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User ID: 1823



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User ID: 1823

Pax Americana has worked out really well for China so far. Maybe they like getting richer and richer in the current system.

I am by no means an expert on healthcare or drug pricing but it feels strange to me that Medicare couldn’t negotiate prices in the first place. Given that Medicare is something like 11-13% of total federal government spending my thought is that I would absolutely want them to negotiate prices down.

Agree 1 meal feels on the more extreme side of the spectrum. I’ve always gone with skipping breakfast and not snacking. In addition, supplement with protein shakes as my bigger issue is making sure I get enough protein to match amount of activity.

Honestly doing nothing would be better than needless partisanship fights.

Ugh, I know “Twitter isn’t real life” is commonly used to refer to liberals but this feels very much like a “Twitter isn’t real life” moment for republicans. Total waste of time.

Wouldn’t this be like saying the incentives for a physical therapist is to keep you injured and thus coming back for treatment? Doesn’t make sense to me, and I think the incentives for online dating is to dominate the dating landscape to the point where it’s the de facto way people meet. Successfully pairing up couples who then speak highly of online dating lines up with that incentive.

I feel like this mostly comes down to $. Oher seems to believe he was screwed out of $ from the movie but the family is saying they got paid very little.

From my understanding the family is independently very rich already so maybe they just settle.

I will say Hollywood is an interesting world where a movie about your life can make $300mm and you don’t see any of it. I wouldn’t be hyped about it either.

It kills me that the fake outrage from Alden’s song worked. This reminds me of when GTA got blamed for all kinds of violence. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the song was explicitly written in the hope of gaining outrage to get press.

What’s funny is mainstream country is basically the same as mainstream rap just swap out the clinches. Trucks instead of cars, whiskey instead of drugs, bars instead of clubs, small town instead of hood and girls with big butts in both. Same formula different words.

Great point, I wasn’t considering judge appointments in my response.

Personally I think trump winning is the worst scenario for attacking D&I policies. With Trump as a target these groups will be united and will only get stronger. Even Biden winning would be better.

Sounds much more plausible to me that a purple teletubby wearing a handbag caused this.

Kidding aside I also think the Gallop survey is picking up a big uptick in women who don’t identity as “straight”, but have only dated men. For example girl makes out with another girl at a bar would previously be considered straight still but now she checks bi.

I’d imagine Tinky Winky was balanced out by Budweiser ads.

If I had to guess the boys who grew up gay did it because they were sexually attracted to men. Representation in media may make them more comfortable to “come out” and live as openly gay, but personally doubt it impacts their sexual preference.

The best thing that could happen to that song is it gets “canceled” and gets publicity that way because even by pop country standards it is awful. Whole thing feels like a fake controversy.

Interesting side note Alden was the artist on stage when the Vegas shooting happened.

Honestly the donors probably love this. Anything to paint the other side as anti gay bigots likely plays well.

Of course, some people prefer pornhub and PlayStation, but if your willing to work there are tons of higher paying jobs that don’t take a ton of effort to get. Travel nursing & big 4 accounting come to mind as attainable 4 year degrees for most of the population.

Some people don’t want to chase the $$$’s but that doesn’t mean it’s not an attainable option.

Absolutely, and there are a staggering number of high paying jobs in this country. Travel nurses can pull in $150-200k here and that’s a very attainable job.

While I love a good bashing of smug Europeans I do think comparing the two land masses as a whole doesn’t make a ton of sense. IMO you need to get to the level of comparing finance employees in NYC vs London or a tech employee in Berlin vs SF.

The variety of people/lifestyles in both places is so vast that comparing averages doesn’t do it justice.

For example most of the European complaints about the US (healthcare, crime, weight generally speaking, food quality, no PTO) simply don’t apply if you are a high earner/have wealth. I’d imagine there are similar blind spots about Europe that Americans miss when comparing averages.

Begs the question about astroturfing/bots. In this case Disney would have a very strong incentive to have positive “conversation” happening about the movie and has the means available. I have no evidence this is happening but to me it would make total sense as apart of the massive marketing spend.

There is very much a way because thats currently what it is.

Are you saying Elon is a bad CEO because the market places such a high valuation on Tesla?

Tesla is worth over 800 billion so he has certainly done something right there. To your point it is pretty crazy that the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world is a full blown/terminally online twitter addict.

From my understanding these schools get massive amounts of federal funding from research grants. Did some quick googling and looks like Harvard gets over $500mm a year. Certainly not chump change.

My question now is will this extend to DEI hiring/promoting practices in corporate America. I’m at a mega corp and we practice what certainly looks like racial/gender discrimination (for example leadership teams and # of managers have to comply with HR DEI %’s). I’m honestly not sure how we get away with it when racial/gender discrimination in the workforce is already illegal in the US, but either way would love for this ruling to push companies to reevaluate these policies or even better for another case to make it to SCOTUS around corp DEI policies.

Bud light was trying to expand their market away from just “fratty white guys” to include progressive younger drinkers who might be drinking white claws (or god forbid not drinking at all) instead of mass market beer.

I actually think the gender split is how the ideologues convinced the capitalists to buy into the change in direction. If you already dominate 50% of the market with the boys then the best path for growth could be to go after the girls. Obviously the risk with this is you don’t get the girls and alienate the boys. Bud light is the best recent example of this strategy backfiring spectacularly.