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joined 2022 October 04 23:03:46 UTC


User ID: 1485

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Constant low-value, low-effort antagonistic poster



1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 October 04 23:03:46 UTC


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User ID: 1485

Banned by: @Amadan

What is your basis for claiming that Jews, as a people, "consistently pick gold over reputation"?

Individual Jews have historically chosen to be money-lenders which is a profession, like tax-collector, that people do not like members of. So much so that the Jewish money-lender became a stereotype.

I don't know how many money-lenders in a given group you need for that group to be associated with greedy money-lending, maybe only 1 in 100 or 1 in a 1000, but that is definitely what happened.

Given these 2 facts, one would expect individuals to want to steer clear from a negative stereotype.

why don't you give me some facts about what professions Jews are or are not disproportionately engaged in, and then explain your theory of its significance.

Regarding the military, it seems that

they make up less than 1%,which is under-represented.

It's an issue considering how enthusiastic individual Jews can be for American soldiers to be engaged in various foreign lands.

though I'm not aware of porn being a particularly "Jewish" industry.

Here's a source.

Some of the biggest porn websites are owned by Jews, for example Mindgeek.

why don't you give me some facts about what professions Jews are or are not disproportionately engaged in, and then explain your theory of its significance.

Individual Jews appear to be prominently represented in high-profile financial crimes.

For example in the news recently, Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX), Charlie Janice (Frank) or Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos).

Interestingly, Bankman-Fried was the #2 individual donor to the Democrat party (after Soros, also an individual Jewish financier), while Janice's scheme was to bring (fake) student loan debtor information to JPM.

Part of the Democrats' platform was to use the power of the government (remember the Magna Carta, explicitly written to protect the people from individual Jews influencing government), to meddle in the way student loans were repaid.

Do some individual Jews support Democrats to steer their student loan policies toward regulations they will personally profit from financially?

What's wrong with going to the Ivy League, or wanting to go into finance or media and entertainment? Do you consider it disreputable for non-Jews to do that?

Yes, somewhat. While it is not necessarily dishonorable to work in finance, it is most certainly one of the levers of the power of the powers-that-be which I consider to be profoundly immoral. Same for media, and entertainment as well.

If the people in charge shared my ethics then I would not necessarily see it as immoral (then again, the industry would look much different).

Europeans have had a prejudice against Jews for centuries for reasons of ethnic and religious prejudice, of the sort that are common in every society throughout history.

And Middle-Easterners and some over people across the planet.

Basically anybody who has at some point in history interacted with them.

It's not complicated, and if you want to claim that no, it's actually because Jews are in fact wicked child-stealing, well-poisoning, money-grubbing parasites, you need to provide some evidence. "Well, obviously people didn't just hate them for no reason" is not an explanation.

You already conceded that people don't like owing money to people, so money-lending is a profession that tends to carry a bad reputation.

What other explanation do you need?

There's also the war-mongering, the exploitation of government power for one's own personal goals...

The issue is that when a very distinctive individual from a minority becomes incredibly infamous due to spectacular ignominy, all of the other individuals who share traits in common with that individual, work in the same industry, have similar business practices, come under heightened scrutiny.

I don't know how many spectacularly nefarious individuals it takes for that minority to catch a durable bad reputation.

If exposure to the harm that these very special individuals commit has catastrophic consequences, then it might be worth it [rational] to shun the whole group, even if minor benefits are lost from the 'good ones' in the process.

Antisemitism can be a rational heuristic if enough individual Jews commit enough harm.

What would happen to the crime rate? Would is barely budge? Double? 10x?

It would spike for a few weeks and then go down drastically for several years.

Plus measuring the crime rate is currently part of the amount of money spent on managing crime, we would probably not get very good measures of it after that.

I have a little bit of insight from my experience with a few UAW members and the industry.

EV manufacturing requires high-tech equipment: clean rooms to build the batteries, state-of-the-art HVAC filters to remove metal dust, toxic gasses.

Not only are the production workers not qualified for the production work, but union workers are not qualified to maintain the factory itself either.

