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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 18, 2023

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WTF are the Ukrainians fighting for? To speak a very slightly different language and pay in funny money rather than funny money? This whole thing is like the Canadians (the actual ones) resisting the Americans...why?

  • -16

Because Ukraine wants to prop up its economy at the expense of German taxpayers, not prop up the Moscow economy at its expense.

To be Poland versus being Belarus.

To be Poland is part of the plan. Putin has said there's no objection to Galicia & Volyn returning to Poland.

Poland is on current trajectory expected to be richer than the UK by 2030. Sort of something a lot of Ukraine would like to be.

If he had the chance he’d take it all. Obviously he’d be willing to concede on Galicia but I don’t think there’s a hard brake on his territorial ambitions at a specific point, he does appear to be an ideological imperialist at least to some extent.

Would he also concede on Transcarpathia returning to Hungary and Bukovina back to Romania?

I read it as Putin would like to take Galicia and subjugate the Ukrainian Greek Catholics like Chechen Muslims, but he’s not willing to fight for it in any way.

Because it's far more appealing to join the western sphere of influence than to remain in Russia's. NATO and the EU offer Ukraine a powerful security guarantee, prosperity and liberty.

A very specific sort of globohomo prosperity and liberty.

I'll bite - in what sense exactly can Russia can considered to be more prosperous than the United States? Please, something more specific and measurable than 'globohomo'.

Paid vacation time and holidays also maternity leave.

Fair enough, though the EU minimum for maternity leave is higher than Russia's.

Asking for US examples and then pointing to the EU is moving the goalpost.

The US is stupidly rich by any metric. Ukraine would gladly accept being US rich.

What does Russia have to offer in return? Dominance by Moscow?

Say what you will about globohomo, you're probably gonna have a fatter wallet by joining it over not.

As opposed to dominance by DC / EU? Isn't that what the money is for, to distract from the globohomo?

Would you prefer to be dominated by Russia or DC?

They're fighting to not be genocided

Why would the Americans resist the Canadians if the situation was reversed?

Many wouldn't, and this number is only going to continue going down the more self-hating colonizer ideology sweeps the nation.

As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38 percent say they would leave the country. Republicans say 68 - 25 percent and independents say 57 - 36 percent they would stay and fight, while Democrats say 52 - 40 percent they would leave the country.


You seem to present an argument that Ukrainians do not have a good reason to fight, because at the end of the day the culture/governance of Russia is not meaningfully different from their current existence. Ignoring for the moment the accuracy of that, you compare this to Canadians resisting Americans, this seems to imply you think such a Canadian resistance is similarly wanting for a reason, because at the end of the day the culture/governance of America would not be meaningfully different. Of course, if this is true, then in theory if the role was reversed, and Canada was to attack America, since the same conditions must necessarily be reciprocal with regards to culture/governance, it would seem America would also lack a good reason to fight.

That is, your argument, as best as I can tell, seems fully reversable for any two nations to which it was applicable. Russians would be similarly foolish for fighting against Ukrainian rule, etc.

What? I thought it was a simple question. If Canada decided it wanted the state Maine or Michigan for itself, would you be asking "WTF are Americans fighting for?"?

The problem is with the current Canadian regime it’s basically wtf would be different? Maine might actually do better as Canadian it would probably become more developed since Americans like to move to warm weather and Canadians can’t. Politically the US/Canada are very similar. The only big difference is Canada is more socialists largely because they don’t have large non-European low IQ populations.

Michigan could take Canada 10/10

If you want to burn down the District of Criminals, do it yourselves this time. No need to involve the Canadians. Plus an all-American DC fire would probably have better music.

That's not what I'm asking about.