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I think you make a number of implausible assertions here?

You equate “unlimited immigration” with “the effective destruction of ethnic Europeans”. It is not at all clear that this is the case. Declining birthrates might lead to a numerical decline or even collapse of ethnic Europeans, but the presence of absence of immigrants doesn’t change that. You might argue that if the demographic balance of a European country changed so that there were very large numbers of ancestrally non-European people in it, that might effectively destroy what that nation once was – but again, that’s not the same thing as the destruction of ethnic Europeans. I think you need to be more precise here.

Likewise you just assert “the only legitimate purpose of the state is to guarantee the posterity of the people that constitute that state”. You don’t offer any argument for this – you seem to think it’s self-evident. That does not seem obvious to me. For instance, one might argue (and I am tempted to) that the creation of posterity is the proper responsibility of individual families and communities; the role of the state is in this process is to facilitate the conditions in which it is possible for families and communities to raise children. But the state itself is not the thing that guarantees posterity. We might reflect on the fact that communities have been successfully reproducing themselves since long before the state existed. Rather, the role of the state is not to guarantee certain activities that more properly belong to the private sphere, but rather to mediate interpersonal and inter-communal disagreements that would otherwise turn destructive. You can get most of this out of Hobbes. The state’s job isn’t to make sure you have kids. That’s up to you. The state’s job is to prevent a war of all against all.

Overall I think you just make a number of expansive claims that run past the available evidence. You say “replacing ethnic European majorities in order to mitigate identitarianism has been the stated policy of Western governments for 60 years now”, and that you have quotes or documents to prove it. I doubt you have those, particularly given the bolded part. It will be very easy to find quotes and documents arguing for more migration, but the purposive part of the statement is the controversial part. It’s, well, my theory of conspiracy theories – bundling the obviously true (lots of Western governments have been pro-immigration) with the obviously untrue (the purpose of this is “to mitigate identitarianism” or that this is a plot to destroy ethnic Europeans). The existence of alternative, more plausible motivations (such as just wanting more workers for obvious economic reasons) doesn’t get a look-in.

But part of the problem with Chicago is you are likely to encounter a number of men (ie there isn’t just one person). So your theory could be correct but your odds per encounter is still probably overstated.

You also ignore age. Is the guy 40? 50? 30? That needs accounted for.

You have to account for damage per attack. Even if you are right, the woman has a much better chance against the dude then a fucking bear.

Finally, I think the 1% bear attacks is grossly misleading. The fact pattern here necessarily suggests the man or bear is very nearby. That, coupled with the lack of expertise with bears, greatly increases that 1% figure.

Japan has structural factors to do with their debt to GDP ratio and demographic pyramid which incentivize them not to prioritize keeping inflation down, doesn't it?

I didn't realize it was unusual.

It is! I live in Europe and I've never seen anything like the multiple bus stops in the picture.

I'm curious, has Google or any other company ever tried recruiting directly from Africa? It seems like there are some talented people in Africa, like Igbo Nigerians, who might be overlooked by the US.

Being able to be similar to finely ground chicken breast sauteed in oil is not getting up to the level of being similar to average store-bought meat. Maybe average high school cafeteria meat.

Yeah. Google, several times, tried to recruit heavily from HBCUs and when that didn't work tried to improve the educational program (the CS program, anyway) at HBCUs so it would work. There was resistance from some of the people at the HBCUs of course, but I doubt that was the only problem. The top HBCUs just have a lower quality of student (e.g. as measured by standardized test scores) than median state flagships.

I'm not overselling the relevance of critical theory to the western academic tradition as a whole, the critical theorists really do have hundreds of thousands of citations

I don't see how one follows from the other. You can, in fact, have hundreds of thousands of citations, while generating next to no awareness about your ideas in the mainstream, and being an esoteric subversive cult.

is not weird for him to be interested in critical theory.

Yeah, we're not talking about that. Most people here are interested in critical theory to some degree on another.

