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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 19, 2022

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Okay. Let's move into some light culture war. So Jeremy Clarkson seems to be going soft in his old age - he apologized for a column in the Sun newspaper in which he is less than gentle on Meghan Markle. The column is taken down but wayback machine remembers.

Imo - it is pretty tame even if colorful stuff. And if you are a British citizen with attachment to the monarchy - I think the sentiment is understandable.

And his apology is here.

Oh dear. I’ve rather put my foot in it. In a column I wrote about Meghan, I made a clumsy reference to a scene in Game of Thrones and this has gone down badly with a great many people. I’m horrified to have caused so much hurt and I shall be more careful in future.

So it is non apology. Of course the mob is not appeased. At least he didn't try to be more apologetic afterwards.

"At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, “Shame!�? and throw lumps of excrement at her.!

I sincerely cannot understand what can make a grown person have such an intensity of emotion for someone who isnt a murderer or rapist og war criminal or the like. Meghan Markle is very annoying, sure, but this is beyond unhinged. I realize brits love their royal family, but surely after all the Diana/Charles escapades and then recently with prince Andrew, they learned to temper their emotions just a bit?

I realize brits love their royal family

I always find this itself pretty strange. American's can hardly even keep a culture of respect for their founding fathers who at least have the mysticism of time to lighten their dark marks but the brits are able to be unendingly in favor of a hereditary elite constantly involved in scandals. My most downvoted post on this site was comparing them to the Kardashians but I stand by it. If the Royal family was based in America it would be a very hated institution, we even hate the people who earned their billions here.

And progressive Texans love their lone star culture markers even if they would be considered red tribe elsewhere in the country. Why? Because loving football, cowboy boots, pickup trucks, and the oil industry is a unifying cultural institution. Just because the USA doesn’t have unifying institutions, doesn’t mean they can’t exist somewhere- the monarchy is for Britain what soccer is for Argentina.

I was trying to explain this on reddit last week. Texas has state patriotism like no one else. Regardless of my opinions on the local government, I love being part of the state’s culture. That was not the case back when I lived in South Carolina.

You’ll see it to a lesser extent in Oklahoma and parts of Louisiana(particularly Cajuns- and the 10 or so white creoles who haven’t been folded into Cajun identity by now- are likely to identify with Louisiana or Cajun identity over a national or local identity). I do agree that other southern states don’t have the same level of state patriotism, much less northern or western states. And in any case both Oklahoma and southern Louisiana have absolutely enormous amounts of Texas influence, culturally speaking.

There's a fair amount of state patriotism in Wisconsin, in my experience. We love being macho about the cold, the Packers, wearing cheeseheads, how much we can drink compared to other states, etc. I left because in all honesty fuck the weather... but I do miss my home state and love it dearly. And my experience with other people from Wisconsin is that they are generally the same way.

I wouldn't say we're on the level of Texas, because who is really? But it's still significant.