Companies use that as an excuse to bring in outside contractors to replace them.

The big problem is the demographic. I don't know exactly the history, but there was a hiring freeze in the last part of the 20th century, so the demographic structure of the union members is lopsided, with a lot more retired union members than actually working ones.

When times are bad, the retired members have all the time in the world to attend day-time union meetings to steer the union's direction toward protecting their retirement benefits. Wages and other workers' benefits get the short end of the stick.

I think being a union worker in the auto industry is still preferable to not being in a union, but it's not easy to get in.

Regarding the corruption, at some point it was possible for a company manager to join the union on their last day / week before company retirement, go work on the line for a day with the guys that were your subordinates until then, and then get full union retirement benefits on top of the company pension.

Funny, then, how it was the kings who owed them money who were the ones who instituted the expulsions.

They were hated because some of them were rich, and they lent money, and nobody likes having to pay their debts.

Yes, and that is still a thing. There are a lot of people in the Democrat constituency who are calling for student loan debt to be forgiven.

If somebody plays a roleplaying game with rewards after quests, with a choice each time between gold or reputation (gained by giving away the gold to the needy). And they consistently pick the gold over the reputation.

What is their reputation going to be like?

Perhaps the Jews of England in the 13th century did not have any choice, and really had to do money-lending.

Is that true? Or was there no choice that they liked?

Would a Jew be able to convert and own land, integrate into the farming community? Would that have saved them from expulsion?

What about now? 2023 America? What is stopping a young American Jew from joining the US military or buying a plot of land to farm?

Who is forcing them to go to Ivy League, get into the money-lending industry or the media / entertainment / porn industry?

You have a lot of just-so stories here which seem like ad hoc justifications for "I just don't like Jews."

You haven't provided any explanation on your end. We are just to believe that millions of people through history had the same irrational behavior and beliefs for no reason.

Who would make the best decision, prejudiced backwater Korean woman, 13th century English peasant, or expert rationalist EA investor when offered to invest in FTX?

Why do you think the Korean woman I mentioned hated Jews? Do you think she'd ever met a Jew? Do you think Jews are undermining Korean culture?

It's possible that she would have known due to local events.

I'm not too familiar with Korea or Korean antisemitism.

I know of one family active in the East that may have generated some antisemitism in China

the Sassoon family that was involved in the Opium trade which had a huge historical impact.

Like an older, oriental version of our very own Sackler family.

You can tell me whether she met a Jew and whether you think Jews are undermining Korean culture.

If American culture is undermining Korean culture, then I could see somebody blame some Jews for that.

I'm not too familiar with Korea so I couldn't tell.

Your alternate hypothesis appears to be "Everyone has always hated Jews because they deserve it." So what did Jews from Exodus to 13th century England do to deserve being hated?

According to the Scriptures, one man from God's favorite Jewish family went to Egypt and quickly rose in power.

God placed him in such circumstances and gave him such good advice that he was able to save Egypt and his Jewish brethren from a famine.

Then Pharaoh may have gotten jealous, due to that man's rapid rise to power and control of the kingdom's resources (grain supply that God had advised him to store leading to a monopoly during the years-long famine).

For some reason Pharaoh wanted to enslave the Jews and the Jews had to force him to let them go through various God interventions.

I don't know what the Egyptians themselves wrote about the episode.

For 13th century England, the story is a little bit more familiar, and already explained in the link I posted

What happened was that, if landowners could not pay their debts to the Jews, they forfeited the property they had put up as collateral. As Jews could not own land, this then reverted to their master, the king, who systematically built up his holdings. It meant that the Jews were accidental agents in a substantial land transfer to the king, and in increasing his powers nationally.

Basically the Jews were helping the {federal} government) increase its power at the detriment of the locals.

Concentrating the power in the hands of a minority. They didn't have a Wall Street to Occupy back then, but the story is similar throughout history.

Today we can see Jewish advocacy groups push for federal hate crime laws or federal gun laws, or EU-level anti-homophobia, pro-refugee laws, etc.

It's just a thing Jews do. All of them (modulo a rounding error of "Not All Jews").

