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investments: META/FBL, TSLA, TQQQ, TECL, MSFT ...

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Yet it was also clear that it was a lawless shithole, abandoned by all but the hardiest pedestrians for point-to-point car transfers. And even then, they seemingly increasingly avoided the urban core. This is what marks the biggest difference between Seattle and places like Johannesburg; there, in the poor and violent downtown, one can see that the material situation is dire.

More than anything else, though, the trip underscored just how much of a farce the extreme urban decline of West Coast cities has been. Other countries have real problems. When their cities become hellholes, it's because their economies have collapsed, or because they've been taken over by extremely well-organized criminal gangs funded with cartel money in a nation too poor to pay for honest police, or because they're locked in years-long siege situations with militarized gendarmerie, or because they recently imported millions of people from cultures that hate them and don't care about their rules. But on the West Coast the shithole city problem wasn't the fault of any of those things, not even mass immigration (certainly not of the legal kind, although honestly very few of the hobos appeared to be Latino). Nor was it a grand act of clear-headed sadomasochism, amusing as that would be, because I can't really say most of the people I met there were happy about what had happened.

Having lived in 'Blue' and 'Red' cities, I had the opposite experience and assessment. The Red city despite a Republican leadership was/is full of homelessness and tents. Being hit up for money is a daily experience . I got vibes of it being unsafe at night, and I had to be mindful of my surroundings. The Blue cities are orderly to a fault. None of the looting and lawlessness that one frequently encounters on social media as being supposedly representative of those areas. I noticed a few tents by a freeway and a single homeless man passed out in front of a 7-11, but otherwise nothing indicative of widespread decay.

If one was a street criminal , the Red city is a better target compared to the Blue one ,despite the Second Amendment, only because in the former people seem more atomistic and no one is keeping an eye out on each other, unlike in the Blue cities, in which people seem more mindful of each other.

It's evident that the social problems blue areas face are as prevalent in red areas too, even worse, at least from my own experience. Like everything else in life, ymmv.

Just because a modern big-city downtown does not look like a picturesque scene from 1900 Paris with dapper Parisians sipping on coffee and making small chatter, on the tiny chairs on the cobblestone, does not mean it's a hellhole or decayed.

  • -12

Yes business owners do kill themselves when their business fails. Capitalism does have brutal aspects.

yeah this is why if you have a decent net-worth, just park it in tech stocks (like QQQ or maybe add some leverage to the mix) and get a nice 20-40% yoy return. Or maybe real estate. No need to take the extra risk with high rate of failure with small biz or start-ups. For every Facebook, there are many failures. Entrepreneurship so expensive, too much failure, and too much work.

He was choked. estimates vary between 6-15 minutes which could easily be fatal if his airway was constricted.

In any case, it should be noted that the vast majority of violent crime is intraracial (committed by a person of one race against a person of the same race), not interracial, in nature.

A better retort to counter the 13/50 stat would be something like '90% of fraud in the US is perpetrated by whites'. Different races are more inclined to engage in different types of crime. for blacks, it is violent crime.

This is why AI will not threaten lawyers' jobs. lawyers have to deal with the unexpected, like this, which means reevaluating and reassessing the law in new ways.

On twitter I have seen the likes of Cernovich and others claim Elon is among the smartest people on earth, if not the smartest. He's smart, no doubt, but to be among the smartest would put him in the company of Fields Medalists, math Olympiad and Putnam winners, math and physics doctorates, etc. Possible but very improbable, imho. He's smart but not that smart. He benefited from luck and good business savvy and intuition about markets, all necessary ingredients for business success. The Twitter Blue verification system did not stop spam, as I and others correctly predicted (when scammers can make $1000s in a day , how is $8 a deterrent). Maybe he was not smart enough to see that, or he did not care.

it's not that "Trump supporters" or "American conservatives" don't want "empire," it's that they don't want an "empire" which means getting their sons killed and them impoverished to make Kabul, Baghdad, and Tehran safe for Pride parades all the while making people who hate them fabulously wealthy

I would not be so sure about this. War has generally been a a popular platform for the right . first-order patriotism/nationalism takes precedent over second-order questions like who profits or whose interests are served. An empire by definition means being global and enforcing its interests abroad.

two, "American conservatives" and Trump supporters are not the same group of people.

If trump were replaced by someone else, his replacement would get probably the same # of votes, so for all intents and purposes they are the same people . Even if you vote for Trump grudgingly, that still is a show of support.

there are hundreds of people being charged or having been charged. there are bound to be some cases which deviate from the norm in terms of sentencing, duration of trial, etc.

This culture of feeling pleasure over the misfortune of the hated Lindell promoted by such media and such echochambers might be influencing your happiness at his misfortune.

it is hard to frame him as a victim, imho. Mike profits from pillow sales by generating media attention. Likewise, the mainstream profits from ad revenue despite also being wrong a lot. The incentives encourage lies and sensationalism on both sides. There is no downside for the media being wrong. They book the ad revenue profit, issue retraction after the damage has been done and ad revenue realized, and move on and people forget.

One common pattern of argument you often see from people who have not been doing too well in life is that they often blame rich/powerful interests for why they have not been successful, or alternatively why a certain social institution does not seem to work in the best interests of all of society. Their thinking is that to fix the problem, all we need to do is bring these rich/powerful people to heel. The problem according to such people is that fundamentally these small interest groups are disproportionately sucking up value from society and to fix this, they need to be punished.

