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Culture War Roundup for the week of August 28, 2023

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Because men are assumed to be the ones who have agency in this regard. Men act, women are. And therefore if something goes wrong it’s men’s fault.

Adding to that that many people, especially women, have experience with men whose approach to dating is morally undesirable, but no experience with men who are unsuccessful at dating for some orthogonal reason. Yes, men with morally undesirable approaches to dating are generally doing OK for themselves romantically, but that’s often what women have to go off of.

As for OP, there are many women in the Philippines and Ukraine who would be happy to have you.

To be blunt, a lot of men in the past who were just average guys with average jobs got married mainly because women had little to no choice but to settle for a guy in order to be economically secure. They had decent marriages, nobody expected a grand love affair or swinging from the chandelier sex lives, they got on okay, had families, lived together in old age. It wasn't fantastic, it wasn't awful, it was just how things were. So long as he didn't beat you, didn't drink, didn't run around with other women and brought home the money to run the household, what more did you want? And for the men, so long as she kept the house, was a good mother, and did her marital duty in the bedroom, what more did you expect?

People have much more inflated expectations, and much more choice, nowadays. Women can have jobs and support themselves and generally don't need to marry in order to survive. Men expect the swinging single lifestyle of sexual exploration when they're young, to have plenty of choice and plenty of opportunity, until they're ready to settle down. Women expect to have the same sexual opportunity as men. Somebody's going to be disappointed.

As for OP, there are many women in the Philippines and Ukraine who would be happy to have you.

BTW, OP shouldn't see these women as "lesser" than western women given that they're more likely to say yes to him. I don't know about Ukranians/Pinays specifically but I would venture to say that they are probably going to be more loyal, invest themselves more into seeing you succeed and make a better mother than their equivalent western counterparts (ofc bad apples exist everywhere so choose with care). When you're 50 what will matter is the bond between you and your wife and how secure your relation with your family (children if you want, in-laws), not how hot or desirable she was at 25.

This is another benefit of getting your parents/other elders to at the least shortlist a bunch of people they think would make good partners for you and then you choose from this set rather than choose completely by yourself. In the latter case you'll be more focused on the short term benefits of your potential partner than the lifelong ones they provide and are more likely to end up choosing a suboptimal person when averaged out over your whole life.

I think part of the problem of discontent is that people are not thinking of marriage and family life in their 20s (and maybe even 30s) because that's redolent of their parents and they don't want to think of themselves as being in that slot of the stage of life yet. They want the fun that our sexualised society tells them is out there - if you're in college, or college-aged, you're going to parties and banging hot chicks/studly guys! You're having all kinds of exotic sex! You're not tied down yet, because society as a whole agrees it's your right to be young and have fun. So if you're not getting that, why not? It's your right. It's owed to you. Someone or something must be to blame.

And that can be the patriarchy or feminism or Women Are Wonderful or Rape Culture or Toxic Masculinity or the Cock Carousel or something. But it must be something to blame, because the old conservative rules were too confining and stuffy and we've agreed to dump them in the name of self-expression and liberty and happier, better lives. So why aren't we getting the happier, better lives? If only women were traditional and submissive to men! If only men were in touch with their emotions and feminist!

With respect to Ukraine or any other nation which suffered through the Eastern Front of WW2, it's mostly a simple case of a lopsided sex ratio favoring men (in current Western societies, it's the opposite case), and women there being socialized accordingly.

people are not thinking of marriage and family life in their 20s (and maybe even 30s) because that's redolent of their parents and they don't want to think of themselves as being in that slot of the stage of life yet.

I was thinking about this in college and after; I remember vividly working in a hardware store after graduating college and looking at washing machines, fantasizing about twenty years from now looking at washing machines with a blunt, abrasive, caring, fit wife. Then, I still thought that sort of thing was realistic.

I think you meant to reply to a different comment.

I happen to believe in this theory:

Garbage IN, garbage OUT.

Consider the type of person who will willingly endure a relationship with someone they are disgusted by in order to lift their family of origin out of poverty. An admirable sacrifice, to be sure - but wouldn't you feel some resentment? BurdensomeCount: I'm assuming you're a straight dude. Imagine if your whole family got, say, AIDS or cancer or something. But there was some rich gay dude who would save 'em if you married the guy. He's ugly as hell and kind of smells bad, to boot. Would you take one for the team/your family? What kind of resentment would you have for him? How would you ultimately feel about the sacrifice - and it is a sacrifice - that you are making?

But there was some rich gay dude who would save 'em if you married the guy.

Hold up, you're significantly changing the situation by making it a homosexual relationship. I can have children by marrying a very ugly woman, I cannot have children by marrying an unpleasant man.