Well, I already explained why I think there was a selection.

The insider who knows that pitchforks might be coming is more likely to have an exit plan ready, and thus survive and transmit his cunningness to living people today.

I don't know what the ratio is, or can be.

I think that there are some key players, let's say an Epstein or a Wexner or a Soros, the owners of Disney, media companies, porn companies...

But around that there are some other more minor key players, the Marx, the feminist, holocaust and critical theory writers...

And then there are foot-soldiers within the media, within these NGOs or within the bureaucratic machines, that make all of it come together.

It only takes something like <5% of the African-American population to be seriously dangerous to get the 13-60 murder figure, so I don't know what proportions of American Jews it takes to create the JQ.

A lot of them are already dead, too, they just keep living in the brain of impressionable goyim.

the Nazis

I have some ideas about that one.

Weimar Republic perversions.

Economic crisis blamed on Jewish activities (true or false?). Jewish communist revolutionaries.

Jewish transgenderism researchers

There exist, ahem, more historically grounded explanations, but you reject them for the more gratifying justification "No, they were asking for it."

What does 'historically grounded' mean? The past is a foreign country, and history is written by the victors.

Team Jew has been trampling on the carcass of the West for a while, so I'm a little bit skeptical of their production.

Plus lately I've grown more and more suspicious of experts in general.

Not a good argument, but I think some can see it as fair if they've been around a Western government in the last few years.

So do a lot of gentiles - doubly so regarding the idea that "all white people are racist" - that call's coming from inside the Gentile house (Robin DiAngelo, Ibram Kendi - not Jewish). That Jews are overrepresented compared to their population in left political movements or in white-collar knowledge-work does not make the whole edifice somehow "Jewish," anymore than tech is "Indian" because several CEOs have subcontinental heritage.

While I agree that Team Jew is mostly non-Jewish, I call it Team Jew because Team Jew cheers for primarily one group, Jews.

Progressives will cheer for a Black man unfairly killed by the police.

Not for a Black man who knows too much about Hollywood.

Some refer to it as the myth of the golem, a creature controlled by a Jewish wizard or something.

Why should they think they speak for all Jews?

It's not whether or not they do, it's just that I have never seen a group that calls itself Jewish that would disagree with the narrative.

Perhaps there is such a group as 'Jews for Liberty' that support Kanye West's right to call out greedy business executives and bankers.

Perhaps there is such a group as 'Jews for the 2nd Amendment' or 'Jews for strong borders'. Stephen Miller would be in that one.

They're just not getting quoted in any of these articles I can find when I look up 'kanye west jewish groups'

first article - the American Jewish Committee (AJC) / the American Jewish Committee (AJC) / StopAntisemitism

second article

American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) / American Jewish Congress / Jewish Democratic Council of America

Perhaps these nominally Jewish groups only contain 5 individuals and don't represent anybody.

Perhaps it's just a case of People's Front of Judea

Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for the 'good Jew', sympathetic to people like me. All I get to see are the ones that demand I strip myself of my culture and my resources while never questioning their culture and their resources.

The small, organized, intolerant minority frequently stomps the large, unorganized, apathetic majority. The Bolsheviks were a tiny minority in 1918 Russia. The Jacobins were a tiny minority of the Estates General.

Bolsheviks got purged.

Jacobins managed to take down the whole French people with them, it only took them a handful of centuries to send the whole nation down the drain.

So maybe I'm wrong about that, but I don't see Team Jew having a stronger hand when they finally manage to replace all of the white goyim with much less sympathetic southern folks that have even fewer reasons to care about their past of oppression.

Yes, Jews have been dealt with as a persecuted minority for a very long time. Of course the people who hate Jews don't say they are persecuting them for reasons of religious and ethnic prejudice, they say it's because they're a "threat."

Yes, now who should we believe?

The 1000 companies that fired the employee or the 1 employee that keeps claiming that all these companies are biased against him? What should the HR dept do?

It's sheer coincidence that hundreds of different peoples across time and space all coordinated to inexplicably hold this abhorrent hate for such a fine, distinguished people.

