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an immunologist who got pretty much every topic wrong in the most public test of her field in our lifetimes

I didn't post to convince you to not take her seriously, her record does that for me, but to mention there are reasons to distrust her: she has a record of being wrong about many of the topics she is using to damn RFK

Is that things like like involvement with local community wherever they live and civic engagement or is it more like having ancestry in the country going far back? I would totally agree with you if its the first and vehemently disagree with the second

Sure, personally I meant both, and while I'm aware that means vehement disagreement, I do want to stress I'd like to avoid some of the wankery that would come with taking the latter too seriously.

As for a justification, it's going to be hard to explain, as there's a certain "you wouldn't get it" quality about the whole thing. Though maybe that's a good starting point, because a concise way to explain it, is that I want to preserve the things an outsider wouldn't get.

It's probably a cultural thing, one if the things that struck me when visiting America was how open everyone was, how strangers would constantly strike up a conversation with you, randoms on the bus would tell you the story of their life. Later on I read somewhere that this has to do with their roots as pioneers, how the country was founded by people from all sorts of places, and even later on there was lots of people moving around, constantly recreating their support networks.

Maybe it's all a fanciful story for why their culture is the way it is, but either way the fact remains they seem to have a knack for that kind of community involvement / civic engagement. Someone moves to a new place, and they make a point to get to know all the neighbors, learns the local culture, tries to integrate, it all sounds lovely, I can't help but think what happens if you increase the numbers. Send a couple thousand Americans to my home town, and they'll probably be running the place within a year, and even if they learn the language and local customs perfectly, it will all be rather superficial. There will be things they don't get, and whether they'll be doing it deliberately or not, they'll start changing the character of the place.

Have complaints about gentrification ever made any sense to you? If not, or if you think they boil down to material factors like "I can't afford to live where I grew up", then maybe none of what I'm saying makes any sense to you. But if they did, then I'm talking about a very similar process.

On the other hand I'm not saying this should be a terminal value, or that no immigration should ever happen, or no refugees should ever be accepted. But I do think it should be recognized that acceptance for even this "model immigration" can be pretty big concession.

Because I care about historical accuracy when I read essays about history. I think someone's ability to judge the historical accuracy of "early human history or very late prehistory" is orthogonal to whether they view KulakRevolt in a positive or negative light. If someone does have a good knowledge of that part of human history and is in a position to judge the accuracy of the linked article, I want to hear from them! I want to know how to adjust my Baysean weights on this topic. "One person provides a link to an interesting and convincing article" has less weight than "One person provides a link to an interesting and convincing article" && "Another person says this is a good description of the history", and maybe I'd even adjust in the other direction if I saw ""One person provides a link to an interesting and convincing article" && "Another person says this is a deceptive retelling of history and provides examples". What we got is "One person provides a link to an interesting and convincing article" && "Another person implies they know about this topic and makes an ambiguous post about their view", and that's not a valuable contribution.

I just find it tragic and sad honestly. Expose the one guy online that seems to have his shit together to the power of the Sonichu medallion and consequences will never be the same.

Some of us like the taste of coffee.

Per your second paragraph, on the sci-fi end, this is why I think DS9 was one of the best Star Trek series — the stationary setting, longer story arcs, and (particularly in later seasons) less reliance on Negative Space Wedgie or Strange New Life of the Week stories (though there's still quite a bit) allowed it to get further away from the "planet of hats." We get Bajoran political and religious disputes, Ferengi feminists, Cardassian dissidents of various stripes, and even a Klingon restauranteur who played a concertina-like instrument as he serenaded his customers. And as for D&D specifically, this isn't nearly the issue that some critics make it out to be, as Samueldays touches on in his reply to that Tumblr post.

If they have any balls whatsoever, them actually taking Homelander down will either be triggered by him killing a whole country's worth of people, or the collateral damage in the process of taking him down will kill millions.

The show has already made it clear dozens of times that innocent people die at the hands of supes with regularity. No goddamn reason to downplay the scale of the incident when Homelander snaps.

That's assuming they have any plan on how to end it.

The issue seems to be the following: if Macron resigns, the president of the senate will become interim president, and Macron will be nothing. At the same time, this will trigger elections for the presidency.

Assume now that Macron is a candidate for this election. Is this his 3rd consecutive mandate (and thus unconstitutional) or is the intervening interim presidency enough to give him a blank slate for another 10 years?

Where's Rekieta's NYT article?

The wider world of normies really needs to know more about his saga, it's hilarious!

Well yes, the media focuses on powerful, influential people, and on crime.

So does betting on women's sports exist online on your platform or other platforms?

I wanna try out that meme where you bet on the former men competing in women's sports.

