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I have a personal policy of not engaging deeply with the writings of individual loons whose main claim to public attention is some atrocity they committed. I typically don't even read manifestos of random people who manage to not shoot up elementary schools, so why would I give preference to the ones who don't even clear that very low bar of basic human decency?

That being said, I can totally see the cops deciding to hold back the manifesto based on the content, in a way which they might not have done if the perp was a right wing loon instead.

For CW purposes, I think both sides would spin it.

Either you have the young woman caught in the dangerous culturally transmitted delusion that gender is malleable which set her on a path which eventually saw her kill kids (bonus points if she was on testosterone at the time of the crime).

Or you have the trans-man who was denied essential medical interventions for religious/ideological reasons while he was a minor, which eventually lead him to snap in a most unfortunate way.

but no very pretty ones unless he’s Don Draper handsome and wealthy

So what's the modal match for "Walton Goggins 'handsome' and permanent Delta Diamond status"

That's a good point. Upon hearing a prophesy of terrible children, it might make sense to first try to figure out what went wrong, rather than give up entirely.

Among basically average parents I've seen some have one problematic child and a couple of better ones, in which case maybe it's better to have more children (or at least more than one).

I tend to assume internet strangers asking romantic advice will never be above average in looks, no matter how much cosmetics, gym time, fashion upgrading, etc.

Early-mid 40s for a relatively attractive man with a high (but not extreme) income is certainly possible, provided he is willing to marry a woman in the 29-33 range looking to settle down (and in the PMC, almost all of those women will be childless). Rare for a woman in the 21-25 range to marry a 35+ year old unless he’s very handsome and she’s on the plainer side ime.

But looks are an under appreciated part of this calculation. I’ve known quite a few uglyish 28-30 year old women marry much older men, but no very pretty ones unless he’s Don Draper handsome and wealthy, famous or actually megarich.

Right but music is made up of constituent things (pace, texture, melody) and all of these small things are associated with experiences. Your own emotional experiences and those of others. So if you take Mozart’s famous Lacrimosa in d minor, you can isolate each constituent element and then see how they form together a cohesive experience that expresses something:

The pace is slow, with slowness of heart rate associated with emotional spaces like contemplation or depression (or in happy moods: peace, relaxation, etc). The beginning notes of the higher violin connotes the human cry or weep, in that it literally sounds like both the “melody” of a cry and the texture of a sad human voice. Whereas the lower violin inherently connotes the human groans of regret. When the actual singing begins, if you try to imagine the voice occurring as if it weren’t following a musical pattern, it would connote a loud sound of anguish and plea. And then comes foreboding.

And, well, that emotional space is exactly the text:

Full of tears will be that day

When from the ashes shall arise

The guilty man to be judged

The reason liturgical music hits hard is that the emotions underlying it hit hard, but are not often expressed today with the same sense of existential significance, reverence, and profundity. “Timeless” negative emotions of guilt, regret, sorrow, profundity in the face of the personified Eternal… it is an intrinsically serious emotional space and so it sounds serious.

anyway this is just my theory but I 100% believe this is what is going on. I remember “Wa habibi” by fairuz came on in the background after a family friend spoke about a near-death experience involving her son, and the friend literally stopped the conversation to say how beautiful the song was and how she needed to know the artist. This was from someone with no interest in choral, Christian, or Syrian music. Well, the song is literally about a death experience of a woman’s son, and the vocals connote that through imitating human regretful anguish — with vocal texture, pace, vocal pattern

"regular senator we thought was a saint turns out to be corrupt"

Which senator do you have in mind? I think perhaps we’d have a better understanding of why you perceive the system the way you do if we had some specific examples of individuals who you believe are in it for wholly altruistic reasons.

For my part, there is not a single individual over the last ~fifty years that I could name. Once upon a time, in my days as a member of the Fraternal Order of Bernard - often called Bernard Brothers for short - I would have said Bernie Sanders for sure. (I also sang the praises of Barbara Boxer, attempting multiple times to convince my cynical politician-hating mother that Boxer was the genuine article, a real paragon of moral virtue, committed to the betterment of her voters and of mankind as a whole.)