This is a tired argument but this was in reply to your remark:

If that were actually happening, they'd be noticed and stopped.

Historically, problematic behavior from a small ethnic group has been noticed and stopped many, many times.

Whether you agree or disagree that the perception of a 'problematic' behavior was accurate or that the behavior was ethically 'problematic', I think we can both agree on that.

Now regarding your 'Chinese robbers' claim, the idea is that highlighting a certain demographic and random event can distort the perception of that demographic.

I agree.

But perhaps we can have data on that?

There was quite a bit of kvetching over this delightfully-titled piece 'The Specifically Jewy Perviness of Harvey Weinstein'.

I'm not going to go through all of them, but I'll assume that like this one, they do not provide any rebuttal that Weinstein is a specifically Jewish-type of pervert, or that Jews are more likely to be perverts than non-Jews.

I do believe that Jews are over-represented in the demographic of 'powerful people that commit sex/or and financial crimes'.

But I don't have data. I don't have data that would show me that it's only because they're over-represented in the demographic of powerful people,

or if on top of being over-powerful, they are also over-perverted.

If somebody had that kind of data to dispute my assumptions, that'd be great!

The Trump-era Jewish [sex] scandals seem to have faded from the news, perhaps due to the Biden family's own affairs making the topic inappropriate to bring up for journalists, compared to the earlier appetite for salacious rumors of the 'dossier' etc.

Ironically, the nazis were less racist than Americans at the time.

A person with 1/4 Jewish blood was allowed to marry a full-blooded German while the one drop rule was in effect in the US.

The cognitive dissonance is a little bit difficult to swallow for progressives when they want on one hand claim 'anti-fascist America already beat people like you' while talking to white nationalists and that 'America has an ongoing legacy of racism' the rest of the time when they need to browbeat the rest of the sympathetic white population.

If that were actually happening, they'd be noticed and stopped.

Wasn't that the point of the Holocaust?

And antisemitic persecutions before that?

The magna carta

  1. If anyone who has borrowed from the Jews any amount, large or small, dies before the debt is repaid, it shall not carry interest as long as the heir is under age, of whomsoever he holds;


Exodus8 Then a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in Egypt. 9 “Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become far too numerous for us. 10 Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.”

Idk what the Jewish version says, but clearly, Jews have been dealt with as a threat for a very long time.

Yet non-Jewish Blue tribe whites (njbtw) are explicitly telling each other not to favor njbtw but to literally favor and fight for everyone else.

Their enemy is in order nj non-Blue whites, themselves, and then other people that might oppose the interest of the Blue tribe.

This is the big difference between the Jewish Blue tribe white and the non-Jewish Blue tribe white, and why so many people don't really see them as white.

Real white people don't have the privilege of an in-group willing to fight for them!

The key difference between Blue Jews and Blue whites is that if somebody goes and says 'I have an issue with Jews' then the Blue Jews can all get together and issue a statement to complain and bad stuff can happen to that somebody.

If somebody goes and says 'I have an issue with white people' then they can potentially profit from it and the Blue whites might have to apologize for whatever complaint was filed against them.

Oh and they also get their Blue white comrades to fund the military defense of their ethnostate in the Middle-East that they can retreat to if their latest race war experiment goes wrong stateside.

Integrating to the Blue team for white people means letting go of your tribal connections, denying the importance of your ancestry, cultural accomplishments, demanding that whatever remains of it be thrown down.

An authentic Blue Jew would demand Holocaust museums exclusively host Rwandan or Uyghur genocide exhibits, write hit-pieces endlessly tearing down classic Holocaust literature like Ann Frank's diary, Maus, etc, for racism, homophobia, sexism...

We need a Netflix Ann Frank movie starring a disabled trans African tribeswoman including jokes targeted at traditional Jewish culture.

Specific Jews do the unbanking.

Specific Jews do the media influencing.

Specific Jews do the ADL, AIPAC, soft-on-crime DA, gun control, illegal immigrant charity... funding.

Specific Jews write the opinion pieces about how all white people are racist.

