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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685


Have we talked about Georgia Meloni’s powerful speech? A few days ago half my twitter feed was talking about.

I believe she is fundamentally correct that we have robbed society of their identity and tried to replace it with whatever pronouns are.

The consumer stuff gets a little silly but whatever it sounds good. Need to have an enemy your fighting against.

My pro nouns are

Man, American, Catholic, Son.

I think makes a strong implication that gender identity and whole pronoun thing is for those without roots. Empty people.

Limited. The corps do push wokeism (not speculators it’s the PMC; most speculators lean right). I think they push it because of anti-discrimination laws in the US which means they can’t say anything back about the ideas pushed by wokes or they could open themselves up to a lawsuit. So in that sense she correct that trans ideology has capture Disney etc.

They popularized females as having I guess you would call it a hive mind. They promoted gender differences an alt right position. And found females to be psychologically pliable.

They might not be right on say abortion or taxes etc but in terms of gender differences they are extremely alt right.

American media and tech dominate the globe.

I think she’s using financial speculators as a fill in for corps. The culture wars aren’t about some autistic SBF type sitting in a basement running algos. But American corporates do dominate. And that ties into consumption a lot better.

That’s because she doesn’t view those things in terms of consumerist angles. Christianity is god, church, morals, faith, etc. It’s not wearing a trinket. Same thing with your nation. It’s where your ancestors grew up. It’s your national history’s. It’s shared memory. For many it’s shared values (once upon a time the US Constitution was considered special by the left and right and a moral document on how people will live together as much as a rule of law).

For family it’s things like Christmas. But not the presents under the tree. It’s spending time with loved ones over Holidays.

You almost make her point for her. These are things of identity. It’s not about wearing your nations flag for the World Cup and getting drunk at the pub while posting Instagram stories.

I don’t think Meloni is for America. America is (D)iffetent in its own way. And our identity is different than Italys identity. Italy has a traditional identity. A great people in their own right. Some of the interchangeable comes to America as the country with the identity of immigrant.

That being said America itself needs to have its community with their identity and not the overall what people like to call globo-homo. People do need their families. Their neighbors. Their community.

I don’t see any reason why nationalism and neoliberalism can’t coexists. The Italians can be Italians and trade with the French who are French or the Persians in Iran. And neoliberalism has its role that these places get along. And some places become like America as melting parts.

Neoliberalism shouldn’t mean that you don’t have your culture, your people, your god, your nation, your family. They can coexists.

Meloni is a special politician. She’s going to change the world. She’s everything people wanted from Trump when he was really just about owning the libs.

The World is a lost place right now. I’ve long thought the world was on the brink of a religious rebirth. And I was correct. GameStop religion was born. Bitcoin religion was born. Maga religion was born. Wokeism was born. People trying to cling to whatever cult or identity they can find. Searching for community.

Mafia families are very much a specific set of crime, that was crime as a business. That’s a very small percentage of a criminal population. Chicago’s murder issues are not protecting some profitable business. And those people are the types who fail the marshmallow test. So long sentence do less to prevent crime. And a broken windows theory works better.

But you aren’t allowed to be those things in your public persona anymore. You can’t be a son. You can’t be a Christian. They are literally trying to repress these things at elite institutions https://www.foxnews.com/politics/air-force-academy-diversity-training-tells-cadets-to-use-words-that-include-all-genders-drop-mom-and-dad

“Refrain from saying things like mom or dad”

You can secretly be a son you just can’t openly be a son.

A lot of short-termism here. While we depleted some weapons they are older models. And we weren’t building more because we didn’t need more. No reason we can’t build more.

And while esg has hit oil production it’s still near record highs and in the 15 year period we went from an importer to an exporter.

And at this point there’s no evidence that Russias mobilization will work. It potentially might end Russia. And at this point there’s no evidence or even reason to expect troops with 2 weeks of military training to be able to project any force versus be easy cannon fodder. There are stories of them driving stupidly into Ukranian lines where they can be killed with cheap bullets.