From what I have seen, they don't claim that the company is necessarily racist but instead they advocate expanding our recruitment to things like HBCUs or removing degree requirements for jobs.

Good luck with that.

Keep in mind that this is only an initial complaint. Complaints are often necessarily rush jobs written when many facts are still unknown, and are therefore held to a lower standard than later filings in the case. Courts assume everything they allege is true, and judge only whether the plaintiff has plausibly alleged a valid claim. It's pretty common for allegations in a complaint to be significantly pared back or even dropped altogether as it becomes clear some of your shots went wide.

Theoretically, future filings should be more carefully written and more factually supported, though this also has a strong whiff of vibes-based lawfare that'll get quickly dismissed. This is not a particularly strong complaint, and I doubt the plaintiffs actually have the facts they need to pull this sort of thing off.

It's even possible the plaintiffs are perfectly aware of this, and are using the case to harass SJP and/or fish for embarassing information on the off-chance it survives long enough to get to discovery.

I also vaguely remember something like that happening? It might (or might not) have been this.

Again keep in mind that I'm comparing this to shitty meat. I don't even like shitty meat.

Yeah... I wonder where all this will go. I once knew a psychiatrist who said they deliberately change up the lingo once the plebs starts catching on to it, but I think this become futile in the Internet age.

To me it feels like an arms race. Or a uh... unarmed combat training race? It's like martial arts- maybe 50 years ago there were a lot of martial arts that could plausibly be considered competitive, but now everyone has zeroed in on this one true style of MMA that's the most deadly. Except that MMA people are usually good at leaving it in the arena, whereas therapy talk is weaponized to win arguments everywhere all the time. It's like if you were horsing around with your friends, maybe shove someone in a playful way, and suddenly they're hitting you with an arm bar to choke you out.

To some extent I get it. Like, if a therapist is going to act as a counselor, especially a couples counselor, it makes sense for them to be at a higher level of emotional awareness and conversational skill than their clients. But their clients start to use those same skills, and use them in every day life, and then the therapist has to come up with new stuff to stay on top. And it never ends.

To be less charitable: I think in the past it made sense for women to be better at this stuff than men. They needed to be very emotionally/socially astute to survive in a brutal world where they were weaker than their male husband. But now the world is a much less savage place, and they're using those skills to not just survive but to manipulate men into doing whatever they want. And sometimes men start defending themselves, or even organizing and learning those same kinds of emotional debate skills through "therapy talk," so it freaks out the feminists and they have to up the ante by even more weaponized therapy talk.

To sum up: therapy sucks and psychologists are all conmen

What do you mean "you can't, though"?

I mean you cannot, "right now", obtain lab grown meat of the quality you describe for any price.

I am really quite confident that I could get lab-grown meat that passed a blind test for something like tens of thousands of dollars per pound if I for whatever reason really wanted to.

I do not believe you could, and in any case you cannot do it "right now".

I'm not overselling the relevance of critical theory to the western academic tradition as a whole, the critical theorists really do have hundreds of thousands of citations, and one of them is in the top 10 of all cited academics in any field (habermas), also you'd probably include Foucault who is the #1 most cited. I'm not claiming he has a lot of mainstream cultural relevance, but given the crossover between the 'elite' and academia it is not weird for him to be interested in critical theory.

What do you mean "you can't, though"? I am really quite confident that I could get lab-grown meat that passed a blind test for something like tens of thousands of dollars per pound if I for whatever reason really wanted to. It's not that difficult of an engineering problem, we know how to create the relevant tastes and textures, the problem is getting costs down to what nature's gotten very good at over a billion years.

I have shit taste buds and a shit sense of smell. But yeah this makes my main point stronger.

If you've ever had a regular soda and a diet soda you can usually notice a slight difference between the two.

Not slight at all.

It's an engineering problem, but the precision control needed is pretty high. I don't think it's impossible, just difficult and thus likely to remain expensive.

