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User ID: 791



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User ID: 791

A central lesson of the Holocaust is: "When someone says they want to kill you, believe them." --- Elie Wiesel

Would they still be poor if they were inside the US?

But Trump will blame the war on Biden saying that Biden unfreezing Iran's assets enabled Iran and sent a signal to Iran that we would be OK with them attacking Israel. Trump would point out that during his presidency Iran didn't cause trouble because Trump did things like assassinate Iranian general Soleimani. Trump would claim that Russian invading Ukraine during Biden's but not his presidency is another example of how US perceived weakness causes war.

funny how Jews pop up in any event

I'm not a moderator, but please don't.

A competent US President would intensify the divisions within Canada so the US could get Alberta to become a state.

Tips (perhaps out of date) for dating leftist women while conservative and male: Treat your beliefs like a peacock's tail. Try your best to signal that you can afford to have these beliefs because of your huge evolutionary fitness advantage over other men. Don't show any embarrassment, your goal should be projecting the view that "I know you find my politics abhorrent, but I'm not going to hide my views because I'm confident that if you get to know me you will really want to date me, and if you don't, well, I have lots of options." Being a conservative white man, surprisingly, gives you a real advantage when trying to date a leftist non-white woman because these women are sick of white men trying to date them to prove their anti-racism, and won't think you guilty of this offense.

I've been told by a knowledgeable source that Conan the Barbarian (minus the magic) had a more accurate description of pre-history Europe than post-WW II anthropologists do.

A fun trick when you get very annoyed with the customer service of some business. Say "I'm a Wikipedia Editor and I'm currently looking at your company's Wikipedia page and right now I intend to edit it to reflect your poor customer service." Weird how the Internet can empower a single person willing to make certain types of anonymous complaints.

While I'm not a tax expert, if you owe taxes, the IRS may seize and sell your assets to cover the debt. There's a risk that the assets might be sold for less than their market value, potentially increasing your effective debt. Additionally, a forced sale could trigger further tax obligations, and there is no guarantee that the IRS will sell the seized assets in a manner that minimizes tax liability.

"Not everyone can" than it is a different game.

My guess is that teachers find it much more enjoyable to teach using whole language compared to phonics, and so our non-consumer based public school system mostly uses whole language instruction.

If notable respectable figures continue associating with Hanania, it might signify a shift in cancel culture. These figures might argue that Hanania's genuine apology should suffice. Currently, individuals who have made racist remarks are offered little redemption even compared to those convicted of multiple violent crimes. With ever-changing definitions of racism, many important people could benefit from a system that forgives sincere apologies, like Hanania's. Moreover, associating with someone like Hanania, who undeniably made racially charged comments, could shield those who've made milder missteps in the past.

Yes, pillaging isn't that bad is something you could only think if you have never had to worry about starvation.

What are the chances that this leads to Israel attacking Iran? Iran appears to have been a supporter of Hamas. Netanyahu has seemingly been eager for a reason to dismantle Iran's nuclear weapons program. From Netanyahu's perspective, eliminating the program would make recent events a net gain for Israel. However, how would the global community respond to an Israeli assault on Iran? While many countries in the region would likely be pleased, they would need to feign outrage. Russia, having recently gotten weapons from Iran, would denounce the attack. But, given its diminished power, what action could Russia realistically take? Would Biden risk sanctioning Israel for such an action, particularly when his Republican adversaries would likely applaud it?

See Gwern on Death Note and Anonymity. https://gwern.net/death-note-anonymity

Female education is strongly negatively correlated with fertility. I'm guessing civil society won't let me target this, but perhaps I could greatly reduce the total number of people going to college.

I look forward to a future where everyone wears augmented reality glasses and can make the bench appear to them however they want.

But what if you define abortion to be a form of murder?

“Get a decent career and make money.”- Doesn’t work in a world where women make up the majority of college graduates.

It's better advice than ever if college educated women mostly want to date college educated men. It's women who don't get dating market value from going to college.

Whether people are rational or read the question correctly is very different from whether they can pick red. I agree that some people would pick blue, but if you are telling me that some people can't pick red, you have changed the game.

What gets you fiercely activated, beyond what you can rationally justify?

Computer problems and being forced to go through call trees to contact some organization. If I'm alone I will scream and swear.

Learn who will hate you if you are not woke and take appropriate precautions.

This is fantastic. My previous view was that Hamas launched the attack out of pure evil or stupidity, but after reading this I think they have a real chance of permanently crippling Israel. There is an equilibrium where if most of Israel's neighbors turn against Israel, Israel doesn't have a chance and then, I suspect, the Jewish population of Israel moves to the US, Canada, and/or Australia.

If Canada lost some territory to the US, it would become even more dependent on the US.

It could be the behind the scenes restrain was so the US would have time to get military assets into place to better defend Israel if it is attacked by another nation.