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Really? This is a forum comprised of ~100 nobodies and maybe 3 D-list Twitter celebrities (Sorry, TracingWoodgrains and Kulak).

This is one of the least-important corners of the internet. A fun distraction at best.

Cycling is seethingly, maddeningly blue-coded, to the point where major events provide "scholarships" to anyone who's not a white male and demand the latter pay more than asked.

My most successful advice-giving sessions have been when I build up enormous political capital by giving zero advice (like... for years in the face of obviously self-destructive behavior) and then finally "snap" and really lay into someone for being an idiot.

I think the idea if mr. easygoing yofuckreddit tells you that things are fucked up, it's a serious deal.


Well, 2 things come to mind.

  1. I know gang bangs are icky, but the analogies up thread to american football are stark. We all need to be more comfortable explaining to young women that if you go home with a contact sports player or musician the chances of having a train run on you are enormous.
  2. I do find it amazing that you can even have video evidence of consent and it doesn't matter. How exactly is anyone supposed to differentiate between the people who want this and those who don't? Because there's a substantial group of the former who will fold instantly if, say, their mother points out that society looks down on being tag teamed. A multi million dollar pay out possibility being some decent cake icing.

Then like Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit happened, and it was so lame it killed it?

Hybrid Theory and Meteora are masterpieces, I won't tolerate this slander.

I love hip-hop, rap, and R&B. I think your points here about how annoying it is to be a fan of these genres is spot on.

Donald Glover touched on how often he was treated as an Uncle Tom early on in his career. Eventually, though, he fell in line - "This is America" was a tarted-up whypepo bad anthem. I more closely identify with black masculinity than the average moustache-and-plaid barista, but it's always strange to hear about how someone would fuck my bitch.

There's a maximum amount of anti-white sentiment I can handle in order to pay to music and go to shows. If I know someone has complained about certain people singing their lyrics, it's off to the high seas for the album.

Unfortunately in life there are many products made by people who actively hate me. The average coffee roaster, bike shop, or beer brewer spits in my face just as much.

Be warned - the bottle you lean on during trauma can be hurt by association! If it's your daily driver, consider punishing yourself with something worse instead.

I almost lost my taste for Lagavulin 16 after drinking it for my old firm being bought out by a shitty multinational and 2 deaths of close friends. Had to pull it back and reserve it for birthdays and bonuses.

Hope the difficulties from the breakup pass soon.

If you're going to keep them, perhaps something like a rich Udemy subscription and some theoretical deliverables are a better use of their time and your money.

Is there something you've wanted to experiment with but haven't had the time? Have them run through a course, try it out, and then present 2-3 slides to you. When I'm assigning upskill tasks around 20% of them are cert related, and the remainder are attempts to nail more than one bird with a stone.

If you don't have the time to work with him (which is possible) can you spread it out to where he only meets 2x a week? Is there another trusted lieutenant you can abstract that away to?

I tried to keep my tone neutral to get genuine feedback but for what it's worth, my default opinion is very close to yours.

I think this is insane. I'm taking my kids to the park in what's essentially a stroller with a roll cage and a five point harness and I'm still having this disagreement with my wife//the reddit hivemind suggests I would be a piece of shit.

Riding with my toddler on that Shotgun saddle (wearing a helmet! totally necessary!) has been one of my favorite parenting experiences and he went nuts for it. Now I feel like they're miserable.

I am probably less technical than you at this point but: Broadly, I agree that trying to roll your own security is less secure than trusting a convenient megacorp who employs professionals. For 99.5% of people, this is the case.

I also agree that the probability of being targeted because of your data is lower than many privacy-obsessed people mention.

I also am glad you're bringing arguably a fresh PoV to the discussion!

However, I think other folks have swung back on a number of items very well that I'm not even going to try to double up on. Random thoughts:

Not all privacy desires have their foundations in criminality and kiddy porn. Villainizing E2E encryption and truly private spaces as exclusively the domains of ne'er do wells is the exact same tactic people use against guns to win the culture war. Carrying a pistol doesn't make you a paranoid asshole; it means you're vastly more prepared for a rare occurrence than someone who doesn't. You can't even make the same off-color jokes in Discord that you could have made in a Facebook message 5 years ago without auto-bans, so the probability of unsecured communication having consequences isn't super low.

I want to be able to talk about the government without them listening. I want to be able to talk about psychotic leftists without them getting me fired, and I want to watch exotic pornography without pyschotic rightists getting me fired. I don't trust any convenient megacorp to safeguard me from any of these actors or themselves.

Why is the American middle class paying for anesthesiologists to make $700k a year when their equivalents in European countries that are almost as rich are paid like $150k?

Because they graduate with $300k+ in school debt? Doctor salaries are a part of artificially constrained supply, yes, but becoming a doctor in the US requires you take on enormous financial risk.

A decade on from completing undergrad, folks in medical-adjacent fields are still underwater on pretty high interest student loans. Long term they're massively overpaid, but the people who somehow don't pass exams or don't get into medical school are fucked.