Though I do agree that the fusion of leftism and neoliberalism doesn’t seem to be working that well. Neoliberalism is working reasonably well for places like Japan that get relatively free trade but internally due to language differences etc can blunt leftism.

It doesn’t sound like it means if you asks someone “use neutral terms” but if you talk about yourself you shouldn’t say your a father or a son etc. Which robs people if their identity as a father or a son.

Hot take:

The partisan games of the two parties are particularly harsh on those with mental illness or some weakness. While I think a lot of American politics today is a heavy dose of Larping the mentally I’ll can’t differentiate.

Either that or Biden is serious and not Larping that half the countries an extremists KKK nazi fascists Hitler in the flesh. Scared that I’m not positive he’s just Larping.

Jen Psaki recently made a comment that if the mid terms are a referendum on Biden then there getting smoked. So I think there is some evidence it’s a strategy for the election. Of course it ruins everyone’s trust of both sides because now the GOP legitimately thinks deep state is real and if the Dems are in charge they will be disenfranchised. So hurts long term trust but I do think some of this is a mid term game to make the mid terms a Trump referendum instead of a Biden referendum.

No clue what your talking about. Left seems to promote that there aren’t gender differences. Right promotes things like male masculinity and female staying at home etc.

Just proved my point.

Aren’t they the same thing

Nobody on the right even understands that deal. Agree they are reneging on that. I’m fine with some people being transexual - biologically fuck up.

Gender is a social construct ? I’ve never had a female buy me dinner because she made more than me. Sounds fun. Doesn’t happen.

Again no one besides yourself agreed to this deal.

I never made this deal. I’ve never even heard of this deal.

How can you just say a deal was “struck”. I’ve never even heard of this deal and I’m online too much. We never voted on it. Your the only person who says it exists.

You are just making things up. There’s just some deal in your head no one else has even heard of.

This just isn’t a thing. I’ve never heard about it before. And most of society has heard about this deal we all agreed to. This just isn’t broadly accepted.

This sounds like internal Democrat agreement. Where the neoliberals made a deal with the progs. But the other 50% of the population never even heard of this agreement. This feels like something that is true in your bubble but not true in broader society.

I only found out transsexuals existed 18 months ago, so I think your way off base that broader society has made agreement on these issues. Most normies have no idea what your talking about.

This seems very familiar to the left now. It’s not that GOP is extremists it’s maga (though all gop are basically maga). It’s not that Catholics are bad just those who actually are against abortion. As long as your identity isn’t real and it’s just superficial then your not actually a witch we can burn.

Fine agree to disagree but I’m fairly certain you are living in a bubble.

And by exists I mean there were always a few - 1 in 10k but not what we see now.

This won’t be a long post but maybe it will be an area for people to post other political ads.

Here in S Florida I just saw an ad for a Latino State Senator who started the ad saying freedom 3 times. She then accused her opponent of being a socialists……drumroll…..socialists Maga Republican who will launch a dictatorship taking a womens right to choose.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Dem accuse GOP of being socialists (though politically there’s some support for that in maga today - Meloni supports a lot of family funding ).

In the past we’ve had Dixie Democrats. Now extinct. And Bill Clinton was forced to adopt Reagan’s Neoliberalism which is now considered a leftist politicial philosophy.

Now S Florida is a different place. I’m curious are there any other American political subcultures where they adopt the other teams language? I’m fairly certain no one will contest that it’s the right who accuses the left of socialism.

I’m not extrapolating. And she was very Cuban or other South American running against the same.

The best other example would be in Chicago my alderman (Brendan Reilly) was a Democrat who on his Twitter bio lists himself as 26 year recovering GOP - clean and moderate.

But my point was are there any other interesting examples of local politicians using code words usually associated with the other side (socialism definitely counts, freedom is to a lesser extent coded red).

I believe the Catholics were allying with the libertarians such as Paul Ryan.