This is seen in regard to blaming the FDA and peer review for impeding progress of new ideas and treatments. The FDA does not impede progress and peer review does not stop news ideas. Treatments that fail the FDA are not denied because of bureaucracy, but because they simply do not work, not because there is some conspiracy by rich people, drug companies, or governments to deny treatments. That is what a clinical trial does. But very few experimental drugs yield a successful treatment, especially for cancer. it does not even make business sense for a drug company to 'horde' treatments given that the government is paying for it anyway under Medicare or Medicaid. Regarding peer review, the process is not to block new ideas but block things which are unscientific to begin with, poor fit for the journal, or not written in a logically coherent way.

agree. I am not sure this distinction matters . Neely would otherwise be alive if not for the altercation. Maybe Penny's team can argue that the force was not excessive, because Neely died later.

We could be deterring so much more crime by simply beating criminals immediately if sufficient evidence is obvious, or at the very least throwing them in a cell without food for 30 hours (the walls decorated with the psychological cues of their crime). This is actually vastly better for the criminal who hopefully develops a minor trauma response when considering criminality in the future.

this already happens. if there is probable cause the criminal is arrested and detained until arraigned

yup. There were always better pro-life alternatives. It was clearly obvious in 2015/2016 that Trump was not a pro-lifer

the elite dislike trump so much he is still free despite tons of jan 6th ppl actually being sentenced, some for a long time. I don't think the elite ever hated trump that much. Until 2015 trump was heavily embedded with the entertainment industry. This is narrative to explain why he gets negative media coverage. To the elite, Trump is a tool.

An idea I have been contemplating:

Despite how incidents of unrest and incivility, such as shoplifting, go viral on Twitter and the perceived widespread decline and decay of American society and the breakdown of law and order, Americans a , in large, better-behaved than any other society, and are better behaved now than in the past, compared to even in the Middle East under Islamic law, compared to much of Europe. Western Europe seems to have constant protests and riots, whereas in the US it was limited to 2020 after George Floyd's death, but more contained and ended abruptly.

Better border security seems a lot more feasible and practical . Relocating millions of Arabs won't change anything if the funding for terrorism is intact, as is the antipathy against the West. The money for arms is coming from somewhere...focusing on that should be the main priority, combined with better border security and intelligence. Now we see why surveillance exists. 99.9% of the time it seems useless and intrusive , but then incidents like this happen.

In short @ArjinFerman is more intelligent than you.

how is that even relevant. yet again HlynkaCG is able to break rules with impunity here and get endless warnings

The thing is, Western Civilization has never treated attempted sedition lightly, historically speaking . Western values would be to put these people to death. Although the Civil War was an exception in that Confederate soldiers and generals were not punished, but although this was to help with the reintegration.

unprecedented expansions of government power into every sphere of public and private life

The draft existed and was employed until the 70s. It's not unprecedented.

autism and subpar physical appearance, but I've realized

This is of course subjective. How did you come to this realization? People online who post pictures tend to be in the top quartile.

that's what I was thinking too. I assume 'restraining someone safely' would be covered in basic training , especially when the assailant is not armed and does not seem particularly strong

Who else finds the stupidpol people or position to be inconsistent? The premise sounds good in theory: disaffected leftists and Marxists who believe that identify politics distracts from workers' issues and protects corporations. Fair enough. But I have found that in the comments it's constant shit-tests and questioning the motives or loyalty of others, either as not being insufficiently Marxist or , being a covert liberal, etc.

Or, second, if you accidently slaughter one of their sacred cows, even if it's otherwise consistent with the idpol or pro-workers position. For example, I argue that climate change is a distraction from workers' issues, but this steps on the feet of leftists who believe climate change is equally important or a crisis. So which is it? If liberal elites use climate change as a pretext for power, all while the cost or responsibility of fixing climate change is placed on non-elites (elites will not be living in pods or having to reduce their footprint in any meaningful sense), much like identity politics, then is not consistent to oppose the climate change narrative too?

They come off overall as disagreeable argumentative people. It's like they want to be mad at someone or something, and no one can ever be good enough or live up to some unobtainable ideal of being correctly anti-identity politics. They have become the very thing they oppose. The experience is like walking on egg shells . It's like this with other political niches too, not to only pick on them.

Regarding climate change, I am agnostic on the issue, but I don't think the left is being intellectually honest. It's a fallacious argument, specifically, the argumentum ad ignorantiam, in that any deviation of 'normal' weather or temperatures can be interpreted as evidence of climate change, which makes it impossible to ever falsify it. The burden of proof is shifted to skeptics to disprove climate change, which is impossible to do if anything can be summoned as evidence of climate change. It used to be called global warming; when that failed to stick, it was rebranded as climate change.

I don't see a feedback thread, but can we make the comment scores/votes visible internally instead of having to wait a day? The score would be visible to whoever made the post but invisible externally, until the 24 hours has passed. This would be useful feedback so I can delete the post if it gets downvoted too much instead of having to wait a day. Sometimes it's hard to predict how unpopular a post is just by the replies, like about my posts on cities and crime which was heavily downvoted. Had I seen the vote count sooner I would have deleted it. I feel bad about having posted it and regret it.

the smarter grifters keep it civil and then use asset protection to avoid having to pay anything . the line between civil and criminal is up to the DA to decide. it can be referred for criminal prosecution.

great write up. nominated