Of course, this is when I, like most millennials, believed that big business was uniformly conservative. That leftist politicians couldn’t possibly be taking big money from shady mega-donors and Fortune 500 companies, because why would those entities donate to the party dedicated to curbing their power and influence? And this almost seemed a teeny tiny bit true at the time!

Of course, only a decade later we live in an era where nearly every important corporation not only donates to progressive politicians and causes, but also makes a huge public deal out of doing so. (And that’s to say nothing of slightly more under-the-radar groups like the Open Society Foundation, and of investment firms like BlackRock who literally cut off companies’ access to funding if they fail to sufficiently debase themselves to progressive activism.) So there is basically no reason to believe that Democrat politicians are receiving less money from corrupt companies and cynical mega-donors than their Republican counterparts are; in fact, the dynamic may in fact be the opposite.

Given the obscene sums of money sloshing around in DC, why do you believe that even a person who started their political career with the purest of intentions would be able to withstand the onslaught of venal incentives that are immediately thrust at any politician who gets anywhere close to that level of power and influence?

It’s not a terrible strategy if tall, handsome and rich, but it does come with the downside of (in all likelihood) fewer years with one’s children, and a lower chance of meeting (and certainly raising) the grandchildren.

It's possible to be both.

Nah, Judaism is a racial Cargo Cult. The Old theories around race turned out to be more empirically accurate than what constitutes modern-day expert consensus. The current consensus of race and HBD denial is the Cargo Cult. Those older theories, which predated the Nazis and were not invented by them, have been totally vindicated by 21st century advancements in genetic analysis. Obviously they weren't correct about everything, the Urheimat of the Aryans was not in Germany as claimed by German nationalists. But the Corded Ware culture, the common ancestor to all European peoples and languages, did originate from that part of Europe.

Only an icky minority of HBD proponents would claim that HBD is a refinement of whatever the Nazis thought.

It would be incredibly dishonest for HBD proponents to pretend that their conclusions are divorced from the 20th century Protestant Darwinists/race scientists. They are simply "rediscovering" what was already learned over a hundred years ago, and suppressed by ideologues with an ethnopolitical agenda.

I think Jewish culture places a great value on arguments

I do think they place great value on arguments, and are very willing to bend reality to conform to their arguments. This was a common pattern of behavior throughout all the influential 20th century intellectual movements discussed in this thread. They weren't based on empirical study, they were just arguments based on predetermined conclusions which happened to align with their Jewish identities and ethnic interests. Yes, they place great value on arguments, very true. Too much value, even, and not enough on the truth.

In both cases, how are they to their mate and kids? Are they treating others the way they are treating me?

I’m sorry I don’t follow, really good at what?

Convincing evangelicals to be charismatic Catholics instead of charismatic protestants.

If you have four kids and they all grow up to hate you then you either made some major mistakes or married the wrong person, both of which are on you.

when asked what they envision they're usually cagey on details,

I think Crosby, Stills, and Nash crystalized their motivating impetus pretty well:



Which makes me think of the line from This is Spinal Tap: There's such a fine line between clever and... stupid.

But notice how ACAB and stuff specifically didn't actually gain much traction beyond Fox News which loved to use it as a very easy boo-outgroup target

I still see it in women's online dating profiles.

Ah yes, the "So what if I am wrong it still is better to believe due to my lifestyle choices because of that belief" step of any religious discussion. You don't have the intrinsic self motivation and direction to act in a kind way and do nice things for people without religious dogma?

I don't think either? Neither scenario is related to why I have kids now, so they might not be in hypothetical true prophesy world.

Maybe I'd have more kids if I had married younger. Maybe I would have fewer if I were more organized about taking birth control pills at the same time every day and renewing on time.

My opinion is that morality is not relative, but neither is it universally shared. Morality is a way for people willing and capable of positive-sum interactions to interact with each other. If you are not willing and able, you are not a moral actor, and likewise, dealing with you is a matter of pragmatism, not morality. You can have a moral war (or at least a war with moral aspects), if both sides are willing to agree on values like "Killing civilians for no significant military gain is wrong." and formalize combat to keep the fighting out of the fields and towns; when one side violates that agreement, then that is no longer a moral issue.

