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Culture War Roundup for the week of June 12, 2023

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I also think we should've had more discussion of the war.

This caught my eye:

Some Brussels swamp creature swans out to East Asia and says many banal things but also this:

For the first time ever, we have been funding military support to a country under attack. Providing about €40 billion of military support to Ukraine, coming from the [EU] Institutions, coming from the resources I manage in Brussels, and coming from the Member States. Yes, much less than the US support. But if you add up all the support – military, civilian, economic, financial and humanitarian – the level of support to Ukraine is about €60 billion for Europe. But let me show another figure which is really impressive: if you include the support that the European governments have had to pay in order to help their families and firms to face the high prices of electricity, of food, the subsidies to our people in order to face the consequences of the war is €700 billion – ten times more than the support for Ukraine.

700 billion euros! And there's economic damage in addition to that. 700 billion is just the cost of the bandage for the stab wound (self-inflicted I might add). Europe could've chosen to ignore the US hectoring them into sanctioning Russia, as Hungary did. And what is the cost of the bleeding? What is the cost outside of the EU? Germany and Britain are in a recession, as I recall.

What is the point of it all? Why are we defending borders that were randomly redrawn by the Soviets (in the case of Crimea), why care? Why are we supplying weapons so that Kiev can hold onto predominently Russian-speaking territories whose population mostly doesn't even want to be part of Ukraine? It goes rather against the Kosovo/Palestine/Kurds principle, if principle is an appropriate word to apply in relation to foreign policy.

This whole operation only makes sense if you start with the assumption that Russia is an enemy to be crushed. Then it makes sense to arm the Ukrainians to maximize the number of dead Russians at a relatively low cost. Relatively low, compared to a nuclear war. The War in Afghanistan probably killed more Russians/$ thanks to the sheer amount of poppies produced under our abysmal occupation government.

Anyway, trying to crush Russia has all kinds of bad effects. It pushes Russia towards China and Iran, solidifying an anti-Western axis that spans Eurasia. Our oil sanctions have unsettled OPEC, who might reasonably see a danger in the West trying to crush socially conservative, autocratic states that engage in 'illegal wars' and weaken their energy leverage. Saudi-Iranian rapprochement is accelerating rapidly and is brokered by China:

And then there are all the problems Russia can cause for us. Do we want Russian missiles being contributed to China during a Pacific war? Do we want enormous numbers of troops and considerable airpower tied down in Europe, just in case some 'volunteers' move across the border and set up shop in Estonian towns that border Russia? That's a precedent that the Polish Volunteer corps set in Belgorod. Do we want Russian energy and agriculture powering a gigantic mobilized Chinese war machine? Are we really confident in funding a war of attrition against Russia of all countries?

We can't really back down now that Leopards and Bradleys are aflame in Ukraine but it is not clear how any of this is in the national interests of most Western countries. We could've just ignored the whole thing, chose not to have an opinion on Ukraine in 2008, in 2014 in 2018 or 2022. It could be swept under the carpet, like the war in Yemen. Without Nuland, without NATO proposals, without Western training for the Ukrainian military, would there be a long and grinding war? It may well be in the interests of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to pursue a foreign policy full of exciting conflicts and intensify rivalries, yet it is not so good for people with gas bills, fertilizer needs and taxes to pay.

Without having to put their own forces on the line, and at the cost of a fairly moderate chunk of the US military budget, the US is getting to incapacitate one of their major geopolitical threats.

I keep seeing this take in a lot of social media and I really don't think that it has any relation to reality. It isn't a "fairly moderate chunk of the US military budget" but a massive economic imposition and cost upon the rest of the west. Aside from the direct costs of sending money and arms to one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, the indirect costs from rising energy prices, economic disruption, inflation, sanctions, refugees and the like have made this entire affair incredibly expensive. If the de-dollarisation that the sanctions regime has spurred continues it could ultimately prove to be one of the most expensive mistakes in US history.

Even then, the cost in materiel matters as well. Western supply chains and reserves have been tapped out to funnel that equipment to Ukraine, and those stocks have been considerably depleted (at least among EU member state militaries). While that's bad by itself, it becomes even worse when you remember who Russia's biggest ally is - China. The Chinese government is, presumably, sitting back and rubbing their hands together with glee as they watch the west burn vast amounts of military equipment on a pyre. Every bit of kit that gets blown up in the Ukraine or sold onto the black market by some unscrupulous oligarch is a piece of kit that is not going to be used in any prospective defence of Taiwan - if the US is getting a pretty great deal, you're gonna run out of superlatives when you try to describe the one China is getting.

