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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685

Yes but do they say anything on Ukraine that isn’t already reported on twitter 24 hrs earlier?

Yep. As far as I’m concerned these people are welcome in Florida.

The point was made that the left just lies and don’t support the lower class. Kicked them out in a day. Couldn’t even find a few rich people with a pool house to put them in and get cheap labor.

Wait you don’t get to say that these states didn’t asks nicely. They’ve been yelling since Biden was elected to solve the issue. They already did exactly what you said they should do and asks nicely. Now their sending them out of state to escalate. Seems fair. And now they should send millions.

If it didn’t rain in London then it would be the best weather.

How many of you know zombies? I believe that’s the appropriate term. I’ve in the past few months become aware of a few friends who never really recovered from COVID. They work from home sometimes at decent salaries and few hours. But a lot of their life energy has been taken from them.

I visited a friend a month ago. And I woke him up from being a zombie. I got him to clean his smoker and make wings. I feel like this was something happening before COVID. People lose their life energy but I think COVID and some of the culture war fights have sapped a decent amount of people of what I would call life energy. And I think as a society we want these people reintegrated.

I moved to south Florida so yes it’s not the culture. But it’s when I visit old friends in other areas where there seems to be this thing I’m describing as “zombies”.

A lot of data disagrees with you. Like we did have a rgdp trend rate increase after the Trump tax cut. So there’s no disagreement with being utilitarian and right wing. Your central primace hasn’t been supported.

If he’s charged then we live in a banana republic. You can’t use courts to arrest political rivals.

Zerohedge perhaps for paid ads. They were canceled for early reporting of lab leak (and I believe link banned from Reddit). Basically any writers whose been canceled. AGM.

Putins legacy turns into Hitler. China embargos Russia. Russia becomes a state without friends. Potentially owns a completely depopulated Ukraine.

Fairly certain I’ve seen data that Russia no longer has a trade surplus since their not selling gas anymore and oil prices fell.

And that’s besides long term issues that Europe won’t trust Russia as an energy supplier or that Russia isn’t getting the imports they need to run their economy.

Also not sure how useful 1940’s tanks are today. Not many cars work from then. And they would be going up against HiMars and Javelins. Could be just canon fodder which I’m not sure how many Russians are willing to be.

Your crazy. Nuclear War is a graver risks to China than any desire to get Taiwan. China doesn’t want a new world order where Nuclear War is an accepted reality therefore they would turn on Russia.

US has no doctrine of protecting Taiwan with nukes. Russia normalizing use of nukes is an existential risks to China.

Besides Russia nuking Ukraine there’s a risks they would nuke others like Berlin that would put on full nuclear war and a nuclear winter for China. There is no world where China wants nuclear winter happening over Taiwan.

Again there is no support in America for using tactical nukes in war. It opens up escalation that is unthinkable.

Not for Taiwan. Japan yes we could nuke.

I think you always need to try to think how other people are thinking. I believe the Great Don Vito Corleone said something like that along with The Art of War.

I will admit to being wrong on Putins mental state. I thought he was a cold but rational master strategist. Perhaps he was once that and in old age he’s slipping.

I thought Russian elites want to live in the west once they have money (still think this is largely true) and Putin was largely one of those people.

I thought Russia would largely be happy atleast the elites with making money selling commodities to the west.

One thing is the worlds gotten weird since COVID. Far more irrational decision making. So many weird things. Academics not being willing to break certain ideological lines. News that seems purely propaganda. Riots in American cities over largely fake stats. Republicans having a legitimate riot - largely expected something like the boring normal gop tea party protest. China seems to be killing themselves with zero COVID. San Francisco and Chicago giving up their livable pro-business governance with an agreement they pay public sector workers well and turning into poop city and in Chicagos case unlivable actual murder/theft on the business class.

Honestly sometimes it just seems like lockdowns rotted everyone’s brains.

Bryan Caplan wrote on this subject a while ago. He thinks banning workplace relationships is one of the most repressive anti freedom things we’ve ever done. Most people spend a lot of time at work. I’ll just link to him because he’s smarter than me but I share his opinion.


