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joined 2022 October 04 23:03:46 UTC


User ID: 1485

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Constant low-value, low-effort antagonistic poster



1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 October 04 23:03:46 UTC


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User ID: 1485

Banned by: @Amadan

The Dailystormer is ran by a handful of people, has covered many topics in depth that other media don't cover, for example what happened in Charlottesville, on January 6th, the adventures of Hunter Biden, geopolitical issues including non-American sources (Western media hardly ever present the Chinese or Russian POV).

They have a clearly expressed bias, they offer retractions / apologies when they get something wrong, they hold people on their side accountable...

There are a lot of topics that they don't cover and their coverage is usually surface-level, but their journalistic track record is much better than any big media I can think of.

I'm sure that they are other good small media out there, but I haven't looked too much.

But I doubt aggregating headlines would really give you an accurate picture

Just to make a comparison with what we have now. If writing about famous or non-famous people dying suddenly from unknown medical causes without any known chronic disease before 70yo is clickbait, it must be because people are curious about such matters? Kind of a man-bite-dog kind of news.

I'm sure a lot of antivaxxers are looking to stimulate their confirmation bias but can it be the only reason that'd be clickbait?

Yes, Jews have been dealt with as a persecuted minority for a very long time. Of course the people who hate Jews don't say they are persecuting them for reasons of religious and ethnic prejudice, they say it's because they're a "threat."

Yes, now who should we believe?

The 1000 companies that fired the employee or the 1 employee that keeps claiming that all these companies are biased against him? What should the HR dept do?

It's sheer coincidence that hundreds of different peoples across time and space all coordinated to inexplicably hold this abhorrent hate for such a fine, distinguished people.

This is a tired argument but this was in reply to your remark:

If that were actually happening, they'd be noticed and stopped.

Historically, problematic behavior from a small ethnic group has been noticed and stopped many, many times.

Whether you agree or disagree that the perception of a 'problematic' behavior was accurate or that the behavior was ethically 'problematic', I think we can both agree on that.

Now regarding your 'Chinese robbers' claim, the idea is that highlighting a certain demographic and random event can distort the perception of that demographic.

I agree.

But perhaps we can have data on that?

There was quite a bit of kvetching over this delightfully-titled piece 'The Specifically Jewy Perviness of Harvey Weinstein'.

I'm not going to go through all of them, but I'll assume that like this one, they do not provide any rebuttal that Weinstein is a specifically Jewish-type of pervert, or that Jews are more likely to be perverts than non-Jews.

I do believe that Jews are over-represented in the demographic of 'powerful people that commit sex/or and financial crimes'.

But I don't have data. I don't have data that would show me that it's only because they're over-represented in the demographic of powerful people,

or if on top of being over-powerful, they are also over-perverted.

If somebody had that kind of data to dispute my assumptions, that'd be great!

The Trump-era Jewish [sex] scandals seem to have faded from the news, perhaps due to the Biden family's own affairs making the topic inappropriate to bring up for journalists, compared to the earlier appetite for salacious rumors of the 'dossier' etc.

they're winning

Russia still controls territory the Ukrainians regard as theirs.

How's that win?

If they're winning, why are they still begging for money?

I don't have any issue with non-family men or women interacting with my children in an appropriate context.

You can smile at them,talk to them, pat them on the head, as long as you're a normal person.

Warning signs: visible tattoos or piercings, danger hair color (aposematism) or hair cuts, obesity, strange dress, unkempt appearance, odd behavior, conspicuous lack of children at an older age...

If you insist on talking about sexuality with children, don't be surprised if people call you a groomer. Children do not need to know that <1% of the population likes certain practices that do not contribute to making children.

If you wear the same clothes around children as you did at your last orgy, don't be surprised if wary parents give you dirty looks.

It's really not rocket science.

The issue I see with it is that they're building an infrastructure and customs to welcome and accommodate refugees. This attracts a certain type of people that will not leave once the current Ukraine crisis is over.

It's a slippery slope.

What if Turkey has a civil war, or even Germany, which is starting to look a lot like Turkey, demographically-speaking, aren't they too 'neighbors' etc?

Why are you unable to understand that people have different views on armed invasion versus voluntary association and the travails of dealing with migrants

I just find it odd that 'nationalists' would run from the Russian Empire to immediately jump into the Western EU Empire.

Either way, the Ukrainian people is not going to be in charge of its destiny. If you abhor the Russian language, wait until you see what they speak.

voluntary association

Haha yes 'voluntary'. We just choose to go along the propaganda. How lucky we are to suddenly have a desire for transgenders and gay marriage and open borders!

migrants (who have not, to date, prioritized going to the poorer eastern countries over richer parts of Europe)

It's inevitable. These Ukrainians are apparently attempting to become wealthier. With wealth comes migrants.