Specific Jews theorize the critical race, gender, border theories and teach them in colleges.

When you add them all up that ends up making a lot of specific individuals, but that still doesn't add up to the full Jewish population.

What are the other ones doing?

Are they coming out and saying 'us representatives of the Jewish bowling club of Broward County Florida, would like to address the egregious accusations against Kanye West / Nick Fuentes / etc, and show our support...'?

I haven't seen it.

If somebody happens to be an individual Jew who absolutely hates to see right-wing people get banned from media, people lose their job over criticism of powerful people, people get smeared every day for their skin color and other such things.

Then good for them.

But what I would call 'Team Jew' is absolutely opposed to them.

If that one individual is unable to shut down 'Team Jew', to tell their family members, cousins, in-laws, synagogue fellows, other members of the Jewish bowling club etc, to stop being part of Team Jew...

...well then they might become a casualty of the inevitable wave of 'antisemitism' (resentment against 'Team Jew').

That's not a threat, it just seems like a law of nature to me.

No nation in this whole world will endlessly tolerate a small group of people that is constantly undermining the majority

(which is what I perceive 'Team Jew' to be doing, which you may disagree with).

I mostly base my opinions from what Jews publish.

It's not all of them, it's the ones that reach certain spheres where they get to publish their opinions to my eyeballs.

For every Stephen Miller or even Glenn Greenwald, there seems to be 10 Ben Shapiro "I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of America."

I'm not dedicated enough to quantify that, or even be able to quote people that obsessively do it, but I can't ever recall a 'normal Jew' saying 'you know what, what they did to Kanye / Andrew Anglin / Nick Fuentes, that's disgusting, they should have a right to criticize powerful people!'.

It seems to me that the ratio of visible Jews that oppose vs support tolerate any kind of traditional, right-wing, European-centered culture/politics is large.

Even on here, a website with hundreds if thousands of users, there seems to be a disproportionate amount of Jews (perhaps 10% or more), and I've already been attacked several times by them.

Not once have I seen on themotte.org a self-identified Jew say 'you know what this guy is right, maybe powerful Jews are behaving like bullies somewhat'. I have seen one somewhat admit to similar ideas but ended up reverting to some kind of 'not all Jews' defense.

Maybe I don't see or understand the more nuanced positions by Jews here, and it's something else that makes them disagree.

'it's not enough to be not racist, we have to be anti-racist'

When you see an individual Jew attack white people, white institutions, white culture, Christianity, don't let them run their mouth unopposed.

Be the 'good' Jew that undoes jewish supremacy (the only accepted form of white racism).

But yeah, in another generation and a half or so, most of the current Fox News audience/Trump base is going to be worm food. At that point, just like the Right stopped with the overt racism, sexism, etc. in the 70's and 80's to win over younger voters (including winning the youth vote in '84 and '88), the GOP will either have to figure out how to appeal to a largely currently Democratic voting-base (again, yes, Millennial's are voting at lower rates for Democrat's than they did in 2008, but if I remember right, it's about D+8. That's still death for the GOP if the largest voting bloc is even D+4 or D+5, when the smaller, younger voting blocks are even more D-leaning), or they do actually die, outside of the Senate seats they'll hold in depopulating states, and then things get interesting.

While white Americans will be a minority then, the remaining ones will be the descendants of the based, unvaccinated alt-righters currently breeding like rabbits.

White liberals are going extinct, one booster, one contraceptive, one HRT pill, one interracial relationship at a time.

Sure, the Indians, the Chinese, the Mexicans are taking over, but they probably won't try to make your kids gay.

As a thought experiment, name a couple Chinese-American actors, or any other immigrant-descendants who use their influence to subvert European-American values.

One of the only apparently decent people in Hollywood is Keanu Reeves, Americans love his gun movies.

On the other hand, we have a Sarah Silverman who makes Santa Inc.

Statistically speaking there's a jew in new york whose grandpa moved to brooklyn and learned english, and his dad moved to italy and learned italian, and his dad moved to austria and learned austraian, and his dad had to learn greek, and each of them invested in a local business along the way.

