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joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


User ID: 947



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User ID: 947

Was gang used in terms of "generic group" or "specific unit"- which these police were as members of a task force or "criminal organization" in which case this is a genuine concern- some police departments can and have been subverted and corrupted by criminal gangs having members with clean enough records join.

Googling, there are wireless charging compatible phone cases.

My mom did an absolute cop-out and told me that the mailman had taken my "blankie" away, so from ages 3-6 I was absolutely hostile to the postal service.

My replacement was a platypus (search for folkmanis folktails platypus for the specific one) which I semi-personified and was more fully personified by my dad in freeform bedtime stories.

Aside from what others have mentioned (and it's nice seeing so many fellow FFIX fans), Earthbound (Mother 2), Suikoden I and II, and Stardew Valley if it counts.

Re: Military Service

If you were dealing with a ~115IQ teenager graduating high school at 17, open to a few years of service/misery, would ROTC contract+ College then commission make more sense, or first a 3 year Enlistment (assume desired MOS due to prepped ASVAB, Eagle Scout rank bump) + Guard/Reserves during College paid by GI bill?

Or screw either, not worth time and stress, that answer makes tons of sense too.

A part of the calculus that throws a slight wrench into the decision is that the $0 VA loan can go for a million and can be used on a 4-plex (assume parents of said kid built credit to 725 by making them an authorized user on a credit card that mostly makes utility payments).

Women are primarily attracted to men that other women are attracted to. Your best bet is replicating the record company paying young women screeching in excitement for the Beatles to land in America (before anyone had their records in America, or radio broadcast)***, but on social media, without obvious tells that you're paying for it.

***This account was apparently inaccurate, and exists as only a pop culture legend. Particular other instances of paid or otherwise incentivized enthusiastic 'actors' to appear as fans may be real.

Canadian Anglican is going to largely be gay is A-OK, USA Anglican is going to be overwhelmingly gay is sin, USA Episcopal (rectifying respect to Canterbury but not the crown) is going to be usually gay is A-OK.

Even on this forum, I don't often see people mentioning that IQ differences shouldn't imply differences in moral worth -- which suggests to me that many people here do actually have an unarticulated, possibly subconscious, belief that this is the case.

It's a lot easier when you have an aunt with Down Syndrome and an uncle who worked for say... the bad, obviously unethical responsible parts of Enron or Bear Sterns or Lehman Brothers or for Bernie Madoff. (I'm describing my personal situation)

But I can hope that many here encounter the kind, cheerful and helpful mentally retarded at the grocery store or at a paper shredding site and notice that the main FTX individuals who actually fuck them and the rest of society over are 2-3 comments up or down in this or that thread.

of all film genres

They're really, really cheap to make relatively.

Teenagers trying to make their own campy shoestring parody of Indiana Jones or Lord of the Rings will go over the budget of a slasher film on hats or swords or cost of bandwidth pirating editing software.

Please elaborate on the obvious and implicit parts of your argument that I missed, past the debatable idea that generic people have chosen their job, and flatly wrong idea that they are happy to do it.

Not sufficiently, because working a 48 hour retail cashier shift or 20 hour ditch digging effort is extremely challenging and not at all ambitious in other senses except an extremely limited context of possible overtime pay that does not reach the relative wealth suggested by ambition.

I'm currently prepping for Summa Theologica, getting a complete version for Christmas.

You won't see riots because it's still winter. It's marginally too cold to be outside for too long, utilities are prevented from being cut off and evictions happen less.

Nation of Islam is a Hotep ethno-narcissist thing (you can call it a gang or cult or political movement or Männerbund for all I care), there are a lot genuine black real Sunnis, there are also a lot of prison converts whose adherence once they get on parole is questionable.

We have structured society such that a downs person would have trouble knocking over the light and burning down the barn.

You are correct that with many of the most stupid we are comfortable confining them to prevent self harm or massive harm to the uninvolved.

A society of my aunt and Henrys would necessarily devolve into hunter gatherers who would be in a precarious position.

A rival hunter gatherer society of entirely Enron, Google and AXA professionals would be a tribe that my retarded aunt and Henry with comparable numbers of similar nature would probably subjugate easily, eventually integrating violent strong men or wise old women, humiliating the rest in servitude.

While I can't actually speak/read/understand Japanese having only studied for a dozen hours, to make things clear for others, an example that stands out to me (with nearly zero comprehension) is the issue that "Watashi wa [name]" is one of the first sentences most learn in Japanese, it's for introducing yourself, it's "I am [name]", so lot's of guys stick with "Watashi"=Personal pronoun, but it's fairly gendered and situational. Good table just above the linked section as to usage percentage in context, with explanations below.


I would encourage using Khan Academy to take a diagnostic test, then practice tests which take an hour before a full length (3-5 hour) practice test.

The merchant marine absolutely does take immigrants, but there are always possible issues.

I think there probably is a way to provide substantially cheaper goods and some services by consolidating retailers, wholesalers and domestic logistics into not-for-profit cooperatives who sell staple goods on an annual subscription model, and who use automation wherever they can. Currently, this entity would have to socially reward (exploit?) many intense thinking and working eccentric people who choose to perform free labor instead of pure compensation.

Sure! Caveat: Previous online D&D experience is limited to 2002 NWN+Vent and more recently Roll20+Discord. I'm only really used to 5e but it's DM's choice.

The kind in the imagination and work of Rudyard Kipling.

I decided to hold off on joining until 2 or 3 kinks were worked out, having been annoyed by new sites in the past that necessarily deal with growing pains at launch.

Also, I consume enough nicotine, caffeine and alcohol that you'd have to make me quit all 3 at once for me to deal with withdrawal symptoms from other stuff.

Just saw tweet alleging 3/5 are Vice Lords (so yeah, criminal organization), had videos of other beatings on their phones https://twitter.com/LaurenWitzkeDE/status/1619346737080180736

I use video lite on ios.

Weaker guess: The parasocial relationship is easier to attach to the individual fighter/is stronger than the organizational team. The individual fighter has a sole ethnicity and nationality, which makes tribal rallying easier.

Stronger guess: For a variety of reasons (not saying they are good, carefully thought reasons) casual and addicted gamblers are more confidant in individual fighters to not throw matches or prearrange results or be screwed by officiating- the PPV cost is insignificant compared to the cash they have bet, legally or illegally.

Try to get involved on the import/export side of things?

I'd start going to industry conventions like https://west.supplysideshow.com/en/home.html but that one starts tomorrow, so unless already in or near las vegas I'd wait for another one.