Once again with feeling.

Every Russian soldier killed in Ukraine, every Tank that gets it turret tossed, every aircraft shot down, every missile expended is one less that can be used to threaten Poland, Latvia, Finland or any other NATO power. The money we are paying now to eliminate the Russian military's reserves and reinforce the post WWI norm of "no you can't invade your neighbor" is arguably some of the best ROI we could possibly ask for.

The money we are paying now to eliminate the Russian military's reserves and ... is arguably some of the best ROI we could possibly ask for.

I do not think that the final tally has come in yet, but I absolutely do not believe that this is the case or that this juice is worth the squeeze. That said I don't think this is an argument that can actually be resolved - the facts aren't visible beyond the fog of war yet, although if you have top secret intelligence verifying the exact capabilities of the Russian military please share it with the class.

reinforce the post WWI norm of "no you can't invade your neighbor"

There has been no reinforcing of this whatsoever, nor is it a norm. The USA has been extremely aggressive militarily and launched invasions all around the world - the fact that they haven't invaded Mexico or Canada means absolutely nothing unless you think it'd be perfectly ok for Russia to launch an invasion of the UK instead because the UK isn't, strictly speaking, their neighbour.

I agree that UN resolutions are a joke, but I must have missed the part where the US tried to incorporate Iraq and Afghanistan as territories.

Is the argument here that the US was upholding some important international norm when they kept ridiculous corrupt occupation governments in Iraq and Afghanistan for decades to the great detriment of their populations, and then left them as smoldering ruins refusing to take any responsibility?

Many observers in important positions around the World deducted from these events that American leaders don't give a shit about any of their rhetoric, are short-sighted, unreliable, agreement-incapable and live in their own media narrative where they are always right in the end. They will make up norms when it suits them and adjust them mid-game if it doesn't suit them anymore.

Unfortunately I believe Ukrainians are due to discover this as well after sacrificing their youth and their relations with their only important neighbor for drip-fed fickle promises.

Is the argument here that the US was upholding some important international norm when they kept ridiculous corrupt occupation governments in Iraq and Afghanistan for decades to the great detriment of their populations, and then left them as smoldering ruins refusing to take any responsibility?

Pick one. Either the US kept "kept ridiculous corrupt occupation governments in Iraq and Afghanistan" or it refused to take any responsibility. The US in fact took on a great deal of responsibility in Afghanistan and Iraq, responsibility the Iraqis and (especially) the Afghans would have preferred we NOT take on.

Unfortunately I believe Ukrainians are due to discover this as well after sacrificing their youth and their relations with their only important neighbor for drip-fed fickle promises.

Why are Romania, Poland, and Hungary not important neighbors again?

It is 2037. After a swift victory over the Ukrainian government which also devastated the country's infrastructure, Russians set up a massive green zone in the center of Kiev and flooded the country with bureaucrats who never seemed to be able to agree why they were there. They were determined to root out any incumbent power structures of the Ukrainian society though, so they spent the first couple of years purging and persecuting a lot of important people and army members without putting any viable alternatives in place. Some of these people re-organised themselves into gangs and the formerly peaceful orderly cities became war zones where the gangs are ruling over the local population, some of them are blowing up Russian troops and organizing under the banner of a radical ideology, and Russian military/intelligence is trying to deal with this by frequent drone strikes and raids on civilian centers. There is no material improvement, people are way worse off since the beginning of the occupation, and almost all the money Russia is pouring into the region gets embezzled by Russian government contractors or local gangs morphing into warlords.

After 15 years during which the lives of the Ukrainian citizens got only worse and worse, the Russian president announces withdrawal. A so-called government is left behind but it will swiftly crumble. As the country has no infrastructure left to speak off, almost all capable people left, child mortality is skyrocketing and political power is wielded by warlords of suicide cults, Russia also blocks its meager foreign currency accounts until they stop rejecting Russian values. Oh and Russians are practically refusing to take in almost any refugees and nearby Russian allies are getting overran with desperate Ukrainian refugees who are mostly military age heavily traumatized ruthless men.

I am sure if this happened, we would have plenty of future Mottizens arguing in favor Russian respect for international norms.

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