Normal people don't do that. Why do you act as if that's evidence of integrating successfully?

Speaking the same language as somebody =/= integrating.

This is an example of integration

A normal person you talk shit to they talk shit back, they don't seize your bank accounts.

Only the high priests of the Holocaust religion make people bow and apologize with real tears.

So, what is your objection to them not "assimilating" - which I take you to mean, converting to Christianity or otherwise abandoning Judaism - now?

I thought I laid it out pretty clearly:

The difference between the Amish and the Jews is that the Amish don't control banking and media corporations, don't control people's livelihood, what they buy, are allowed to buy or what they are allowed to think, who they are allowed to vote for.

My problem is when a tiny minority that hates me has such control over my life.

It also happens when people talk trash about blacks or women or trans or any other favored minority group. We talk a lot here about how it's pretty much only "privileged" groups (i.e., straight white men) who it's okay for celebrities and politicians to talk trash about.

Name 5 examples of a rich African-American suffering from talking trash about anyone else but the Jews.

There's clearly a hierarchy of who it is okay to criticize.

what you think "we" should do about it, or alternatively, what you think Jews should do to stop being so offensively Jewish, you are conspicuously silent.

I'm not against powerful Jews. My issue is that they are against me.

I want to have a country where if there are elections they are not controlled by 8 media conglomerates that are either outright owned by Jews or overtly Jew-friendly.

I want to have an internet where I can write or read opinions about powerful Jews or anyone else without having to go through convoluted hoops. See what happened to the Dailystormer, and others.

I want to limit the amount of crime that powerful people commit, and if they do commit them, be able to point it out without harmful consequences.

I want scientists to be able to study trends that are related to crimes powerful people commit, for example Epstein, Weinstein, Wexner for sexual crimes, or Sam Bankman Fried and Charlie Javice for fraud.

If we see some actionable information there, then we can figure out what to do.

I would also like media to stop printing propaganda encouraging my children to do drugs, mutilate themselves, hate their ancestors, hate their religion, etc,

but if not, at least having an alternative would be nice.

Oh and another ask would be to stop having my taxes pay for wars on behalf of powerful Jews and their friends. Which was the biggest commitment Trump made to the American people, and for what he ultimately had to be removed imo.

This is not a requirement to be Jewish. They do not go looking for converts, but it is possible to convert into Judaism.

Not a very common thing to see. At least we can admit that they are pretty insular people.

In the one country where there is a large amount of them, Israel, they can't really be said to be very nice to the non-Jews.

This isn't a component of Judaism, and while it may be a fair description of many (not all) socially liberal Jews, it's not a defining characteristic of "Jewishness."

Your main objection seems to be specifically about contemporary leftist SJ-aligned Jews, yet you made reference to historical "ferocious" refusal to assimilate.

Well, yes. Refusal to assimilate. All the Jews that decided to assimilate converted to Christianity, 2000 years ago.

All the Jews that exist now descend from people that had a chance to convert at some point, and decided not to.

And they've taught their descendants not to.

Similarly to the Amish. The Amish exist because they descend from a line of people that decided not to adopt technology and to teach their children not to. There are very few converts.

At any point in time an Amish person can decide to stop living the Amish life. Sure, they could still be considered Amish, but their children or grand-children would not.

The difference between the Amish and the Jews is that the Amish don't control banking and media corporations, don't control people's livelihood, what they buy, are allowed to buy or what they are allowed to think, who they are allowed to vote for.

Imagine if the owner of TheMotte was talking trash about the Amish and the Amish somehow coordinated with payment processing systems, internet infrastructure companies, other corporations to force the owner to close the website.

And when they would try go tell somebody about these events, their media invites would get cancelled or the media that did decide to host them would get banned from internet infrastructure companies, payment processing companies, etc.

This is what happens very often if not always when somebody talks trash about the Jews.

that's still a long shot from saying "Jews cause anti-Semitism because they all cancelled Kanye and are afraid of being Holocausted and won't assimilate."

This would be fair if that was the first time this ever happened.