Unless by this statement, the brave Ukrainian soldier means that he wants to be like Poland and refuse to take in the refugees that the EU asked them to:

'everyone has the right to exist and live in our country.'

History is written by the victors, that's true. Russia looks like an aggressor to you but everyone else sees their behavior as restrained compared to US hegemony.

US might win that game, at the cost of destroying all their Western European allies.

Nobody else cares about Putin invading his neighbor.

If anything else, every other country is going to be even more distrustful of the US, as they can just break all rules of international trade and blockade you for minor border disputes.

Simply keep the old folks of your family around. It is not uncommon around the world to have a young married couple live with their parents. The grandparents provide help with taking care of the children and also benefit from social contact into old age.

There are many issues with corporations entering into competitions with families by providing maternity leave, abortion services, paying in excess single women while keeping married men wages' low...

Moreover corporations have also created a market out of the elderly, with cruises, independent communities, reverse mortgages to make sure that there is no estate to leave to descendants...

We will just have to wait for a few decades for the Amish, Mexicans, Mormons and Chinese to solve the issue in the US.

Why do you think the Korean woman I mentioned hated Jews? Do you think she'd ever met a Jew? Do you think Jews are undermining Korean culture?

It's possible that she would have known due to local events.

I'm not too familiar with Korea or Korean antisemitism.

I know of one family active in the East that may have generated some antisemitism in China

the Sassoon family that was involved in the Opium trade which had a huge historical impact.

Like an older, oriental version of our very own Sackler family.

You can tell me whether she met a Jew and whether you think Jews are undermining Korean culture.

If American culture is undermining Korean culture, then I could see somebody blame some Jews for that.

I'm not too familiar with Korea so I couldn't tell.

Your alternate hypothesis appears to be "Everyone has always hated Jews because they deserve it." So what did Jews from Exodus to 13th century England do to deserve being hated?

According to the Scriptures, one man from God's favorite Jewish family went to Egypt and quickly rose in power.

God placed him in such circumstances and gave him such good advice that he was able to save Egypt and his Jewish brethren from a famine.

Then Pharaoh may have gotten jealous, due to that man's rapid rise to power and control of the kingdom's resources (grain supply that God had advised him to store leading to a monopoly during the years-long famine).

For some reason Pharaoh wanted to enslave the Jews and the Jews had to force him to let them go through various God interventions.

I don't know what the Egyptians themselves wrote about the episode.

For 13th century England, the story is a little bit more familiar, and already explained in the link I posted

What happened was that, if landowners could not pay their debts to the Jews, they forfeited the property they had put up as collateral. As Jews could not own land, this then reverted to their master, the king, who systematically built up his holdings. It meant that the Jews were accidental agents in a substantial land transfer to the king, and in increasing his powers nationally.

Basically the Jews were helping the {federal} government) increase its power at the detriment of the locals.

Concentrating the power in the hands of a minority. They didn't have a Wall Street to Occupy back then, but the story is similar throughout history.

Today we can see Jewish advocacy groups push for federal hate crime laws or federal gun laws, or EU-level anti-homophobia, pro-refugee laws, etc.

It's just a thing Jews do. All of them (modulo a rounding error of "Not All Jews").

Well, I already explained why I think there was a selection.

The insider who knows that pitchforks might be coming is more likely to have an exit plan ready, and thus survive and transmit his cunningness to living people today.

I don't know what the ratio is, or can be.

I think that there are some key players, let's say an Epstein or a Wexner or a Soros, the owners of Disney, media companies, porn companies...

But around that there are some other more minor key players, the Marx, the feminist, holocaust and critical theory writers...

And then there are foot-soldiers within the media, within these NGOs or within the bureaucratic machines, that make all of it come together.

It only takes something like <5% of the African-American population to be seriously dangerous to get the 13-60 murder figure, so I don't know what proportions of American Jews it takes to create the JQ.

A lot of them are already dead, too, they just keep living in the brain of impressionable goyim.

the Nazis

I have some ideas about that one.

Weimar Republic perversions.

Economic crisis blamed on Jewish activities (true or false?). Jewish communist revolutionaries.

Jewish transgenderism researchers

There exist, ahem, more historically grounded explanations, but you reject them for the more gratifying justification "No, they were asking for it."

What does 'historically grounded' mean? The past is a foreign country, and history is written by the victors.

Team Jew has been trampling on the carcass of the West for a while, so I'm a little bit skeptical of their production.

Plus lately I've grown more and more suspicious of experts in general.

Not a good argument, but I think some can see it as fair if they've been around a Western government in the last few years.