Is that just something you're going to have to live with the rest of your life? Does she have any interest in changing?

I didn't read the study, but I can assume it's true, and it changes nothing. As pointed out in another comment:

When the Manosphere discussed the phenomenon of ‘divorce rape’, they didn’t just mean the issue of alimony payments, they also meant the ways child support payments are calculated, the way those are enforced, and the way child visitation rights are decided.

This is just the tip of the divorce-industrial complex iceberg.

  • The allocation of assets like houses, in which even if both parties contributed evenly to, is held hostage during divorce negotiations, or provided entirely to the female
  • The responsibility to maintain or pay taxes for those assets, which is assigned entirely to the male
  • The division of retirement accounts, including individually named ones when both parties are high-earning white collar professionals but one person didn't contribute
  • The delaying of remarriage (despite long-term cohabitation) to extend alimony payments when they're applied
  • The delaying of high school graduation to extend child support payments
  • The total disregard of value provided from one spouse to another prior to the divorce when determining alimony (my favorite anecdote - a friend paid for 4 years of his wife's post-grad degree as a full-time student to the tune of $150,000. She sucked her professor's dick at her graduation party, then ground out the extraction of his credit card points before the end of the divorce! Also received massive alimony payments since she delayed actually starting a job with her nice degree)

@Unsaying mentioned:

Then again, I'd expect high-earning men to also have good legal teams and/or hidden assets, so, who can say, really?

I can tell you firsthand that when shopping around for someone to help with a basic, equitable prenup: Family lawyers generally have some combination of either A: Genuine misandry or B: No desire to advocate for a client who's already predisposed to lose.

Sure you can bill the same amount as when you're representing women, but it's a near certainty you'll be left with an unhappy customer. Why bother?

Spiderman mod that replaced Pride Flags with US flags (all it did was use the official Middle Eastern localization files)

Be still my beating heart, this is just too perfect. Free Palestine!

But there is at least some evidence that men actually end up richer long term post-divorce.

I can see this long-term. Not having to support the spending habits of a female partner (high-end travel, dining, clothing) is a massive financial advantage. Especially when the male has reaped the rewards of being partnered early in their career where the females has helped managed your household and establish social credibility.

It doesn't detract from the un-fucking-believable, hilariously unfair lopsidedness of the average divorce settlement. I have yet to see one without a shitty, late-game money grab as part of the female playbook. In a golden age of feminist empowerment and advanced degrees, the legal system is configured exclusively to assume 50's housewife scenarios.

How fast do you want someone on board? Do you care about the stack or do you just need someone great at a couple?

Completely disagree on commander. 60 card is great for learning with your kid, but for playing with more than one person it's just a way better format. The pre-cons are slow and weak, but extremely understandable for a kid. You can both upgrade them with printed proxies as he gets smarter, or leave them intact and see if you can rope the wife/other kids into playing!

When you buy those pre-cons they come with the tokens you need. People use dice on top of cards, post-it notes, and Infinity Tokens.

Over the past 5 years Magic has gotten worse, in my estimation. More woke, worse print quality, tougher balance. I don't pay for cards anymore, or at least very little. However it's still the best game ever made. I'm seriously considering paying aftermarket prices for the warhammer 40k precon commander deck that I played with recently, it was a blast.

Finally if he wants to get into the social aspect of FNM etc. I'd suggest it, eventually. But the reputation of MTG nerds is well-earned. He will find and meet cheaters and assholes - he'll also potentially find some of his best, lifelong friends. I think it's worth the risk once he's good enough to give it a shot. Be prepared to spend $ to keep up with the meta-game though.

I don't have a specific one, but I have felt the rut as well. A couple things I like:

  • Skipping television. It seems typical that those in relationships are "dragged" into watching shows and movies with their spouse. Just... don't do that more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Working out. I invested in an internal bike, I can do beat saber, or during warm months I can strap some lights on a bike and hit the greenway.
  • Building legos. I can milk a big set for weeks or months, and I purposefully work slowly.
  • Plan a project. Build the spreadsheet, queue the cart from the home improvement store, order the car parts, do the research. Make it to where the thing you have to do during the day goes off without a hitch.

I'm unreasonably psyched that you both tried a rec and liked it. I've had an excellent hit rate with that in the past and I'm glad it worked out.

Tonight I'll be having people over for a round of the Dune board game, which means I'll need to be alert enough to teach but then get drunk enough to give someone else a fighting chance. I'll be building espresso martinis on top of some elusive, limited run "Bensa Bomb" Ethiopian from my subscription, or I'll eschew the temperamental light roast for a Counter Culture staple. The homemade coffee liqueur gifted by some of my buddies really steps these up a notch over what I can get at a bar, but finding the right time to fuck up your sleep schedule when you have kids is difficult.

I may take the coward's path and just make margaritas.