Again, I agree with the wolf; I agree that the wolf and those who carry water for him can and will disregard both honor and morality, and tear down every house and building to loot the rubble for themselves and their fellow-travelers.

A pretty elementary tenant of morality, or reasoning in general, is that you need to be alive to do it (or at least for other people that share your ideals to continue in your stead). If you choose to lay down and be devoured, because you feel that it's as good for the wolf to enjoy your flesh as a meal as for you to keep living in it, then that's on you. And if you hold to a morality that says that the above is the highest virtue, then that morality will end when it runs out of practitioners.

I honestly don't see this as something that can be meaningfully argued. Either you read the above comic and reach for your gun (or give fervent thanks to those around you who pick up the gun on your behalf), or you don't; if you don't, then you're not likely to share enough values with those who do to make discussing it worthwhile.

Morality is way for people who share values to coordinate and make great things. But it is only that. Absent shared values, there is only the pigs shooting every wolf, or the wolves devouring every pig.

I don't think this is true, though you use this as a foundational premise. The conversations just look very different and so you might not recognize them immediately as such.

I think if they cared about what they say they care about, they would be discussing, not just "too much gun crime", but the sudden spike starting in 2014 and what might be behind it, and whether the Ferguson contributed to it. They would be the ones starting that conversation if they cared about the lives of black people. They would be discussing that more than they discuss alleged police racism, or at least in the ballpark of as much.

If you have a point to make, make it clearly and directly

How could I have possibly been more clear or direct

Mid thirties is probably your last chance before finding a mail order bride, assuming you want a woman who’s A) young enough to have children the natural way and B) doesn’t already have kids.

Hell is very real, it's just not the 'fire and brimstone' wasteland created by the western protestant zeitgeist of the last few centuries. Either we are all just slightly hairless apes (shoutout, where are you buddy?) on a rock in space that exist for no reason, or there is a god and we were created. I might be wrong about my beliefs, and we might be the monkeys, but if so, the consequences are...........I live better anyway

Bizarrely, the simplest explanation for the progressive myopia here is that when humans kill animals, it's animal cruelty, but when animals kill animals, it's just nature. When an animal kills a human, then it must be because the human provoked it in some way.

The sacralization of "blackness" as a thing to protect and preserve seems to include many types of behaviors and actions that are unacceptable in whites. Blackness is authentic and natural in a way that whiteness is not, and it cannot be judged by white standards.

In the background, there is the lingering thought that, eventually, when true equality and justice have finally been achieved, all these negative things will just fizzle away into history, but in the short run they are just treated as part of the natural order.

It's kind of like the difference between keeping animals in a zoo, where they are carefully protected but controlled, and keeping them in a large nature preserve where they can run wild. Sure, in the nature preserve they might kill each other or whatever, but the sacred "blackness" would be repressed in the zoo. It's not the flesh and blood individual people that matter, which is perhaps not surprising for collectivists.

This model actually explains a lot of apparent progressive hypocrisy on this matter, however ironic and offensive it migt be.

Funnily enough, they adopt the opposite tack with poor southern whites. Poor southern whites get to be people rather than animals, but just bad people that must be dealt with.

So @FCfromSSC, you've stated that you consider a lack of aliens, a lack of AGI, and a lack of Read/Write Consciousness upload ability to be proof that humans are divine and that God exists. If we find alien life, create AGI, and can scan a human brain and make a copy, would that be proof for you that God doesn't exist? Would any of those events change you mind?

But the thing about all the grift and corruption in the gilded age was that it was guys saying things like "this town will die if you don't build a road out here" or "Give me the permits for this hotel or I'll shoot you" or "I'm going to a build a library in every town in America and you'll have to put me in jail to try to stop me"

That's societally beneficial grift

But to answer your question it seems obvious to me democracy in and of itself was a mistake if the first thing we did was raise an army to fight against veterans of the revolutionary war and we didn't even make it 100 years without a civil war. The Romans had 400 years of republic before their first real civil war, and we think we know better (lol)