I think what you identify as "feeling like games from the 90s" is the lack of shame of letting you feel the designer's hand. Western designers seem obsessed with making games that feel like systems piled on top of systems. Levels that feel like they they were designed by following rules rather than just "being how they are" because a designer wanted it so. To create difficulty, a western developper create a class of boss or miniboss enemy with tweaked numbers to make it more difficult. To create difficulty, a From Software level designer puts a normal trash mob like a dog around a corner so you don't see him and he blindsides you, then makes another dog fall from above on you because haha funny! Western games barely ever do this anymore, they don't want you to think about (curse) the level designer.

They aren’t a potential counter elite that’s a threat to the real elite.

Sure they are. Americans have a very weird way of talking about the elites, where I always have the impression they only ever mean "elected representatives" or "the ultra-rich". Intellectual elites are a thing too, and that's exactly who's threatened by the Rats, and who's writing the hit pieces.

Kulak plays fast and loose with facts and gets very creative, as far as I can tell Razib doesn't.

Robin Hanson is apparently misogynistic

Hanson once wrote that a woman cheating on a man is as bad as (or worse than) a man raping a woman provided he does it in a "gentle, silent" way. No idea if he still endorses that opinion but it's a majorly sus thing to say.

They aren’t a potential counter elite that’s a threat to the real elite

And yet they can apparently brainwash scammers with billions of dollars to follow their quasi-religion and donate money to them. I think you're underselling the importance of cultural influence.

the tone was the same, “ha ha aren’t these people weird and interesting”

Somehow, this weirdness only ever seems to be interesting to the prestige media when it's connected to VCs and other powerful people.

If that's not the deciding factor, how come they don't report on the much more sensational lolcow antics kiwis are obsessed with? My terminally online ass has hung out with weird and interesting people for decades and I only ever see them in the media when either they do something insanely criminal or get access to any significant amount of power.

Where's Rekieta's NYT article?

I do think mainstream left-leaning media (NYT et al) have been tacking more toward center of late because of the visible success of new platforms and publications with more moderate, rationalist-adjacent takes. I'm thinking of Substack (Nate Silver, Matt Yglesias), or The Free Press, for examples. Not necessarily huge success in what has long been described as a dying market, but enough that mainstream media is at least taking notes.

Hyperion claimed that Germany killed millions because they did not consider Baltics and Slavs Aryan. This is plainly wrong, as their racial theory did consider them to be Aryan. They were pan-German nationalists, not pan-Aryan nationalists. The notion that the Germans killed millions of Slavs because they weren't considered Aryan is fictional, like other allegations here of a "Hunger Plan" or plans for mass extermination of Slavs because of German racial theory. That's Steven Spielberg History and didn't happen, like other absurd and salacious claims that have basically no evidence to support them.

The fact is over a million Slavs volunteered for the German war effort. The notion Germany had some secret extermination plan for after the war is total fiction, but it's a very easy story to tell in order to make the conflict appear black-and-white to masses of people. They had multiple versions of very early proposals for post-war resettlement, which is a common feature of all wars, including the current Israeli war in Gaza. This has been spun as a "secret extermination plan" in Spielberg History, but the fact is something like 12 million Germans themselves were subjected to resettlement after the war.

But Hyperion's claim was simply wrong, you can downvote all you want, doesn't make it true.

Why not both?

they are still in the same league.

Is that criticism or praise? I've seen some strong opinions on both sides about Kulak.

This essay is closer to history than whatever KulakRevolt usually comes up with, but they are still in the same league.

a more isolationist policy

Invading Poland and the ussr isn't really my idea of isolationism.

And there as well he had a massive problem with dragging things out by ending every season by putting everyone back to starting positions.

Did he? I think SPN had its problems - the plot was the same loop over and over: find Biblical Macguffin in pieces across the season, build magical thing, vanquish enemy - and by the end of his run the show was really showing its budgetary constraints (the show simply couldn't do the apocalyptic premise justice, which is why the characters went around collecting items like a Ubisoft game) but I think Kripke's actual time as showrunner (S1-S5) actually did have a plot that built to a conclusive end instead of cyclical resets.

He left after that and basically every single plotline from those early days was recycled over and over.

I never claimed either of those.

The Germans were pretty evil, but "uniquely" is a much stronger claim that's more difficult to justify. Making it would invite difficult to judge comparisons with everything ever done by every other country, which is why I didn't make it.

I also didn't claim they wanted to exterminate everyone who wasn't German. They treated civilians and POWs of Western allies about as well as you could ask for during a war AFAIK, including even Jews (Jewish soldiers that is, not so much civilians of other European nations they overran). And they were of course allied with Imperial Japan and Italy.

And they weren't quite as annihilationist about Slavs as they were about Jews and Gypsies, but they certainly weren't treated nicely. I think anyone attempting to make the argument that the Nazis were not anti-Slav is ignoring quite a lot of evidence and horrors.

I find it's easy to clock from the state of the luggage/person. Clean luggage: going to/from airport/hotel/etc. Dirty luggage: hobo. Dirty luggage but looks young and healthy: backpacker/festival/punk type.