When visiting Kansas a few weeks ago I dropped almost $500 on whiskey which should last me a significant amount of time, since I have cut back and largely stuck with it since January. I was able to grab Heaven Hill's 7y BiB for something like $40 and I quite enjoy it. The cheap 6 year expression was never available where I live so I don't have the FOMO that kills the taste for those who did have access.

Speaking of FOMO, I'm still milking my 2017 bottle of Rendezvous Rye from High West. I'm preparing to kill it once I have a small group over of people who actually give a shit and have a developed palate, because holy crap the old version is so much better. It doesn't even have the 16-year-old juice in it like the stuff pre-2016 did, but it's perhaps the most succinct way to explain to someone how fucking hard making great whiskey is and why MGP is such a dominant force. The current version is still drinkable, but when you put it alongside its older brother manufactured by someone else it becomes borderline unpalatable.

On the flipside, though, I will say that the Netherland's helmet culture is a bit of a chicken or the egg situation.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but people are generally riding heavy bikes very slowly in highly protected lanes.

If we're road riding in America, there's a significant cohort of negligent drivers. There's even a small group of drivers who want to actively hurt and kill cyclists. Helmets on public roads for riders - even to my risk-pooh-poohing self - are necessary. Not to mention the sort of downhill mountainbiking I do every once in a while.

Even our greenway, while at least an order of magnitude safer, isn't without hazards. Other cyclists are moving at a huge variety of speeds, myself included, from a drowsy beach cruiser to someone chasing a KOM on a segment. Pedestrians weave back and forth with abandon, huge groups take up the whole path, and dogs on leashes dart in front of cyclists at will.

I can minimize these greatly by being verbal and passing slowly. When I'm towing the trailer, the risk of me having to emergency stop or swerve is extremely low.

I was disciplined a couple of times by hair-pulling

Jesus, that sounds horrific. There's something intimate and hateful about it?

I was given Tobasco as a punishment for swearing (which led to a long-term love of hot sauce and hatred of Tobasco) and was hit with a spoon maybe once a year. The spoon broke when I was 14, and then after that control was exerted more through money etc.

All that to say I now have a good relationship with my parents.

I use a bike trailer to tow my children. I take them to and from a playground, which is around a 30 minute ride in each direction.

It is 90% greenway, with some sleepy 2-lane connector roads. While I am of course an incredible pedal pumping engine capable of incredible feats, I average only around 12 mph.

The bike trailer has a 5-point harness and an aluminum roll cage.

The problem: Putting helmets on my kids looks fucking miserable. Their heads are cast downward, they have nowhere to look around, and the youngest is clearly upset after around 15 minutes in the trailer. The oldest still has an OK time but is far quieter than when we rode together with a secondary saddle. FAQ says deal with it.

Assume you're a typical parent (I.E. your children are the most important thing in your life and you can't imagine causing them harm through negligence) but you also loathe the vapid stupidity of "better safe than sorry" in the face of all rationality, would you consider forgoing the helmet?

"Other Site" discussions:

For what it's worth:

  • This sounds very negative and unhealthy long term, I would definitely start making moves to leave
  • It's always advantageous to be "branch swinging" instead of finding a new job without one.

When I hire someone who quit, I have to do a lot more mental and emotional math. Are they a diva who's too good to stick it out? Did they get canned and are lying to me about it? Anyone interviewing you probably isn't going to ping your boss and won't know if you're telling the truth with high certainty. It makes things a lot easier for everyone if you can grab something new while still employed somewhere.

So, I'll dodge the techno-king question and express amazement at people saying "Forward!" or that they wouldn't roll things back.

I thought it was a foregone conclusion that the early 00s were a superior time to be alive. Freezing technology at that instant would have been perfectly fine. About the only thing that's made my life demonstrably better since then is Google Maps. Let me count the ways:

  • Dating apps were extremely rudimentary and paywalled. Socially they would have become more acceptable but without the ability for people to filter out thousands of decent mates based on a single profile picture over just a few weeks.
  • Vehicles would give you a nice single "BONG" when you forgot your seatbelt, instead of turning into a screeching klaxon acting like you'd shut off the coolant flow to a nuclear plant. They were still possible to work on yourself, and forums for shade tree mechanics were arguably at their apex of information-to-cruft ratios.
  • Pornography was available, sure, but not enough to permanently alter your sexual tastes or at a high enough resolution on the internet to supplant DVDs.
  • Traditional retail wasn't an empty shell for in-store pickup, it was still fun to go out and shop for tangible goods.

I am a massive dog nut, always had one. Have two now.

This is an unacceptable number of animals given your living situation. You don't smell your condo right now, anyone new to it does. It's bad.

Every dog beyond one and every cat beyond two is irrevocably degrading the living situation without specialized air filters and daily cleaning.

What happens when you both want to do a weekend trip? How much are you spending on food? How are you managing the relationship between the animals? I'd argue that having a smaller number of pets under your care will improve their QoL.

Speaking for myself, if there were a bunch of jannies lording over people constantly with a long list of rules, I wouldn't participate.

The whole move here was because of the reddit admins making clear they wanted more bans, more policing, etc.