wait approach (except for aid). Putin knows this well and knows that time is working on his side. With Trump gone, Putin saw an opportunity , knowing no one would be able to do anything, nor would have the inclination to, and jumped on it.

It seems to me more likely that Putin took a gamble, a good gamble, which had positive expected value, and came up absolutely snake eyes on the heroism of a relative handful of Ukrainians.

Not sure how we can calculate an expected value on a one-time occurrence. If we use proxies such as stock market performance, Russia miscalculated, but it's not even a year yet. I think too many people overestimated the likelihood of something big happening. BLM protests, Jan 6th, antifa, Russia, etc. ..history comes so close to changing, and then when it seems like we're on the precipice of some major upheaval, the hand reaches down pulls us back.

Same for the SF shoplifting epidemic...hardly anyone seems to talk about that anymore either

these things come and go in waves

I think a combination of the new administration, Jan 6th, BLM protests/riots, and Covid shifted priorities . The Net neutrality thing was a big deal from 2017-2019 in part because there was not much else going on

Honest advice. Get a grip.

This is one of those things cannot be solved with bluntness. Both sides are guilty of this "why can't they see the irrationality of their ways?" You should not be not be the person who tries to fix people. You have enough problems as it is. Plus, people do not take advice well anyway; they learn from experience or they outgrow it (hopefully).

The second things they would do is prioritize whites over non-whites. Does the US do that? DEI and those kinds of organizations and philosophies are designed to hire more non-white people and less whites. On my job review I filled out, I was judged on 20% of my review on DEI type stuff, one of which was hiring more "diverse" candidates. It is illegal to specifically hire whites only and even if it wasn't the country would hate you if you actually did it. All kinds of programs have been set up to get more non-white people into elite institutions through affirmative action and other policies. The isn't a single government program that was created to specifically help whites, but the same can't be said about all other groups. Biden literally said he would only consider a black woman for VP and on the Supreme Court. Their competition in the Republicans would never dream of explicitly saying they'd only pick a white man.

I believe tech companies are meritocratic in the hiring process, at least for the tech positions. Those interviews are regarded as notoriously hard, assuming you even pass the screening.

I don't really have anything else to say other than I'm just baffled that so many supposedly smart and rational people don't think through their arguments and beliefs. Cartesian doubt is apparently out of style. I don't see any evidence whatsoever that white supremacy or racism is anywhere close to the biggest issue the US faces.

Because it's only a belief. There is no consequence for being wrong, nor does it require any effort beyond thinking it. So there is only upside for holding socially acceptable beliefs and zero personal downside in the short-term for holding wrong ones, even of society is made worse in the long-run.

People here and elsewhere sometimes point out that the Bronze Age Mindset is a bit of a LARP, its followers mostly white collar workers idealizing an unrealistic world they would hate if they inhabited.

Just as ideology resembles a horseshoe, so does aesthetics it seems in regard to IQ or wealth. And then at the middle 'mitwit' are the "I fucking love science/technology/new stuff" crowd.

does reading a post mean viewing the timeline , refreshing it, or clicking a tweet and reading it individually? it is possible to read posts in many ways.

twitter seemed to work so well from 2010-2022 and then all a sudden it doesn't

Is Musk knowingly just trying to run the website down, or is there some logic here that I'm not seeing? Is this, finally, the much-predicted Death of Twitter?

no, not the death at all. it is to test the waters on this idea. if it fails to generate enough verification signups, he will abandon it. also, it helps generate free press about the site being down

i have noticed this a lot during Covid. "schools are indoctrination factories" "school closures due to Covid are bad". I wouldn't really call it stupidity. It's more like people seek heuristics to have both popular opinions and to be informed without having to put much work or effort, so following whatever is trendy on twitter accomplishes this even if it's contradictory or incoherent.

In Utah I am guessing most of those women are married and voting the same as their husbands?

yup time for America's annual mass shooting

school restrictions going to get much worse . Thank god I went to school when this was not such a big problem or fear as it is today

I think his point was that if the races were reversed, no one would care.

"The courses are not rigorous." Maybe true, but many courses in school are not indented to be rigorous in an academic sense per say, like art, music, PE, etc. If rigor is the sole criterion, then this would mean many other courses would have to be removed. This would imply that 'European History', which is also an AP course, may also be lacking in rigour.

"The courses are biased." But what if they were made more objective/impartial?

These objections seem to be be an attempt to divert from the actual motive /reason, being that people do not want courses which single out African Americans, although European History already exists. Maybe rebrand it as "African History", which does not exist as an AP subject? There are no good answers it seems. My own opinion is just lump all ethnicities/races into a single course(s), without any obvious preference/favoritism. I don't think it's that big if a deal.


The WEF and these leaders are overblown and their power is greatly overestimated by the twitter-punditry. The Covid restrictions as far as the US was concerned were enacted voluntarily by businesses and local/state governments, and enforced by police, not one-world elites.

Per pound, beef, chicken are cheaper than bugs anyway. As japan shows, people voluntarily choose to live in small accommodations, almost pod like, for the convenience. There are cheaper and more spacious alternatives elsewhere but father from jobs and less stuff to do. You don't need a police state for what is often choice.

Drug dealers and users, if anything, want minimal violence. There is nothing worse for business than drawing unnecessary attention from law enforcement.

He says Hershel Walker is dumb. He's as dumb as the average American, at least going by his academic credentials. It's like there is a reason elites exist even if they are a convenient scapegoat for everything wrong with society. Things we take for granted from political leaders, like being articulate, are not that common.

Unbanning the account would be a major symbolic gesture. Trump does not have to use it.

Entering technically made it a crime , which is pretty lame but that is the law . Apparently almost 1000 people entered . The FBI outsourced some of the investigation to outsiders to compile footage.

A judgment like this tries to protect society from that chaos. It acknowledges that what Jones had done is beyond the pale, but mollifies the homicidal rage of the wronged.

Sounds like extortion. Give us obscene amounts of money or we may go on a homicidal rage.

We live in a society where we resolve things with court cases and laws and such.

within reason. Is a billion or more dollars reasonable, especially we're talking an individual who doesn't even have anywhere close to that much money? Probably not.

A judgment like this tries to protect society from that chaos.

Isn't that the point of laws and police. Rule of law can be upheld without acceding to unreasonable demands.