OK, assume he'll spring for surrogacy; he's rich, after all. Does that change anything?

Mildly, somewhat, eh. There's a pretty substantial step when you cross from someone who is the sex you're orientated towards into an entirely different sex that I think breaks the comparison. It should be plenty to get the point across that it's a particularly repulsive woman. Even just on the child rearing element it matters that the kid(s) would be biologically both of ours and raising them together creates a bond.

I propose a compromise of a trans man who is fully reproductively intact. And I think I wouldn't actually be resentful of this transman if they also took the relationship seriously. Even this version is kind of lacking because I think our perspective savior is likely to be willing to change some things about themselves at the savee's request which kind of interferes with the repulsiveness of a transman to your average man because the transman would at least make an effort to be more feminine to the preference of the savee.

That said I do find the whole mail order bride thing intuitively distasteful in a way I can't articulate well. Something about the transactional nature. Perhaps Disney has just too thoroughly colonized my mind.

Okay, they're a trans man. They're also 450 pounds with atrocious personal hygiene. And they're a trust fund baby.

I take issue with the bad personal hygiene and trust fund status. The usual complaintants are usually well funded through their own personal earnings and frankly the hygiene thing never did at all in my experience, high functioning people who question they're success aren't low hamging fruit like bathing. Seriously, the idea that this is someone earning well enough to sponsor a family coming over while also not having figured out that inoffensive smells factored in is a venn diagram containing only the severely autistic. It's nearly disqualifying that you actually unironically reference it.

I do accept them being 450 lbs and repulsive, but I think there is still room to feel love there. But I think merely very obese would be more fair.

Mmm...more like: how about this.

There isn't an exact one-to-one correspondence here. Women generally are more sensitive to disgust than guys are. I don't know about sex differences in habituation to disgust, but it's plausible that guys can get used to nasty shit easier, too. Sex is a hell of a lot riskier for women, so it makes sense that it'd be harder and more painful/difficult for women to have sex with guys they were disgusted by. It's a contrived and very unlikely hypothetical here - I'm aware of that. On the other hand, it could easily be argued that women find autism straight up disgusting, and for a number of relatively good reasons; other men aren't as grossed out by it. That's why I'm making our wealthy hero pretty goddamn gross.

This being personally might be OK with this obese, smelly, gross trust-fund transman if they're saving your family of origin from crushing poverty or paying for your brother's lifesaving cancer treatment or something like that.

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Also I should add, non-Western women could be just as rich as Western women (and some of them, say from e.g. Saudi Arabia or Qatar, are) and assuming they had a good upbringing that taught them to value what is really important in the long term they would likely still be more attracted to you (assuming no cultural dealbreakers like you not being willing to convert) than their equivalent western counterparts.

It's about values fit, not about lifting people out of poverty.

The problem for women, then, is the men who expect to be able to bang hot chicks when they're 25, then when they're ready to settle down, get a woman who'll put up with a man not on his looks etc. but on other values, while the guy still expects he'll be able to marry an attractive woman.

If it's both parties accepting that "you take what you can get, and kissin' don't last but cookery do", then it works. When it's one partner expecting to eat his cake and have it, while the other partner isn't permitted to do so, then the resentment builds up and feminism is the logical outcome.

Feminism is nothing more than women taking on the role of the partner expecting to eat her cake and have it, while denying men the ability to. That similarly builds up resentment, leading to a never-ending cycle of hate.

I happen to believe in this theory:

Garbage IN, garbage OUT.

Consider the type of person who will willingly endure a relationship with someone they are disgusted by in order to lift their family of origin out of poverty. An admirable sacrifice, to be sure - but wouldn't you feel some resentment? BurdensomeCount: I'm assuming you're a straight dude. Imagine if your whole family got, say, AIDS or cancer or something. But there was some rich gay dude who would save 'em if you married the guy. He's ugly as hell and kind of smells bad, to boot. Would you take one for the team/your family? What kind of resentment would you have for him? How would you ultimately feel about the sacrifice - and it is a sacrifice - that you are making?

Women are only attracted to the top 20% of men. Any society where the majority of men are getting married is a society where the majority of women are lying back and thinking of England. If you are uncomfortable with that, you can either try to become Chad or you can accept being an incel.

I'm comfortable with it; it worked fine for my ancestors, and if I am performing my duties as a man by providing and protecting then it is perfectly reasonable to expect a woman who will perform her own wifely duties. Whether she enjoys it or not is her own affair.