Rick Sanchez had the same issues in the 2010s.

Norm was joking about it in the 90s

My point of view is that a conspiracy does not need to exist for the results that we see.

I think that Jews in general, going through the historical selection that they went through, led them to inherit characteristics of people that not only cannot assimilate to a wider body of humanity, but also constantly feel under attack from the majority of humanity, and tend to overreact to that perceived attack, therefore triggering resentment.

Kind of like the common psychological phenomenon of somebody feeling insecure, thinking that everybody is constantly judging or scrutinizing them, therefore projecting an aura of awkwardness wherever they go, and causing people to perceive them as they self-evaluate.

These people find each over and bond over their uniqueness and their vulnerability against the rest of the mean world, and when inevitably their behavior causes the rest of the tribe to suffer, they are the first out the door, and the most likely to survive!

Who is most likely to survive a banking riot, the honest guy that doesn't really have any opinion about banking, or the insider Sam Bankman-Fried, who knows that there's a lot of bad things happening in banking, and if they're not coming for him, the pitchforks outside the windows are not good news anyway?

The easiest for rich, powerful Jews to get others to like them, is to personify noblesse oblige.

Be generous with your money, share your wealth, be a role model for others.

What do so many of them do?

George Soros goes and hires people to make US cities more dangerous (soft on crime DAs).

Others found organizations to help people illegally immigrate to the US (break the laws that protect the American people).

Sam Bankman Fried goes and scams a bunch of do-gooders who wanted to improve charity.

And of course the endless stream of progressive media 'stop whiteness now', 'you are racist for having standards of how your country should be that rich Jews disagree with' etc.

This is historical too. So many Jews could not stand that Americans had a right to self-association so they funded the Civil Rights movement.

The Amish like their life a certain way, they like to live among themselves and not mingle with others, like the Jews, but they're not forcing or even coercing anyone else to live their beliefs, drop their borders, accommodate foreigners, accommodate sexual minorities, drug addicts, etc.

Unless you mean they should literally stop being Jews?

If by 'being Jews' you refer to '(1)only allowing blood-related people into your religion, claiming that only blood-relation can make you Jewish and (2) the whole other host of beliefs associated with the Holocaust/progressive worldview related to white people and institutions they like being intrinsically racist'.

(2) being most obviously exemplified by the memetic double claim 'fellow white people now is time to end racism/whiteness etc' + 'I'm not white I'm Jewish' when time comes to explain why affirmative action somehow does not apply to Jewish-heavy institutions.

Then yes.

But guess what, that is implicitly and sometimes explicitly what is demanded of white people. 'stop supporting whiteness'.

'stop surrounding yourself with other white people' / 'stop excluding non-whites' / 'stop taking non-whites' space [in formerly white-built institutions]

Why wouldn't it be more inclusive to have every synagogue open to worship Mohammed or even Hitler?

This is just vilifying your outgroup without evidence.

Well then not all Jews (NAJ).

Just the handful of ones that hold such power that they can get a beloved entertainment billionaire African-American to lose a money-printing contract with a sports clothing company.

[ADL & co / Kanye West / Adidas]

But uh oh isn't that an antisemitic trope to claim that a handful of Jews have disproportionate power?!

Freedom is important.

One of the most important freedoms that the USA trample on is freedom of association.

If I were allowed to keep my family away from the kind of people that desire the freedom to do cocaine and other mind-altering substances, then it would not be that bad if these substances were technically 'legal'.

If I had a choice, when sending my kids to school, to pick the teacher they get trained by, why should I care that it's legal to hire gay pedophiles?

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

When you go from 'racism is a property of uniquely evil people called nazis' + 'evil nazis want to kill Jews because they are the good guys' to

'racism is your uniquely original sin and there is nothing you can do to wash it away' + 'somehow this does not apply to similar-looking people called Jews because it just doesn't'.

At some point the people targeted by #2 are going to wonder about #1 and how and why the uniquely evil nazis that they are made to identify with felt about the suspiciously similar but immune people.

Something's gotta give.