NATO countries invaded by RF: 0

How about NATO countries invaded by Syria / Libya / Iraq / Afghanistan etc?

The 2015 European migrant crisis, also known internationally as the Syrian refugee crisis,[2][3] was a period of significantly increased movement of refugees and migrants into Europe in 2015, when 1.3 million people came to the continent

Something about the consent of the governed.

Which Libyans consented to a coalition of NATO countries and Qatar to come in and murder their leader?

You seem to be starting from the belief that NATO/globohomo is fundamentally intent on the genocide/replacement of white people.

I wouldn't say necessarily so. There are definitely actors within NATO or supporting NATO that have as one of their goals the replacement of white people. Not necessarily all of them.

They are the ones financing / writing articles such as 'Of course all white people are racist'. If they insist on it, I will believe what they say. Or am I being tricked if I believe that they want to take power away from white people?

The issue is that NATO policies lead to replacement of white people (in Europe), incidentally or purposely.

For example, the various NATO 'interventions' (totally not a war of aggression!!!) inj North Africa and the Middle-East led to huge waves of (non-white) immigrants in the 2010s.

And because of this, nothing Russia does could be worse or less desirable for Ukraine than this.

No, my assumption is that living under Russian rule would not be that bad for Ukraine, primarily because that was the default state of Ukraine for the last few centuries.

Secondly, I don't think Ukraine has a chance at independence, or self-rule.

Those who claim that the Ukrainian people truly want to be ruled by the current government, rather than the previous government that was Russian-friendly, have a strange understanding of democracy.

When a Russia-neighboring country is Russian-friendly, their government is clearly under the influence of the nefarious Russian propaganda.

Same thing with Western government.

A man like Trump must be Russian-controlled if he is interested in peaceful relations with Russia, or the Russians must be pulling some nefarious 'hacking' or 'blackmailing' tricks to 'hack' the elections.

On the other hand, if the government of Ukraine strongly opposes Russia, then it is completely out of their authentic, pure, democratic sovereignty.

Let's ignore the heavy hands of a few foreign players;


Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants,[7] and a Christian British native mother, Rhona McKhann, née Goulston.[8]

Merrick Brian Garland His grandparents left the Pale of Settlement in the Russian Empire in the early 20th century, fleeing antisemitic pogroms and seeking a better life

Anthony Blinken His maternal grandparents were Hungarian Jews.

Would any of these people have any sort of personal interest, or say, grudge, against the Russian people?

The irony of claiming 'people who also don't like wars of aggression prosecuted upon them.' who are the very people prosecuting wars of aggression against every one else in the last few decades.

Take out Putin and you might make the Ukraine slightly safer, the rest of Russia probably not safer.

Take out the shadow cabinet of Biden, the boards of all NATO weapon manufacturers and you make the whole world a lot safer... probably.

If EU and US drop their support, the war will end as Ukraine's leadership get captured.

This will prevent Ukraine's leadership from rounding up and forcing more men to die in the war, and if the sanctions are loosened, Europeans will afford cheaper heating and power, and possibly still keep some industry in the future.

The only winner if the war keeps going on and on is the American military-industrial complex and its deep state affiliates.

If you have a lot of shares of Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman or LNG companies then you will definitely profit.

Perhaps if like Andrew Tate you're invested in the adult entertainment industry then access to cheap Ukrainian / Russian workforce would also interest you.

Or perhaps you are involved in the international child adoption business, and would really like to see Russia reopen its orphanages to international customers... Who knows?

  • -11

Well for example today I read an article titled 'Disgusting Vaxer Cunt Dies of Heart Attack at 49'.

You may disagree with the wording of the headline but that same article taught me that not only did Julie Powell die at 49 from cardiac arrest caused by heart arrhythmia but also provided context: she was a fervent vaxxie, boosted in Dec 21 and had a black hairy tongue in late October, which her doctor found not to be a big deal (trust the experts!).

Moreover, she also tweeted what seemed to be virulent hate and did not get banned for it, until her ultimate ban to the shadow realms.

[>"I really can see the argument for slaughtering white people in the streets. It’s not going to happen, because most people are better than me, but Jesus. I see the temptation.

I’m gonna get banned, aren’t i?"](https://twitter.com/licjulie/status/1281476312528498688)

Some people may find that the headline is appropriately worded, after all.

While the article itself is very cheap, easy reporting, thanks to the modern tendency of publishing everything on Twitter; you will hardly get to read such an analysis anywhere else.

By comparison, you can read a cheap article written about crime, with the horrendous headline

'A Woman Was Murdered After Rejecting Her Co-Worker's Sexual Advances. 'We Had No Indication Anything Was Awry,' Her Boss Said.'

and potentially walk away with the idea that a white incel killed after getting turned down, while the perp is none other than Mr. 60%

There is no analysis of the dangers of mixed-race or mixed-sex workplaces, and the basic information is not even there.

