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joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC

Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC


Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975

Do jal neti daily with warm water and a neti pot. Best thing ever.

Fair point. I did make some changes to my life but they happened slowly. I feel that I have maxxed out whatever advice I could get from this place so should look towards prolonged isolation now as it's hard for me and others to see any meaningful progress on a weekly scale.

I did remove my wifi and will start ensuring that my phone is locked by either my dad or ma to reduce usage.

I use third party websites to do this so will block domains. Thanks for the suggestion pal!

Yeah. I just cannot get over my oneitis. The only way to get over is to meet more girls and the only way to do that is to study well, have a fixed routine i follow and exercise (+ meditate) so that I can actually move to some place like delhi and work on a remote job.

I will add website blockers on my phone and laptop. It only hurts to see her happy with her boyfriend but otoh life will get better if I spend more time doing things irl instead of having a needy little oneitis. I did way better than someone like me should have on my first night out so it is more of an issue of just doing things more than taking the easy path and being online. You should be able to walk away from every girl on the planet at the blink of an eye, that is true abundance.

I will also ban reddit, twitter etc. Just need momentum, first few days are the hardest.

I developed a terrible habit of looking at the IGs of girls I used to talk till early 2021 before I left IG forever. Any opinions or tips or pointers on how I can curb this bad habit. I have removed my study's wifi router and download everything I will need to study so as to reduce my usage. Best internet usage is just saying Hi to a bunch of smart people in places like this one and getting advice you apply in your life. I hate the internet now as low status, low value me can feel good about myself or get some status as a fringe e celeb whereas the only way to lead life is to do important things IRL on a consistent basis.

How do i stop myself from checking the IGs of other girls. I use third party apps often and it is kinda pointless at this point. Life on IG is only a small snippet for what happens to you irl if you are not a total loser or internet addict or both. Checking the IG of my former oneitis does hurt but otoh not being able to get with her caused me enough pain to not use the app again (I deactivated) and start a parallel group of like minded people (something like themotte but on whatsapp or telegram) where I have people who are actually successful in life while also trying to help to the best of their abilities as they genuinely would be happy to see me outdo them

22, I have failed enough to never be arrogant ever again.

I do not want to have emotional feelings for a girl ever again. The only time I can like one and not get fucked over is when i can walk away. I still feel bad about my oneitis and would never want to go though that ever again.

PUA and manosphere are very different. I do not despise women or see them as different beings nor do I use any strategies to get them. Believing that RSD taught this stuff is akin to believing the horrible untrue things most believe about anything not lefty politically.

I just go out, have fun and do my best to leave them better than I found them and just write about it so that I can get better.

I meant uni lol.

Also wierd night, my first one at a nightclub, the girl I was with nearly fucked me in the girls restroom but I was caught by the security.

Later made out with 3 other chicks, 2 blocked me immediately when I texted them, like wtf man.

Yeah, cold approach is what made me not hate women. I was bitter because I would never get any to ever like me but when I started talking to many, I realised that they would feel what's inside and me, that being happier is better.

It's a skill and you get better at it if you keep trying.

I'm a novice still but can't wait to try this in nightclubs at a big city lol.

Only older forms of pickup have wierd attitudes. Actual pickup is dead, you will get much better results from that than with models but models itself is not a bad system per say.

Pickup is not about cramming lines or tactics but understanding that any conversation has a flow, a structure and how you say something matters more than what it is that you are saying. You develop a social sixth sense and it is a way of condensing the interactions of a lifetime in a short duration to give you better intuition.

do jal neti and be careful to not suck in any water through your nostrils. Let it pass and then gently, very gently blow your nose 5 minutes later. Do it with warm water. It is a good way to keep you safe. Also see a doctor asap and see if your stomach's acid is leeching into your throat, happens with me so I stay away from food that aggravates it.

I'm still not a man, for that I'll need to voluntarily take up pain and suffering only to withstand it and finally overcome only do it with higher quantities daily. Ersnt Junger like there. All this happiness should be enough fuel.

My adventures with women is the only thing I do where I do not take God's name. As far as sleeping with women in relationships goes, every girl I sleep with or even engage in any kind of degenerate behaviour in with is not chaste. She would cheat with someone else, might as well do it with me.

I wouldn't have done it had she been chaste and we're all in our early 20s.

It's hard to describe, I should not want bad for others but somehow I sense she'll always be this way or in reality I won't be alright until I sleep with her.

Yeah, do try it sometime tho, many things do not make sense but that is the essence of being human after all. Things do not have to make sense to the rational mind to be correct. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith, I may never feel romantic love ever again but my love for my god and the culture built around him is beyond anything a man can feel for his woman.

Like a guy I used to hate a lot once said "Leading a life for the pursuit of values higher than life itself is more romanctic than anything one can experience in a romantic relationship of any sort." I think he got this right :).

Likewise 🙏

super squats is a based af program, I do wanna run it in the future.

Yeah, some mods later, vice city does not feel as old as it should. I really dig the Miami vice vibe it has more than anything else. Makes me want to visit the place lol.

I played vice city and sa a little as a kid so want to play them in that order. Just cannot find malware free repacks of them that work lol.