Him being married is bad from a religious/puritanical perspective. But consensual relationships should not be punished.

Also real power is still real power today. Deshaun Watson isn’t replaceable or Elon Musks. Both got paid. But for all us little people don’t put your dick where you work and have good bumble game.

Well the executive has to man up and keep his wife in line or dump the cheating whore and not be a pussy.

Is Trump actually always innocent?

From the Laetita James suit I have to come to the conclusion that he is in fact always innocent. Reddit lefties are salivating that they’ve finally caught their guy. I see three main issues at play:

  1. He likely has some personal guarantees on loans and that’s why he has to submit net worth documents to banks. He was aggressive on some valuations but valuations are subjective. Banks have underwriters for this stuff. And real estate developers always have lofty views on their property valuations. These properties he has loans against the banks would have first underwrote them at the property level before considering a personal guarantee.

  2. Discrepancies between say property tax valuations and what he submitted. These always differ on everyone’s property.

  3. He donated some property for conservation. She’s saying the property had some issues and the value should be lower. His total tax savings were 3.5 million. Assuming 40% federal rates and 10% New York that means he saved 700k in NY. If the properties worth less then maybe he owes NY a couple hundred thousand. This is something you deal with in an audit not a civil case or criminal case.

I can’t comment on the FBI raid as I don’t know anything about what’s normal with classified information. I do know the tax code, accounting, real estate development, banking. And this is just a loud press conference and book report for something that just sounds like an audit.

Also no victims who lost money at any of the banks he did business with. Art of course is a whole legalized fraud of donating after making your art look really valuable. JB pritzker legendarily removed toilets from his house to make it “uninhabitable” and lower his property tax bill. This just breaks down to tax law is complex and people play games to lower their taxes.

Trump doesn’t have much incentive to deflate property values for taxes since America doesn’t tax net worth but taxes realized gains from transactions.

The one exception is property taxes. Which is a weird system and the goal is not necessarily to get prices right but to get relative value correct. But that has a process which is basically government hired an appraiser to say your buildings worth $x. But often it’s more that it’s worth x% of the total market of the city and they use a fudge factor. In Chicago and it’s similar everywhere the appraiser says your building is worth X. Everyone then hires a politically connected lawyer to debate the value and then the price gets reduced 10-20%.

So I’ve now been banned on all of Reddit’s neutral subs. This might not belong here but perhaps we should go back to Reddit? It seems as though anyone whose center right or maybe I’m just Maga eventually gets banned. My concern with this sub leaving Reddit is we will become like them. As Reddit subs are isolating themselves from the right they become just talking points to the left. Off Reddit this subs only going to be recruiting people from the right and the conversations will become equally dull. I actually like discussing things with adversaries. And on net I think people need to hear how other people think.

It feels to me more and more communities are feeling like they need to pick a side. I remember years ago I could post on neoliberal as a Reagan Republican. Then I was banned. And a year or two later they have post about how can I talk to a Republican. Infantile stuff. And while I see the need to get off Reddit because well I get banned constantly - being off Reddit is a fear of becoming a dull GOP talking points sub. Because I’ve seen enough subs go from lively debate to we talk about Dem talking points now.

More of a thought piece than saying we should go back to Reddit. But without having some attachment to slatestar it seems like it will be tough to get more than red tribe let’s bash dumb blue tribe convos.

So this is a fair criticism.


The risks though being off Reddit is we become just another conservative group that throws shade on all the stupid things leftist do. Maybe the point is in order to grow we need to recruit center left more than any other group.

I also thing we need to expand off culture war and add in geopolitics and economics.

Whats the alt right? Personally I would include the motte as alt-right. I thought the alt right included a lot of groups and not just the bad Charlottesville hard core racists. I’ve always included the pick up artist community in the alt right for example.

I have no idea what happened at the eradicate hate conference but I’m certain I want to back the offensive behavior.