While reading news is pointless, at least slurs are a shortcut compared to their leftwing version 'systemic racism', 'entrenched inequalities', 'lack of diversity', 'vulnerable BIPOC and LGBTQUP+ communities' etc etc.

And if you need a reminder that such writings are a threat to the powers-that-be, consider that once again their latest domain name was taken away at the same time as the hammer fell on Kanye.

They are not hostile to their constituents but deepening the ties to governments that are.

The power imbalance between Poland and US is not in Poland's favor, they will not be able to keep protecting their people.

I think the Polish people is underestimating the risk of staying in the same failing boat as the EU / US.

I am incapable of generating something so beautifully circular.

And incapable of generating offspring either.


26 March 1941 (age 81)

Spouses Marian Stamp(m. 1967; div. 1984) Eve Barham(m. 1984, divorced) Lalla Ward(m. 1992; sep. 2016)

Children 1 (one)

Perhaps some kind of... Natural selection so to speak?

Nobody ever tries to put these fat people in work camps.

If WW2 history classes have taught anyone anything, it's that dieting works.

I could see Trump making peace with Russia.

It's possible that the US would not force Russia to go gay just like they are not forcing Japan now.

Japan is probably too powerful and useful against China currently, and Russia may be in the same situation.

But with the way things are going, they may be hoping to weaken Russia enough to make them irrelevant and bend them to pride.

Or they're just looking for a world war, as some kind of stimulus for the global economy perhaps?

I can't explain why they led Saudi Arabia to start considering alternate currencies to the petrodollar.

Maybe if Russia didn’t want colonies and offered economic development all these Slovak countries would want to be friends with them.

All that shines isn't gold.

Would you be upset if Andrew Tate invited your sister to join him in his mansion and become rich by showing off her body?

Would you slap your sister if she told you she was considering it, because you don't treat her right and she needs some of that self-care mmmh mmmh?

It's not a very common occurrence but here's an example from h3h3

Hasn't Ireland benefited massively from having lower tax rates than most other EU countries and acting as some kind of tax haven?

Their 2018 law allowing abortion shows which kind of path they're engaged in after welcoming Google and Facebook headquarters in Dublin.

the majority of Ukrainians won't be sitting around grumbling about Black people.

Yes they can become massive movie stars instead!

NATO is what kept Europe from being one big East Germany, or worse, one big Ukraine.

East Germany is still Germany.

You can't have Europe without Europeans. NATO has been turning Western Europe into one big American city, and they have a tendency to spontaneously combust.

Which country?

The only consistent alternative to NIMBYism is Kyle-Rittenhouseism -or Goetzism for the older version- in America.

You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?'

You can't simultaneously assert the right of one urban demographic to burn down, tear apart, annihilate downtown and then turn around and complain about food deserts, sprawl, bulletproof windows, shrink prevention devices...

Getting pushed onto subway tracks is 'part and parcel of living in a big city', yet it's not everybody's cup of tea.

There seems to be a misunderstanding on the actual situation.

My understanding was that Alex Jones covered the conspiracy theory but did not actually originate it.

Schizos would have harassed the parents of these supposedly dead kids whether Alex Jones existed or not.

Maybe that one guy shouldn't have made that very odd laugh on camera right before talking about his kid(s?) getting shot.

Maybe AJ did insist too much on it, but even then, this is just suppression of political opponents.

Kind of what happened with Kanye West 'You can't say George Floyd died from fentanyl' while what they meant was 'You can't say that jews control the media and banks, or else we will disparage you and unbank you!'

None of these people care about the dead kids' parents, but they do care about the other stuff he was talking about, probably Epstein and co.

Well the EU/NATO are not exactly sentient entities, they are just vehicles, even technologies welded by the actual powers-that-be. While the rulers of NATO are not exactly the rulers of the EU, I believe the rulers of the EU to be vassals of the rulers of NATO.

Given that there is only dozens of extremely powerful people that are tied to all these entities, it's not surprising that the same billionaires who own the media companies that ultimately decide elections in Western countries are very close to the center of power.

I do believe that ethnically-homogeneous European countries are an obstacle to these people, and they actually let us know by transparently publishing it in the Guardian, NYT, HuffingtonPost, etc.

Also the population of Russia is a mix of ethnicities, 'ethnic Russian' would cover quite a varied array of phenotypes. It's hard to tell what exactly their issue with Russia is, but fighting a war to the last Ukrainian is definitely a good way to clean up some of these pesky homogeneous East-Europeans.