I'm not talking about myself. I want to help kids learn English

I want to get a sense of how to grok a language (Ideally English as a non-English speaker) really well in a short amount of time, including the grammar.I want to help kids from underpirvleved backgrounds learn the language. I tried to look into how French diplomats do it and did not find anything worthwhile. Watching tv or movies and then reading a grammar book is a bit too long a journey, so I would appreciate if you could guide me to a textbook that can help someone reach good proficiency, including grammar in a short amount of time. I have ero background in linguistics and the only languages I know are those I picked from my surroundings. Even the stuff that works (duolingo) probably works on some core thought process but I want something that is more comprehensive, ideally a book or some texts. I am aware of Comprehensive Input (CI) and the English File series, I was looking at the lingq app trying to see what it is that makes them good. Would appreciate inputs.

I am strong enough now. I don't know much about tendinitis but I've been warned in the past, hence the question.

The point about chin ups is spot on, I never tried doing them so tried one for fun and got it with ease, felt quite good since I'd never done one before.

Has anyone ever achieved stream entry here? I was recently reading about it since I meditate intermittently and I was surprised by how strong its effects can be if done properly for a sustained period. I have terrible mental health/adhd/life issues and meditation has helped me a ton. Would be interested in learning more

I finally unlocked the chin up after a few weeks (3 months) of training with weights. I want to be able to pull-ups and dips for high reps and hence have started doing grease the groove where I do two slow negatives of each daily when I wake up. I will slowly up it to 2 negatives of each before every meal before I switch from 2 to 3 negatives. I wanted to know whether this is the correct way or if I am doing something wrong. I don't do chin-ups since I am worried about tendonitis.

I became skinny fast post-MMA training since that jacked my diet up so after I stopped, I couldn't stop eating so went from 155 lbs to 170 (at 6 foot), poor sleep is also a part of it, I barely sleep enough and at odd times. I used to do a bunch of gimmicks like isometrics and all but will stick to weights for at least a few more years now. my t shirts and trousers have gotten smaller but I still look skinny fat. regardless do send some advice over.

based af. I myself would not do this, either I can afford an aston martin vantage in the future or I drive a hatch in shame when hoes are around, no point in making my hatch into a hackjob vantage.

I will be watching UFC 300. First UFC card in a while that I want to watch in its entirety, from the early prelims, right down to the last fight of the PPV. I remember getting into MMA for the first time around UFC 200 and that was in 2016, so this will make 8 years of me watching MMA like a nut. I wish I could do MMA and weight training in that time instead but it is still a decent sport to watch.

My favourite card ever has to be 217, three title fights, all changing hands and the return of the greatest MMA fighter of all time, GSP, though past his prime, still fun to watch him live at least once.

I might also have a friend from out of town visit so might do a short pub crawl of sorts and hit on some women. I do not enjoy sex as of right now since I always feel that I should be working instead. But I do wish to meet him, he might do a couple of lines and that is always fun. I would probably have to stay sober since my throat is super sensitive and I am recovering from a case of mild strep and infections due to changing of weather and maybe smoking a cigarette. I cannot smoke anything ever again in my life.

Will also resume reading the Valmiki Ramayana by Goldman in my free time and start Faust. Lord Ram was a fairly different person in the actual scripture than what he is shown in popular media. My ability to read has been hampered badly by succumbing to a life of shallow internet usage for leisure which is wrong. Re-learning this stuff and getting back into consuming deeper stuff instead of shallow takes time but is more rewarding.

During the week, I finished watching a course by Andrew Tate titled "How to be a g" which is him essentially telling you rudimentary PUA stuff like open long-term relationships, Inner game (mentality), logistics (travel) and a lot of life hacks. Overall it is a decent course for someone who is super innocent. I am not an advocate of Tate due to the charges on him right now and find his shtick of much Matrix is after me cringe, the course however would have been genuinely quite useful for me had I seen it at age 18 (it was after all released in 2018 or something iirc, i was 18 in 2018). Tate is a PUA who makes up for his not elite Outer game with a lot of externals (money, height, being on roids, status, Instagram, fast cars, female preselection etc) and inner game (His 4 pillars, though different from the ones RSD Julien recommends).

A tl;dw for the course is the stuff around mindset from which everything flows -

  1. Believe you can do anything, literally anything if you decide to set your mind to it.
  2. Be pissed that you are not the man right now, get angry about it.
  3. Know that no one is coming to save you, not even god. Only you can save yourself
  4. Your word is ironclad, if you say something, you will do it no matter what.

Praising stuff he has done in the past seems a lil awkward, I am anonymous here but we know how easy it is for journos to find accounts and misrepresent stuff, even more so now given that Tate brute forced social media giants around the firm and will most likely get jailed for allegedly being an e pimp and sex trafficker who coerced girls, some allegedly underaged too into his webcam business. Such acts are heinous, I simply really liked his course simply because it teaches you that life is not just unfair but everyone is out to get you, not actively, but they would likely fuck you over if they could so you should learn to embrace life that way and develop models that make you less susceptible to getting fucked over (being a lothario vs being a monogamous guy). He also emphasises speed a lot in everything, decisiveness and the importance of being strong and knowing how to fight well.

Anyway, I look forward to spending time with my friend this weekend and then hitting nightclubs here if possible, otherwise, I will happily watch ufc 300. Have a good weekend fellas.