The difference is that non-Western women have been socialised differently and will not feel disgusted by a man who isn't the best looker. The things that disgust them are very different from the things that disgust western women and I would say that their "disgust set" is a better fit for long term thriving than the standard western one (no different to how someone who is disgusted by blood and feces is more "fit" for thriving in the world than someone who is disgusted by fresh food and water).

This is another benefit of getting your parents/other elders to at the least shortlist a bunch of people they think would make good partners for you and then you choose from this set rather than choose completely by yourself.

I won’t disagree that moving in an east India direction would be an improvement for US courtship norms, but just suggesting it is about as helpful as ‘we should hold singles dances on the moon to help people who have no success on the apps’. It’s just not going to happen often enough to constitute a societal norm.

Eh, once there are enough of us in your country (through either immigration, higher birth rates or shorter generation time) it's going to start happening outside of the subcontinental community purely because of osmosis, and especially so if we make up the upper classes in your country (as people like to ape upper class behaviours). No different to how all Americans started eating Italian food once there was a critical enough mass of them in the US.

Sure it won't help white people in the current generation (and probably not even the next), but eventually they too will benefit (ofc this assumes no AGI, if AGI happens there's no use in predicting anything from that point onwards, it's called the singularity for a reason).

Or, more likely, Indians will acclimate to US norms.

They started eating the American version of Italian food, which is not necessarily the Italian version. And parents etc. setting the standards for marriage used to be the norm in the West, also, until it was overthrown by the ideas of romantic love being the only reason to marry, and more corrosively for marriage, easy divorce.

You yourself have given some indications that you want the best of both worlds: westernised women who will be happy to date and sleep with you so you get to sow your wild oats, then when you're ready to marry, a traditional marriage arranged by your parents. That's not really sustainable. If the USA does move back to the "nice girls don't, wait until marriage, and your families will settle the marriage" model, you and your peers won't have the opportunity to play the field anymore.

You yourself have given some indications that you want the best of both worlds: westernised women who will be happy to date and sleep with you so you get to sow your wild oats

Maybe past me wanted that, current me has seen the error of my ways and thinks playing the field is a net negative for society as a whole and nowadays I have brushed off opportunities because I know there is very little cultural and values compatibility between me and the girl. I will not soil myself or her any further.

there are many women in the Philippines and Ukraine who would be happy to have you

Ukrainian women aren't in Ukraine; they're in Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic living their best Tinder lives and sampling the local carousel.

As for OP, there are many women in the Philippines and Ukraine who would be happy to have you.

That's kind of a cheap shot.

Speaking as someone married to a Filipino woman, I don't see it as a cheap shot. I think it's excellent advice. Modern Western gender relations are deeply confused and toxic at the moment, and the gap between public rhetoric, professional rules, and private preferences all requires a greater-than-usual degree of reading between the lines to successfully navigate. By contrast, the implicit deal in many non-Western societies remains comparatively clear: the husband will provide some combination of social status and financial security, and the wife will create a pleasant home and family environment. Given this, I think choosing a non-Western wife is an extremely good option for many men, especially non-neurotypical men who struggle with the elaborate courtly cognitive dissonance required over here. That said, just because the rules over there are relatively more clear-cut doesn't mean they're totally transparent, so it's not something to blunder into without appropriate contextual knowledge. Otherwise you'll end up in a situation where you're shocked, shocked to find that your Filipino wife expects you to bail out her brother's failing business back home, or your Ukrainian wife expects to be provided with the means to keep up a glamorous wardrobe.

If he was a first time poster about this particular issue I would agree with you, but after getting warned downthread for single-issue posting about this topic it seems like ‘dude, go to the Philippines if you have that little success in the USA’ is exactly what he needs to hear.

So like, at what point do men in the Philippines start picking up on this? If it really is such a "traditional" culture, shouldn't we expect Western sex tourists to start getting the Bataan treatment from locals?

The men with the most say are probably the most supportive of it: the immediate family of the courted woman. If she marries you, some of that American money will invariably end up in their pockets. Which isn't anything bad or duplicitous: in less individualistic cultures, of course you help out your inlaws with money when necessary.

It doesn't extend everywhere; Filipinos are much more open to foreign marriages than, say, Mongolians (don't even consider trying it).

In a traditional culture, getting a wealthy and stable but kind of boring guy for your daughter is a stroke of luck, and young guys who might be interested in her don’t have to like it- they have a lot less say in it than she does.

Rich nerdy white guys who have trouble in the western dating market aren't really engaging in sex tourism. They're actually bringing a lot of legitimate value to the table in the context of more traditional marriage markets. They're not going to get the Bataan style treatment from locals because a lot of the locals actively want to get picked up by a rich nerdy first worlder.