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Ugh, I can't watch more than five seconds because I know where it's going.

would sanction it to hell, all national and international businesses would leave, unemployment would skyrocket, a lack of federal subsidies would make programs that keep the underclass in these states under control and pliable

Sounds just like what was supposed to happen to Russia, yet here we are.

has no real need not to keep trading with both parties.

If Texas wasn't sanctioned by China, what problem would they have? Chinese sell everything.

Elon retweeted my favorite LDS twitter fundamentalist due to the guy's good speech on fertility.

Incredible event. What the hell?

Honestly incredible if Elon and a few people like him start to support these sorts of initiatives.

Gay son or thot daughter?

You think Texas is gonna care about the alzheimer states of EU?

Lmao. TX is going to care whether they can trade with China.

There's the ethnic cleansing of Artasakh, 200k people ran away. Russian peacekeepers lost iirc 10+ soldiers. Allegedly a few massacres too.

No one gives a fuck, somehow. Azeris are 'reliable allies'.

People only give a fuck if there's a lobby group.

No. Ag lobby are not captains of industry.

World avg IQ is 92.

Average Internet user IQ in 92 was likely 115-125.

Maybe I'm stunted, but I think this is an essentially elementary school bullshit,

That's how I took it, and in that sense the whole meme seems pretty fun. It's just bants, confused flirting at worst, like you said. But then, I regret to inform you, that the male (or otherwise) feminists are at it again taking the whole fun out of it.

But there's also the problem of keeping population growth above replacement.

If hypnosis works on some people, why not force people making virtual boyfriend apps into conditioning women using those apps into having a 'breeding kink' ?

I could see CPC okaying this.

I'll stress that that part is my own conjecture, and doubtless modern nationalism and fear/mistrust of the PRC plays into this phenomenon as well. But it seems unlikely to me that the historical background didn't contribute to this. And that the Chinese usually overhype whatever minor Korean nutter has to say for their own purposes as well, to the extent that the average Chinese is probably more misinformed about the actual state of understanding in Korea (where Koreans rightfully mostly relegate such hyper-nationalism as mostly batshit insane).

Then there are things that are just kinda...dumb, like the Chinese getting irate at the Korean dragon boat festival getting recognised internationally (honestly who gives a shit? It's like Italians getting upset about modern British celebrating a derivative of a Roman festival). That stupid thing about kimchi and paocai thing still confuses me to this day (not the background facts, but the sheer idiocy of it, as well as the initial irresponsibility of the Chinese press).

I can't recall the last time I saw a bear portrayed as a threat or a cause of a dangerous scenario in a movie/tv show/game.

The only quick example I can think of is The Revenant, which was from a while ago.

The simple truth is that nobody, either man or woman, should ever go hiking in the woods alone, with or without bears inhabiting those woods, period.

Whoops! I think I made some last-minute changes before committing, and didn't test.

I modified it to fix that, and to take the username & password on stdin

I'm definitely stealing that!

You need to read 'The Populist Delusion'.

There always is a 'they'. In any mass society. Bottom up organisation never lasts. They end up controlled by people who had to keep them organised. US is a very old society. No purges or revolutions for 200 years. Not to mention, US was founded by freemasons. (lol) 'they' is very traditional here.

How did they do that? What is the evidence that they did this?

They didn't. Merely are exploiting the event to restore normalcy. Someone was afraid US might totally crack up before WW3.

It's also true that no bear will ever falsely accuse you of rape or domestic violence, will never scam you online, will never drag you to divorce court etc.

Maybe I'm stunted, but I think this is an essentially elementary school bullshit, on the level of pulling girls by their braids (does anyone still do it?) or calling boys/girls gross: confused flirtation going too far. To the extent that adult American women are sincere in saying that they're less afraid of a bear, they're stunted too; unfit to be citizens, literally infantile, living in an egocentric world where "beliefs" are merely transient activations of the underdeveloped brain, means to coordinate physical wailing and flailing to get gibs from the infinitely caring environment. Admittedly this is an adaptive mode of reasoning in a spoils-based society, so long as you belong to the correct caste.

But I presume they aren't sincere, for the most part, and just do not care about contents of their words or the impact on too serious men. So it's signaling and taking jabs at men.

Few great comedians are women, but on average women are impressively adept at wordplay and deadpan sarcasm, in my experience.

Now as for men and their daughters, this is more obviously pure signaling to fit into the stereotype of an overprotective macho. No one's actually leaving anyone in a forest with a bear or a stranger, so it's a cost-free signal.

This is all trivial. The interesting question here, if any, is whether norms encouraging such long-winded and massive pranks are acceptable or a sign of dysfunction. Remember, many Americans are in fact retarded, paranoid, schizophrenic, pathologically anxious etc. – a middle-class joke that's presented as consensus can have real impact. Is [functional] 85 IQ enough to reliably distinguish ubiquitous mean-spirited kidding from common sense, without it leaking into world-model representations? Is 80? 75? The true distribution is not Gaussian, there are lumps on both tails, and plenty of outliers.

Beyond this straightforward utilitarian concern for unwell people and their close ones, though, I'd say the problem of normalizing casual deadpan sarcastic misogyny is the same as with any other kind of mistreatment, and the appropriate response is the same as we see high-agency minority groups provide to politically incorrect smartasses. It is perceived, correctly, as the beginning of a slippery slope towards rhetorical superweapons and physical discrimination. In a degenerating culture like the modern American one, defending your personal and your collective identity's honor is in fact the sane attractor; it's unsustainable for some subpopulation, even if it be all men, to be all sticks-and-stones-but-words stoics, and others be of the "if they don't fight back this means we can hit harder" persuasion. (I'd go so far as to say that you can't be a stoic period; stoics are simply cuckolds with extra steps, just like their hero Marcus Aurelius was a literal cuckold. But that's beside the point).

My (obvious) belief is that it's not really acceptable but there's little that could be done.

I've written off the entire sector.

If it's AAA, I'll play it if you pay me. Unless it's from Japan ofc.

My mom once said I was "so hot."

I have mixed feelings about that.

From their manifesto, "The state will offer employment to everyone who is willing and able to work, at a decent rate above the minimum wage of R4500, with skills development and training opportunities."

You can see the rest of their suggestions there as well.

Worst back pain I ever got was from shaving wrong. Somehow.