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User ID: 1865



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User ID: 1865

Yes but a given petri dish can have better short term outcomes whilst having poor longterm outcomes. At which point the canny punter says 'oh I'm going to go to the other state which didn't eat the seed corn'.

Exactly. I'm not anti-tattoos as a concept, but I think they should be tasteful, speak to moments of high personal impact and therefore fairly rare. The random memeification of tattoos shows a fundamentally different life view amongst most people who just shotgun random images onto their skin.

If I'd been in the navy for ten years I wouldn't object to having a tattoo to symbolise that status.

This has always been my feeling on tattoos. I'm not against having them, but it feels like an act that should be tied towards a connection of personal gravity and importance. Not just 'lol Milhouse meme'

I think people aren't worried about cat burglars

Also lots of these crimes are more crimes of convenience than 'cat burglar drives 2 hours out of their way to a random middle class suburb and conducts elaborate stake-out to steal their TV'. I also genuinely believe that burglary is less lucrative than in previous eras unless you happen to land on a house where there's significant amounts of jewellery. Tech is cheap (and increasingly secured + the expensive bits are mounted flat screen TVs), people hold less cash.

Lot of that is the sheer amount of productive US metro areas versus other countries.

In Australia for a lot of professional roles you've only really got a serious choice between Melbourne, Sydney and maaaaybe Brisbane. The first 2 of which have 10x income multiples for a reasonable house and the later racing quickly to catch up to them. Those equivalent markets do exist in the USA but they're largely focused around the world class cities like NYC and San Fran. Still plenty of scope to pick a mid-tier city and get a reasonable property for 3-4x income.

Yeah, most of the Asian Tigers were driven by what would be considered dictators in charge and have since had larger struggles when going towards manifesting democracy in the 80s/90s

Unless you're going to take a decade-dated one at which point you get annihilated on fees, the whipsaw effect of a meme stock run by somebody with a history of overpromising random in-vogue ideas makes it hard to leverage against.

Drukpa is a DR shitposter. In future, trust your instincts with regards to these things. Leftist Berlin hipsters are not singing "Ausländer raus" in techno clubs, please. I'm sure young men are in some of the more extremist burschenschaften, but that's a rather different milieu (and there is, in any case, nothing new about that).

Yeah Drukpa's been posting random overlaid stuff like that on techno club videos for a while. I think the overton window is shifting a little, but Drukpa not a great souce for it.

I don't know a ton of specifics around Cocoa but my understanding was that it was particularly resistant to automation which is why there hasn't really been any agribusiness trying to tackle it.

Haiti gets hundreds of millions in US aid every year. Straight up annexation would likely be cheaper and more effective in the longrun.

I thought there was still some agricultural slavery for labor-intensive crops in areas with very low HDI. Cocoa a fairly major example, I believe. I do agree that for most factory jobs that 'slavery' is an exaggeration, and people just don't understand how shit subsistence agriculture is as an existence to compete against making phones and sneakers

Even more recently there's been a bunch of ex-dictatorships emerging into strong market economies without much outside influence. Most of the Asian Tigers would be closer to facist than anything else. Spain, etc.

And in some cases 'the doctor was only able to ensure 5% QOL heartbeat continuation by 3 months instead of 3 years fighting to the end' isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Personally I'd much rather productive labor market participants, ideally having a work-related visa contingent on a job paying >80th percentile and with their employer having to provide a clear plan towards how they will in future enable that role to be filled by locals. There are definitely some downsides of this form of migration. I feel that the moment for unskilled/refugee migration has largely passed in developed economy due to the relative lack of jobs fit for purpose, and the modern welfare & medical-welfare states meaning that they are ultimately massive value extractors with multi-generational timeframes to even begin to break even.

It's not like there aren't alternate solutions. I'm not advocating for the West to be literally Qatar when it comes to guest workers, but there is clearly a market for people from the developing world coming to participate in developed economies without a vector for citizenship or participation in the welfare state.

That or the adjacent 'acts like a brat in a romance novel constantly and has no idea that there's supposed to be elements of push & pull instead of 120% push and sobbing about how a guy she actually liked no longer wants to talk to her'

True. I found my dating mostly trended Asian but in my experience trying to filter by non-obese, non-singlemom, non-tattooed, educated and white-collar job having meant that I was left with 90% Asian girls.

My defacto Mother in Law & Grandmother in law practically fainted from shock when I proactively changed diapers and bottle fed the newborn. Not that they disproved, but the bar for childrearing involvement seems to be Marianas trench levels in East Asian cultures.

Super slowburn romances, lots of grand gestures of romance, incredibly pretty boys without particular masculine push.

Yeah. Lots of girls will do that where they'll make an app account, be exposed to the firehose of approaches, maybe do a date or two and if that person is good they've got a boyfriend and if that person is lacking they'll delete and be back in 6 months.

Yes. Definitely hugely skews that way in my geographic area.

Coffee Meets Bagel. Not sure how universal it is as an app but kind of focused on this demographic.

The 2/10 was largely self-inflicted!

I don't think it's totally unique to East Asia. Dated some white women who essentially exhibited the same behaviors (admittedly way less as a proportion), but there's a particular subgenre that is cultivated by East Asian cultures.

I'd consider the sort of 'bad dates' they go on essentially not going on any dates ever. They'll occasionally sally to make an app profile, book a single 30 minute coffee with somebody who passes a 3 week DM interview and then strike them from the record for whatever random reason onto the next.

I've got a baby and a longterm relationship with one and live with another. Both born in Asia and came across for University. I think you're tarring a bit too broadly, my partner's a lot more adventurous than her sister both romantically and career-wise, but having watched a few KDrama I do agree that it's a deranged way of forming romantic expectations. I do think this has been compounded by the online dating meta, since I've observed a ton of 'an interaction went slightly subpar, GOODBYE FOREVER' from talking to female friends.

Also having been 4-5 dates in with a few other East Asian girls where the pace of engagement was glacial during my time on the apps. Which made up the majority of my 'this 26 year old girl has essentially zero idea how to play the game' experiences.

I moved in with my partner and her younger sister (mid-late twenties East-Asian consultant) 6 months ago, and have had kinda first hand view of her sister's involvement in dating as a 100-hour week consultant who occasionally has an awkward first date... and yeah it's a whole subculture/form of existence I had no idea about until now.