Human tongues are pretty sensitive, they can pick up very tiny differences in texture and taste. Consider diet sodas. If you've ever had a regular soda and a diet soda you can usually notice a slight difference between the two. They try to make the two sodas taste the same and fail, even though it's a much easier problem than textured meat.

I think you're overselling the relevance of Critical Theory,it's nowhere near mainstream adoption, and half the time it's followers ale playing some weird "hide the ball" game and deny it's very exustnce.

But either way, I don't see how these two are mutually exclusive.

But then they bulk up on grains. What we really care about is how much non-free grain we use per cow and how many people we could feed with that land and labor.

No, we don't, not really. We don't have a food shortage in the US, nor a lack of land (we have a lack of land in some spots desirable for humans to live, but there aren't many cattle in SF or NYC. Some in Newark, NJ but that's much less desirable. Nor are there cornfields there.) Worrying overmuch about those is optimizing for something that is, at this time, not much of a constraint.

Artificially-grown meat isn't free either. Sure, you eliminate the labor of some number of cowhands and slaughterhouse workers (and they won't thank you for it), but you're going to need meat factory workers, some of whom are probably more expensive labor than the cowhands and slaughterhouse workers. And all those calories which went into the cow in the form of grain to fatten it? You still need them; there's no free lunch here. Either you're still getting the energy from grain (which means you need to process the grain further, since the ruminant won't be doing it for you), or you're getting it from some other source such as natural gas.

Mire how nice it looks on my bookshelf in between The Bell Curve and Race, Evolution, and Behavior before more drinks and having her play with something else exposed and visibly hard, such as the pair of bongos I brought back from the Caribbean.

The Open Society Foundation isn't a 'Jewish' organisation, it was just founded by a Jew. George Soros may love multiculturalism, but that doesn't mean that Jews love it.

'Every mainstream Jewish organisation in Europe' - The fact that you haven't been able to name a single organisation here suggests that you don't actually have any examples.

Barbra Spectre is an individual, not an organisation.

The JIDF is, as far as I can tell, an Israeli nationalist group. I can't see any examples of them promoting multiculturalism outside of Israel.

As far as I can tell, the ADL is the only thing you've listed that is a Jewish organisation and promotes multiculturalism.

Look, there is a world outside America. American Jews may be left wing, but that doesn't make global jewry left wing. One of the most influential French anti-immigrationist is Eric Zemmour, an Algerian Jew. Britain's only Jewish Prime Minister was a proud British imperial nationalist. I could go on. This idea that western countries invited millions of third worlders because the Jews made us do it is a cope. Our own political class did it to us, not the semitic enemy within that you're imagining.

I think you could get lab grown meat that's reasonably indistinguishable in taste from (average store bought, with implied caveats about taste and nutrition) real meat right now if you were willing to pay absurd prices.

You can't, though. And when the bills to ban real meat come around, they will be based on this false assumption, which will be trumpeted through all the normal propaganda outlets (media, schools and universities, political pressure groups with sciency names, etc).

(And further, there's better meat than the average store-bought easily available for a modest premium, often in the same stores)

So that's two constituencies for banning real meat, one small but very tenacious (moral vegetarians/vegans) and one large and powerful (environmentalists). Seems to me that meat eaters have plenty to worry about and acting proactively to make such bans more difficult makes strategic sense.

I mostly agree with them, but what do they expect to be different about today than in 2014-2016? Trump ran on combatting illegal immigration with tremendous passion; nothing happened. We can try the same thing next time, but I doubt anything will happen. “45 percent of Hispanics support deportation” means that the more Hispanics you import the harder deportation gets. I imagine that as Indian Americans ascend as a political force, they will push for greater Indian migration like in Canada.

It just strikes me as an ineffectual hope that there is ever going to be a change in immigration policy. Maybe a national boycott of companies that donate / are complicit in replace migration would be more helpful? That is at least halfways feasible.