The only way to stop antisemitism is identical to the only way to stop racism, for Jews to assimilate. Unlike various races that have been more than happy to blend in together, the current Jews are descended from people that ferociously refused to.

While Jews enjoy a pretty comfortable situation at the top of American society, from an economic, social, prestige pov, they are not satisfied until the goyim grovel and endlessly apologize, even if they are billionaires, even if they are minorities, even if they are beloved, high status entertainment figures.

That's not sustainable.

That ambiguity is on purpose.

Social mores had to adapt to the forced mixing of foreign cultures, at gun point.

Gone are the days of the real #MeToo movement, when a woman could get any impudent Emmet Till lynched for allegedly showing misplaced interest.

Now the time is at 'what timmy gon do' and the answer is jail time

There would be a lot more clarity in a society that appropriately (violently) dealt with incivility, and where there would be no get out of jail card for every rapist, molester, drug addict, deadbeat dad etc.

It makes sense, and it's doable, but it's backwards. The bag young men are supposed to secure is resources and social status. They may as well start looting and raping if it takes this much social intrigue to find a decent partner.

In any of your examples, did the women do all this effort to secure a poor, regular height man, with a great personality?

Why did you get married?

Marriage's purpose is to raise children, clearly that's out of the window.

In your 40s you're supposed to either welcome your first grand-children or get ready to welcome your first grand-children.

She could be brushing up on her cooking, baking, knitting skills, or helping a teenager / young adult form or get ready to form a family, but here she is...?

Get her a dog. Please, no pitbull.

If she's bored, she can volunteer at the homeless shelter or something.

But obviously this argument is an excuse to do nothing. These people care not one whit about mental health all the other days of the year, and if they were so serious about the problem in the first place maybe there would be a means to achieve some kind of reasonable restrictions on gun ownership that would, if not prevent mass shootings, at least stop them from being so damn easy.

Republicans in general seem to care about mental health, which is why they are so strongly against abortion. After all the freedom to abort is deeply connected to the freedom to fornicate, and the freedom to fornicate is deeply connected to the amount of single mothers.

Another thing Republicans are more strongly against than the other side? Welfare.

Welfare allows more single mothers as well.

Single mothers are connected to crime, especially gun crimes within the 13/60 population.

Make abortion illegal and you discourage fornication, and you also get more risky abortions, leading to more single mother death. Fornication = death is a pretty good message to send if you want more social stability.

Gun crimes are crimes, and the Ds currently have a very poor record of addressing them.

Democrats/progressives are more concerned about getting anal sex propaganda in the hands of schoolchildren than protecting them from the social ills they generate by promoting sensuality over family formation.

Teach the schoolchildren to use guns (like they used to) and they won't have to cower in fear when Mrs PenisEnvy comes knocking for the Trans Day of Revenge.

Another angle against mass shootings that come more from the fringe libertarian / schizo (or as we know them since the covid psy-op : correct) is to abolish shadowy entities like the FBI, CIA and ATF that are deeply involved in the set up of these events. For example Operation Fast and Furious or the Benghazi fiasco. Government actors would have a little more credibility crying about [domestic] terrorism if they stopped involving themselves so often and deeply into [domestic] terrorism.

Why should little Timmy not bring guns to school to deal with his bullies, after seeing what the US government allegedly did to Osama Bin Laden?

Considering the current official eastern European foreign policy, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sudden trend in rich American kids paying poor kids to fight to the death, in the ring, no in real life.

Instead, we empty our bank accounts to buy makeup and skin products. We get up before sunrise to remove every hair on our bodies. We starve ourselves.

Who told you that that's what men want?

It seems that men prefer thin women but you shouldn't have to starve yourself to be thin. Just have a healthy diet.

Many men don't like make-up, even if for some it translates into liking women that wear 'natural make-up'. Not drinking and having a good diet and good sleep (being healthy) goes a long way for good skin!

One could also see 'we empty our bank account for...' as a red flag. If you need a full face of make-up to just look good enough to go out, that could be an issue.

Maybe it's a self-esteem issue too?

Psychologically healthy women are very attractive too.